You know you've put together a strong press conference when something like WipEout Omega Collection – a jaw dropping reveal under ordinary circumstances – doesn't even feel like the main draw. But make no mistake: Sony XDev Europe's compilation of classic anti-grav racing tracks is looking like a real treat – particularly in 4K resolution on the PlayStation 4 Pro.
Our buddy Arekkz Gaming managed to get some hands-on time with the compilation at PlayStation Experience 2016 this weekend, and he's uploaded some footage of the favourite in action so you can see it in all of its ridiculously high resolution glory. Yes, he needs to be sent back to racing school, but we reckon that you get the idea.
Comments 19
It does look good, but I never liked Wipeout. I don't like the control nor the fact that there are weapons.
Second time you used the 4K pun.... its not getting funnier 😘
This is awesome!!
@Greenlightracer There's been a lot more than that, believe me.
Wipeout doesn't need PS4 Pro to look good. The art style of these games is something I'm a huge sucker for.
This was right up there with the best reveals for me. I know it's essentially just a port, but it's a pretty massive one with three games' worth of WipEout goodness. It looks stunning as always - can't wait!
When will it release?
@Scollurio The reveal trailer said Summer 2017
I'll be picking this one up. I hope sony remaster more of their old ip in 4k, I want 4k jumping flash, colony wars, ape escape 1-3 (not as ps2 to ps4 games, but 4k remaster like parappa), wild arms and twisted metal series.
I can't 4King wait to play this!!
@EddyM Apparently it's a new soundtrack.
Looks like the closes thing to a new F-Zero.
1 word "sik"
So fond memories of the first wipeout, chemical brothers on the soundtrack and the Stunning scenery by The Designers Republic
@Quintumply thx. Couldnt watch it to the end (bad signal)
@Greenlightracer Yep and they jump all over anyone who makes the mildest comment.
They obviously think it's funny though. However, the more I read this site the more I think it's written by children for children. Time to look elsewhere I think.
Wow, Sony isn't pulling any punches are they? Glad to see a new wipeout. I was nervous after the vita version.
@GBMatthew I agree with you regurgitated pap day after day.
Made by the same child using different accounts.
The way they treated BAMozzy in live chat was like a pack of hyenas disgraceful take a good look at yourself how would you like to be treated like that.
F-Zero has always been it for me. Nothing else feels right. It's the cylindrical tracks and super responsive steering. All the other games make you skid when you turn, and I never liked that.
That said, in the absence of F-Zero these last 10-15 years ever since the pinnacle of the series dropped with GX, I've grown to enjoy Wipeout, loose turning and all.
I'll be buying this for sure.
@PlaytendoGuy Wipeout has always had the same thing like F-Zero titles, so yeah, since we're not getting a new F-zero for awhile it looks, then this is definitely one that will give you the feel! Still, Wipeout has been a great game series! I'm also excited for the remastered 4K version of Parappa the Rapper and the upcoming Patapon and my favorite for the PSP...Loco Roco!!!! I really hope more remasters do come for the system...would love for a Wild Arms Collection, Grandia Collection, Spyro The Dragon collection, Legia, Jade Cocoon, Gran Truismo Collection, Hot Shots Golf Collection and more! Sony had many great classics that seem to be lost...just like nintendo has many classics that seem to be lost too! Maybe since retro is in, companies will start doing this more often...especially if it shows them that they can still make money off of the IP's franchises!
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