The PlayStation Vita was already on its last legs, but Nintendo just delivered a swift upper-cut to its bloodied jaw. The legendary manufacturer's new Switch hybrid – great name, but it's going to take some getting used to – feels like the final form of a concept that both it and Sony have been exploring for years; the latter has let its rival pull the trigger first.
If you think back to the way that the Vita was originally marketed, it was sold on the basis of being a console in your hands. The launch lineup included full-scale productions like Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and second-wave titles spanned Killzone: Mercenary and Assassin's Creed Liberation. And even when that didn't really work, the platform holder changed its tact.

When the PlayStation 4 launched, the Vita's console-on-the-go pledge was fulfilled by Remote Play; streaming technology allowed it to pledge support for every major blockbuster release on the diminutive device. Technical drawbacks – and control issues – prevented the functionality from working as flawlessly as we'd all have liked, but the idea was there.
And then we had stuff like cross-save and cross-play; the unification of both PS4 and Vita gave the handheld a greater purpose than it was able to carve out on its own. But now, four and a half years removed from the portable's original release, the Nintendo Switch is poised to hammer the final nail into the little console that could's coffin.

We shouldn't feel sad about that, as the Vita has been a great servant for almost half-a-decade, but the House of Mario's new machine has stolen its USP. It in itself, by fusing home console and portable play, is an iteration of the Wii U concept – but technology finally appears to have reached a point where there are no compromises in the transition.
It's a shame really, because it's clear that both Nintendo and Sony have been moving in the same direction for some time now – it's just the latter appears to have given up early. There probably won't be another PlayStation portable, especially now Nintendo's playing Sony at its own game, and it makes you wonder if Kaz Hirai and crew could have done more.

But then, the Nintendo Switch in itself is not a guaranteed knock out. In many ways, the Vita made us realise that we don't necessarily want home console experiences on-the-go, and it was the more bitesized titles that really worked. The House of Mario's new hardware will become the natural home for these types of experiences as well, but is the market really there?
It's going to be an interesting six months as Nintendo gears up for release: will the Switch satisfy those solely looking for a console; will it complement the smartphones of those who already play on-the-go? It's far too early to say, though it's safe to assume that this system is going to bang in Japan. And as for the Vita, its promise of console gaming on the go may be merely remembered as one of the stepping stones on the journey towards the Switch.
Is the PlayStation Vita finally being put out to pasture? Do you think that Sony will ever re-enter the handheld space? Will the portability of the Nintendo Switch make it your preference ahead of the PS4 – even if its technical specs don't measure up? Change things up in the comments section below.
Comments 101
Not sure I agree, and this comes from someone who thinks the system is dead outside of Japan.
I think it's possible the system will see a small second wind with Switch in Japan (and thus some ports will make their way over.) Though the Switch is inevitably more powerful by a decent amount, porting between the two shouldn't be too hard, especially for certain genres, and I think we may see Japanese focused games on the switch also getting Vita ports.
Vita's biggest problem was it's price and those stupidly expensive memory cards.
@GBMatthew To be fair, let's wait and see what Nintendo's storage option is for Switch. How are you going to download the inevitable day one patch for Skyrim, which in true Bethesda tradition will be about 10GB!
To be fair, if Nintendo are successful with this it may encourage MS and Sony to more fully explore the concept themselves, as we've seen them do in the past when motion controls proved popular. So, oddly, this could go the other way too.

Bethesda needs to stop playing around and get on Halo's level.
Reminder: Read the article before you comment or forever be shamed.
@kyleforrester87 Yeah, potentially.
Just how is Nintendo ever going to do that their behind with all console technology, lowest in the console charts, lowest in the game charts, every handheld they done after the gameboy flopped. The switch looks like an oversized tablet that would be awful to hold and their selling point sucks "you can take your games anywhere" that's usually what a portable gaming device does duh
Language -Tasuki-
The Switch looks pretty big for a portable to me, but all in all, if it has a decent build quality it will be a really cool console (and the first without silly gimmicks since the GameCube imo). I could easily see this being a better alternative to the Vita/PS4 combo if the games deliver.
@get2sammyb Well I guarantee that it will be cheaper than Vita's solution was.
@get2sammyb The supposed leaks for the Switch say the internal hard drive is 32GB, which is hilariously low outside of 2006.
Anyway, love my Vita as a niche RPG factory that pumps out a good game every now and then, so like the original PSP I think I'll be using it as plane boredom repellent for a few years to come. It lacked big name support in the end. Without its own version of Liberty City Stories it never got the mainstream PS appeal its bigger brothers hand.
Less about Nintendo and more focus on the upcoming PS4 Pro please. There's no mention on here about at least 4 games getting Pro support patches today. Shadow of Mordor, Elder scroles Online, Deus Ex and a 4k update for PES 2017.
Actually the Vita is a reason why NS might struggle. What Vita taught us was that people didn't want to be big AAA games on a small screen and on a device that doesn't fit into people's pockets. Not to mention the specs problem it has which if Digital Foundry is to be believed is weaker then a X1 which it's going to have problems running high fidelity 3rd party games. Not to mention that if you look at the trailer the games they showed were their old IP's and games from the previous generation which was the problem the Wii U had.
It's a neat piece of kit but I fail to see how it will grab that mass market appeal that are used to playing on PS4 for core games and those that are used to the portability of phones.
The problem with Vita was console-level pricing whilst being an indie games haven. No problem with either, but something's got to give in a given scenario. If the market also happens to be smaller then you really need to get it right. If there's a company that can do it, it's Nintendo (why? The games!), and despite not being a fan I am interested in this, if only to get another Xenoblade.
Just had to get in a nintendo article for the clicks huh? In all seriousness though, it's an nvidia shield that can play nintendo games. It's going to have a terrible battery life, and won't even come close to current gen in terms of power. I'll stick to my vita with remote play and BC games.
No offense but I've seen about a hundred of these 'Vita is Dead' articles and it's still here. I do agree that Nintendo played Sony at their own game, however I believe Sony will respond. Colin and Greg hinted that something was in the works in the lead up to the PlayStation Meeting, they also said it would be announced in the comfort of Japan. They are not going to let Nintendo have unopposed control of the handheld market which might then bleed into the console market. As crazy as that sounds to you guys, Sony are crazy enough to do it.
As long as vita games keep selling, developers will keep making games. Axiom Verge on Vita sold 'really well' according to the developer. The Vita won't die, the fan base won't let it. When the time comes it will be succeeded by a handheld made in the image of new Sony (PS4) and not of the old (PS3).
The concept looks amazing, but yesterday I was feeling the itch to play Pokemon and I realized that I won't spend 150€ on a portable gaming device that I'd only use while travelling without being the driver , and that never happens. The trailer got me excited, now let's hope Sony has an answer to this, might change my mind. A good portable FIFA/PES would be a must
It looks amazing! Great concept. I bet Nintendo will use SD cards for memory. I would pre-order it if I could.
@Fight_Teza_Fight @Falkn This is the end for Vita, it is. And I don't think Sony will respond.
(Primarily because Nintendo still has to convince me there's a market for this kind of product outside of Japan. I don't think Sony sees one.)
Where the Switch excels is that the game you play at home can now be played out and about. No more settling for another copy of the game in a different format.
@GBMatthew Guarantee? How?
Vita and PSP were good for the experiences, and if Sony would've kept fiddling with their ideas, they could have already had something like SWITCH out. Nintendo's is going to do good due to their IP's, and since Pokemon is a part of them, we'll see it strive (look at Pokemon Go). I still see sony trying the concept...maybe in a few more years for Playstation 5, but I see them doing it...especially if nintendo's new console takes off. Microsoft will soon follow with Sony, and that'll be the next consoles and the war. Other than all that, it depends on prices and consumers. I'll buy nintendo's, and if Sony makes one, I'll buy theirs...because of both companies IP's. VITA just wasn't being supported like it should have. Sony wasn't really into making the games go on for it and...just like we saw with the Wii need retail games to make it shine, not just download-only titles. If you're a consumer walking into a store, you look at the system and the library of retail games...the more games and various game types, the better the chance that the consumer will buy that system. Vita was hard to find anything for, and has been like that for several years...Wii U is the same way, as you see more Wii games than the Wii U titles.
Sony and Nintendo seem to always be close together as friends, and if nintendo's takes off, I see Sony wanting to get in those shoes too! Give it another year and I think there could be somewhat of a Sony Portable on the way.
Vita dead or alive it will still have its fans but Sony gave up on it a long time ago.
I like my psvita but most people doesn't need portables game machine anymore because it's already replaced with smartphones and tablet. Even nintendo 3ds sales is worse than psp and most people say psp is failure compared to nds.
The only way switch could survive is if it's priced competitively compared to ps4, nintendo should remember that at $300 ps4 already has bluray and harddisk so if switch doesn't have those 2 then it must be priced accordingly.
@Fight_Teza_Fight I think the market already spoken, they don't want another playstation portables machine, they want a playstation home console that priced right.
@DarkFauxeh My oh my, I think that you have no notion about the gaming market. Advance was a success, DS was the most successful handheld ever and the second best selling console all time, losing only to the PS2, which honestly, is unbeatable (quality/sales wise). The 3DS sold more than 60 million units. So please refrain of being insane and silly.
That said, what a sad article, I love Nintendo and I'm sold towards Switch, but I look at my Vita and...he's (yes he) dying and don't even know about it. And Nintendo may hit the final nail, but Sony put it in a coffin.
@DarkFauxeh "every handheld they done after the gameboy flopped." Ds family sold over 150 million and 3ds a little under 60 million, dont really see how thoae could be considered flops. Yeah 3ds sales are tanking as of late but im sure Sony wouldve loved to push almost 60 million vitas in 5+ years.
Anyways, I am very intrigued by the Switch. Need some more details but Nintendo has finally got my serious attention!
In a way, both Wii U and Vita are similar; both are great machines that were fumbled badly by their parent companies.
Oh, and before too many people give Push Square crap for posting a Nintendo-related article, let me say that this IS relevant to PlayStation - because any unveiling of a competitive piece of hardware directly influences how Sony proceeds with its future offerings. 'lolripofflol' snides aside, the company DOES have a history of emulating other firms' successes, like PS Move, Trophies and PS VR (to name a few). They're a tech company, and if people flock to the Nintendo Switch in droves, then you can bet we'll see a PlayStation alternative.
As this piece points out, Sony have been trying to create a unified ecosystem for a while now, with middling success. Implementation of cloud tech has been the biggest move, though fragmenting the userbase with stuff like the PS4 Pro retards these moves, IMO (just like how the New 3DS was a bust). In this business, it's a fine line between creating add-on peripherals that offer new experiences, and actively punishing loyal early consumers by indirectly telling them that their purchase is old rubbish.
Again, Nintendo have been guilty of this (numerous hardware iterations), but I think doing such a thing in this day and age is now more severe, because people now expect the painless experience of having EVERYTHING funneled to them. Hardware is now only a means to an end. They don't want quirky purple cubes, or consoles that are inspired by Hulk and Bruce Lee. They just want a little black or white rectangle that gives them their stuff. Consumers don't want to jump through hoops that are set by companies.
My point is, the Nintendo Switch is symbolic of a wider change in gaming and electronics. When even the austere Nintendo admits that people don't want to buy more than one doohickey to get their jollies, it really paints a picture of the limited space consoles now have.
The Switch hasn't got anything to do with Vita being dead and to be honest I wasn't overwhelmed by it's reveal. It looks too big to be a proper handheld and the controller looks unappealing for playing at home and as for this "new" concept, let's face it, it's a tablet you can plug in your telly and the majority of owners will use it exactly the same as they did the Wii U
a big factor is, can Nintendo get good 3rd party support for the new console. I have a wii u and for family play it's amazing, but lack of 3rd party support really hurt it. Time will tell, but I hope they do well.
@carlos82 What are you talking about? There is a controller that looks EXACTLY like an Xbox controller so you can play at home. I don't see the problem with this. If they want to sacrifice power for insane portable gaming, WITH the ability to play it on a television (like I prefer to do) then I think that's great!
@NinjaWaddleDee I did see that pro controller but do we have to buy it separately? and the Wii U's wasn't the best. Those little things which come off are what I was referring and then stuck together they don't look great either. I'm glad it appeals to you but I can't say I'm a fan yet, the games may yet change my mind if it gets better support than the Wii U did, I'm just not blown away by the hardware on the initial reveal
Well it all depends on the:
3rd party suport
And the launch in japan
If the price point is low, the battery life good and the game support healthy, yes I think the switch can do well. I think, though that if any one of those points isn't in place then it will not sell.
Sony have VR and Pro going on but I think there is a handheld market still but it needs to have a clear identity. The Vita never had a clear identity.
@carlos82 Knowing nintendo and their love of accessories, I'm sure it'll be sold separately. I'm excited for it, but if it's not less than 300, I'm not buying it. I made that mistake with the Wii U.
@NinjaWaddleDee I made that same mistake, my price is closer to £250 before I think about it and it's 20 controller's 😃
@Rudy_Manchego I don't know, it had a pretty clear identity to me: console games on the go. The market wasn't interested.
Agreed. Vita is my handheld of choice. On a plane, I wouldn't trade it for anything. When the Switch comes out I see that changing. Though you make a good point about what the Vita has proven in that games like Uncharted, AC and KillZone are best kept to a home console. Could well be the same for many of the games Nintendo was showcasing in the trailer.
How many times has anyone seen a 3ds or ps vita pulled out on public transport in past 3 years... I've seen zilch (except my myself). Gaming although portable has a bad public perception, except it seems ok on smartphones. Switch is a nice name, but a pure gaming device for home and on the move? Not sure on this one. And that thing is huge for a portable device! Still loving my ps vita at bedtime and on long coaches/flights! A portable battery pack is mega handy!
I saw the Switch video with anticipation but came away unimpressed. It's another gimicky trick Nintendo is pulling. I can only imagine with this formfactor and this kind of controls it will be stupendously uncomfortable to hold and operate. Don't get me started on the battery life, powering that big screen with allegedly similar power of a PS4 you won't see much in that department I suspect.
If Nintendo just would build a new, modern Gameboy I'd be all over it.
And about the Vita. The Vita's problems were lack of PR and exposure, stupidly expensive memory and the rise of smartphones. Besides that, it's an awesome handheld indeed.
I tell you, Nintendo Switch AND VR as a whole, will be dead and buried by 2018!
I don't think the Vita proved people don't want AAA games on the go, just that they didn't want watered down versions of their AAA games. My Vita will still be used though as I'm not going to get retro PlayStation games on Nintendo at the very least.
All I know is that I'm glad Digimon World Next Order is getting a PS4 release and huge overhaul from the vita version.
Bah, another one of these tired articles.
The Vita as a conventional player in the dedicated console market isn't dead, because it was never really a major player in the first place. It didn't catch on with most people, and most normies I know have never even heard of it.
Nevertheless, it has cultivated a dedicated cult following among a certain segment of the gaming population. These people love the Vita and buy enough games for it to encourage companies to keep localizing games for it.
The Switch, regardless of how successful it is, isn't going to scratch that small but nevertheless very vibrant gaming subculture. It's going to offer a completely different software experience from what people are getting on the Vita.
Game Over ? No. Stop introducing false things in little minds, With the Switch it's a Game Over for the Wii U and the 3DS. It's not a competitor of the Vita, it's a competitor of nothing because no one have a handhled home hybrid console. The closest competitor is NVIDIA console because PC gaming on TV or on the tablet.
The Vita has been dead for a while now. It doesn't need any more final nails.
Also, shouldn't you guys be posting more PlayStation news? Go find some lesser known upcoming games or something.
@Mahe Yeah but I've been waiting all morning to hear what the PUSH SQUARE community has to say about the Switch! A new console from Nintendo doesn't happen everyday, and at least they've tried to relate it back to Playstation.
Speaking of that, I think if the Vita had some TRIGGERS it might've done better. There are tons of games on PS4 where I'd like to stream them to my Vita, but they're just waaaay too cumbersome to play without an extra set of shoulder buttons. Luckily, I love all of the Vita's exclusive JRPGs / Japanese games, so I don't regret buying it.
It's time for the Hardcore Nintendo Fans to 'SWITCH' to PlayStation It looks ok tho. Nice idea. Shame it can't read N64 cartridges because I would of bought one if it did
Amazing console, or rather controllers.
A bit of blue wave thinking from Nintendo. The end of vita? Yes 100% but I'm keeping my vita anyway. Sony keep psn vita running until 2020 so I can play the games I've been meaning to for years.
I agree about Nintendo finally fulfilling some good ideas that were introduced by both the Vita and the WiiU.
That said, as @adf86 mentioned, I can see Japanese publishers doing Vita versions of Switch games until the user base for Nintendo's new machine (probably a hit in Japan) is big enough, so it might actually prolong is life in its homeland and with its hardcore fanbase in the West.
That said, I can see myself switching from my trusted Vita to Switch in my travels but I am peculiar - I really don't see the Switch becoming a smash hit in the West: it is too gimmicky, has too much competition from cellphones, not really portable, not really next gen home console...I won't say it will flop, but it won't go anywhere near ps4 levels of popularity
also: people don't want portables in the West (even if I do) The 3ds is considered a success but it sold just as much as the PSP ...that was considered almost a flop just a generation before.
Will people complain about Switch not havibg 4k bluray or discs at all?
As a Vita owner since Feb 2012 i have to say that as much as i love it i dont get the time to actually play it out of the house. Especially for games that require concentration or ny level of focus on story. I feel thst Switch will have the same issue. In time people will only play it at home.
Exciting times to be a gamer. Not only have I been completely blown away by PSVR, here comes Nintendo with the most appealing console I've seen since the SNES. It feels like it's been a good 10 years since Nintendo has actually had a legitimate console in the ring with Sony and MS. Switch looks like they've nailed it. They beefed up the power enough that it's still delivering console quality graphics despite being 100% portable. That is a feat in and of itself. Finally- Monster Hunter in HD! Console Fire Emblem, and Metroid!
I think Vita could still linger a while in Japan. Switch doesn't drop til March, and Vita will still have some games in the pipeline for a year afterwards. So it could stick around til mid 2018 I think. Which is cool because I bought one and want to see as many games for it as possible
"had a pretty clear identity to me: console games on the go. The market wasn't interested"
I'm not sure if I buy that. I think there's a huge demand for console quality games on the go- Vita just wasn't appealing. For one, most of its console quality games were not true console quality. And even those were very few in number. Assassins Creed Liberation... compare the graphics and all around quality to say, the main line entries on consoles. Ya.
And even Uncharted Golden Abyss. Compare the graphics and overall fun-factor with say, Uncharted 4. See what I'm getting at? True console quality games were never really there. Not really.
Add to that the fact there was only one set of shoulder buttons and no clickable analogs, which are all but necessary for console games nowadays, and you have a recipe for disaster. Where games have to start implementing taps certain areas on the touchscreen and on the rear touchpad to substitute buttons...
And of course this is to make no mention of the Vita's ridiculously priced memory cards which basically cost half as much as the hardware itself...
I think there is a huge demand for console quality games on the go. People want console games that can be played portably (even more so when they can also be played on the TV). They just didn't want the Vita. It's the same thing with Wii U. It's not that people didn't want Nintendo exclusives or to experience dual screen gaming or off TV play, they just didn't want to do it for the price of a Wii U. But a lot of those same people will probably buy a Switch. And I imagine a good deal of people looking for true portable console quality games will also.
Can anyone please tell me if Switch os an home console to play on the go, or a portable console to play on tv?? I didn't understand it...
Anyway, if they have Pokemon, I'm all in
They're marketing it as a console first and foremost, that doubles as a portable system to play console games on the go. They're not advertising it as a handheld that docks to TV. I mean, really it could be either or. All about how you look at it. In the end I really don't think that labels matter much. No matter how you spin it or market it, it is what it is. It's a system that gives us console quality games on the TV just like a normal console, but that can be played portably. Nothing has been confirmed for is far as Pokémon, but The Pokemon Company has said they'll be supporting the system so... take that for what it's worth.
Probably not, since it's not being advertised as a home-based 4K system, unlike Scorpio and Pro. Switch is being advertised as a hybrid system, and no way could they make an affordable hybrid that powers 4K (and a disc drive would be bad for portable anyways). It's just a different focus offering a different experience. Which is good, I think. We've got 2 platforms that kind of focus on doing the same things. Nice to have a 3rd that offers us something a little different.
And I don't play my Vita out of the house either really. I do occasionally take my 3DS with me to work. But mostly it's at home play. But although we may not play games on the go a lot that doesn't mean that there's not millions of other gamers who don't play on the go. But even for people like us at least it'll hook up to the TV so we can get a nice HD console experience from it, rather than having to play a tiny handheld even though we're at home.
Literally just heard about the Nintendo Switch and seen the video and have to say I'm pretty excited!I love my vita but sorry lil fella,I'm already sold.
It's been years since I have got excited about anything from Nintendo..trouble is,I was finally just about getting convinced to buy a ps vr next year but now I'm more excited for this..
@AFCC It's a true hybrid: a machine that blurs the line between home console and handheld. At least, that's what I got from the reveal.
It's an amazing idea for a dedicated gaming device, and it feels like an evolution of both Playstation's Remote Play concept and the Wii U with its off-TV display functionality.
With that said, it won't replace my Vita or 3DS. Both of those devices have a unique appeal that this device simply won't be able to replicate.
If NX takes off, though, I might end up putting my PS4 into hibernation. I don't really want multiple video game consoles actively cluttering up my bedroom.
As much as I love PlayStation, I never really was into their handheld systems. They just never really clicked with me. I got the PSP when it first game out but got bored with and most of my time with handheld games went towards the DS. I pretty much forget that the PS Vita still exists. The Nintendo Switch really got my attention and I'm looking forward to see how it turns out. I probably won't go back to a PlayStation handheld, unless it's something that really gets me hooked. So if Sony decides not to make another PlayStation handheld, then it's really no loss for me.
You can call the vita dead when it's laying in the coffin with me. Till then I'll always keep it. #BeingUnreasonable
Also I hate Pokemon and Mario games, there is a reason I haven't bought Nintendo since they lost third party support.
Is this the same as this NX thing I keep hearing about or something completely different ?
@MinerWilly One in the same
I will be playing the Vita long after it's 'dead'. Simple fact is it has games I want to play. Nintendo doesn't.
Some good innovation there that deserves the attention it's getting and I might end up playing on a friends in the future. But odds of me buying anything Nintendo are slim to none. None of them ever tell the type of story I would really care about.
I've got to say, it does look like they've nailed the concept - assuming it works as well as demoed, it just looks like it' Being able to rotate the "handles" to turn them into 2 smaller controllers for co-op Mario Kart etc..very cool. It's not hard to imagine using any of it in the same way that motion controls, Kinect, VR and so on is. And they've established the message really well, unlike they did with the Wii U.
Of course, as is always the way, the games'll make or break it. But it's the most interesting Nintendo home console since GC for me.
@Kage_88 to be fair, Sony had a VR headset in 1997, and has done many HMDs since, and had wiggle/waggle motion control devices and patents long before the Wii existed, so its less of a "copied" and more of a "they tried first, no one was ready for it (or the tech wasn't quite there), then they tried again after someone else managed success years later" it is an important distinction.
On topic, I love Sony, but the Vita was DOA. I bought it at launch and it was a junk paperweight for a couple years before I got rid of it. I loved the specs, and on paper it was amazing. Almost zero major 3rd party support (compared to say, the 3ds) and questionable hardware choices killed it long before Sony gave up on it.
I would assume their would an sd slot so i don't mind the 32gb memory especially sd cards are really cheap and probably won't be no need to install games since the read speeds are way faster then a bluray disc. so overall i am not worried.
@MadAussieBloke That's my worry too. I bought the Wii U day one and quite honestly it's my least played console due to the lack of third party stuff. If I would have known how the Wii U would have ended up I wouldn't have bought it. I will wait a year or two after release to see how it's supported by the third parties before diving in.
I'm a Nintendo fan but I'm also a big fan of the Vita. I'll be getting a Switch, yes, but I'll still buy games on Vita as long as games are still coming out (that aren't on the Switch).
Yes, there are a lot of reasons as to why I think the Vita failed to take off but ultimately I think it's very similar reasons why the Wii U failed to take off. While they were both going for the same concept of merging both portable and console gaming, the tech at the time just wasn't there. While Wii U was a full console and can be played off the TV, Wii U wasn't fully portable. While Vita was a pretty powerful handheld and noticeably more powerful then the 3DS, Vita is still significantly weaker then PS3 and 360. Again, the tech of the time just wasn't there.
However, the expanding and highly competitive mobile market has rapidly pushed mobile tech forward since the Wii U and Vita. Extremely high end mobile chips made for gaming have been created that are much closer to console quality performance. The difference between Sony and Nintendo in this aspect, however, is that Sony looks to be stepping out of the portable market all together to focus on the success they're having with the console market where as Nintendo's success has been with handhelds for a while now. This means, they have a bit more freedom to go this route because their console market crashed and burned with Wii U and they definitely need new, modern hardware.
All of this said, I still need to see a lot more about Switch, particularly around the OS and the Online service. Also, while I think that the Switch will likely do really good, unless all the same games that release on Vita end up on the Switch, I don't envision Vita support or software sales to be going anywhere, though hardware sales will likely drop.
Ps vita has been my most played console since its been released. An until i play legend of heros: cold steele 2, final fantasy world and danganronpa 3, my ps vita along way from retirement.
But i am really interested in Switch. I like console type mobile gaming. An if its delivers then i bite.
I loved the PS Vita, but had to sell it since I moved countries etc.
Right now I simply can not justify to buy the PS Vita again, but I will definitely grab the Nintendo Switch, especially because it is being released in my birth-month haha
@get2sammyb I guess but that was dropped pretty sharpish and replaced with remote play and then indie games device.It's had more changes in style than David Bowie.
The market did choose not to buy but I believe doesn't mean the concept of console gaming on the go was not a selling point. The Vita had a lot of problems from launch - the promised AAA games were not really console games on the go (generalising here), the price point was high and the point of the device confusing.
That said, I wouldn't bet my house that I'm right
Dont agree at all. My fave Vita/3DS games are all full console experiences. Never enjoyed watered down mobile gaming on phones or tablets. The Vita was rendered DOA by Sony on its release due to some very cynical design choices. Extortionate Memory cards and lack of a full suite of buttons effectively killed it off. Sony couldve easily resurrected it when they released the revised edition by really promoting PS4 remote play adding l2/l3 r2/r3 and using micro sd. Most PS4 owners wouldve jumped at the chance for a perfect remote play experience. Unfortunately they never listened to the public's criticism first time round and continued with those shady, greedy practices with the Vita V2.0. Shame .... Vita had such potential.
@DarkFauxeh Every handheld since the Game Boy has flopped? The DS sold 30 million a year for three years. Not even the PS2 or Wii did that. It's the fastest selling handheld of all time comfortably.
Also the main selling point of switch isn't "taking your games on the go" it's having Nintendo's developers be able to make a handheld and home game at the same time essentially doubling their output, and same for our purchasing.
Whereas before they'd have one dev team making a big 3D zelda, and another making something like Link Between Worlds, now they can make one game covering both. Considering the West leans towards HD home console gaming and Japan leans towards social handheld gaming, this is absolutely huge and if it gets a Monster Hunter and other massive handheld games, alongside Skyrim, NBA and other big Western console games, it will be in an extremely good position internationally. I wonder if it will get a lot of JRPG support too with the Vita being dead. If Nintendo are smart they'll chase that rabidly.
Nope. I'm still gonna rock that thing even after the NS is out. So many awesome, uh ...imports to play. I do agree it's dead and buried in terms of western support, yeah ...But the JP market is epic.
@PorllM one problem though it's not a console let's face it, it's a tablet with a docking station, if Sony were to make a docking station like that for the vita it would be the same apart from the fact the vita is actually a portable gaming device while the switch is just an over glorified tablet
not really
@thedevilsjester Yeah, Sony have definitely experimented with that stuff for years - but I suppose it depends on what 'copy' really means. I do recall an interview with the guy behind the gyroscope tech of the Wii, and he said that both Sony and Microsoft turned him down, before moving to Nintendo. Regardless of who actually invented what, I think it's more accurate to say Sony have been influenced by Nintendo's SUCCESSFUL use of different software and hardware. It's like PS All-Stars - people called it a rip-off, NOT because Nintendo 'invented' mascot fighters (which they didn't), but rather, the game was a blatant and shameless reaction to Smash Bros.
I agree with some of the other comments about a little vita resurgence. Sure it may see hardware sales decline, but we might start seeing an influx of new games ported to the vita as the Switch starts building up its install base.
I'm a 90's kid & Nintendo growing up to me were gods. I want them to do well, but this just seems too gimmicky to me to catch fire in the west. I'm sure it'll do extremely well in Japan though.
This gen has been so weird. Everyone's spreading their wings. Playing regular games on a standard TV is no longer enough. This gen we got:
Nintendo- True console gaming on the go
Sony- Virtual Reality
Microsoft- Multi Media Machine
Hope next gen is more stable
@DarkFauxeh Well yeah it's not a home console it's a hybrid, that's the point. It's a handheld first and foremost but you can also plug it into your TV and use a controller for a home console experience. Nintendo had trouble in the home console market with the Wii U now the PS4 has it on lock, but they've always been the most successful in handhelds, so them making a home only console would be pretty idiotic at this point.
The Vita doesn't have anything making it more of a handheld than the switch so I'm not sure what you mean by that. If you hold the switch without the dock, just the tablet with the controller attachments it's virtually the same as a Vita just with a different design and better graphics.
EDIT: Wait I just reread your comment and it sounded a bit like you were trying to say the Switch is not a handheld or a home console, but just a tablet? It's biggest purpose will always be playing video games, and Breath of the Wild is like two generations past anything that appeared on Vita, so that's absurd. Not many tablets have four triggers, two analogue sticks etc. Sorry if I misunderstood you though.
Well on the go don't really appeal me for some reason! Sure I have my PS Vita and 3DS, but I only play them at's cool to go from my city to my university city and all, but on the street I never use it.
Anyway, like I said, if they have a Pokemon game like the 3DS XY, ORAS and Sun Moon, then I'm all in...I can only imagine a Poke Rpg with better graphics and bigger worlds!
@PorllM I just read a bit online, Nintendo aren't releasing specs until next year but it looks like there using a nvidia tegra gpu so essentially it's a nvidia shield with a docking station. So now I can guess what's happened. The nvidia shield was a tablet that didn't sell well and was failing so they went to Nintendo and said here use our tablet as your new handheld and stick your os on it. That's exactly what's happened as Nintendo can't design anything decent. I bet if you open that tablet up its an nvidia sheild pretending to be a Nintendo handheld
Does it? It's still a perfectly functional portable PS1 and the Switch, as far as I'm aware, doesn't do that.
@DarkFauxeh Yeah that's been rumoured for months and was already known as soon as the announcement was made. It's not directly a shield in anyway but based on similar architecture. Some people are saying the vent on the dock means it could be a Tegra X1 chip which would be surprisingly powerful. Either way the architecture and concept are similar to the shield but the power won't be comparable. At the very least it will be more powerful than a Wii U which already outstripped the shield by a significant margin.
@Expa0 there's probably less than a thousand people in the whole world that would buy a handheld for that reason. And the Switch will have access to Nintendo's back catalogue which outshines Sony's in both quantity and quality. Bear in mind I've had a Vita since launch and still play it. Persona 4 Golden is my favourite game of all time. I'm not talking down on the Vita at all. But the Switch is the natural next step.
This with the new Zelda is a day 1 purchase for me.
It's smart of them to consolidate their portable and home consoles, just think of all the games this thing is going to get. Rather than making a Mario Kart for 3DS and one for Wii U, they can just make one then work on something new. Same for Smash Bros etc etc. Might finally get new F-Zero and Metroid games...
There will finally be a proper Pokemon game you can play on your TV, in fact that's the system seller right there.
Everyone is all about the Nintendo choo-choo hype train right now, and that's great. Nintendo, more than any other manufacturer, could use a little good will from gamers. But we're still in novelty mode, and Nintendo hasn't given us any of the bad news yet.
Maybe there won't be any bad news. Maybe it'll be a perfect system. But let's wait until we see more information about it before we start planning funerals. How much storage space does it have? How much does it cost? Does it have achievements? What's the UI like? What other features does it have? And so on and so forth.
Y'all may recall that everybody was buzzing about the PS Vita at first too. And then close to release Sony dropped bombshells about proprietary memory cards and how you'd need to remortgage your house to buy one.
All we know right now is that this is a hybrid system that looks cool. There's too much uncertainty to be cavalier about this system yet.
I will always love and play my Vita and PSP. I'm actually playing The 3rd Birthday now. I got the games but lack the time. It takes me years to get to some of them but I can always get to them. Probably gonna open my Legend of Heros Trails in the Sky after that. Stuff never gets old to me.
Vita has been (still is) a great handheld for me personally and although i really like the look and ideas behind switch im not sure where it belongs after all isnt cell phone gaming absolutely massive in japan? And like others have a said switch looks a little big and cumbersome to really portable(didnt MS have problems with size of the original xbox controller in japan?)and just from looking at switch i dont see how its going to come in under $350
@Kage_88 I agree, but how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? Are all FPS games blatant rip offs/cash grabs of Wolfenstein/Doom? Are all consoles just rip offs of the Magnavox Odyssey? Many people say "This MMO is just a rip off of WoW" but isn't WoW just a rip off of Everquest? And Everquest a rip off of MUDs? At some point its not ripping off, its not copying, its not a cash grab, its designing a product in an newly established field/genre/category with your own flavor and spin.
Its important to have this in the industry, because more often than not, the new product has had the time to learn from the old products mistakes, or improve it in some fundamental way. When speaking of the big players, you never hear them say "Oh, look at that, lets make that but not nearly as good." In general they strive to do better (and stand out) from the other designs, and more often than not, succeed and push the other companies to respond in a great competition loop. Throwing around the word copying (when it doesn't apply) is just ignoring all the history of each of these companies and the great things they have managed to accomplish by standing on the shoulders of those that came before.
I'm playing Valkyrie Drive. I also have Steins Gate 0, Root Letter, World of Final Fantasy, and Akiba's Beat to look forward to.
Dead indeed. This "dead" device is getting more interesting games this year than the high and mighty PS4.
@Ralizah I definitely wouldn't say it is getting more interesting games than ps4 coming out but as a person who's also into the niche kind of games you mentioned, I am always surprised when people come out with the "PS Vita is dead" doom and gloom. I can hardly keep the pace of the releases.
We have a WiiU and it's my son's main system. It's nice system, YouTube works well.
We were cautious optimistic about the NX, even when the 'gaming tablet' thing leaked.
After my first look at the Switch last night..I'm like speechless..Is this a joke?
A console for kids & parents that has like 10 different parts and tiny screen. WTF?
Nintendo should have cancelled this trainwreck in dev and doubled-down on the WiiU.
The WiiU already runs Nintendo games at 1080/60, where's my Super Mario Galaxy 3?
Nintendo has lost it's's about the games, not the hardware you fools.
@Feena Only exclusive releasing for PS4 this year that I'm even moderately interested in is TLG. I'd rather play the multiplats on Vita or PC. 2017 is looking really good for PS4, though: Persona 5, Gravity Rush 2, and Yakuza 0 are all hot.
And yeah, despite people continually pronouncing the Vita to be dead, it continues to get a lot of new releases, and people keep buying those games. That's the opposite of dead.
You could tell this was a Sammy article. He really seems to hate the Vita.
I think the Switch will be great, but I absolutely love my Vita. It's still my favorite handheld of all time. I think the problem that both the Wii U and the Vita had was that it sort of tried to be both but not really. The Vita was definitely a handheld that acted like a gimped console; the Wii U was definitely a console that acted like it was sort of a handheld insomuch as you play a Vita or DS lounging on the sofa. Neither really did the whole "combo" thing well. The Switch, however, seems like it will finally do that hybridization right.
It may flop. I think Nintendo will finally get it right this time, though, by reaching that true middle ground - far more powerful than any handheld we've imagined while keeping with Nintendo's tendency to prioritize gameplay options over hardware prowess in home consoles. I'll continue to buy new Vita releases as long as they keep coming, and I'll mourn its loss when it finally does breathe its last. I'm a huge and lifelong Nintendo fan, so I'm optimistic that the Switch will be a great platform, but I'm also still unconvinced about a lot of things given the scarcity of concrete details, so I'm remaining skeptical for the time being.
@GraveLordXD it won't have the power of a ps4 unless that things got a fan the size of the console strapped to the back and battery life will suck too if it's using that much power, only thing Nintendo has said is that it has a tegra graphics chip which I have seen on 2 tablets and it runs games awfully. I think next year in March it will be put back another 6 months to a year due to technology changing. Also to company's like Bethesda they didn't want to do skyrim again for ps4 and xbox one. Do you really think they're gonna do one for the switch I don't think so. What do you mean I can sit in my bedroom and play my ps4 on my pc or vita with no leads I do it all the time, if they made a dock for the vita that was connected to the TV, it would be exactly the same thing
@GraveLordXD don't carts have a slower read speed than an optical drive
@PorllM yeah it'll out shine PlayStation back catalogue rubbish all Nintendos back catalogue are all mostly Mario games lol
@GamerDad66 you are quite right, in the end it's all about the games, but I have very little doubt that Nintendo will have a solid selection of games ready to show the next time we hear about the Switch. Yesterday it was just about the concept and they really did a good job at explaining the basic idea of the console and finding a possible place for them in the game market - things they haven't quite sorted out with the WiiU. And I say this as a gamer who largely prefers Sony's devices and ecosystem.
@GraveLordXD I like Nintendo games. A lot. The point is they're not very varied in the atmosphere department, so if someone is not into bright and colorful games I can see 75%-80% of Nintendo's backlog being unappealing to them. The "family-friendly" thing can get irksome for a lot of persons, I know I have problems with the wiiU interface and all those people holding hands like it's a telethon commercial or something.
Also: we feel the nostalgia because we grew up with Nintendo's IPs but there are a lot of gamers that grew up playing Resident Evil and Tekken and Final Fantasy 7 (It should be illegal to be so young, I know) so with every new generation, Nintendo's iconic IPs have less and less staying power and relevance. But they are being very smart in rekindling some of the sparks with the mobile games. Pokemon Go got a lot of people with a renewed appetite for traditional Pokemon games and we can hope Super Mario Run does the same for Mario.
Yes, I'm a real person and a Day One $349 Black WiiU owner (due to my son).
I also think the WiiU has been over-priced and that was it's main problem.
Remember when Nintendo was selling that Baby Blue Wii at Walmart for $89, that's the approach they should be taking with the WiiU.
Double-down and get the price as low as possible, because the hardware is decent for what Nintendo does and library is pretty good now.
Instead they are going to launch a new priece of hardware that doesn't use discs and will have no BC.
They've said it's not a successor to the 3DS or the WiiU (and they thought the customer confusion with the WiiU hurt them...that's going to be nothing compared to Switch).
Is it a portable, tablet, console...who knows? At least Zelda's coming out on WiiU.
If you come to Japan, where I am now, it's very different for Vita. Not only does it sell well every week, stores have huge Vita sections with lots of games.
That said, bring on the switch!
@adf86 Pokemon will be a mass appeal alone.
The PlayStation Vita can be as good as the switch providing you have a playstation TV. You can play your Vita game save it on the cloud download to your Vita and your away. Also you can play two player games on on the PlayStation tv the other on the Vita. Most games you can download uptown three devices. So in reality Sony has had its own switch all along but failed to realise what it had. I would suggest to anyone before crossing over to the switch try the PlayStation tv first with your Vita.
I would have marketed them together and as a bundle for at home and on the go.
As usual Sony never really knows what it has until it's nearly to late.
It was a mistake to solely market as a ps4 extension.
Any thoughts?
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