Nathan Drake will cameo in one final adventure, but it's his brother Sam who will take the lead in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End's standalone story spin-off. The all-new adventure – which will apparently be announced at PSX 2016 next week – will allegedly launch early next year, and will see Drake "handing over the adventuring reins" to his sibling. That's all according to a report on Jaffameister, but it tallies with previous things that we've heard.
Apparently the story will be longer than the critically acclaimed The Last of Us: Left Behind; given that was a good few hours, this will probably take the guise of a mini-campaign. Naughty Dog's clearly been busy these past few months, because it's also just announced Uncharted 4: Survival – a co-operative add-on for the main game. Drake may be hanging up his half-tuck, but it seems like there's plenty of life in this franchise yet.
[source jaffameister.com]
Comments 27
Hell yes!!!
Headline is kind of misleading. It's single player dlc. Not a spin-off game.
This is disappointing. Sam was really the most disappointing aspect of the game.
I'd rather have Chloe
I would like to see Chloe Frazer and Charlie Cutter show up
@Bluetrain7 I didn't want to call it DLC because it's going to be standalone content.
@get2sammyb Yeah, I understand. It's a tricky piece of content to classify.
I can see why based on the end of the game - not the epilogue. Personally Sam was a 'big disappointment' to me in the main game. He felt an unnecessary addition shoehorned in for the sake of it - rewriting the history of Nathan Drake.
Personally I would be happy if we never saw him again and focused on Sully although if this does come true, he would certainly be involved. 5/10 years after the epilogue would be a good place too. All the favourites - Nate, Elena and Sully could all feature in some capacity as a final salute to these characters.
@get2sammyb will it be able to be bought separately like Left Behind so?
@itshoggie Yep. Rumour it it's completely standalone.
@hadlee73 Too late.
If the Uncharted 4 ending is any indication, it's probably going to focus on Sam and Victor adventures.
I also thought Sam was a very average and unnecessary character. I liked the game better when Elena showed up to join Nate in the later chapters, their chemistry is far superior.
No matter who ends being the main character, this story better include Chloe and Cutter.
Yeah, I liked those characters.
I'm all for more content for Uncharted, so I'll take whatever it is.
Since nate story is ending I hope naughty dog make a sam and sully game, a full game and not a dlc. Sam is my favorite character on uncharted series besides nate and sully.
Finally! Hope to see Chloe make an appearance
Let's face it, it will be pretty good and not just a cash grab. So I am in!
I'm on board.
Expected this to be honest, it's the only thing that really makes sense. I'm definitely up for a shorter stand-alone experience, but have to admit I wouldn't be as keen if they decided to make a completely new Uncharted just starring Sam. He was a great element of Uncharted 4 but not sure he's strong enough to carry the series by himself. Not to mention the fact I'd kinda like to see Naughty Dog move on to something else!
@BAMozzy Agreed with all you say. Sam was a disappointing hefty 'wedge-in' the series could have done without and I believe stretched the narrative credibility of the series to breaking point.
Seriously, Nathan allows himself to get a crap salvage job, Chloe chucks in her career; Sam has the nerve to drag him away from it.. gimme a break. I enjoyed and finished the game but it lacked that old magic you could so easily lose yourself in.
Wouldn't mind a Sully side adventure.
@nathanSF One of the things I disliked about U4 was the story - particularly Sam and the more 'grounded' storyline. The previous 3 all had some 'magic/mystical' element but this was more of an 'adult' 'Goonies' adventure instead of the 'Uncharted' 'Indiana Jones' we had come to know and love.
All the way through, I was hoping to see some Pirate based mystical/magical element to the story but no, we get a straight forward treasure hunt in essence.
Sam's inclusion also didn't help either. It lacked the continuity from its predecessors. Where was he mentioned in any of the previous games? There has been ample opportunity to have mentioned him - the fact that this was supposed to be a big reason he became a treasure hunter yet the first led us to believe that Drake and his ancestry was. Even 3 with the time he met up with Sully could have given us some indication. I felt as if the new team. the team behind the Last of Us, rewrote Nates backstory to suit them implementing some of the LoU and MGS aspects
Please be Cassie related. Like when she's in her early 20s.
/contains spoliers if you haven't played UC4 yet/
for me, it's not uncharted if you're not playing as drake. uncharted is drake's story. it's not the same as the last of us standalone adventure which is all about ellie. the last of us was just as much her story as it was joel's. though the fact you played as sam in his prison break during the campaign would suggest a sam story isn't out of the question. :-/
i liked sam, the fact that he seems to have appeared out of thin air is not the character's fault. there is undoubtedly a shift in tone in UC4 compared with the others, the relationships between the characters has more of a maturity than any of the other games, drake himself is faced with having to make more mature decisions. the dynamic between drake and elena is much more emotional than any of the other games - elena was rather superfluous to the third game imo. the later chapters with drake and elena are among the best in the game. there you can see the influence of the last of us' joel/ellie relationship on the game. for me, the issue is not that sam appears out of nowhere, drake had thought he was dead after all, and in much of the previous games drake never really faced up to or acknowledged the consequences of his actions, so could have surpressed the one thing he was never able to face up to (the death of his brother). the problem is that we're led to believe that family is the only reason that a now (reluctantly) retired drake will return to the 'old life', so i'm not sure why another character like sully couldn't have fulfilled that role - sully is like a surrogate father figure to drake, one he's known much longer (and probably been much closer to) than his own father. there's also a bit of a timeline issue to resolve - in UC3 a young drake is wandering around columbia picking sully's pocket, whilst in 4 a rather similary aged drake is holed up in a church-run orphanage in the states.
it would be interesting to see amy hennig's original synopsis for UC4 though.
for a standalone dlc, i'd like to see a mini-adventure (say 6 chapters or something) done as a final fan service, which includes past favourite characters like chloe and cutter, as well as drake, elena, sully and sam. i can either take or leave the 'supernatural' element, but a more light-hearted tone wouldn't go amiss.
The bottom line is, the two guys who weaseled their way into taking over Uncharted totally killed off the magic that made Drake's adventures special and so appealing. A real shame. Nathan Drake was a real contender for legendary until those goons came along with their grand and gritty ideals. Straley and Drukmann really £**$*< up big time.
umm.. straley worked as producer and druckmann as writer/designer on UC2 (the best one)!. in fact they both worked on drake's fortune as well. that's hardly weaseling their way in. in fact the one they didn't work on (UC3) isn't as good as what was before or after it, imo.
@leucocyte Thanks. I didn't know that. But I still think they went wrong with UC4. As a writer myself I know how hard it is to structure a good story that engages the readers, or players in this case. Oversight and good editing is critical. I put my stories aside for a few days and when I come back to it, see weaknesses I wasn't aware of. Equally, having some 'expert readers' or editors look at it can reveal elements that need to change. I suspect this is what was lost when Hennig departed. UC4 is very much a guy/buddy story with the more vulnerable elements tagged on at the beginning and end; a cheap device in my opinion.
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