Outspoken industry analyst Michael Pachter has put together his gaming predictions for 2017, leading with the bold belief that Sony will drop the price of the PlayStation 4 to $199.99 at some point during the year. The divisive Wedbush Securities sage believes that the Japanese giant will make the move on the PS4 Slim in order to keep Microsoft in a distant second place.
And y'know what: we actually agree. The console's retailing for $249.99 this holiday with Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, and given how aggressive the bundles have been globally since the PS4 Slim model launched, it's clear that the platform holder has breathing room to bring the price even lower. This is definitely going to happen in the holidays, and the impact will be huge.
In fact, just looking ahead, Sony seems to have its Christmas 2017 strategy locked. We know, for example, that it's going to have marketing partnerships with Red Dead Redemption 2, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and the next Call of Duty; potentially throw Destiny 2 and this predicted price drop into the mix, and it could be another huge holiday for the PlayStation maker.
[source gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 21
He's right.
Some local retailers discounted the slim 500gb for 200 euros some time ago. It sold out.
Haha, Pachter I've missed the articles on him. Didn't pachter predict the X1 would run away with this generation. Hahahaha.
Isn't the Pro coming in in 2017? And if I'm Sony I drop PS4 down to $175 the week before Switch comes out, just to bury the hatchet into Nintendo's back. Easy way to kill that launch in a hurry.
@XCWarrior Depends. Personally I dont care because Microsoft is an immediate threat especially when aggressive. Nintendo is at 0.
But no one really wants Nintendo around anyway so we shall just see. All the provrn fake rumours started by one man blogs that gain large media coverage with no basis is destroying it rnough anyway. Each one of those that comes out more people turn away from Nintendo even though they are swiftly proven faked.
Just let the internet kill them off. Only a few million people to go.
With Xbox and Playstation dropping prices in prep for their new consoles, why haven't Wii U dropped in price yet?
Well, why don't you share your thoughts on this @rjejr I know how big a fan of price cuts you are
Well let's pray that doesn't happen then, since as gamers we only lose when a console launch gets "killed" Great for these companies lining their pockets, not so great for gamers looking to diversify
@JaxonH Funny, I wrote a comment but deleted it before posting. I'm trying to ween myself off of social media but it seems I just move from here to Twitter to FB. I started writing you an email the other day about NES Mini stock (about you being ganged up on on NL) but I stopped that too.
Since I'm here, what I wrote was you can basically get it for $199 now if you look around hard enough and factor in GC offers at places like Newegg, Amazon, Gamestop, the usual haunts. I wrote this early this morning - I'm always 1 step ahead of Pachter. Maybe 7 or 8. .
"Rumour has it, starting tomorrow PS4 Slim $249 at Best Buy US + $50 BB GC. That's effectively a $200 PS4 Slim, that's nuts. Though I suppose now that own 1 everybody here does."
I broached this topic w/ Sammy a few weeks ago, wondering if Slim will go away in 2017 as they push the Pro as THE PS4 model, or if maybe they'll start bundling it w/ PSVR for $499 or even less to get people hooked on VR. He convinced me it won't go away, but I do feel like next holiday most of the sales will be for Pro as Slim fades from sight, kind of like the 12GB PS3 which was around but never really promoted. So of course I own one.
I cut my emoijis back to 2 this comment just for you.
Geez, Sony is really tearing it up this gen.
I want to say that I should have waited to buy my PS4, but then I wouldn't have been able to experience P.T.
My PS4 has been collecting dust, but with a fleet of great games arriving next year, I'll have to make time for it.
@ $199 Playstation momentum will become monumental!
Did someone upstairs mention that the Pro is out in 2017? I've had mine for Month now. Must've been a typo. Anyway,
1. Drop to $199 in the summer @ E3 . Similar drop for PSVR with some expanded AAA games in the pipe.
2. Bundle to death leading up to the 2017 Holiday Season.
3. Announce/Tease the PS5 to take some wind from the Scorpions sails. (MS did the same with the vapor specs. To me Scorpio is a Myth until we see the machine because anyone can create a powerpoint presentation with off the chart specs).
I've been saying that during the PS3 era the Dragon was Injured (mostly self inflicted). It repaired itself and hibernated at the end of that generation. All the while... The others were poking at it to the point of awakening it in a fury. This is what we are seeing now. Sony in Rare form. Making most of the right moves. Was it a matter of survival? Maybe. But one thing is for sure. This generation belongs to them. The Dragon lives.
This is great news. I've been poor for a while now but as long as this internship pulls through, I should be able to get both a PS4 and a Switch in 2017.
@FATHASUN In the end, I think ps3 is good for sony, it let them learn a lot so they doesn't make the same mistakes anymore, about pricing, timing, focus on games and the importance of good relations to gamer and 3rd party.
@JaxonH Gamers lost when they agreed to Day 1 patches of 2+ gigs because they cared more about having the game immediately than waiting for a delay to get the game fixed. Gamers lost when they agreed to be nickel and dimed by DLC instead of unlocking cool stuff like we used to. Gamers lost when they decided $60 AND microtransactions were OK in their games. Gamers could have actually listened to reviews and stop preordering things just because they get some artbook or figurine, but they didn't. So even though I love Nintendo, they've screwed up so bad, at this point, they almost deserve what's looming over their head.
And besides, there will always be lots of diversity and well priced games on Steam and the PC market in general.
@BLP_Software Microsoft isn't going away. They have the PC market, so you want to take out Nintendo and then convince them to only make games for the Sony platform. Must combine to have any chance to conquer.
It's not about what "they deserve". It's about millions of gamers who enjoy their products potentially losing out on something they love and enjoy while people like you root for it to happen, almost as if you'd rather see them "get what's coming to em" at the expense of millions of people (like me) who would suffer as a result.
There's no one else making the kind of hardware they make. If they fail, dual screen handhelds cease to exist. Hybrid consoles cease to exist. All we'll be left with is regular plain consoles. And that may be ok with you, but even the thought of such an outcome depresses me. Especially with how awesome the Switch is looking. What a shame it would be to live in a world where devices like that don't exist.
I don't care if they screwed up. Sony screwed up with Go. And with Move. And with Vita. Xbox screwed up with 360, and again with Xbox One. Why keep a running tally of screw ups when everyone screws up. What I'm getting at is Switch looks like an amazing gaming device. I want as many games on it as possible for as long as possible. Wishing failure doesn't serve gamers' interests. To lose hardware like Switch would be a devastating blow to gamers worldwide. My dream for the better part of the last 10 years has been a handheld with console graphics. That means I've waited a third of my entire life for this day to come. And some people just want to see it burn
If you are in the US you can essentially get it for under $199 right now! At best buy they have a deal going on for the UC4 slim bundle for $250 with a free $50 gift card. Price match with Walmart who has it for $230 and even with taxes puts it under $200! Just did it this morning and quite pleased with the Slim thus far.
I could see $250, if that's what the Switch is priced at, to try and remain attractive to the casual audience that Nintendo is targeting. But $200? I imagine that's too low for Sony to be making profits it needs, especially with a VR headset that could very well be a costly fail in terms of sales when all is said and done.
Nintendo's management of the Wii U was braindead and tone deaf from the beginning. I may game mostly on PlayStation and Xbox these days but before I moved onto other platforms I was a Nintendo guy so I'm always interested in what the company is working on and hope for the best. The Wii U was the first and only time I can remember Nintendo unveiling a console and me thinking it was a complete and utter waste from the very start. It just seemed like a bad joke. The concept, the name, the specs, this was all coming off a time too where Nintendo had literally nothing for the Wii after 2010 outside of Zelda, Xenoblade and The Last Story, so you're going two years with a mere three games, not great momentum heading into the next console. The real kicker? $350 for a console that was barely ahead of the PS3 and Xbox in terms of performance and still ended up with worse versions of the big third party games because somehow in freaking 2012 tone deaf Nintendo still didn't realize having a good network was important (PSN is far from perfect and I b*tch about it plenty but it is better than what Nintendo has). Even after the PS4 hit, at a very competitive price for a console far more capable than the Wii U, Nintendo still didn't act until it was too late and even then it was half assed. Fortunately I've seen a lot of positive signs in regards to the Switch. I think Nintendo long ago accepted it messed up with the Wii U so as a smart company does, it was trying to profit as much as possible while it still could. Once the Switch launches, at a bargain price like the original Wii did, you'll see the Wii U also hit record lows but it won't be before.
@JaxonH I love Nintendo... but the mistakes they have made and have not been learnign from this generation has pissed me off so much.
Do they need to be unique? Yes... to a point.
Dual screens are good, that's why they aren't getting rid of 3DS yet.
But are multiplayer games with no online good? No.
Is still have no trophy system good? No.
The fact they still barely utilize cross buy between 3DS/WiiU good? No.
Did you like how they stocked amiibo and NES Mini? I hope not.
How about how they try and market most of their games via word of mouth? Dumb
The instance on "unique" controls like in SF Zero? Bad move.
Their way of keeping your digital game library safe is the worst of the 3 companies.
Although off TV play is great, the WiiU controller is not fun to hold.
NIntendo has had great ideas in the past, but as of late they have been missing way more than they are hitting. I want them to learn, but they seem to refuse to listen to criticisms. We'll see with Swtich... but so far, I'm not thrilled with I'm hearing about the WiiU portable port machine.
I loved to watch pach attack on gametrailers.com always great info about the industry. Anyone know if he got a new show somewhere?
wasnt that obvious?
I mean - Switch and Scorpio are comin - so Sony will have to cut down the Price - if they do, both Nintendo and MS are doomed. Dont believe it? Well, Switch may have its own audience, but since the technicals have been leaked (weaker than the PS4!) I guess its been settled already ... and Microsoft? Wanting to present "real 4k"? I am seriously "lmao"
First of all dear Microsoft - worry about your Price. Sony will just cut the Price of the PS4Pro and then we will see which console sells more next Christmas lol even with the "full 4k" Support I guess hardly anyone that wants to get a new console will spend the horrendous Price on a new Xbox ...
I must not remind anyone that this has been the same as the One launched.
100,- more than the PS4 - lol, lol, lol
and whats next? Sony will just announce the PS5 shortly after that.
Microsoft is beat and just doesnt want to see it yet.
A shame for all the wasted Money! In our times of war .. not only us Players against each other. But Money is surely the last Thing MS has to worry about.
Dont get me wrong. I also have an Xbox, 360, and a One. Not a blind Sony Fanboy, although I always preferred PS over Xbox due to the JRPGs.
Just my prediction of whats comin next.
I'm not disagreeing with anything you've said. Yes, they made alot of poor decisions, although some (like stock issues) are understandable and easily remedied. Yes, I want a trophy system. And yes, they should have included normal controls as an option in Star Fox. And yes, accounts tied to hardware hasn't been ideal. I could probably make a long list of other things too.
But I can say the same thing about MS with their sluggish OS and can't use account balance to buy 360 games on X1. I can say the same thing about Sony with their $80 Vita memory cards, lack of external drive support and online behind a pay wall.
Companies do things we don'the agree with sometimes. But at the end of the day, it's about playing games. And when I'm enjoying Zelda on the Switch, I'm not thinking about any of that other stuff. What matters is they're providing great games and hardware no one else is providing. And that's awesome. I don't wanna see that go away. That doesn't mean we have to like everything these companies do. But Im still excited to play these great games and in the case of Switch, finally get a console-level portable.
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