The weather's frightful, the television is awash with expensive Christmas marketing campaigns, and a bunch of British z-listers are camping in the Australian outback. This probably won't mean much to our International readers, but it basically means that Santa Claus is working on borrowed time right now. It's a scary prospect, so what better way to escape than with your weekly issue of WAYP.
Alex Stinton, Reviewer
On top of hacking my way deeper into Watch Dogs 2, I'll also be seeking out some lines of fresh white powder. No, I've not developed a drug habit, I'll just be checking out the Steep open beta.
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
It's been a busy few weeks for myself, so I'm looking forward to having a weekend of fun. And what better way to have fun than to play one of the bleakest (and most wonderful) stories on PS4 in The Last of Us Remastered? The game looks absolutely stunning in 4K and HDR, by the way, and it's like playing a whole new game all over again. I'm also playing through Yesterday Origins for review, so expect to see that at some point next week.
Joey Thurmond, Reviewer
I'm going to opt to finish some major school assignments this weekend. That way, I won't have them hanging over my head during my country's lovely tradition of stuffing ourselves silly next week, so that'll be nice. However, I'm sure I'll fit in bits of Overwatch, Dishonored 2, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered's multiplayer. Speaking of that last thing, I recently unlocked the AK-74u. Ah, missed that old friend.
Sam Brooke, Reviewer
My quest to platinum Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered continues this weekend as – after completing the cargo ship training in under 15 seconds and bragging about it to everyone – I'll be going through the campaign on Veteran. Some PES 2017 Master League will probably work its way in there, as should a few UNO and Rocket League games with friends.
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
I'll be immersing myself in VR this weekend! What? PlayStation VR? No, I'm talking about the bizarre exploration puzzler Small Radios Big Televisions, obviously. You'll find out what I mean in my review when it drops next week. Elsewhere, I'll be diving back into Overwatch and Rocket League for some brightly coloured multiplayer action.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
Wow, the weekend is already here, huh? In that case I will be playing Overwatch, Modern Warfare Remastered, and wrapping up a few Trophies in LEGO Jurassic World.
What games will you be using as an excuse to avoid Christmas shopping with your friends and family this weekend? Skip the seasonal cheer in the comments section below.
Comments 44
Definitely Battlefield 1 and probably a bit of Rocket league!
Maybe a bit of CoD's (either) campaign and/or MP - maybe some Zombies in Spaceland too. Still need to reinstall some games I deleted from my PS4 onto my PS4 Pro.
PS4- Street Fighter V and King of Fighters 14
Xbox One- Dead Rising 3
3DS- Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter 4, and Kirby Planet Robobot
Just starting Fallout 4... quite overwhelming at first, lots to absorb/learn
I'll keep playing R&C All 4 One, as well as replaying Red Dead Redemption. I got the urge to play it again after the sequel was announced.
For the first time I start playing Skyrim. I can't feel the epicness that I was expecting, but I am still early in the game, kinda soon to judge it.
Other than that still playing Battlefield 1, wihch is more fun now that I found a solid group
not sure really, i'll probably just mess around on XenoVerse 2 and try to get all the Ultimate Finish's on the PQ's
N++, Ocarina of Time, and Trackmania Turbo.
Taking a much needed break after moving house and just relaxing with Watch Dogs 2. Really enjoying it but there are problems with it. Very much a flawed gem so far.
2nd run of Dishonored 2 as Emily. Corvo went all guns blazing first time. Goin for zero casualties this time. Tricky. Quick save REALLY helps.
Dishonored 2, I lost my patience with the stealthy approach. I'm just gonna kill everything that moves but it's still fun.
Also PES2017 Coop with friends
The Witcher 3
Sinking my gaming teeth back into The Elder Scrolls Online (in glorious 4K on a PS4 Pro). As there are so many great offers on at the moment (5500 Crowns only £14.79 and the game itself a ridiculous £7.99 on PSN store) I'm seeing a lot of new faces in the starter areas and enjoying all the new DLCs.
And l love one-hit-kill stabbing lots of NPCs in the back with my newly acquired Brotherhood Assassination skills
Still playing titanfall 2, and waiting for my ps4 pro to arrive next month..
Watch Dogs 2 & AC: Chronicles China
Dishonoured 2 for me as Emily, I'm trying to not kill anyone but I'm really tempted to use her powers to their full potential. I can see this being on of those games I play over and over as there is so much variety to what you can do.
Fiddling with my new TV Picture is nice, none of my speakers work because its only got optical out which sucks and it doesn't fit on the stand I have so..time to buy a signal converter and new TV stand :/
Somehow I know the picture will look even better when the sound sounds better haha. Weird that.
Bouncing between Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 andbtrying out Steep, which I am enjoing a lot so far. It has that familiar "just one ride more and I stop" taste...
@kyleforrester87 Glad your TV has arrived are you enjoying it, have you tried any PS4 pro games yet in 4k HDR? I'm seriously considering the 65" LG B6 OLED at the moment.
I'll be playing Assassins Creed The Ezio Collection this weekend played a bit last night very nice in 4k. Much better looking than the early videos showed.
Just got the "Platinum" on Scram Kitty DX. Will probably continue playing Rayman Legends, Diva X and finishing the last few puzzles on Picross 3D 2.
Also replaying Fat Princess Adventures with my bro, this time on Hard mode.
@BAMozzy How are you liking Zombies in Spaceland?
Just finished actual sunlight. So I'm going to cheer myself up by play some more Vita games and everybodys tennis.
Dishonoured 2. Pure, patient stealth, Emily learnt from the best.
I spent a whole 25 hours downloading ESO only for me to dislike the combat and the floaty weightless movement. I think FFXIV has spoilt me.
Finally got my PSVR from Game yesterday and absolutely loving it!So it's virtual world all weekend.Woohoo!
@Tasuki To be honest, I have only played it once and that was Solo without reading or watching any hints or tips. My initial feeling though is that its quite good fun. Its not as 'serious' in tone as Treyarchs and I do prefer Treyarchs map design/layout in general - not that I managed to open up everything. The Zombies seem less threatening, less scary but that is befitting of the setting and tone that this is going for. I can see it being a lot of fun with a team of friends and something I would like to invest more time into. I know its only 'Part 1' of the story and how they build on this over the course of the season will determine its success but its a good start. I enjoyed Ghosts' Extinction mode but this has more potential. Extinction had a defined end to each chapter where as this could go on and on - assuming you just play to see what wave you reach.
Whilst I do prefer Treyarchs Zombies, I prefer this to Sledgehammers Zombies!
@kyleforrester87 Hope the TV lives up to expectation. The TV does have an ARC out as well as optical though - seems you may have to go digital there as well . You knew the stand wasn't going to fit beforehand LOL
Been playing Halo 3 ODST and I may start Witcher 3 as I got the GOTY edition for £17.50 on the MS store in the Black Friday sale.
Uncharted 2 for me. Such a classic
Watch Dogs 2
I've been hoping all over the place. I played some Lego the Force Awakens and DBX2, but today was mostly grinding kills for the community event in PvZGW2. Hopefully we'll get to 40 million before 9am Eastern tomorrow since I want that legendary chest. Chipped in almost 1100 kills with the toxic citron. Liked the character so much I paid the 200k coins for him.
Same here
No way I'll get to them all, but here's the lineup. I'll try to get to as many as possible and spread the love around... I've got a lot of games to play this weekend
Pokémon Sun/Moon
Wii U
Paper Mario Color Splash
Xbox One
Assassins Creed Ezio Collection (AC II)
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
Dishnonored 2
Robinson The Journey
Eagle Flight
World of Final Fantasy
Uncharted 4 , The Order 1886, the Witcher 3 in glorious 4k. Thanks to the best buy 4k tv bundle deal
I finally can beat these games no more loud old ps4.
Finnishing up Deux Ex Mankind Divided and playing Bravely Second. Can't wait for FF15.....
PS4: Uncharted 3, Parappa the Rapper 2 and Limbo.
PS Vita: God Eater: Resurrection
PSVR: Rigs
The wait for FFXV has been really good to my backlog, just been chewing through games.
Also what an INCREDIBLE job did Bluepoint Games do on the Nathan Drake Collection. I played these games fairly recently in the lead up to UC4 and its like Night and Day. UC1 in particular feels like a new game at 60 FPS.
Titanfall 2. Will try to wrap up the campaign on Master and also go for those two gauntlet trophies, which would get me the platinum. Also as much of TF2 mp as I can squeeze in...trying to get the level up again after regeneration.
Still trying to finish my NG+ run on Bloodborne but today I'll go Ratchet & Clank. I need some colours to breathe again.
Got Skyrim remastered. So going to give it a blast for the first time.
Witcher 3.
@BAMozzy @GBMatthew Yes, enjoying the new set! I wasn't super impressed when I first hooked it up but after several hours today tweaking it I'm very happy with the image quality, at least with the games, 4K steaming, blue rays and SD television that I've watched so far. Ratchet & Clank in particular looks really nice with the higher resolution and HDR.
Sound was a pain, with no analogue out on the TV (why?!) I had to get a digital to analogue converter to hook up my speakers, worked great until I went to adjust the volume with the TV remote and it wouldn't let me. Apparently Samsung TV's don't allow for this - I found complaints going back to 2010 - if it's an external speaker set it can only be controlled via the controls on the actual speakers themselves. This is a big pain for me (of course, I mean that relatively, I still get a warm meal and bed at the end of each day lol) because my controls are attached to the sub on the floor behind the TV, don't see myself digging around behind there every time I need to adjust volume :/
So I had to dust off an amp I fortunately have and run the converter into the amp, then the amp into the speakers so I can control the sound via the amp using its remote control. So now 2 remotes, a signal converter and an amp sucking up power, just because the TV has no 3.5mm audio out. Not ideal. But at least my speakers work and I don't have to get up to adjust the volume!
Now, wheres Final Fantasy 15??
@kyleforrester87 Funnily enough, the move to all-digital outputs was one of the things that a lot of reviewers have praised about the 2016 Samsungs. Of course it doesn't suit everyones set up. I can't remember the last time I had or needed analogue sound options. I have an old Samsung Home Theatre system - its so old it only plays DVD's but the Speakers etc all sound great and it doubles up as my Hifi for CD's too.Of course this works perfectly with my TV and consoles as it works with my HDMI ARC channel as well as an optical link.I can use my Turtle Beach wireless headset with the TV - I know you asked about a headphone option.
I guess Samsung think that if you are buying a big modern HDR10 TV, chances are you are going to have a digital sound option - like a Soundbar or even a Dolby Atmos set-up. Most of these probably have a headphone option but its rare that someone watches these with headphones anyway. How do you find the internal speakers? The KS8000 sounds 'great' considering how slim the TV is. I find these more than adequate for the majority of my needs.
For movies etc, my Home Theatre is my external option. Being Samsung, it links with the TV with Anynet and when using ARC has no issues controlling the volume. Maybe worth considering an upgrade to a 'digital' solution. I think some Soundbars allow for analogue extra speakers and you may find that ARC will control the sound - if not the smart controller may work - It works on my Xbox One lol - not tried it on the PS4 though.
I think the PQ (at least with mine) is awesome. The dark blacks benefit SDR content and really help the colours pop. HDR can show some of the limitations of LED's and edge lit in particular but yet to see these rear there ugly head in games - mostly because these are in 16:9 and therefore no black bars. Ratchet and Clank is supposed to benefit a lot from the extra resolution and HDR. I hear that HDR is more subtle than 'in your face' but switching it off is where you really notice how much it added. So far I haven't spent much time jumping from Pro game to Pro game to see how they look but TF2 and both Cod's look great and play well too - these were more a priority as they were 'new'. I need to reinstall Infamous and Last of Us so haven't yet got around to those. Uncharted 4 is another I want to try but having beaten all these, I was more keen to play the games I recently purchased.
Anyway glad you are 'generally' pleased with your new TV and hope it brings you as much joy as mine does.
@BAMozzy Good points, I agree my analogue sound system has become dated (although its by no means old). Problem is it still sounds great and I'm used to the sound of it so would prefer not to upgrade just yet. I'll certainly need to think about a digital system but it's not something I will do until I have the cash spare to get a really good one. In the mean time I just can't justify throwing out my analogue system and replacing it with a cheapo sound bar!
What setting are you using for Colour Space? Native really blows out the colours on certain pictures, I've changed to Auto which is a ton better but it looks ever so slightly washed out sometimes. But honestly, I think that's only when in direct comparison with Native. I suppose Custom is the best bet here, but when Auto is almost there it's not really worth me trying to mess with it I think..
The internal speakers are passable but I wouldn't be able to stand using them day to day.
Mostly Pokemon Sun (terrific so far by the way), but I'll mix in a bit of Overwatch as well! The 2.0 patch is awesome! Even though i just got Battlefield 1 last week, it really is not holding my attention. The single player is phenomenal, but I just can't get into the multiplayer.
@kyleforrester87 I am in the same position with my Home Theatre. It still sounds great and works perfectly well but it is 10years old and only has a DVD and 5.1 surround sound. I would like to replace it with something more up to date (4k HDR Bluray, 7.1 or Atmos) but then I wouldn't throw it out either. It would end up in the bedroom as a Hifi and work with my TV/old consoles in there.
Colour space really depends on the content. I think Native works well with games but it is supposed to be the Wide Colour Gamut option. Auto works well with the standard content but should switch between normal and wide colour depending on the source and the other option is 'standard' colour anyway. Native on SDR movies can over saturate the colours. U keep Auto on for Sky but use Native for both my consoles.
My internal speakers do lack the richness of an external sound option and of course the bass but they are much better than I was anticipating. The 60w 4.1 sound system though is adequate for most of my needs and tend to use the Home Theatre for movies only.
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