As the sun sets on another week, we can rest easy knowing that we brought you a dizzying number of reviews and features. Also, if you're not currently subscribed, do make sure that you visit our YouTube channel, which is being updated daily.

Mafia III - 6/10
It was a risky gamble to tackle such an incendiary era of US history, but Mafia III handles it much better than an open world crime game has any right to. It masterfully hits the target in terms of its characters, story, and setting, lulling you into a misplaced belief you're playing something really special. Unfortunately, once the grind of taking over territory kicks in, and the lack of originality in much of its mission design is laid bare, it almost completely ruins the experience. It's fortunate then, that the excellent gunplay, the occasional enjoyable story mission, and the spot-on presentation provides just enough of an incentive to see things through to its bloody conclusion.
Dragon Quest Builders - 8/10
Dragon Quest Builders gives the genre's heavy hitters a run for their money with its charm, character, and accessibility. A streamlined crafting experience that's always happy to provide you with purpose, it offers a delightful adventure that's packed with discovery. Even though a couple of wonky design choices prevent proceedings from being totally watertight, this is still one of the most downright addictive titles available on the PS4.
Other Reviews
- Manual Samuel - 4/10
- Shu - 7/10
- RIGS: Mechanized Combat League - Pending
- DriveClub VR - 6/10
- Rise of the Tomb Raider - 8/10
- Rez Infinite - 9/10
- NOW That's What I Call Sing 2 - 7/10
- Super Stardust Ultra VR - 5/10
- Headmaster - 7/10
- Thumper - 9/10
- The Assembly - 5/10

Opinion: Which PlayStation VR Launch Games Should You Buy?
PlayStation VR has a gigantic launch lineup, and you're probably wondering which titles to buy right about now. While we still haven't sampled everything – the selection really is that big – we have played a pretty large selection, so we feel like we're pretty well placed to point you in the right direction. But which titles have caught our eye?
Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on PlayStation VR So Far?
Another Friday afternoon, another quick and easy poll for us to sticky on the front page. Nah, we're just kidding - we're actually interested in hearing what you lot think about PlayStation VR. Unless you've been avoiding us for the last two weeks or so (why the heck would you do that?) then you'll already know that we've been pumping out VR content like it's the only thing in the PlayStation Nation worth talking about right now. And to be honest, it kind of is - just look at how slow the news has been elsewhere.
Other Features
- Video: Yes We Cat! Becoming a Kitty with PlayStation VR
- Round Up: Mafia III Takes a Bullet or Two in First Reviews
- Video: Red Dead Revolver PS4 Readies Us for Redemption 2
- Video: A Close Match in RIGS: Mechanized Combat League on PS4
- Video: Does PlayStation VR Put the Ultra in Super Stardust?
- Video: Racing Around the Bend in DriveClub VR on PS4
- Video: Unlock Your Inner-Alan Shearer with Headmaster on PS4
- Hands On: Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 Seeks to Be a Safe But Solid Sequel
- Hardware Review: PlayStation VR - Launch Guide, Cinematic Mode, Best Games
- Opinion: Which PlayStation VR Launch Games Should You Buy?
- Video: Rez Infinite Is PlayStation VR's Killer App
- Talking Point: What's Your PlayStation VR Launch Experience Been Like?
- Video: Getting Uncomfortably Close to Schoolgirls in Summer Lesson on PS4
- Soapbox: Summer Lesson Provides a Peek into the Future
- Video: Following the Girl on the Train in Here They Lie on PS4
- Video: Another Brick Through the Wall in SuperHyperCube on PS4
- Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 139
- Video: The Playroom VR's Robots Rescue Deserves Its Own Game
- Feature: PlayStation VR's Non-Games Include Dark Fairy Tales and Dancing Pop Stars

Rockstar Teases Something Red Dead Redemption, Internet Goes Nuts
Whatever happened to lazy Sundays, eh? Grand Theft Auto developer Rockstar has always walked its own path when it comes to teasing and announcing its upcoming projects, and the super popular company is at it again this weekend.
Rise of the Tomb Raider's Retro Press Kit Is the Best You'll Ever See
Sony always makes the best press kits – but it may have been beaten by Square Enix here. In order to celebrate the launch of Rise of the Tomb Raider on the PlayStation 4, the publisher's really playing up the property's origins – and it's been sending press copies of the game in a classic PSone case. It just feels right, doesn't it?
Other Noteworthy News
- PS4 Slumps to Third Successive NPD Defeat
- Battlefield 1's Trophies Won't Be Hell to Unlock
- PlayStation VR Can Be Used with Wii U, Xbox One, PC
- Weirdness: Inside's Soundtrack was Created Using a Human Skull
- PS4 Controller Scoring Full Native Steam Support
[source bit.ly]
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