Sony's said that it expects to sell "hundreds of thousands" of PlayStation VR headsets at launch, which may make the company the de facto virtual reality market leader by the end of the day. Sony Europe chief Jim Ryan was speaking with CNBC, and explained that there's been "significant" interest in pre-orders. We're hearing that practically all of the release day stock is gone, though it's not yet clear how many units the manufacturer shipped.
With stocks already running low and hype at an all-time high, the big question is whether the Japanese giant will be able to keep up with demand. "We know that the replenishment cycle is a good one, production is going exactly as we anticipated," Ryan continued. "We have made decisions to further increase capacity at the back end of 2016 and into 2017, so there are going to be a lot of PlayStation VRs around the world."
However, Ryan did have a warning: "Whether that's enough to satisfy the demands of the market, we'll see." In other words: if you want one of these things, get yourself on a waiting list – and soon.
[source cnbc.com]
Comments 24
Considering their hoping to sell up to 2 million units within the first year then I think they will quite satisfied by that.
I hope we get some launch day numbers next week. I'm sure they'll boast if they think they've outsold Oculus/Vive at launch.
Considering the cost of the Oculus/Vive vs the PSVR, it wouldn't surprise me if it outsold them, especially given the large PS4 install base.
That said, I know most of the stores in my area (antedocial evidence here) got received around 20-40 units I wonder if they'll hit that "hundreds of thousands" number.
@get2sammyb Thats not heard. Outselling Samsung is harder. VR on a device you use everyday for less cost? Whats the average joe gonna want?
And Vive has seen no growth and Oculus has seen very very little. If PSVR does well then great, but on PC everyone who cares bought. The cost to entry is high regardless, that and as stated by Jim Sterling there is a huge market segment cut by default, those with disabilities both mental and physical. I say this as someonr who cant use VR period. Future iterations can improve on this and likely will.
I just think objectively the use of the 6 year old Move and hidden costs and cut market is enough for me at this point to say "Its nice but needs room to improve".
And yes I gave it a shot. My uni is Sony partnered and we have Dev Kits for all their stuff. Tried it, migraine, threw up and it just did not sit. But thats just me. Its so personal.
In Spain, on Amazon (earlier), you could still get one by Saturday (or Monday if you're too far away from the distribution centres). UK Amazon has had 12th December for fulfilling pre-orders for ages.
I think it's safe to say that it's sold shedloads. Spain can be a bit backwards, but even with the good delivery option, it has been in the top 5 selling video game stuff for a long time.
I think this is a bit like Apple Watch. It might not sell millions, but it will certainly sell more than the competition almost immediately upon launch.
I am in nearly every post and I LOVE IT. It's really really good.
@BLPs What game did you try? I find the sickness to be a software issue more than a hardware one.
@get2sammyb It was some weird demo stuff. Think some was made by students fiddling with the tech and another was example software engines come loaded with for devs. Dont think its commercially viable, like Unity for Wii U has a Nintendo made title with it for example material. It was a dev kit afterall.
End of the day I knew I had problems with Oculus and Vive when testing those too. Dunno why I thought PSVR was gonna be different XD. Thats the problem, ya got too many medical issues, it becomes harder. Just gonna stick with standard stuff for now.
Sammy, I'm sorry to bother you, but does your processing unit keeps on "cooling" when it's in standby as well (with the PSVR in rest mode and headset turned off with the power button)? I went out to grab a bit to eat about 2 hours ago and when I came home I could hear the fan still blowing (I suppose it's the fan, it's too noisy for just some static. It sounds like a regular PS4 that's on without it running any games).
@Boerewors Hi, mine does it also. Strange. But when I put PS4 to sleep processing unit goes luckilly to sleep also and becomes quiet.
I've tried my other headset and this one shuts down pretty fast after turning it off, even in rest mode. So I might have to return the other one, it's still in stand- by making noise after about 4 hours of more.
(I've bought several to send back home, but I've got to test them all while I'm in Europe in case there's something wrong with one (or more) of them; turns out that wasn't such a bad idea after all!)
It would be a shock to me if they didn't have that many sales or more across the next 2 months.
They marketed to the right crowd.
Oh wow, I was thinking VR would be in millions not hundred thousands.
This doesn't bode well for the future of VR, at least this generation. A game would have to sell to every single owner to even hit, let's say, 500,000 sales.
I mean I'm glad to hear it's doing comparatively well, but I wonder is comparatively well good enough?
@Boerewors hi , maybe I wrote it badly . It's because there are three states of power with vr. All on / psvr off PS4 on / all off .
In second state processing unit still cools down(white light). In third state processing unit is silent (red light).
I got that 😀 The thing is though that one of the units doesn't automatically turn itself completely off (red) after a while. The other unit I used took some time to cool down and displayed the white light, but after half an hour or so it just switched itself entirely off and displayed the red light.
You know what I just found out btw, that the processing unit automatically turns on when your PS4 is downloading in rest mode. I just bought Gunjack -for the hell of it- on my browser and placed it in the download-queue and immediately I heard the processing unit switching on; the little PlayStation that could is pretty loud! It's compensating I guess, typical case of a Napoleon complex.
@Boerewors @Boerewors Yeah, it's not just you guys. They need to fix that — it's like the PS4 doesn't send it a signal to turn off.
@JaxonH That's an interesting point. I sincerely hope it succeeds because it is amazing. It is only talking about launch though. Hundreds of thousands is pretty good for launch isn't it? Hopefully the hype and scarcity makes sales continue to go up. I'll certainly be buying as many good experiences as I can to support the devs.
@Boerewors ok I finally got it ;-D that thing with turning on while downloading from queue is bad, especially for people sleeping in same room with PS4.
I'm sure GameStop is sold out, but I was at Target tonight and they still had two of the $399 units.
If those units have been sitting out all day, that's not a good sign in America.
There are reports that PS VR is more in demand in Europe (Germany, for example).
Nobody I talk to is really that excited about PSVR, granted it's a small sample size of 15 people, but we're all gaming enthusiasts and that's the group Sony has to sell to first because the casual isn't going to just jump in at $400 on a product that may or may not have a bright future. Last I knew the local GameStop had only taken 11 pre-orders on the PSVR which was much lower than anticipated and lagged behind Wii U sales numbers. It just doesn't seem like there's much excitement outside of the hardcore PS fanbase that frequents websites but obviously time will tell. The original Wii and Kinect were both products that hit big at first then stumbled. I could see VR being the opposite, a slow burn but as tech improves it'll become more intriguing.
This is good news in the sense that the sales are going to plan. They could have manufactured millions for launch but they are testing the waters here. They games that are being released are probably being subsidised in some way as sales will be lower than mainstream titles at this stage.
I think if VR was readily available to all at launch and numbers were still in the hundreds of thousands, the news story would be a VR fail. I think the aim is to get it in the hands of early adopters and hope the hardware and software sell the experience. My wife was slightly scornful of the money spent and why I wanted it but 5 mins on the ocean demo and she conceeded that this was unlike any experience she had had before in the home.
People aren't excited by VR but then there hasn't been a marketing blitz. I see buses here in the UK with PS Slim adverts but nothing about VR. I was in London yesterday and no posters or adverts I could see on the underground etc. W've discussed elsewhere but this is a deliberate move on Sony's part. Will it work? No idea but I think a perceived lack of attention is not due to lack of faith in the product. People who have tried it largely liked the experience and would recommend it.
Considering they didn't make millions, nor have they even released the system in most territories, I'd say "many hundreds of thousands" is about on mark. Right now, last I checked, Oculus was mid 300,000s, and Vive was high 400,000s. The word "many", to me, means at least 3-5, as 2 would be a couple, and several is usually 7 or more. If that's the case, PSVR has at least caught up to Oculus literally overnight. For a system relying off the purchase of ANOTHER system to play it, that's pretty damn good.
Well right, it's clearly good in comparison to the others, but I'm wondering is that enough? I mean, they can sit king of the mountain with 500k sales, but is that going to be enough to keep games rolling in?
I'm skeptical. I think VR will be popular with a small niche crowd, but I doubt it'll be the "future of gaming". It seems like motion controls all over again, just with expensive equipment and a headset.
I'm curious about numbers in December. There will be ps4pro + psvr packs. Lot of people considering buying ps4pro over psvr....so one product cannibalizes others. Let's see later how sales of slim, psvr and pro will be like.
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