It's been a long wait, but Naughty Dog has finally revealed the hotly anticipated co-operative mode for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Unimaginatively named Survival, the three-player spin-off aims to build upon the co-op arena modes from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. It'll feature its own progression system and upgradable arsenal, and will see you fight your way through 50 waves on 10 different maps.
Every tenth wave will find you facing up against a Pirate Warlord, including Henry Avery himself. "Inspired by the story of Uncharted 4, some of the Founders of Libertalia have arrived to hunt you down with powerful Mystical attacks," game designer Vinit Agarwal wrote on the PlayStation Blog. There'll be different difficulty tiers, all-new vanity items, and much more to look forward to. And those heading to PSX 2016 will be able to get hands-on with the mode next weekend.
Comments 31
@KratosMD I'm not actually sure how they're going to sell it. Let me read the PS Blog again, I don't think it says.
Finally, but 50 waves feels a bit much. :/
@WanderingBullet I guess it depends how long they are.
@KratosMD Thanks, if I remember correctly the survival modes in both UC2 and UC3 weren't that lengthy. Plus, I was kinda hoping for those mini story co-op missions.
@KratosMD Ah, thanks for sharing!
@get2sammyb Online, offline, both maybe?
@verynaughtyboy Yeah, it says you can play solo or with up to two other people.
@rjejr Says it's playable solo or with up to two other people.
@get2sammyb "up to two other people"
Thank for the quick response, but the real question is -
or on
@get2sammyb Yes I believe what the U4 season pass included was the SP DLC and instant unlocks for certain MP items when they become available but everything can still be earned in game. Modes and other features would be free.
@rjejr I'm going to guess it's online only. Again, not sure. Does anyone else know?
@get2sammyb naughty dog said at launch that all multilayer DLC will be free unless it's cosmetics or guns but those are also unluckable in game free.
I play a lot of. Uncharted MP. In fact it's all I've played since getting my pro.
@get2sammyb I'd assume online as well, Sony doesn't want people spending extra money on controllers when they need to save for PSVR.
My wish list is R&C, inFamous, U4, FFXV, DQH, RotTR and Witcher 3. My kid does want DBXV2, but nobody is going to play that w/ him anyway. Can't beleive I'll need a $60 2nd controller just for my kids to play co-op Knack.
So it's just basically a Horde mode then.
@GBMatthew Well, that's what Uncharted co-op has always been.
@rjejr You should be able to get a second controller cheap on Black Friday.
I watched a bit of gameplay footage earlier and have to say it didn't appeal to me in the slightest. Have little to no interest in online for games like this (or at all if I'm honest) but I guess that's just me.
Cool that they're still supporting the game with updates like this though.
I prefer Co-op adventure to a Co-op Arena mode. I'm more interested in the Prison and Train Wreck maps shown briefly in the trailer.
@rjejr you could always get a vita to play co-op knack 😉
@get2sammyb Ok but, not all of us have played it before.
Thanks for asking the million dollar question.If this has couch co op I will play this for years. If its online only I wont touch it even once.
I wish it was more like Zombies endless waves with leaderboards, but 50 waves isn't bad i guess hope it has leaderboards tho.
I love that Naughty Dog are doing a great job with supporting Uncharted 4 with free updates, but I can't even pretend to care about another online thing. I'm just waiting for the story DLC now.
I'm disappointed. I was hoping for co-op mini missions like we had in 2 and 3.
@RevengeOfTheSeth Co-op Adventure, definitely more fun.
Can't turn your nose up at more free content.
Is there a matchmaking feature for people like me with no RL friends?
@sinalefa Who are you playing couch co-op w/, I don't recall you ever bringing it up before? And since you've abandoned NL - wise choice BTW - thanks for pushing LCU, great game. Still glad I didn't pay $50 or $60 for it, not that great, but for $19.99 it's great.
@ztpayne7 Well I did get a PS "Vita" TV for $24.98 but I need another controller just to play on that.
@get2sammyb "get a second controller cheap"
You should know by now your idea and my idea of "Cheap" are not the same idea. Considering how little we'll use it I'm thinking $25 tops. $29.99 if my kids beg me enough and want to go in half each. All I've seen for BF are $40 or $45. Considering how many games I'm getting for $10 or $15 each. that's too much for an additional controller.
I must have played hundreds of hours in Uncharted 3's couch co op with my bro. He adores the game but has accepted the fact 4 wont prolly have it.
About the controller, of all games that you could play you want it for Knack? Wow.
You are welcome about LCU. I knew you would love it. And soon available in non-catastrophic consoles too. I hope Sony fans actually give it the chance it deserves instead of brushing it off as "just another Lego game".
@sinalefa "And soon available in non-catastrophic consoles too."
They should port it to Vita then it could go from 1 catastrophic console to another.
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