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Final Fantasy XV's been on store shelves for a few days now, and we imagine that many of you reading this will still be digging into Square Enix's latest adventure - but we're more eager than ever to know what you think.

Having been in development for so long, it's safe to say that expectations have been set quite high. After ten years of waiting, it's only natural that we find ourselves hoping for the title's success. After all, much like you lot, we're still playing through it ourselves so that we can bring you a review in the near future.

Without further ado, the ball's now in your court. Tell us what you think of the game via our polls, and then feed us your thoughts - positive or negative - in the comments section below.

Are you enjoying Final Fantasy XV? (140 votes)

  1. Yes, I think it's fantastic%
  2. I'm really liking it%
  3. It's okay, nothing amazing%
  4. I'm disappointed, to be honest%
  5. No, I think it's rubbish  0.7%
  6. Nope, I don't own the game%

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How long have you spent playing Final Fantasy XV so far? (131 votes)

  1. More than 30 hours%
  2. Between 20 and 30 hours%
  3. Between 10 and 20 hours%
  4. Under 10 hours%
  5. I told you, I haven't bought it%

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