Things could have gone badly wrong for DOOM. After a long development time, a severe lack of single player footage, and a complete absence of reviews on launch day, the title relied on word of mouth throughout its first week of availability. Is it any good? What's the campaign like? Has the multiplayer been improved since its beta? These were all questions that nobody really had the full answer to. But in the end every one of these queries was answered positively, and six months on from its release, we can confidently say that DOOM is one of the very best first-person shooters of 2016.
"id Software knows what you're here for and so that's exactly what it give you: a giant army of demons to kill"
Everything great about DOOM is communicated to you in its very first level. You're instantly handed a weapon and told to start slaughtering the demonic race in front of you, just as the ripping heavy metal soundtrack kicks in to make you feel like a complete badass. The words "demonic invasion in progress" greets you next to kick off the self-aware tone that runs throughout the game, and it's this that really elevates the title to the next level. id Software knows what you're here for and so that's exactly what it give you: a giant army of demons to kill and a whole host of weapons to do that with. The game is light on story to further back this up, with only a few scenes taking you away from the action.
And it's that relentless action that makes DOOM such a good game to play, largely thanks to glory kills and the huge arsenal you accrue throughout the campaign. Glory kills allow you to tear a demon apart in seconds, and a shotgun blast to any foe leaves them decimated on the ground. The classic rocket launcher makes a return to wipe out any large gangs of fiends, the chainsaw gracefully tears a beast into two, and the supercharged BFG-9000 eradicates anything and everything in its path. It's a phenomenal roster of weaponry that defines what a shooter should be in this day and age.
When you combine the fluid and intense combat, the booming soundtrack, the genius self-aware tone, and a ton of weapons to deal with any brute, you get the sensational 2016 version of DOOM. There isn't anything else quite like it this generation, as it pays credit to its past by giving you everything that made the previous id classics great, and baking in some new advancements such as the glory kills. DOOM is an absolutely blast to play and we struggle to think of anything else that could match it in terms of pure enjoyment, which is why it more than earns its place on our top ten list.
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Did you think that DOOM was doomed prior to its low-key release? Did id Software's shooter surprise you? Pump your shotgun in the comments section below.
Comments 21
Doom isn't bad but I don't think its as good as Titanfall which only reached 10. The campaign is very basic in terms of story and the game play is very old-school. The Glory (or Gory) kills get very old very quick and the whole game lacks the finesse and even fluidity of Titanfall. The MP too isn't that great and virtually all FPS games this year released a better MP. I admit I haven't tried the Snapmap feature - either creating or playing anothers creation so can't comment if that is enough to justify why this is above TF2...
@BAMozzy "The campaign is very basic in terms of story and the game play is very old-school. "
You say that like these are bad things.
And I disagree it isn't as fluid as T2. Doom plays like butter, it's just whether or not you think its close quarters shootouts get repetitive or not. I think they do by the end, but boy are they thrilling while they last. So yeah, loved both of these games. Scratched two different itches for me. Do agree T2's multiplayer is much better though.
@DrJoeystein I do consider those things to be 'bad' things - especially when it comes to the single player experience. Compared to Wolfenstein (for example) which still brings some old school elements but also brings a lot of the things that modern FPS games have. It doesn't forego its roots but it also doesn't move with the times. Yes Doom may scratch that nostalgic itch but it really doesn't deliver the finesse in my opinion.
Movement is no where near as fluid or as polished as Titanfall. Yes it may play well at 60fps but the movement is quite slow by comparison and nowhere near as 'fluid' Titanfall - chaining wall running, double jumping and grappling all combining to great effect. Doom is all just one speed unless you crouch or get a Haste power-up. It really doesn't feel anywhere near as fluid or fast as Titanfall but I do agree it does play relatively consistently. Titanfall's combat is more varied as well so overall I can't see how Doom is regarded as better unless you really want gaming to go backwards or only looking to scratch the nostalgic itch...
Easily in my top 3 for the year. I was super excited pre launch and I was still surprised. Here's hoping for more soon!
@BAMozzy But in embracing old school principles it resurrects old design quirks that modern shooters lack because they're, as you said, "backwards," when some of them really aren't. No ADS, little reloading, automatic sprint (which is way faster than ground movement in T2)...it brings back nonstop movement perfectly that shooters almost never provide today, even T2 since you've got to stop and take cover to survive. Same goes for Wolfenstein, which I did love for combing old school and modern stuff, but Doom goes all in and, as a consequence, feels different than anything else you'd play today. That's what makes it so much fun, and if it were more modern, well, it wouldn't be Doom.
The navigating portions of T2 are more diverse and flow beautifully, but the high octane scenarios in Doom are more exhilarating than the shootouts in T2 because they play out so smoothly every time without a hitch, even with a lot of excellent verticality in the level design. That's really hard to accomplish in T2's campaign; to keep a flow going in combat. I think Doom, in being old school and simple in execution, shows how shooters have lost an edge in this regard with purely reactive gameplay that doesn't ever bog you down. But hey, T2 encourages this more than most shooters with the chaining you're talking about (especially in multiplayer), so that's why I love them both for different reasons.
Doom is the best FPS since Wolfenstein. I'd rate Wolfenstein a little higher as I love BJ and his misses - Doom felt a little better to play though.
@BAMozzy Yeah, I think the old school gameplay is a HUGE part of the appeal here. It feels so different to other FPS games on the market.
Doom is easily the best fps I've played in the last decade, free from all the so called modern "innovations" it gives me exactly what I want, things to kill, more than 2 guns (hate that nonsense so much) and finally that glory kill game loop is ridiculously addictive. I wasn't expecting to enjoy this, especially as it launched so close to Uncharted 4 but I platinumed Doom and still play occasionally to this day
@get2sammyb @DrJoeystein Each to their own of course but I think Titanfall delivers a better overall campaign and story, a better MP experience, a better and more varied game-play. I never had any 'hitches' n my playthrough of TF2 either and the combat as well as the movement felt very fluid and smooth. The only thing I think that Doom is better on is soundtrack...
It may well be different to the majority of FPS games today because technology has evolved to add things like ADSing, Reload animations, Story and Dialogue etc. Many of these bring strategy, bring finesse etc. You can run around with CQC weapons hip firing everywhere if you want in modern shooters too. Go back 15-20 years though and all shooters were like this - just not so visual good looking.
Maybe its because I am old and remember this style the first time around...
@BAMozzy We all remember this style the first time round..and remember how good they were, and understand how bloated and uninspired first person shooters have now become. Dooms a very welcome throwback!
YouTube channel NoClip have just had a great three part documentary on the new Doom, well worth watching.
i played the demo and quite honestly hated it. and i play a lot of AAA FPS games. the fact that it seemed so old school, and so entrenched in its nostalgia, just didn't sit well with me. there is a reason why FPS games have generally moved on from this..
@leucocyte I found the demo boring.
I played the demo and may purchase next summer at a low price. While the demo did not offer " i gotta get this" content i am impressed with the technical quality presented. Great frame rates and options to disable ca, motion blur, and an fov option.
Doom is a good example of how PS4 games should perform, and some setting options that should be standard. Yes it is possible to have an fov slider, no ca, and good frame rates and noooooo motion blur. That blur so common to this gen of games needs to go or have the option to disable. How much a difference just a 10º wider fov makes is amazing.
@MadAussieBloke UC4's multiplayer is quite underrated imo!. shame the co-op survival is a bit of a mess though.
Titanfall 2 has better multiplayer, doom has a more enjoyable campaign imo
Love DOOM!
More than half an hour and I get motion sickness tho. Pretty interested to see what'll happen when I try VR. 🤢
@kyleforrester87 I guess that's where we differ. I don't think modern shooters are bloated and uninspired at all but offer a lot more option than just mindlessly killing everything that moves to get to the next area to do it all again. Combat is far more varied in modern day shooters and offer a more tactical approach. You don't have to keep moving but can stealth your way around the enemies picking them off one by one, use cover and pick them off at a distance or go in for a full out attack - choice is yours. Games like CoD and TF2, with their advanced movement, allows for more flanking opportunities and changes up the pace as well as angles of attack. Yes you can slow it down by crouching or going prone but the run and sprint as well wall running etc which feels faster than Dooms brisk walking pace - which is basically the ONLY speed of ALL combat.
Virtually all of Dooms combat plays out the same way - granted you do get tougher, more bullet sponging enemies and more of them as you progress but the combat doesn't change or offer any real variety - apart from a different backdrop. I preferred Doom 3 to this and that too kept a lot of the 'old' elements of Doom. The Story may not have been the 'best' but it wasn't that bad either.
With Doom, you pretty much know what to expect next, whats coming up - even if you don't know exactly the way the map looks. Its just more of the same. With modern day shooters, you also have Story, character progression etc to drive you forward. CoD may have a relatively predictable story in that you know against overwhelming odds, you will eventually win the war but there are twists and variety along the way. The new CoD has combat in jackals (like planes), zero-g combat etc to mix it up.
Play the first mission or two in Doom and you pretty much know exactly what the rest of the game will be. Yes it can be mindless fun in small doses but I want more from games. I loved Doom and Doom 2 back when these were made but games like Goldeneye, Halo, CoD4:MW etc have evolved the FPS genre. In 1993, we didn't have analogue movement so everything moved at 1 speed, we didn't have the power to use on reload animations or ADSing etc so game design was much more simplistic. It stood out because it had little/no competition and felt 'new' and 'fresh' in a world of 2D games. Now though we have FPS games releasing every year - not just CoD but at least 1 or 2 others from Battlefront, Battlefield, Titanfall, Destiny, Wolfenstein etc. Yes each may have a lot in common and Doom is 'different' in its approach by going back to basics but I would argue that it doesn't bring anything new or fresh to the genre, doesn't offer the variety or depth of story/game-play etc that modern FPS games offer. Its MP certainly isn't 'new' or 'fresh' or for that matter as good as the other releases this year. CoD:MW is about as basic as you can get with the 'modern' shooter - a 9year old game and still offers 'more' than Doom. I prefer Wolfenstein: The New Order and that keeps a lot of the 'old' too and hoped that id would do something similar with Doom.
I am not saying that what Doom offers is 'bad' or doesn't achieve what it sets out to. I know it's plays well for what it offers - it doesn't seem to suffer technical issues that much - doesn't hold a locked 60fps or 1080p but still feels quite smooth and looks good. I just don't think it deserves to be rated above Titanfall 2 that offers more. I don't think TF2's campaign is the best either but as a complete package - campaign and MP, overall its a better buy. Dooms campaign may well be a bit more 'fun' in an old school way and have a better soundtrack but its also less varied in many areas as well as its MP isn't that great either so in my opinion Titanfall is the better 'game'. I didn't think that lists like this only concentrated on just 1 aspect but considered the whole package.
Like I said though - each to their own.
This is an 18 and I'm not allowed to play it, hahaha! Shame, because it looks like a mind-blowingly awesome gore-fest. Can't wait to play it at some point, or another sequel if they keep it up.
Pleased to see this getting recognition. I gather the MP is nothing special but I don't play multiplayer anyway. It's funny that after being bored of FPS games for a few years I've played 2 this year (Doom and Titanfall 2) that have absolutely captured my attention. Putting aside debates about technical aspects or structure this is the one I've had slightly more fun with. Great game.
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