See the image that we've embedded above? That PlayStation Plus banner is sitting on the European PlayStation Store right now. It obviously has 'November Monthly Games' written on it, but neither of the games that are pictured were part of this month's line up, suggesting that these two titles will be heading December's offering on PlayStation 4.
The two games on show are Invisible, Inc. - a strategic stealth-'em-up that our own Alex Stinton really enjoyed - and the awfully named Stories: The Path of Destinies, which is a reasonably clever action role-playing release that features a fun, branching story. We quite liked that one as well, but we were forced to point out that the title had some surprisingly poor frame rate issues. Fortunately, from what we understand, those problems have since been patched.
Would you be happy with those two games, or were you hoping for something different in December? Wait patiently for the official word in the comments section below.
Comments 54
Would make sense since none of those games were in the sales, though I could have sworn Invisible Inc was already on Plus but guess I was wrong.
I loved stories. Need to finish grinding out the plat.
As a new Vita owner, I'm pretty much only interested in seeing what's coming for that system next month! My Vita won't arrive for a few more days, but I made sure to download the two November ones to have when it arrives!
guess we are back to indie plus
....a cuppa haters?
Seeing as I've never heard of these games, can't say I'm too excited.
(No reflection on the games' quality, it's just how I judge my free gift each month)
Invisible Inc would be excellent, hopefully that rumour is accurate.
Would yet another disappointing month from my perspective so no I wouldn't be happy!
I would be ok with this, really quite liked the look of Stories and almost bought it a few times, glad to hear its been patched to sort out any bugs
Look's like a poor offering to me but i'll try em.
I rarely played psplus game anymore, used it just for discount and cloud saves.
Both came out in April 2016...maybe just a coincidence but would be a pretty easy fake to make.
I'm going to stop buying bloody Indie games as every time I do lo and behold eight months later they turn up on PS +. That being said my backlog is starting to get immense so need to stop buying games full stop.
@wiiware I can't remember the last time I downloaded and played a IGC game. I never buy digital games either so the 'discounts' are meaningless to me. Often (it seems) that you save a few extra pennies (an extra 10%) that if you 'tried' to get your PS+ subscription back, you would need to buy a LOT of games to make it financially beneficial. I don't know what difference the Cloud Saves make but I have never used this deliberately.
For me, PS+ is a necessary evil and something I now need to play the games I buy to their fullest. Without it, a game like Destiny for example is worthless even though I spent over £100 on it. Games like CoD, BF etc are extremely limited in what they can offer to non PS+ owners.
If Sony reverted back to the same 'Free' online gaming as the PS3 was, I wouldn't hesitate to cancel my PS+ subscription.
I do have an Xbox and also pay for Gold and the principal is the same. Over the course of the last year though, I have downloaded quite a few GwG (inc the 360 BC titles). Right now though, if I had to pick between Gold or PS+, I get much better 'value' from Gold.
I heard good things about Stories and wanted to give it a go on release, glad I waited.
@Thrash13 Nice one mate, what memory card are you buying with it? As a heads up persona 4 golden is £6.99 right now. I bought it (finally) last night and that's the cheapest we will see the game obviously unless it goes on igc. Its the biggest game on vita so worth checking out.
I'm happy with these games, with ff15 and Xmas around the corner who's got time to play other games anyway?
@BAMozzy I can't image if someday my ps4 harddisk broke and I lose all the save files, with cloud saves at least some of my saves is, well, saved
I usually bought heavily discounted digital games for the games I want to play but can wait, I just bought doom for $20, that's a pretty good deal I think
@Thrash13 Man psvita is a treasure cove for classic games, I nearly fill my 64gb psvita memory card with the classic ps one games, from castlevania sympony of the night to twisted metal, soul reaver, wild arms and ff7, also psv is the best place to play great indie game like spelunky, severed, axiom verge, etc, and don't forget all the jrpg. Btw, congrats on your new psvita
Invisible Inc is very highly regarded across the board as far as I understand. I've nearly bought it a few times, so seeing it in Plus would be fantastic!
Accidentally making the poster with the wrong month on it is a very difficult mistake to make and as mentioned by someone else, both were launched in April. Smells like a trick to me. They usually put their best games on there in December to encourage you to resub.
I think PS Plus provides great value even if it was just the cloud saving for games I would be happy. I have made so many savings as well through ps plus discounts.Along with that you have vita and PS3 games. I am only paying £32 a year no one pays the £40 you can always get it discounted down. At the moment from a certain store you can get ps plus sub and £20 psn credit for $49.99. So only works out at £30. I think Ps Plus games should be smaller indie games I would much rather see them supported than big AAA titles.
I do like the inclusion of indies in the free monthly downloads as I do sometimes come across the odd gem that I may have otherwise missed. Personally though, I think the omission of something a little more AAAish in the December offering to be a little disappointing (if this rumour turns out to be true of course).
@wiiware Aren't they backed up to the cloud anyway? I thought the only benefit was transferring 'larger' content to other devices...
@JoeBlogs because its a lot easier than italicising or making these words bold!
@JoeBlogs Half the discounts offered on the PS store aren't really discounts, barely bring pricing into line with physical!
I no longer buy any of the indie games on the store anymore, partly because I haven't got the time to play what I already own and partly due to them always turning up on PS Plus at some point. It must affect their sales as I can't be in the minority with this approach.
Quite enjoyed that spelling game last month, I prefer getting games I'd probably never buy. That transformers game was awful though, it was like watching MTV.
Last time I sent my backlog off to NASA to calculate how many games I had left to play it was clocking in at around 90. Then black friday sales happened and I bought another ten games. Then Final Fantasy XV came out. The Last Guardian in a couple of weeks. And then the six or seven games I'll get for Christmas. And then the games I get to review.
It doesn't matter what the PS Plus games are. Even if I quit my day job I'll still not get around to them until 2018.
@BAMozzy Unfortunately no , you can back it up to usb or harddisk though.
@DualWielding So what?
@JoeBlogs Its not meant sarcastically in the majority of cases but as we can't type inflections into our written word, this is easier than either italicising or making a word bold.
What I was insinuating though with regards to the majority of discounts, that if the only reason to buy PS+ was for these, you would need to buy a lot of digital content a year to make it financially beneficial. Saving an extra 10% is always nice but the reality is this can only be a £1 or £2 and its not as if you don't get discounts if you don't subscribe. If you averaged a £2 saving per game, you would need to buy 20 games a year just to be better off than not subscribing. In a lot of cases, its still often cheaper to buy Physical than pay the store sale prices.
Of course this is if the only reason you subscribe was to benefit from additional discounts but I am sure for many, the main reason is primarily online gaming and things like the IGC, Discounts and additional cloud storage are just 'bonuses' - no I am not being sarcastic but its easier than italicising it!!
@themcnoisy Just feel the need to interject:
Just because a franchise is popular doesn't mean it's for everyone.
I got P4G because I love the main SMT games.
Turns out I don't like Persona, though.
(I just can't grok the whole dating sim type gameplay during the day. Also, I don't feel like save scumming because I fail a conversation, especially with a dedicated save point...)
@JoeBlogs LMAO - see it is easier than italicising!
There are a 'few' occasions when you can get a very good deal but more often than not it is still cheaper to buy physical - particularly if you are prepared to search the internet. As with all games though, if you wait long enough, you will inevitably find a price that suits you. Within a few weeks Titanfall 2 was a LOT cheaper - more than I paid on release but I could still find it cheaper on disc than digitally this weekend.
Sales though generally only benefit those games that have been out a while and in most cases, these were games we didn't necessarily want or could afford at their release window. As an example, I bought Doom in the recent sales (with a Season Pass) and whilst I could probably of afforded it at release, I couldn't justify spending £40+ on a game I had no interest in the MP. Now its less than half price an additional SP content (like Arcade mode), I think it maybe worth the £20 its cost me
I know that games like Uncharted 4 and Titanfall 2 (especially TF2) are cheaper than what I spent but I obviously thought they were worth buying at release. PS+ would be far more beneficial if it offered discounts on pre-orders/new releases or maybe even additional cosmetic bonuses. Its rare that you save money on a 'digital' game and more often than not, by the time they are discounted to a 'competitive' price, we already have the game.
Whoop-de-doo. More crappy indie games that I wouldn't pay a $1 for. Meanwhile Sony is still trying to justify their price hike for PS Plus.
Honestly wouldn't have time to play them anyway thanks to XV.
@TheGZeus I didn't rate PG4 either and I gave it a fair 20 hour crack, still interested in P5 though. That said, a lot of people do like PG4 so for that price I'd basically recommend anyone and everyone give it a go since you never know - you may end up loving it.
@kyleforrester87 I... can't parse that logic.
"I didn't like this, but other people did, therefore people should spend money on it".
If Morrowind is on sale, I mention it on twitter, because I think it's a great game. I also give many caveats regarding its age and mechanics.
I wouldn't recommend FFX, despite its popularity, at ANY price... Because I think it's rubbish. (Hours of my life gone to that bad LSD trip with no interactive elements...)
Same with any BioWare game. Not sure how much I'd need to be paid to play any of their games, but I feel like I was robbed at the steep discounts at which I bought them. (Tried one from every franchise. Raged at the awful mechanics, fake choices and ham-handed story every time)
Recommending a game you don't like based on nothing but the price... idgi
I recommended P4G to a friend who likes visual novels and turn-based combat, because i know their tastes.
I know Persona is a decent franchise, I just can't get with it. I only recommend games i don't get with to people who definitely would.
God, I'm long winded...
Do we really care? Everyone is complaining that there are so many games being released over the past few weeks and with final fantasy 15 just coming out and the last guardian about to be released (among broketober games and an action packed November) who has time to even play these?
The only reasons I care about PS+:
A: I need cloud saves until I get a bigger HD (swapping games in and out... Grrrrrrr)
B: Ludwig
C: Maria
D: Orphan of Kos
@TheGZeus I like to think when I read reviews for games, films or whatever I'm getting comments written by someone looking at the medium objectively and at least partially putting his/her own preferences to one side and thinking about the potential audience that might actually find those aspects appealing.
I also like to think I know enough about games (fingers crossed!!) to understand why people would like PG4 (and Shenmue, and others..) even though these games don't really meet my own needs.
So yeah, even though I didn't really like PG4 I understand it's a popular game and for good reason. For £6.99 everyone should try it - that risk is well worth the potential reward. Of course, full price, perhaps not.
So much for an Xmas treat on PS Plus.
We need to stop grumble peaple for what 50 sterling a year we get 24 games on ps4 24 on ps3 and on vita another lot. Last night i spent 35 sterling for the witness sword coast legend rainbow moon and some other indie games. I have been playig vidoegames for the last 30 years or so. Enjoy yourselves, games have came far from that age where we waited 50 min to get a read write error on the zx spectrum or what was it called. Indipendent gamea are a fresh breath in the industry these days. Give them a try. You might be surprised.
Kill the PSplus. Really, this is pathetic! 3 YEARS! It's time to give us some old AAA title!
I guess that means we won't get Watch Dogs 2?😛
@JoeBlogs I am the same! With 40years of gaming, I grew up with physical and I much prefer to have something I can physically hold for my money anyway. I spend enough on Bills (Internet, Electricity, PS+/Gold etc) that I can't actually hold.
I still prefer to buy music and films physically too and have over 1000 CDs.
As a big indie fan, I for one would be more than happy with Invisible, Inc. It's a fantastic game. In fact, I only wish Klei would bring it to PS Vita, too. Their previous game, Don't Starve, was far better suited to the handhelds pick-up-and-play nature, and I think that'd be the case here, too.
Yeah.... Wouldn't play either of these. I've still got REmake and Lords of the Fallen to get through so I'm not going to lose any sleep over a month I'm not that keen on.
@Frank90 wtf mate calm down. We've had a few old retail games now. Doesn't need to be retail every month.
I hope not they both look rubbish. At least Xbox is giving great titles for December.
@Quintumply Nearly bought it on sale a couple times as well, Invisible Inc. Please!
@kyleforrester87 That's my point, really.
If you think it's decent, but not for you, you should be aware that someone else might share your opinion.
"You should get X game if/unless Y".
There's no such thing as an objective game review, because games are arts and entertainment, and even if something is broken, hideous, and has terrible performance at best, someone can still love it. Case in point: I adore Daggerfall, but can't even figure out how to play Fallout New Vegas (so, what quests do I take next? Do I just explore until I find the fleshwalls of death and then metagame away that direction for now? Why am I shooting bugs in the face so I can get better at talking?), Even though I consider it a better game. (Better combat, graphics, story, mechanics overall...).
I'd still only recommend NV to someone who likes rather silly post apocalyptic fiction, wanted a rather linear experience, and didn't mind a lot of trial and error.
Caveats. They're important when recommending anything.
@TheGZeus I do agree, the caveat in this scenario I think being its acclaimed reputation and great price tag. I do get what you mean, though. I can't recommend Dragon Age Inquisition, for example.
I thought we were about due for another AAA game; especially at Christmas time. Seems like Sony have Scrooge on the payroll.
Lets hope they give a triple A game soon that everyone has, at least be a different angle for people to whinge from...
No VR game to be seen, indie or AAA. Ah well, merry Christmas lol.
Works for me. Haven't played either of 'em, and I always a fan of checking out different games to see what they're all about. Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised by how much I like 'em.
Also, it doesn't surprise me that they're not AAA releases. With the holiday buying season upon us, no sense in giving away the big titles when parents and relatives are out shopping for those same AAA games to give as Christmas presents.
If you want decent free game's each month grab an Xbox, have you looked what they get compared to us >.< PS+ pale's in comparison. Personaly i'm not to fussed about the free game's, I usualy try 90% of em and never play em again but it's not like PS+ is expensive it cost's about £2.50-£3 a month if you shop around.
No problem with either of these, but just got so many to get through at this point that I'm not sure I'll ever get round to them!
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