When you really take the time to stop and think about just how long we've been following the development of The Last Guardian, it's kind of mind boggling. The spiritual successor to Shadow of the Colossus, it was officially revealed all the way back in 2009 as a PlayStation 3 title - and now Sony studio head Shuhei Yoshida has confirmed that the game has gone gold, a whole seven years later.
Due to launch on the 6th December in North America and the 9th December in Europe, The Last Guardian releases just a week or so after Final Fantasy XV - another title that we've been writing news stories about for around a decade. Now, we just have to hope that both projects live up to expectations.
Do you have faith in The Last Guardian? Are you grabbing it on day one? Ask Santa for a cat-bird-dog in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 17
One of the producers put this out first, but the tweet was quickly deleted. Looks like Shu wanted to break the news first haha. Can't wait to finally play it.
I've got the collector's edition pre-ordered. I fully realize that the hype balloon could be overinflated like No Man's Sky. That might be leading to a heavy dose of disappointment like NMS, but I still have faith that all this hard work has to pay off in a satisfying game. My expectations will be in check for this one too.
Already got my steelcase edition preordered, I'll cancel it if the reviews are bad though. I hope this game is good, I'm not expecting this game to be the second coming, I just want a good game.
Will be on my Christmas list
It's going to be a big relief to finally play it. Even if it doesn't live up to Ico or Shadow of the Colossus, I'm at a point where I just kind of need to play it.
Can't wait.
@Quintumply That pretty much sums up tlg, ff15 and shenmue 3. Regardless if they are pants you kinda need to play them all to call yourself a gamer.
@verynaughtyboy "A spiritual successor, sometimes called a spiritual sequel, is a successor to a work of fiction which does not build upon the storyline established by a previous work as do most traditional prequels or sequels, yet features many of the same elements, themes, and styles as its source material, thereby resulting in it ..." Knowledge son. Boom!
(Edit: I misspelled knowledge lol)
(Edit 2: Now im staring at the word too long, questioning its pronunciation and its existence)
I absolutely can't wait for this one,I have faith it's going to be a great game despite how long we have been waiting for it
I've got this pre-ordered and it was a big factor in my wanting PS4. I almost bought a PS3 for this game several years ago. I'm glad I didn't
Google is a gateway drug to knowledge my friend! Often misinformed...but knowledge nonetheless! As for the spiritual successor thingy, I don't believe it was ever stated that Ico and SotC were in the same universe, buut I might be wrong on that one. I thought they just threw us into the world with no real story or knowledge(okay im really getting sick of this word) of what was going on. It was more just video game art so to speak. I base all this off a interview with the creator I read years ago. I also never finished either of his games so I cant say whether or not a connection between the two was established.
One thing that I hope are for better controls, since the controls were the main criticism during the demo.
I've got the collectors edition on preorder. I've been pumped about this game since the re-reveal.
@verynaughtyboy The team making the game have never stated it to be a sequel or prequel, yet similar gameplay mechanics to both previous games have been demoed. Uemada (cant remember the directors name) has continually stated his vision for the game and it has never involved sharing a world or storyline with his previous works, more so your relationship with Trico and developing games he himself wants to play. Spiritual successor is the correct proclamation.
@Grawlog But I bet you will still be intrigued by the Shenmue articles and will read up on TLG. I'm actually quite interested in Trico and how it operates, sounds like a huge step up in AI.
How can vaporware go gold?
As someone who never got to play ico or SotC, I literally am going into this game blind. I'd hoped for a 2nd remaster for the PS4 as I don't own my PS3 anymore. Regardless of whether I get to play the other two or not though, tlg definitely has my attention and I look forward to its release.
I saw there's an HD collection on the Store but it's PS3 only...
I predict it will crash and burn a la No Mans Sky.
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