The Senran Kagura series has never shied away from its shameless portrayal of buxom female ninja, but it's taking a step back from its hack and slash roots with Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash. The upcoming spin-off takes the ladies to the beach, where they don bikinis and soak each other with a range of water guns. We haven't heard a great deal about the summery shooter up to this point, but now that Siliconera has translated a lot of the juicy details from the title's official Japanese website, we have to admit that it's sounding like an interesting project. Ahem.
Essentially, Peach Beach Splash is Splatoon - Nintendo's successful Wii U shooter - but with way more bikinis and... bouncing bits. Naturally, the goal is to drench the opposing team with watery weapons of your choosing, from quick firing pistols to super powered shotguns that unleash huge amounts of liquid in one concentrated blast. You'll be able to upgrade your arsenal over time, customising your loadout and discovering the ultimate selection of soakers. It obviously sounds completely stupid, but hey, dumb takes on established genres can sometimes turn out pretty well.
Peach Beach Splash is out on PlayStation 4 in Japan next March, but are you up for this one? Get the perfect bikini body in the comments section below.
[source, via]
Comments 20
Sounds like a ton of fun.
Day one!! (If it comes West)!?
Well, it's not really like Splatoon, since that game is about controlling territory, be it the majority of an entire map, a specific zone, or even a moving goal of sorts.
The way this series has evolved over time, I'm not surprised it has turned into girls in bikinis shooting eachother with super-soakers. The series needed a change, though. If the shooting mechanics are decent, I might go for this.
I'll probably get it on vita if it comes out in the west.
@shogunrok "Peach Beach Splash is out on PlayStation 4 and Vita in Japan next March"
This game has it's own website and there are 7 articles on Siliconera that I read but I can't find Vita mentioned anywhere. Not saying it isn't coming out on Vita, but I can't find anything saying it is except you.
I also can't find a game mechanic. I'm guessing all the girls start out fully dressed and their clothing dissolves in water and the team that gets the other girls down to their undies wins?
Now if you'll excuse me I need to go take a cold shower.
Oh yeah. This is a PS4 exclusive.
This article subtitle is really playing with Fire lol.
Territorial marking of a different kind. This series has always been against PC anyway.
@Ralizah @rjejr Hey, you're right - for some reason I was convinced it was on Vita as well. I've fixed it now.
@ShogunRok "for some reason I was convinced it was on Vita"
Probably b/c those Vita graphics should never be on PS4.
@YouSeemFRAZZLED For a new I.P. released on a console with a relatively tiny install base, it WAS very successful.
@YouSeemFRAZZLED Splatoon sold 4 million copies on a console with 13 million owners, in Japan it sold that 1.7 million copies or something like that, so yeah keep on hating
@Ralizah I hate fanboys :/
I swear I feel like there is a new SK game every six months. Looks cool though.
Day 0!
Let's see a Senran Kagura version of Team Fortress/Overwatch
Eh, this is more like Call of Duty with anime girls than it is Splatoon.
Splatoon was never about targeting opposing players (although kills are an important part of strategy, since eliminating an opponent prevents them from painting turf for a good 10-15 seconds). The game is about painting territory, not about getting the most kills.
@JaxonH Exactly. Splatoon's focus on territory control is what makes it so refreshing (in addition to the 90s Nickelodeon meets punk vibe it has).
I like Estival Verus so I may get this. I've never played Splatoon, maybe I'll give that game a shot if I get a Switch.
@Ralizah @JaxonH I get where you're coming from but the comparison I was trying to make had to do with both games being fun and colourful. That and the fact that they're both shooters that don't deal in bullets, instead opting for guns that shoot liquid. Besides, Sexy Splatoon was too good not to include in a headline.
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