While it sounds like God of War will be skipping PSX 2016, there's a good chance that you'll be seeing more of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End – well, its single player expansion, to be precise. According to Let's Play Video Games – the same site that's been breaking Nintendo Switch news like there's no tomorrow – the story-based add-on pack for Nathan Drake's final ever adventure will debut during Sony's press conference in December.
That's hardly surprising seeing as it'll mark about six months since Uncharted 4's release, but it's nice to have a few unnamed sources to back up our expectations. Troy Baker, speaking at MCM Comic Con in London this weekend, would neither confirm nor deny the reports, but did say that a formal announcement will be made "very soon" and that it will be "by far the biggest story DLC [Naughty Dog] has done".
Apparently, the expansion will follow Drake and his brother Sam, and not a certain other relative that we'll refrain from naming for fear of spoilers. Much like The Last of Us: Left Behind, it also sounds like the developer will sell this as a standalone product, meaning that you won't necessarily need to own the base game in order to enjoy it. It makes sense, of course – though we're not sure why people who haven't played Uncharted 4 would be into its add-on.
[source letsplayvideogames.com]
Comments 21
Thanks for the non-spoiler, it's on the list. I'm waiting for those 3 UK bundles to head to the US. Or a Pro bundle, surely Sony knows Americans are all about the moar power.
3 weeks until Black Friday, then it's do or die.
2-3 hours for $20 would probably sell very well. I'm kind of surprised after R&C Quest for Booty sold for $15 for 3 hours all those years ago we haven't seen a ton more mini episodes. I know some games do it, but doesn't seem like a lot. I guess it's too easy to make money on $49.99 DLC season passes.
I am so hyped!
Been wondering about this. Dunno how much I want to read about it since I haven't played Uncharted 4, but it's still something that I'm curious about.
A standalone option isn't that new - Wolfenstein, Infamous (at least twice) and Saints Row have all had standalone SP add-ons in recent years. Wolfensteins was originally planned as 2 separate DLC expansions but ended up being bolted together and sold separately as a standalone.
I think it seems 'better' value than a linked DLC even if it has exactly the same content. It seems that you are getting a mini-game rather than patched in content that I assume (rightly or wrongly) are using the engine and assets from the base game.
Wow i actually forgot there was going to be story dlc.
@3Above same
Nice. I look forward to playing the main story again and checking out the DLC on the Pro.
Standalone expansions are definitely the best way to launch dlc. I still haven't finished the main game although this announcement gives me more of an incentive to do that soon.
It won't be hard to be the biggest one Naughty Dog's done - the only competition is Left Behind.
Going to be disappointed if Chloe doesn't show up in the DLC.
@themcnoisy Why did you stop halfway through?
@Miles_Edgeworth I dunno, I like the game and have finished the Uncharted collection but I'm a bit warn out by the gameplay. Dont worry I will stick it back on soon. That 52gb install needs to shift.
Cool! I loved the main story. It was the best of the series I think. Can't wait!
Cool! I was wondering WHEN this would happen
Where is my R&C DL, though? ;_;
Even tho I liked Left Behind I hope it's longer that it.
Where's that co-op got to, though?
@ShogunRok I was gonna ask this as well. Still waiting for it…...
@themcnoisy that's fair enough, I played all 4 very close together and had to take a bit of a break from the gameplay as well. Just do make sure you finish it, it's fantastic!
@themcnoisy that's fair enough, I played all 4 very close together and had to take a bit of a break from the gameplay as well. Just do make sure you finish it, it's fantastic!
Will be playing this on my pro, I don't have problem with uncharted 4 graphics though, unlike some game like bloodborne or the witcher 3 that's obviously need the pro power, uncharted 4 graphics is already good.
Hey Naughty Dog… here's the deal. I'm a huge Uncharted fan but I'll only buy your story DLC after you give us the promised coop. We are well into Autumn now and there is not a single word from you about coop.
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