Episode 17 - Bethesda's Review Code Policy

Here on the Push Square Podcast, we pride ourselves on delivering the hottest of hot takes and the only opinions that matter anywhere in the universe. Naturally that means that in this episode we take a long hard look at how Bethesda's newly reformed review policy could affect both consumers and the industry in general. The super-duper special guest this week – we literally can't get enough of him it seems – is once again Alex Stinton who joins us to talk Battlefield 1 and addresses the concerns Ben and I have had since the first teaser trailer. Found in the depths of my Indie Bin this week is the undeniably different Virginia, which is a 'walking simulator'. Obviously.

We round off the show, as always, with the great questions asked by you guys in our forum thread. We love chatting with you and hearing your feedback about the 'cast, so please feel free to drop a comment in the forum thread, in the comment section below, or by emailing us on our fancy new email: podcast@pushsquare.com.

I'd lastly like to take this opportunity to encourage all our listeners to please have a read of Push Square's Review Policy, its stance on the matter we tackled in this weeks 'cast and to also be mindful of the community rules before ranting and raving in any of our comment sections regarding the matter!

Show Notes

  • News: 02:59
  • Bethesda's New Review Code Policy: 17:16
  • Battlefield 1: 24:18
  • Indie Bin - Virginia: 35:40
  • WAYP: 40:50
  • Audience Questions: 46:49

Your Hosts

Ben Potter
Twitter: @Confused_Dude

Having twice been admitted to a clinic for Platinum addiction, Ben frequently collects the most reprehensible Trophies that PSN has to offer. Got recognised for being #famous by CEX employee – will sign game cases for £££, just form an orderly queue.

Ben Tarrant
Twitter: @Ben_Tarrant

Ben is a self-proclaimed coffee fiend, vinyl enthusiast, and Fallout fanatic. He's one half of our Push Square Podcast and seems to have finally grasped pronouncing Soundcloud. Maybe.

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