Everyone loves to get in on the day one action, so we've rounded up some of the hottest holiday pre-orders for 2016 and beyond for your consideration.
For the sake of simplicity we've used Amazon for listing pre-orders, simply because they serve both the UK and US audiences.
Please note that these are affiliate links. If you click them and make a purchase we may receive a small percentage of the sale. We have to keep the Push Square biscuit tin stocked somehow, eh?
Hot Hardware and Accessories
It's an absolutely gigantic year for PS4 hardware, with PlayStation VR already out and the PS4 Pro still to come. Sony's not stopping there either, with a new iteration of its official headset line on the way, as well as updated versions of the DualShock 4 and PlayStation Move controllers available now.
Must Have Game Pre-Orders
The holidays are set to be mammoth for the PS4, and you can ensure that you get every major game delivered to your door. In the UK, Amazon Prime members can get £2 off any pre-orders, while those of you in the US can go one better than that, securing a 20 per cent saving on the list price if you're registered to the retailer's premium service.
Hot or what? This is every item that we reckon you need on your wishlist, but what will you be pre-ordering? Register your interest in the comments section below.
Happy shopping!
Comments 66
Pre-ordered my PS4 Pro as soon as it was listed - wanted to get a bigger internal HDD before I transfer my games over as well.
Pre-ordered TF2 and the Legacy Pro edition of CoD:IW months ago too. Still unsure of RE7 and BF1 as launch purchases and the only other games of interest are just remasters of games I already have - Batman, Assassins Creed.... Might be tempted at some point but will see if they benefit from Pro support or not. Still want RotTR too as it has more than my XB1 version (all DLC and Pro support) but its an expensive time so some things will have to wait...
Christmas is coming so need to make sure I have my Son's Presents sorted before I consider adding to my collection.
Still feel like a PS Pro is going to be an inevitable purchase but like others I want to know a bit more about the benefits of gaming with it on a standard HD set.
@kyleforrester87 Yep, me too. Now VR's out I fully expect a deluge of Pro info over the coming weeks.
Just as a heads up since World of Final Fantasy was listed, the demo is available on PSN now.
Already preordered ps4 pro and gravity rush 2 on game store, will buy the last guardian, world of final fantasy, titanfall 2, and battlefield 1 if the reviews is good.
Have both Final Fantasy XV and World Of Final Fantasy pre ordered.
I'll also be getting The Last Guardian (obviously),Watch Dogs 2 and most probably maybe Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare but whether I get them day one I'm not sure as I have a birthday and Christmas coming up..
Not interested in the Pro but I have more or less made my mind up about the PSVR but if I pick one up it won't be till next year now at least.
I plan to buy the PS4 Pro, but I'm still worried it will be a bit of a flop. With support being optional (which is good imo), it might be something many developers ignore. 1080p screenshots, 1080p60fps recording, and (hopefully) a smoother FFXV experience is enough for justify the purchase for me. I don't care about 4k yet, but it will be nice to have limited support when I do decide to upgrade my display.
@NathanUC Nah, I think it's going to be well-supported. There probably won't be many backwards patches, but I think support for new games will be very strong.
Those who upgrade in PS VR and Pro will no doubt get their money's worth (although for Pro you might need a new TV). But no doubt many more people will keep their existing hardware and just play Rez & Thumper on their TV. Unless there's some crazy markdowns later on, I'll stick with my current gear.
@NathanUC I don't think ps4 pro support is optional, after a set date (I forgot), all ps4 games has to have ps4 pro support with better graphics and framerate. Excluding the games that's already released.
@wiiware Their FAQ wording makes me believe it's optional (pasted below). I'm assuming most games will probably take advantage of higher resolutions, but I worry that not many will focus on framerate as it's a factor that's been largely undervalued since shortly after the PS4 launch. From a developers standpoint, turning up a resolution is SIGNIFICANTLY easier than turning up a frame rate in many cases (many game engines interface/rely on the framerate, so higher framerates can cause unintended gameplay issues).
"Following PS4 Pro’s launch on November 10 in North America, virtually all new PS4 game releases moving forward will be able to take advantage of PS4 Pro capabilities on day one, or in some cases shortly after launch via a downloadable update."
I preordered the Deluxe Edition of FF15 with the movie when it was supposed to be out in September and my wife is buying me DBX2 next week for our first anniversary, but everything else will be Xmas gifts. I'm not supposed to buy games during the holidays cause then no one knows what to get me a gift for Christmas.
@NathanUC Virtually ALL new PS4 game releases moving forward will be able to take advantage of the Pro's capabilities.
They can't say ALL will as someone will probably sue them if some indie game made at 1080/60 doesn't get a 'boosted' version on the PS4 Pro. Not all games are made to 4k standards and/or can have 'higher' frame rates. A game built to be 1080p for example will still be 1080p - just upscaled (stretched) to 4k.
It also states that ALL games on the Pro will be at least 1080p - so games like Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2, Battlefront 2 etc will run at a higher resolution at the very least. Games like Doom (for example) should run better on the Pro without a patch as it uses dynamic scaling and unlocked frame rates.
Sony can't say what ALL the benefits will be as each developer has their own choice as to how they want to use it. Crystal Dynamix for example are giving gamers a choice of a 1080p version with much higher visual effects, a 1080p version with unlocked frame rates (the only way to play the game at over 30fps on console) and a high resolution version. They can't say that ALL games will offer a higher resolution OR a higher visual setting version OR Higher Frame Rate version as that will be down to individual developers to decide what's best for their game. Sony have only stipulated a minimum of 1080p (meaning developers must git this target first) and at least the same frame rate performance as the base model. A game like Horizon:ZD will take the higher Res version and shrink to fit the 1080p screen. This gives a better image than 1080p native would for example.
Obviously those with 4k HDR TV's will see more of the benefits but games could also play smoother, look better, load faster, have far less issues with screen tear, texture pop in etc and in some cases even run at higher native resolutions for 1080p users.
Those with PSVR obviously can't have games running at more than 1080p or in HDR as that is the limit of the screen but they could see higher frame rates, higher visual quality (better textures, lighting, particle effects etc).
The difference in quality - especially visually and in VR is likely to grow as developers start to push the technology. Of course you can wait and see how individual developers opt to use the extra processing power, how the games (past, present and future) are 'improved' and what that means for 1080p TV owners but I am looking forward to playing games at the highest possible level on console and have never known a case where more power has been detrimental to gaming. Even if I owned a 1080p TV, the Pro would be of great interest - knowing that games will at least be 1080p and likely to have a higher (average) frame rate. The 7% boost the XB1s has, has had a direct impact on a number of games - especially those with unlocked frame rates
@BAMozzy Superb post
Those numbers are too low for Canada Q.Q
I have Gravity Rush 2, Horizon and South Park pre-ordered digital, all delays.
Collector's edition for The Last Guardian is preordered (please be good), will most likely get Gravity Rush 2 when it's out, Resident Evil 7 is fairly likely for me and possibly FFXV.
Have pre ordered only World of Final Fantasy and still can't decide wether I should also pre orde BF 1 or not.
No, no I won't.
Literally none of the above for me please.
@NathanUC Most games will take advantage of higher resolutions, ps4 pro won't double ps4 games framerate, I already give up my dream of 60 fps uncharted 4 and bloodborne haha..
But at least it will give us more stable framerate, like in the rise of the tomb raider I can feel the delay from pushing the gamepad to lara action on screen, maybe with ps4 pro lara will move with no delay like rise of the tomb raider pc, and bloodborne will have stable 30 fps.
@DESS-M-8 You don't have ps4?
@wiiware Yeah, I don't expect 1080/60fps for all games (even though that's a perfectly reasonable expectation these days), but I'd be happy with a stable 30 at the very least. Truth be told the current PS4 is plenty powerful enough for more games to run better than they do, it's just many are poorly optimized. At least with PS4 Pro, it allows for smoother gameplay with the same level of 'lazy' optimization. Maybe on Pro, Lichdom can hit a stable 15fps.
@NathanUC @wiiware The PS4 is not capable of running certain games at higher or more stable frame rates than it does. Its not 'poorly' optimised although developers could reduce the quality of the textures, lighting, shadows etc a bit more to get a bit more performance in those few areas that struggle but often its a balance between losing a few frames here and there or turning off certain aspects as they are already at their 'lowest' possible. The next alternative is to reduce the resolution.
The PS4 is not that powerful. You wouldn't run a game like the Witcher 3 on the equivalent PC build for example although a PC does have other applications running too but never the less its not that great - How many AAA games do you know that would run well on an underclocked Radeon 7870 GPU and 2 mobile CPU's bolted together - that's effectively what the PS4 is.
The Pro could very easily run most AAA games at the visual settings as the PS4 as high as 1440/60. It might struggle a bit with something like Battlefront at 1080/60 IF they turned the visuals up to Ultra - It requires a lot of power to do this on PC. Games like Tomb Raider will struggle to hit 60fps consistently on the Pro too - its a very CPU heavy game and can struggle on much higher specced PC's too. That's why RotTR runs between 40 and 60fps at 1080p on the Pro because the CPU isn't 'that' powerful.
I get the impression you have no idea what 'optimisation' involves. In most cases it involves turning up or down the visual settings (including Output resolution, shadow quality, reflection quality, texture quality, lighting quality, article effects etc until the game runs on the hardware at a level deemed acceptable by the developers. These settings are manual on PC's because of the massive variety and level differences on PC's so gamers have to self optimise.
Of course it could be very easy for developers to hit 60fps consistently, just drop the resolution down to 900p or even 720p. Then if that's not enough, reduce the quality of textures, shadows lighting etc but then games start looking weird so they try and balance visual integrity with play-ability.
It surprises me how well games do run on the architecture of this generation and considering the amount of hardware actually available to the developers - not all cores and all 8GB's of the RAM as that's used by the OS for features you also want like friends, parties etc
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi It's the good old Asylum + the inevitable open world sequel City + a funny 14 GB patch to download...
Nothing here really excites me that much. Battlefield 1 and Watchdogs 2 MAYBE, but nothing is tjat compelling to me right now. Rise of the Tomb Raider is gonna hold my attention now for a while. I WAS looking forward to playing Horizon and Kingdom Hearts 2.8, but looks like I'll be waitng until next year for those!
@BAMozzy Look, I'm not trying to debate PC gaming (it has NOTHING to do with anything I've said). I may be a system engineer and NOT a software engineer, but I understand how both platforms work. You can't compare specs of the two since development is handled VERY differently for each (even if this last generation has gone x86). Limited hardware with (very) low OS overhead vs unlimited hardware with moderate OS overhead requires different development procedures to get the best results. Most AAA games are coded in a way that they can easily be developed for PC, Xbone, and PS4 given the similar architecture, but because they are designing a game to run on a large array of hardware, most of the API/engine cannot take advantage of the full potential of any one build. The PS3 was a great example with the Cell architecture. With the right amount of time, money, and skill, games could look AMAZING given the laughable specs compared to PCs (at the time), but because most games were first developed for the better selling Xbox 360, they ended up with cheap ports to PS3 that lacked the optimization to take advantage of the PS3 hardware. As I mentioned, now that the PS4/Xbone use x86, the comparison isn't as extreme, but even a game ported from PS4 to Xbone will likely suffer as it's not likely to take advantage of the small differences in the hardware (like their RAM types 8gb gddr5 vs 8gb ddr3 with some eSRAM), not to mention low level APIs. It may not be the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps, but it could be the difference between a locked 30fps and a variable 25-30fps.
Back on topic, I'm somewhat hopeful that they will have some type of RE7 PSVR bundle. Since I already own a ton of Move controllers and the camera, I don't think a bundle will ever apply to me a whole lot, but I can dream! I'm still a bit bummed there's no PS4Pro FFXV bundle, but I did pre-order both separately, so I must not care that much.
Hmmmph, so here we are at the point I didn't want to be. It looks like ff15 and a few more select games later and the gen will be done for me. I'm prepared to wait to see what the future holds but I dont have the buzz of the ps1, the leftfieldism of the Gamecube, the wooah of the x360 or the rebelliousness of getting back into the ps4. These apparent advances dont do it for me right now. Which is a shame.
Give me a 2gb Pro with Sata 3 HDD and proper confirmation of a boost for VR and I'll grab one.
For me:
October- Skyrim: Remastered and Battlefield 1
November- Watch Dogs 2 and Dishonored 2
December- Steep
@NathanUC going back to what you said about Lichdom they actually patched the game awhile ago runs stable now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVnGix0BVWU
Only got FFXV Pre Ordered and am defiantly wanting a Ps4 Pro I just hope I can put my 2TB hard drive in it from my original ps4 and it will work just like that without formatting it and reinstalling the OS
@get2sammyb They have to support it with new games so I don't see any issues.
Skyrim I will buy, BF1 is coming this week. Res Evil will get but not in a rush. The games I am currently playing take up a lot of time so there is not much space for new games. October has been so strong for games I will not be getting anything else this year apart from Flash sales if there is a bargain to be had.
I did not get the PSVR and that was the right decision I simply would not be playing it as none VR games seem to be a lot better at the moment.
@themcnoisy Maybe you are just getting OLD Having Kids also affects the thrill of gaming too...
The PS4 (as you own one) has a lot of 'thrilling' new developments and high potential. E3 GoW actually had me interested in the franchise which is very unusal as the God of War games (and similar) are not a game-play style I enjoy but this looked almost enjoyable for me and had me interested in the characters shown and story. Days Gone almost passed me by with the trailer, but the game-play looked epic - so many enemies on screen - looks exciting, thrilling and tense. Spider-Man looked like it could emulate Batman in terms of comic-book hero games. Horizon though is still my most anticipated game - can't wait to explore the world and discover its secret and unravel the mysteries.
I know I maybe in the minority but as an owner of a 4k HDR TV, I can't wait to play more and more games in HDR and secondly in resolution above 1080p. HDR is as big (if not more) of a leap than HD - especially when paired with high resolution. Gears of War 4 (the only HDR game I have so far played) looks stunning - Flames for example, with the wider colour gamut and higher brightness gives them a realistic and rich look that you can almost feel the heat of them they look so good. Whilst I love the attention to detail and quality of Uncharted 4's visuals, Gears 4 with HDR makes it seem 'flat' so really looking forward to replaying U4 in HDR.
Games like RE7 look perfect for HDR too. HDR isn't just the higher peak brightness but also about details in dark areas too.
VR is exciting with very high potential - not just in gaming terms. I do feel its too soon to jump on-board for me as the software is still at an early stage. The technology is still not at the standard I want it to be yet - either to display the images or run the type of experiences I am hoping will come. I also hope we can see some wireless solution in the future but its still something I think is exciting and has incredible potential for the future.
@BAMozzy That's it bro, I dont have the motivation for long games at the minute. Its my kids fault, the biggest time leeches of all. Lol.
@SKC_Diamond 'Ps4 Pro I just hope I can put my 2TB hard drive in it from my original ps4 and it will work just like that without formatting it and reinstalling the OS' I hope this too! Have a 2TB hdd in my Ps4 atm. If I can do a straight swap of the hdds to the Pro it will be SUCH a relief and MASSIVE time save.
Well I'm a natural sucker for the latest and greatest plus im a partial graphics snob so definitely already pre-ordered the Pro can't wait for that about three weeks away now! Just ordered some Turtle Beach 800x Elites to go along with the premium console also because my golds are damaged so I needed a new headset anyway! Also pre-order the most anticipated Game of the Year Titanfall because I am clearly a mech head if my current Avatar doesn't emphasize that LOL also have infinite Warfare pre order and don't regret it it was pretty cool it felt more challenging and like a tuned Black Ops 3 period but also going to pick up Arkham Knight Metal Gear 5 blood-borne and Mortal Kombat XL if not from GameStop off of Amazon on Black Friday! As far as the oracles I'll get that headset next year and I am planning on getting a Sony or Samsung 4K TV within the coming months =)
Skyrim and a PS4 Pro is all I will need for awhile.
If you are going to slap the same article on the front page every Monday shouldn't that be mentioned in the article? And how about highlighting some deals, nobody pays MSRP in the internet age.
So what should the exchange rate be about 60-49?
If so, some really good deals in the UK on a few of those games, but I think you are robbed on the hardware. Guess it breaks even.
I've already made up my mind on FFXV until the Complete Ed next holiday, and both World of FF and Gravity Rush 2 will probably be half price by next summer, so I'm good this Christmas catching up on old games for pennies and whatever comes in the bundle I buy. And I'm hoping any day now PS+ on PS4 gets older titles like Knack and inFamous 2nd Son,
Telling people to preorder games is bad. Preordering games is bad, period. Why would you pay someone to be their beta (or alpha) tester?
@themcnoisy Chip away on the likes of Doom, Alien, etc. I'm playing a chapter a night of Transformers at the moment, 30-60 minutes a day for the past couple of weeks. It's better than playing endless games like Destiny, Diablo, Rocket League, FIFA, etc as I actually feel like I'm getting somewhere instead of digging a bigger hole lol.
Not that I don't love a good time sink, too, but sometimes there's nothing better than clearing a handful of linear games in quick succession
Cannot wait for FF15 and TLG.
@kyleforrester87 Funnily I have been doing that with TWD since I posted that comment originally. My thinking (over a week ago now) at the time I was playing uncharted 4, tearaway, one piece pirate warriors 3 and driveclub and I was having one of the most boring times on my Playstation I can recall. Tearaway is just dull but well presented, I'm uncharted out after finishing the original 3 games recently, oppw3 has a complete gallery trophy which has luck based coin drops and Ive had no luck for 5 months and driveclub has become too difficult at the point im sat at to get stars, let alone trophies! I traded in 2 of those games and bought wwe 2k17 and feel well better for it. I've also pulled out my vita which is always a good sign.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Tried that, it doesn't work. Lol. I'm never having anymore kids they simply destroy your life. Their lives are the best, I'm living some nightmare were I'm a miner and my kids are Margaret Thatcher lording it over me that they are shutting my life down. If I was into Fifa, Plants vs Zombies or mobile crap I would be the happiest parent alive, but I'm not.
@themcnoisy Get Axiom Verge on your Vita already
@kyleforrester87 Haha I keep forgetting about that one.
I want to get battlefield 1, final fantasy xv, cod, batman, and skyrim. I'm cautiously watching last guardian. As I just got a PS4 last December, no hardware for me.
I just wanted to ask: when it says you "may" receive a small percentage, is this something that is guaranteed for you guys or do they need to meet a certain quota? And is the percentage fixed or is it variable?
I'd hate to pre-order thinking I'm helping you guys out and then you don't get anything. I'd prefer just giving to a Patreon instead if guys needed an extra few quid in the coffers.
I'm all for you guys getting paid, it's a great site, but for every one of these -pay MSRP and help us make money - articles, you need a sales articles. Black Friday ads should be leaked any day now.
Maybe just split the difference, add some sales at the end when you repost each week?
I know this website (like all others) needs to make ends meet, but it's becoming like a dedicated Amazon affiliate site around here
Glad gravity rush 2 is up there
@wiiware Always nice to see people actually know the game exists.
Apart from watch dogs 2 there is nothing of interest until Mass Effect next year.
@ekreig Anything you buy through Amazon after clicking their affiliate link they will get commission for within a certain timeframe which I think is valid for 24 hours.
So yes they will get paid even if you just buy some condoms and a lawnmower!
[Side note to staff - I love this site, its been my no.1 PS go-to site for many years but there seems to be more of an emphasis on just selling me stuff in every other post rather than a focus on what your visitors are here for - actual PS news. Obviously it's up to you what you do but for me I find myself going elsewhere these days as much news is missed on this site and that can't represent a good trend for you if others are doing the same?]
"For the sake of simplicity we've used Amazon for listing pre-orders, simply because they serve both the UK and US audiences."
For the sake of getting the commission for the sales more like. Every article now comes with a big Amazon order now page. You guys hoping for a big Christmas bonus this year?
This site has sadly became a bit of a joke with the emphasis on selling stuff imo. Tone it down eh?
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Good shout mate. I have a type of arthritis that can give me some major back pains. 4 years ago I woke up in such pain I thought screw it and got straight into the car to Dreams and put a deposit down on a £2k Tempur mattress. Never looked back, bloody love it. I'm seeing a lot of adverts on Facebook for Eve mattresses and the like, they look really well priced too at £300 or so. Anyway, you can't put a price on a good mattress. Sweet dreams!!
@solocapers Agreed.
As @solocapers stated I feel the same way.
I love the site & I will be doing some amazon shopping come Black Friday, but I'm seriously considering taking my business to some of my favourite podcasters that also have amazon affiliate links...
It's getting out of hand. Please Stop.
@Churchy I suggested via email to the site owners a while ago to have a donation / patreon type link as opposed to all the affiliate rubbish.
I don't know why they wouldn't consider that. To me it's better than every article covered in Amazon click-me-nows.
Ya, all the Amazon stuff only bothers me when it doesn't line up with the rest of the site. This article is an example of an acceptable use of the links (except for the hardare, that seems unnecessary), but the "10 games we wish would be patched for PS4 Pro" was a bit sloppy.
It seems a bit 'forced' at times, but if it's a decent alternative to advertisements, I'm not that apposed. Operating a quality site costs money, so it's a tough balance to both monetize and not 'annoying' the viewers too much.
@NathanUC I'd donate, monthly, lump sum - whatever. The constant Amazon links are tiresome. It's ridiculously forced.
@Fight_Teza_Fight @Drawfull @solocapers Sad truth is it costs money to run a site like Pushsquare. They do have ways to get revenue such as the adds but sadly alot of people us ad blockers. Yeah we could do a monthly fee, but is that really the way to go? I honestly don't think people are going to pay for a site like Pushsquare when they can go to sites like IGN for the news, information they want for free. It's a hard balancing act.
@Tasuki I get that it costs money however it's not hard to implement a warning/lock out the site for users who ad block this site. Many sites already do this. Put adverts on your YouTube videos too.
This won't go down well but a hefty dose of cynicism comes along when reviews etc are plastered with affiliate links. That's the hard truth if I'm being honest as it can appear that good reviews are trying to push click through links.
Not that I'm saying that's happening.. but it would be easy to come to that conclusion when there's a clear vested interest in selling what's being reviewed/show off.
Worst Xmas line up of any "in its prime" console format I've ever seen in history.
Nothing really new and appalling hardware.
Cracking advertising though and brainwashing. Sony have always excelled at that
@DESS-M-8 yeah? FF15 and Last Guardian for me
Edit: actually I just read your post history, don't worry about it lol
@Tasuki I understand what you're saying, but as solocapers said, when a review has an affiliate link to purchase, it does take the edge off a little.
And honestly, I would trial a discrete (or should that be discreet?) 'donation' button. I think you'd be pleasantly surprised.
I've been feeling the same way about the sometimes forced amazon links recently. And it's a testament to the quality of Pushsquare and the respect your readers have, that people are giving this feedback in such a calm and reasoned way. We do understand business realities, and genuinely the appreciate the careful balancing act you have to deal with. Still feels a bit icky tho! Appreciate @Tasuki for acknowledging this is an issue. Avoiding it will definitely lose you readers.
@kyleforrester87 flattered you read it.
Don't see what relevance that has on my point on this post though. Unless you're implying I'm "trolling" because My unwavering opinion on how appalling the PS4 disagrees with your self righteous opinion?
I've played PlayStation since tekken 3 and metal gear solid on PlayStation. My opinion is Sony is tired and the PS4 is the single worst entry in their hardware history they have ever "designed".
@DESS-M-8 cool
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