Is the Nintendo Switch going to go up against the PlayStation 4, or is it attempting to carve out a niche all for itself? Does this really spell the end for the Vita – and potentially Sony's time in the handheld space? And are there any similarities between the House of Mario's new machine and the PlayStation maker's past moves in the portable sector?
We simply couldn't finish the day without having a quick chat about the Big N's new box, and what it means for Sony, so enjoy the musings embedded above.
Comments 26
I think the announcement is (admittedly, accidentally) well timed, so the question in a lot of gamers' minds will be: upgrade a console you already own, or wait and get this. I've been kind of interested in a PS4 Pro, but the Switch (nice name, perhaps not as accidental) has me holding off, waiting to hear more.
I'm interested in hearing more about the specs, but I'll end up getting one anyways
I'm actually glad it's Nintendo doing this and not Sony. I have very little interest in mobile gaming.
If I do get the Switch I bet it rarely if ever leaves it's docking station.
Even if I don't get one I'm happy Nintendo fans are finally getting more 3rd party support.
I play almost everything on hand helds, so this is perfect for me.
It's good to see some innovation and not the same old. We don't know any info yet so hard to judge. We need answers to what specs does it have, battery life, can you connect to the net on the go. What 3rd party games are coming. All we know is its both a console and portable not much else. But it's not really going to effect the PS4 and the Vita has long been dead.
I'm just getting the Mini NES. Depending on the games maybe I Switch.
Very innovative, I like the idea. Not sure I like the button placements for the handheld mode, though. Doesn't seem comfortable, especially for your thumbs.
Even if it becomes a successful machine, I don't see it catching up to the runaway success of the PS4 in the West.
Well, some people are out and about a lot, more than others. Kids going to school, to college, even going to work, or friends houses, etc. There's a huge mobile market, and playing games like Zelda and Skyrim on the go is infinitely more appealing than playing small indies and bite sized games, even moreso than handheld games (which are essentially scaled down console games).
And even not leaving the house, just playing in the kitchen, or bedroom, or bathroom, or playing while sitting on your porch... who wouldn't have any interest in doing so if they had the option to.
I think Sony's pretty much got the console market in a headlock, well, between them and MS, and Nintendo has the handheld market in a headlock. But there's still a small portion of the console market that Nintendo has managed to hold onto, and I think this is their way of at least maintaining that portion of the market and not conceding it completely, while combining it with their mobile market to carve out their own sustainable hundred million sales target platform. They may have had to combine their mobile and handheld markets into one but it's a cutthroat market and it's something they just needed to do, so I'm glad to see them do it.
I really think this draws the lines so to speak. There's not enough room in the home console market for three major competitors offering the exact same thing. Nintendo has been beaten in that respect. They know they need to offer something different, something the other two can't and don't offer, and this is the manifestation of that.
And in the end it's only good for us gamers because it gives us a new product to consider. A new experience to enjoy alongside our traditional muscle console. Nobody would want to buy Switch if it was just a PS4/X1 clone, with the exact same games and experiences PS4 and Xbox One gamer's already have access to. Nothin new. Nothing different. Just a clone of what you already own.
Very interesting. I came out of the announcement today super excited for Nintendo's next console. It also made me realize that I will not be getting the ps4 pro, and just stick with the regular version. I still want to get VR down the line, but for now I gotta wait until March and see what the switch has in store. No matter what you play, this is a great time to be a gamer.
Very interesting, I love my 3ds , I may end up getting this. I'm skipping the ps4pro And waiting for the ps5 or whatever
I just hope the screen/portable ergonomic is not as horrible as the wii u gamepad, I just need 1 day to use it before buying the wii u pro controller. I'm not interested on home console though since I already preordered the ps4 pro, I'll buy switch if it can be used as good portable machine.
@Grawlog I don't think switch can play more demanding games like battlefield 1, titanfall 2, and the witcher 3, so your best bet for playing third party game is a console or gaming pc. I do want it for playing exclusive nintendo game though, as long as the price is right of course, between $250-300.
I think this was a smart move by Nintendo. Nintendo has always succeeded with handhelds that much was obvious, it's just nice to see that they finally have learned that. It seems to me that The Switch is meant more to co-exsit with a Xbox One rather then compeat with them directly.
The Switch is clearly not an anti-PS4 but many PS4 owner would easily prefer to spend € 400 in a new console instead of spending them in a VR set.
I'm interested, but the Nintendo game I really want is coming to arcades this January.
The local multiplayer is the killer app with switch, good one Nintendo.
I'm intrigued, more so than gen 1 vr. Its a good time to be a gamer. Play through ff15, persona, rinse my backlog and buy this a few months after release as a second console with Mario and Zelda. Sweet.
........and the back log grows even bigger.
Yes!! As soon as I can pre-order the Nintendo Switch I will, it's going to be fab having Mario back near the top whoop whoop! Loved the wii (using a controller) but didn't get the wii u as it just didn't do it for me, my PlayStation 4 will be getting a nice rest come March.
But it's OK people don't panic!!! PlayStation will make a Vita Slim ready for release before march LMAO 😂😂😂
Looks like a great console, can't wait to get one.
It had me sold just from that video.I think it's a great idea they have there and even though I didant play my vita that much (usually only if I spent time in hospital or away from home) I always kind of wished I could carry on with the game I was playing on the ps4 instead.And this solves that problem..
Besides,I've missed those Nintendo exclusive games...mainly the ones where some strange plumber dude says things like "itz a me!Mario!"
@BensonUii Oh, come on - this thing supposedly has a share button. And in a lot of ways it is the final (and better) embodiment of concepts that Sony explored with Vita and ps3 - ps4 connectivity / cross play / remote play. I don't think Sony is the only one paying attention to other companies' good ideas
For me the Switch is good news - I love the Vita, it's the console I play the most and this looks like what will replace it naturally since I don't see Sony following up, they have their hands busy with too much hardware already.
I also must say that at least fo me PlayStation VR looks more like a gimmick/fad than this surprisingly very traditional piece of hardware from Nintendo.
Switch has completely stolen the PSVR's thunder, thankfully so. VR gaming is largely an overpriced, silly waste of effort and resources, and I've been saying it is not the future of gaming. You could buy a switch for the same price, and not have to isolate yourself inside a helmet. Plus most people seem to have forgotten they hate motion controls. Unless you play nothing but shooters and racers, it doesn't benefit the vast majority of game genres. It's a fad, and one that will die quickly.
Switch looks wonderful, something I've wanted for years. Bravo Nintendo, please keep making your own hardware and blazing your own trail. Day 1 buy.
The only thing I've come to realize was ill wait for vR to get a system seller before I buy. But other than that i wont be leaving the land of PlayStation any time soon.
I've always thought the reason that Nintendo's handhelds sell better than Sony is that the former are chunky, quite utilitarian devices you don't mind taking out with you and chucking in a bag.
The PSP and Vita are gorgeous devices you want to look after. And, therefore, don't use away from home.
So I wonder if this more stylish Nintendo device will work quite as well as the mobile device it's being pushed as.
It hooks up to your T.V. and it is portable.
1st day purchase.
better graphics than the Playstation 3 and I can play games on the move it is a no brainer 6 months to save.
Love the concerto and they have about 6 titles that ido wanna play! I'm totally down for this! =) at thus point the only thing they should do with vita is make it a remote play only device with a couple other media options! Make remoteplay works flawlessy as long as the. Vita and your PS4 are connected to a strong wifi signal!
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