We've been blessed with well over two decades worth of first-person shooter games and in that time, especially the last six years or so, the industry has been saturated with the genre, with titles delivering varying degrees of quality. This over saturation, while a sobering cornerstone of the violence in video game argument, has also been a definitive hindrance on innovation and overall progression in the genre. Even the mighty Call of Duty is starting to whiff of desperation as it hurriedly remasters quality titles for a quick cash flip as its core release gets disliked into oblivion on YouTube.
Titanfall was originally blocked from multi-platform release thanks to financial constraints and exclusivity deals that both enabled the title to come to fruition, but also smothered its clear potential. Through the mild success of the first release and the outcries of almost every fan, Titanfall triumphantly returned in 2016, and this time it came packing a single player experience.
"Titanfall triumphantly returned in 2016, and this time it came packing a single player experience"
Peel back the macho, 'oorah' exterior (that's evidently some kind prerequisite to be allowed into the shooty bang-bang club) and Titanfall 2 flexes its narrative muscles in a far more meaningful way – companionship. The titans have progressed from lumbering war machines into sentient soldiers with a clear purpose and role within the story. While the main arc follows the typical end of the world scenario, the real thread is found within the bond you build between yourself and BT - 7274, a titan you've inherited from a fallen comrade and whose logical responses to human nuances are simply priceless.
Having your own personal titan mixes up the typical shooter gameplay wonderfully, making most encounters multi-layed. Hop into BT - 7274 and blast away the larger enemies then pop out and start clambering the walls as an agile pilot, picking off stragglers. It's a testament to the ingenious level design that a linear experience can deliver such varied scenarios and remain enjoyable throughout. It certainly has moments where it slips into the cliche genre conventions, but they're so diluted with moments of grace, fluidity, and intelligence that they're nearly always forgiven.
Titanfall's roots are firmly established in multiplayer, and that hasn't been forgotten. The online components are fleshed out and brilliant in their own right, with modes of gameplay that feel hand-tailored to suit the dynamics of both the pilots and the titans. Better yet, Respawn seems to have taken a leaf out of CD Projekt Red's book and is delivering a lot of DLC for free, driving another welcome nail into the coffin of the Season Pass.
We're spoilt for choice when it comes to the shooter genre, for better or for worse. Innovation and the ability to rise above much of the swill is becoming increasingly difficult so for Titanfall 2 to make such waves is an impressive feat. It's an example of incredibly intuitive design and clever storytelling that has been sorely absent from the genre of late and what better way for it to come back than in the hull of a gun-wielding titan.
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Do you believe that nothing beats BT's tale this year? Have you got the bug for more Titanfall now that the franchise has finally appeared on a PlayStation format? Drop a bot in the comments section below.
Comments 25
And we're off!
I still wish the articles op pushsquare were much longer as they're allways fun to read, and then it suddenly ends.
I know this is a deliberate choice, I just don't agree with it.
Sorry about double post. there is no edit option.
@Flurpsel Feedback noted. Better to leave you wanting more than bore you tears, though!
I do like Titanfall 2 overall and enjoyed the first on XB1 too. I do think its funny that people complain about CoD adopting the 'advanced movement' that Titanfall introduced us to. Then it was considered fresh, innovative and made CoD look 'old and stale' with its 'Boots on the Ground' formula that people are keen for CoD to return to.
Considering the team behind TF2 though, I did expect more from its Campaign. I thought it was good but not great. Very formulaic - get separated from BT, a bit of platforming, a bit of combat, some more platforming and then a bit more combat before platforming back to BT for a Boss fight. Dialogue was good between BT and your character but the rest was unmemorable and the Bosses dialogue exchanges was very poor, very limited and very repetitive too.
The MP is solid enough but I find it quite limited and doesn't offer the range of options that something like CoD offers. Yes it performs as expected and mechanically sound, yes it can be fun but will I still be playing it in a month or two. The game isn't 'complete' yet as we will be getting 'free' DLC - a bonus over CoD and may explain why it doesn't offer the same range of modes and customisation as its closest competitor. Maps are more generic in terms of design than its predecessor too and lack the character. It does look great visually (but so does CoD) but I would rather play Infinite Warfare. The MP feels more intense with more modes and options for different playstyles.
Like I said considering Respawn were effectively the team behind Modern Warfare, I really expected more and in some ways, the original Titanfall was actually better too - not visually or weaponry but in character and feel. Its great that Respawn added a Campaign but I did feel it was formulaic. I would much prefer to play MW than TF2 as that had more twists and variety to it.
I know I may have mentioned CoD a lot through this but Respawn are made up of a lot of Infinity Ward staff and CoD was brought up in the article. It amazes me that CoD gets hate because of Advanced Movement and Titanfall gets away with it, The original was criticised for a lack of campaign and variety and whilst these have been addressed to a degree, it still can't match CoD on this and CoD also adds one of the deepest co-op Horde style modes too. Its not just a case of survive a certain number of waves (although can be played that way) but adds 'story' and more to it.
I still recommend Titanfall 2 though as it is a 'good' game and can be fun in MP - although I do find I get bored when playing solo do to the lack of variety and overall I can't criticise the way it plays or looks. It seems to hold a solid 60fps and the mechanics seem solid too - which can't be said about all games. I just think that CoD is (at the moment at least) a more complete and extensive package and that if they add opted to return to the 'old' style and setting, it wouldn't be getting the negativity it does - lets be honest if CoD cut down all the weapons and no co-op mode, had a 'killstreak' that dropped titans down on to the map instead of the range of killstreaks it offers now, the internet would erupt with criticism and anger.
At least I don't have to worry about you guys putting Rocket League over The Witcher 3 like last year. I'm still not over that...
This was one of my least favourite games of 2016 the campaign was ok but only about 3 hours long and too easy. The multilayer just didn't grab me at all. However I got it real cheap on black Friday then trades it in for more a week later
As much as I loved the new DOOM, Titanfall 2 is by far the best solo campaign in years and one of the most addictive, chaotic and fun MP of 2016. Long live to Respawn and I hope EA open their eyes for one of the most original and beloved franchises and also we have the chance to see new solo add ons. Ah, play it on hard, that's the way to be
@Flurpsel There is an edit button, just mouse over the comment you want to edit and an edit option appears.
Tried the free multiplayer trial. The movement is fluid and satisfying, but the core gameplay just wasn't fun for me.
clever storytelling? the narrative is mostly nonsense, with some painful (to listen to) dialogue at times. as for the companionship thing, too faux american bromance for me.. mind you i'm a lot closer to 40 than 14. it's a good game, mainly because of the movement, controls and satisfying shooting of the guns, but it has several shortcomings and missed opportunities. i haven't played infinite warfare's campaign yet, so i don't know how it measures up against that..
Titanfall2 really is a top notch game and I hope that Respawn gets the chance to do a third one – they deserve it!
@Splat Rocket League should've been number 1
@Splat To be fair TW3, Rocket League, MGS 5 and Bloodborne all released last year. As good as 2016 was, that's a tough quadruple to topple.
Sounds interesting will definitely give this a buy. When people complain about short campaigns I think of games like the early Resident Evil's. Which can be completed in 3-10 hours depending on your pace and they're still considered classics.
if you play it on normal, it's about 4-5 hours long.
Great game released at a horrible time. Really wish my friends would buy into it, but all they can see is call of duty with mechs, and it's more than that.
Also, shouldn't it be called Game(s) of the Year?
@themcnoisy I feel like there are fewer standouts this year. But that's made these lists less predictable across the web.
@RedMageLanakyn Not really. We're counting down to an overall winner, just want to spotlight all of the good stuff.
@get2sammyb Well, it's your site, your format. I'll just have to visualize the header as Top 10 Games of the Year
@get2sammyb Your not the only one that thinks this year has had fewer 'standouts'. Of course Uncharted 4 is going to be on virtually everybodies list and even those that may not have played it could see how much attention to detail, the craftsmanship and artistry of the game.
For me Uncharted 4 is my No1 choice. I preferred the older games (2 in particular) stories and wasn't so keen on the MGS style combats cenarios where enemies are highlighted. I wasn't so keen on the help from my friends either and I don't know that the 'extra' combat advanced the story or added anything - similar to the Last of Us - and felt like a way to add another form of collectible. That being said, the game is incredibly well crafted with so much attention to detail and plays very well.
Rise of the Tomb Raider is my number 2 game but it was last year too. I loved it on the XB1 and bought it again for the PS4. It takes everything from the Reboot and expands on it. It also did away with the MP, the weakest aspect of the reboot, and adds in challenge mode, Survival and co-op survival.
After that though, things get a little less B&W. Titanfall 2 is a good game but not great, both CoD's have their good points but IW certainly isn't the 'best' CoD and MWr has been renade excellently but has all the frustrations, flaws and imbalance of the original. Doom is very old school and whilst can be fun, it lacks the depth of modern shooters and the Mp isn't great. Gears 4 is good but its not as good as the original trilogy at all. R&C is no doubt good too but again its not entirely original as its a 'remake'. I could go on but I doubt any of these would make my top 10 of the generation and would only make my top 5 by default because of the lack of too many stand-out games.
For the first time this year I have lost a lot of interest in any FPS games even though they seem to be well made.
@Neolit Yep your right, I forget about that as I just got use to reloading get the page.
i am about halfway through sp,not tried the mp yet...Its taken a while for me to get to grips with the controls,as i play inverted southpaw with extra customized controls from the accessibility menu in PS settings menu (my fave update from Sony,ever) Anyhow,TF2 is lovely imo,do your self a favor and get it...
I do not understand all the positive reviews about TF2.
The single-player stuff looks great, but is buggy as hell. Once I had to reinstall the game to make the next "level" load. The story is short and has nearly no replay-value.
Could be ok if MP would be great, but it is nearly unplayable for me .. even with a ping better than 40. (rubberbanding, lag etc.)
One map is "the city" is known for being not playable and all of this is not fixed after month.
Other games like DOOM, Destiny, BF do not have such bugs ...
The worst game I bought "last" year ... even no man sky did deliver better than this.
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