Final Fantasy XV's been on store shelves for a few days now, and we imagine that many of you reading this will still be digging into Square Enix's latest adventure - but we're more eager than ever to know what you think.
Having been in development for so long, it's safe to say that expectations have been set quite high. After ten years of waiting, it's only natural that we find ourselves hoping for the title's success. After all, much like you lot, we're still playing through it ourselves so that we can bring you a review in the near future.
Without further ado, the ball's now in your court. Tell us what you think of the game via our polls, and then feed us your thoughts - positive or negative - in the comments section below.
Are you enjoying Final Fantasy XV? (140 votes)
- Yes, I think it's fantastic
- I'm really liking it
- It's okay, nothing amazing
- I'm disappointed, to be honest
- No, I think it's rubbish0.7%
- Nope, I don't own the game
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How long have you spent playing Final Fantasy XV so far? (131 votes)
- More than 30 hours
- Between 20 and 30 hours
- Between 10 and 20 hours
- Under 10 hours
- I told you, I haven't bought it
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Comments 46
Really like it at 11 hours, my only beef is the naff side quests.
My biggest complaints: I keep jumping around while trying to pick up items or interact with things. Using X to both jump and interact is annoying (not to mention when a shop owner has a quest... press x to shop press x to quest). Otherwise, I wish some of the menus would open/close a little faster. I'm about 15 hours in
I really love this game. It's great to see Final Fantasy back in form. I beat it last night, and I must say they ending really hit me right in the gut. I almost cried because it touched me on a really deep level. Its a really sad and depressing ending for such a colorful and joyful game, but I absolutely loved it. It really made the ending hit twice as hard.
Im a bit dissapointed on how short the game is turning out to be. Im 13 hours in, in chapter 5 out of 14, and I havent played much story in proportion to side questing.
I'm not too far in at the moment but so far I think it's pretty awesome and it looks absolutely gorgeous. Good job!
50 hours and not losing any excitement~
Ah, lovely~
Waited 20 years for the Pistols to get back together even longer for Floyd...
Good things come to those that wait .........3 buses are better than no buses.
Only at beginning of C3, grinding away through the quests and stuff. Level 33 at the moment. It's a bit clunky but enjoying it for the most part. Agree with the use of X mentioned above.
Only managed about 8 hours so far (eff you real life) and I won't lie, for the first 4 or so I was struggling to get into it at all. However, having said that, it's slowly starting to show a little more character and the combat is slowly beginning to click into place. I reserve judgement for now but I'm enjoying it a lot more than I was a few hours ago.
I actually find it amusing that when I need to pick stuff up or talk to a vendor I jump instead. It's like the character cannot contain his excitement as well, never change square! (Except the frame rates...)
I just finished the training section and just under 1 hour of the story, I like the world & general story (already watched king glaive) and the banter between noctis and his friends. I'm back to world of final fantasy thought since I'm waiting for my pro and it's 60 fps patch to arrive before I played final fantasy xv seriously, I want to play this game in all its glory
@NathanUC @walrusballs In my region 3 final fantasy xv, the jump button is "X" while the talk and run button is "O". Weird, I though in the region 1 or 2 version, the talk and run button is the same (X).
First day I watched Kingsglaive, and completed all the tutorials to get well prepared. Then I saved at the auto repair with the mechanic that looks like a stripper.
Then I went clothes shopping the last 2 days after work. Today I'll be diving into the actual game.
Haven't had as much time to play it as I want, only about 8 hours in. Like the combat system so far though.
I'm not excited to buy it but I do want to get it. I've been a huge FF fan for 20 years, I've never missed an FF game. But for the first time I'm just not excited about it. Good to know that it's getting pretty good reviews though.
Really enjoying it as a whole, love the character building scenes, like with Noct and Prompto on the Motel sign etc. Combat is great once you get into it, and I love doing every quest I can find. 16 hours in, just started chaoter 3. Oh and I absolutely love the fishing
@NathanUC That happens in so many games. It is baffling how it's not picked up in testing, oh yeah I forgot nobody tests their games any more it's left to us.
@GBMatthew In all fairness, Nintendo play test their games to the bone. But other than that, yeah, you're right.
@fchinaski I stand corrected that is very true. Thank god we still have Nintendo.
I'm about 10 hours in on Chapter 3 and I'm loving every minute of it, the combat is much better than I was hoping after the early demo. Certainly a great return to formally and could well be my favourite in the series since the PS1 days, my only complaint is that some of the side quests aren't great and my real life keeps getting in the way of me playing this
@GBMatthew Well, considering they only put out about half a dozen games a year on either a console or handheld, it's kind of expected first party nintendo games should be bug free.
I'm definitely not excusing square enix either, they've had ten years, multiple delays, and several giant patches to ensure a smooth launch on both platforms, and so far i've only heard of a few issues, nothing major though.
I absolutely love it. You can really tell that a lot of love and care went into this game. Like others have mentioned the side quests are bad. They feel like an afterthought because the rest of the game is so polished, but that is legitimately my only complaint. I've genuinely grown to love all the characters and I'm completely addicted to the Monster Hunts.
In a post-Witcher 3 world its hard not to make comparisons. In my opinion The Witcher 3 has FFXV beat in almost every category. However, the little things that FFXV does, it does great and it ties it in perfectly. If I had to chose between the two I'd go with the latter, because it's the more fun.
I really like the side quests. But then farming and grinding is my thing, and I could never get into W3.
For those that are not there yet (minor spoilers) there's a lucrative chain of quests at Chapter 3, guy down from the car park, will get you 80,000 gil and lots of EXP and they're easy. Maybe an hour for the lot that are available then.
I'm at about the 3-hour mark and have previously played a buddy's game who was much further along in the story.
Combat is great fun but a lot less so when fighting ginormous monsters. Story could be much better, but the core team is enjoyable to hang out with. Setting is an interesting blend of fantasy and reality.
Its Amazig so far. Im 24hrs in. The enemies are impressive and once you get a hold on the combt and strategy it really begins to shine.
Also ive played about 5 of those hours on PS Vita remote play which is way better than i expected. Try it!
@RedMageLanakyn That would be half a dozen more a year than any other developer then.
As for FFXV I would call frame pacing a major issue wouldn't you.
Only 3 hours in - but excited to play a lot more! So far, it is in my top 4 Final Fantasy games. We'll see how it fares within that top 4.
I will say, the most disappointing thing is that I know way more about this game than I do the other three in that list. Each moment was a surprise journey and I'm waiting for certain events I know about to transpire (popular things like from trailers and such)
@GBMatthew First party yes, third party no. When i said half a dozen between two platforms, that would be 3 per platform, and that was being generous. As far a frame pacing goes, it's a PS4 only problem, doesn't affect X1, and can be patched out, so i would consider it minor.
16 hours in, loving it! Spent 2 hours fishing ^_^; Anybody complaining about frame pacing is nitpicking - You need to analyse the game with some tool to actually notice it...
Its absolute final fantasy, fun, intriguing and above all varied. There's so much to think about and do, all of the quests, areas and mini games are rewarding. Its an easy 9/10, would have been a 10 bar the ridiculous beginning and people fully clothed on the beach.
I can't say too much as I have only spent about an hour on it but really loving what I've played and even liking the combat system alot more than I thought I would after playing that Platinum demo.
I've enjoyed it thus far, just started chapter 5.
It does seem very disjointed but also enjoyable, certainly not a masterpiece at this stage.
I've adjusted the combat to be semi-paused which I think works better and the game certainly looks very nice.
Spent about two hours wandering around a cave while I was around level 7 only to find the boss at the end was level 45 which was a bit frustrating.
Cooking and photographer are nice asides but fishing is annoying.
7 out of 10 for me.
9.5/10 for me.
@Nicomg5 weird that you say you've done more sidequesting then story yet are already at chapter 5 at only 13 hours. I've done plenty of side quests,monster hunts and exploring and I'm at 10 hours and just reached chapter 2.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Witcher 3 Def has it beat in side quests and story but characters,animations,graphics,the world and Def the combat is better in ff xv than Witcher 3 especially the combat my god the combat was so bad and boring in the Witcher 3
Where's your review guys?
Only done tutorial and pushed my car to the garage. Paw paw's daughter bap bap sent me off on a kill quest but seeing as attack button is what I'm expecting evade button to be or something, my battle finesse was lacking.
Not really feeling it at this point, I actually switched off and restarted playing Witcher 3 from beginning and sure it runs better on the Pro than it did on OG. Maybe it's finally patched to perfection but the game world still looks amazing.
@dark_knightmare2 I agree. The Witcher 3 completely burned me out, were as with FFXV I can literally do anything and have fun with it. It is a JRPG and story is paramount, so I can't really ignore the quality of the side quests (can't speak of the main campaign). Even the injured people you come across are always the same guy.
It's definitely one of my games of the year though.
I made a Japanese account and downloaded the Judgement Disc demo and yes, I can see the fun in the combat but the camera is still abysmal and ruins it. I'll probably pick this up next year for about a tenner.
I keep thinking how good this would be if it had the combat of Dragon's Dogma.
Really liking it atm, I was talking to a guy that's finished the main story but didn't do any side quest's at all (crap way to play a game if you ask me) and it took him 22 hour's so it sound's a bit short but i'll see I spose. He did say there's plenty to do still in the game though and it sounded pretty cool, i'm on chapter 8 about 40+ hour's in and enjoying it until now anyway. Just thought i'd add he play's all his RPG's like that and usualy he does it in 10 hour's or so (I didn't think to ask him how long it took for TW3) he did say it was a long game in comparison to other's.
@RedMageLanakyn Quite a major issue when you're commenting on a Playstation website!
As for QA and playtesting, you can't deny that Nintendo set the gold standard.
Obviously it's not a game breaking issue preventing people from playing though, right? People seem to love Bloodborne and DS3, which both have the same issue. And as far as nintendo setting a gold standard, i would agree with that. Their modern games are pretty much free of game breaking bugs, which is always nice to know that you can buy a game off the shelf and it will work if you're not online!
Im lovin it. About 15 hours in,chapter 3, lvl 23. Spend alot of time on sidequests and hunts. I must admit it feels like no FF-game before. It feels little strange at first but the friendship of the teams grows on me and the freedom of the first part of the game feels nice. Sometimes i almost feel like im playing another game but then i see a flan or chocobo and im reminded its an FF game. Im happy i found and slain my first catuar. Realy curious how the game goes further in story
@RedMageLanakyn Yeah, you're right. More an irritation than major problem that I hope gets resolved. Odd how the three games mentioned are all from Japanese devs. Mere coincidence I wonder, too dense to speculate.
That is a bit strange indeed. I know Destiny had the same problem at some stage but it got patched out. It never really bothered me in Bloodborne unless i was around multiple witches spawning mad ones.
@dark_knightmare2 lol, maybe we have different definitions of "a lot of sidequesting" haha
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