Are you used to Sony's big blockbusters getting pushed back? Well, there's good news for those of you in the UK: promising PlayStation 4 exclusive Horizon: Zero Dawn has actually been moved forwards. The dinobot snaring simulation was originally due out on 3rd March in Britain, but will now roar into retail on 1st March – just a day after North America.
We're not entirely sure why this isn't a worldwide release – it's certainly a big enough title to be one – but at least we won't be made to wait until the end of the week to go hands on with the machina massacre. Many are still anticipating a delay to this title, but it really does appear to be locked in for the start of the year.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 14
I cant Wait. After this week hopefully im finished with all my courses. Then the only thing left is my thesis
@Sanquine Good luck, man! Nail it.
So many games to finish before this one arrives...
Wow!! 2 days earlier!!! Its still a day later than some other areas.
I would have preferred a simultaneous global release - if anything to stop the chance of spoilers. I am glad that the latest trailer revealed nothing of the story. Ever since its reveal, I have been intrigued by the world and its inhabitants and looking forward to finding out for myself.
Its my most anticipated game of 2017 and have had this pre-ordered for months - ever since they announced the Limited Editions. So now I have 48hrs less than I expected to wait...
Good news for the UK. Although I still think it'll get a one last delay.
I hope I already finish yakuza 0, persona 5, and gravity rush 2 by then.
@wiiware Unless you're playing the Japanese version of Persona 5, then you won't be playing it until April, friend.
Not complaining, this one looks very promising.
I thought it was a worldwide release, but guess not. Good for UK gamers to get the game a few days earlier.
I guess I'm alone in this opinion but Im really not excited about this at all. Knowing Guerilla games this will be very impressive graphically, but gameplay wise it will probably be 'by the books'. The setting does nothing for me either. But hey, maybe I'll get it after a year or two and be pleasantly suprised.
@JoeBlogs Finish Skyrim? Is that possible?
@BAMozzy It should be a game, so I doubt getting it one day later will result in spoilers, especially if you play it a lot.
@ThroughTheIris56 1 day later is probably not going to spoil anything but 3-4days later could reveal some spoilers. Of course I can avoid reading articles, watching youtube videos etc as well. If the game is as big as I expect it to be, I doubt many will get that far ahead - not without missing a lot of side-quests etc. I know the world is totally open, but I expect some areas would be foolish to enter unless you have upgraded character, abilities and gear.
Most of the 'action' we have seen has been around a level 10-14 character but we don't know how long it takes to reach that level or point and most seem to be in a similar area as well. We do get quick glimpses of other areas in trailer videos.
@BAMozzy I agree anything more than day is kind of pushing it when it comes to spoilers. I wish global release dates were more common.
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