We don't know if you've noticed, but 2017 is absolutely packed with PlayStation 4 games. From blockbusters to indies to the most niche of Japanese titles you can imagine, Sony's system is really hitting its stride this year. The best part is that we've got it all to look forward to, so we've gathered the troops and written about our most anticipated games. Naturally, the range of titles that we've mentioned is incredibly broad, once again highlighting the sheer amount of variety that this current-gen console boasts. Let's take a look, shall we?

Sammy Barker, Editor
While there were some great games, I wasn't overly impressed with the release slate last year, though even as early as January, things are looking up in 2017. I feel like the PS4 is really beginning to exert its dominance now, as there's good stuff dropping on a weekly basis. But it's a sequel, spin-off, and remaster that I'm going to list in my most anticipated titles for the year; I could have picked more, but Ramsey told me to select three, so I'm not going to cheat.
First up, I'm going with Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. I absolutely loved Nathan Drake's concluding escapade last year, and even though I think the series is due a decent vacation, I'm happy for Naughty Dog to give it one last hurrah – especially with Chloe at the helm. Then I'm going to pick WipEout: Omega Collection, because I've been gagging for some anti-grav racing on my PS4. And finally, I have to go with Shenmue III; even though I don't expect Yu Suzuki's long, long awaited sequel to make it out on time, I can always live in hope, huh?

Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
Phwoar, 2017's looking a bit busy, isn't it? 2016 was a solid year for games, but aside from Uncharted 4 and Final Fantasy XV, nothing really stuck with me on a personal level. Thankfully, the next twelve months are looking way more exciting; there are several titles in January alone that I'm eager to get my hands on, but I reckon that the real fun starts as we work our way into spring.
For starters, I'm hugely looking forward to Tekken 7. Namco's genre-defining series has always held a special place in my heart, and the seventh main instalment looks set to be a knockout. It doesn't have a confirmed launch date just yet, but 'early 2017' is all I need to get me hyped. Persona 5 is the other release that's got me seriously stoked, and that's mainly because we all just know it's going to be a blinder. I could go on, but I don't want to bore anyone with my hopes and dreams for Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Alex Stinton, Reviewer
Unless there's a massive stroke of bad luck coming down the pipeline in 2017, this year is going to deliver a couple of my most anticipated titles for PlayStation 4. First is Persona 5, a game I will buy sight unseen since I've played pretty much every game in the series – whether it's a dungeon crawler, or rhythm game - since I imported a copy of Persona 3 over ten years ago. With it already out in Japan reports suggest we're in for treat when it finally drops in April, and you can guarantee I'll be at the head of the queue to pick up my copy.
The second game I'm amped for is already out on Xbox One and PC, but for some reason I'm really looking forward to getting to start over with a new Commander in Elite Dangerous when it supposedly comes to PlayStation 4 in Q2 2017. I'm particularly keen to play it on my Pro, since it can really struggle on the Xbox One at times, but I do worry that this new version will release in an unfinished state, while also lagging behind both the PC and Xbox versions in terms of content updates. I guess only time will tell.

Graham Banas, Reviewer
2017 looks like it's going to be an absolutely incredible year for gaming. There are so many games I'm excited for, but there are a few that stand out far and away above the rest of the pack. The first one for me would be Pyre. I got to play Supergiant's upcoming beauty at PAX last year and I've been anxiously awaiting it ever since. It's one of, if not my favourite developer working right now, and if its name's on it, I want it.
Another one I'm incredibly excited for is Persona 5. I was relatively late to the Persona party, having finally purchased a Vita last year just so I could play Persona 4 Golden. Well, let's just say it was worth it, and now I desperately want Atlus' follow-up. Finally, another game I'm incredibly excited for is one I had hoped to have been playing by now: Red Barrels' Outlast 2. Pushed back at the last minute around Halloween, I can't wait to get my hands on this next horror-fest. After the first game, Red Barrels have shown to me that when it comes to horror, it's one of the best in the business.

Jacob Hull, Reviewer
There's a whole slew of great looking releases coming in 2017, so trying to narrow this down to just three is tricky, to say the least. I could do what most people will probably do and include Horizon: Zero Dawn, but I harbour fears that it will be a somewhat generic open-world game with big mechanical animals as towers that you must climb to show points of "interest" on a map. I hope I'm wrong, but if it does, it can't very well be on my list here, can it?
So, my three most anticipated games have to go to Persona 5, Ni no Kuni II, and Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. I mulled over putting Mass Effect: Andromeda in instead of the latter, but with Square's divisive RPG being one of my favourite games of all time, I simply can't wait for a remaster. Persona 5 and Ni no Kuni II, meanwhile, look like two of the most exciting and stylish Japanese RPGs for years, and with prior titles being some of my all-time favourites, I'm giddy with excitement for what they can accomplish on PS4. Oh, fiddlesticks, I seem to have mentioned more than three games in this post. Oh well, I guess there's just too many for 2017.

Jade Sayers, Reviewer
I feel like 2017 was made for me in terms of gaming releases, and it's hard to narrow my choices down (and will be even harder to get anything done this year). First and foremost is a game I feel like I've been waiting for forever: Persona 5. I'm trying to keep my excitement levels down on that one for fear of another delay, although not to much success.
I'm intrigued by Horizon: Zero Dawn simply because it looks beautiful, and unlike anything I've ever played before; hopefully it can live up to that promise. I'm also majorly excited for Zero Escape: Nonary Games, so I can force all my non-Vita pals to play one of my favourite game series and delve back into that world for myself.

Joey Thurmond, Reviewer
What better way to start out the year than with Resident Evil 7, which is shaping up to be an unconventional yet needed reboot of sorts for the franchise? It lost its way with Umbrella Corp and Resident Evil 6, but has rekindled my hopes of delivering real survival-horror with the Revelations spin-offs. This looks to be even truer of the seventh entry, which has an adamant focus on limited supplies and little ways to fight enemies. This vulnerability forces you to play frugally and timidly because the tension is racked up to 11, and that's all I want from a Resident Evil game.
There are a plethora of indie games I'm interested in this year. Pyre, RiME, and Absolver are among them, but there are two rising above the rest. Firstly, Death's Gambit is a sidescrolling platformer with larger-than-life bosses and Dark Souls-inspired progression and combat. After my talk with the lead creator, I couldn't be more stoked for this ambitious, beautiful project. Secondly, Yooka-Laylee is a dream game. I adore 3D platformers such as the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon, but they're rarely seen today. Knack was a flawed yet valiant effort to revitalise the genre, but I have massive hopes that Playtonic Games' will succeed with a collectathon title burgeoning with silly writing and reasons to explore its vibrant world.

Ken Talbot, Reviewer
I'm looking forward to 2017 about as much as I did 2016, the yearly release slate is an addictive roller coaster of highs, lows, loops, and sheer drops. It's early days yet, but Horizon: Zero Dawn ranks near the top of my anticipation list; I am dying to know what Guerilla have up their sleeves with this one.
Elsewhere there's Mass Effect: Andromeda and the love letter to googly eyed mascots that is Yooka-Laylee. But If there's one thing about 2017 that has me excited the most, it's the potential return to form of one of gaming's most defining franchises, as Resident Evil 7 tries to reinvent the genre it helped create.

Sam Brooke, Reviewer
2017 looks to be a really promising year in gaming, and easily the most promising game releasing this year is Red Dead Redemption 2. Rockstar has yet to put a foot wrong in my book, and judging by the trailer, it looks like it won't anytime soon, either.
Sonic Mania is also shaping up to be really good - any fan-produced Sonic game is likely to be better than anything SEGA put out, plus the return to 2D platforming is very welcome.

Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
While there are dozens of great-looking games releasing this year, there were a few game announcements in 2016 that particularly got me excited. Firstly, Red Dead Redemption 2 - the sequel to one of my favourite games from the last generation. All Rockstar needed to do was make its logo red on social media, and I was ready for an epic return to the Wild West.
Next, Sonic Mania's excellent reveal trailer presented a return to everything that made Sonic good in the first place. After playing it at EGX, that seems to be exactly what we're getting. It looks, sounds, and feels spot on, and I can't wait to get my hands on it. Lastly, and something practically guaranteed to be ace, is WipEout: Omega Collection, which combines WipEout HD, Fury, and 2048 into one glorious package. It may be a simple re-release, but no PlayStation is complete without this iconic series. While I'm hoping a brand new entry will emerge someday, I'm still excited to be jumping back into the pilot's seat for some slick, aggressive combat racing.
That's it from us, but what are you most looking forward to in 2017? Will you be giving your PS4 much love over the next twelve months? Start making plans in the comments section below.
Comments 48
Persona 5 is simply phenomenal.
Good shouts with Pyre and FF12. I half forgot they were coming. Pyre is intriguing as I loved Transistor but I'm not finding Pyre as immediately interesting.
I'm currently most excited for Nier and Yooka Laylee. Mass Effect looks interesting. Red Dead is also up there but a bit too far off for me to get super pumped about yet. I'm reserving judgement on Horizon but I could end up loving it, these open world adventures can go either way can't they! I'm sure plenty will take me by suprise, too.
Persona 5, horizon, nier and nioh for me thanks
Miku Future Tone hit yesterday so that's one. Then Horizon and Crash N Sane. Yooka looks very promising too.
I wait eargerly for:
Persona 5
Ni No Kuni II Revenant Kingdom
South Park Fractured but Whole
Gravity Rush 2
Valkyria Azure Revolution
And it's just on Playstation, I still waiting for some Switch you know.
Yooka-Laylee was my most anticipated game of the year, but Playtonic isn't getting 1 cent from me now. We'll I suppose technically if it goes on PS+ they'll be getting some of my money but that's beyond my control.
With Gravity Rush 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn the next 2 months, I really haven't had reason to look any further. I'm a big JRPG guy but you never know when those games will come out. Seems like I have a lot of games in my head w/ TBD for a date.
My most anticipated game for the holiday I could see becoming BG&E2 on Switch if rumours do come true. Have to wait and see on that one.
Anyone that knows me knows it's Mass Effect then everything else.
That said it's looking like a GREAT year for gaming.
I do find it hard to believe Red Dead really comes out this year tho.
You never know what could be delayed to 2018 or cancelled~
@rjejr Don't worry, I'll buy it twice on your behalf if it winds up being good
@sinalefa Well there you are. That was my first attempt at a PS4 message last night, I think I might have started us up a group chat session or something, people over 50 shouldn't be involved in social media. I did get your 2 replies, but I was playing FFXV then went to bed early, I've been sick for a week. "Posting" is easy, "chatting" is hard.
@kyleforrester87 Yeah, the funny thing is, I probably would have bought it on PS4 anyway, but I don't like being relegated to a footnote. If they would have announced the Wii U cancelation back in August, or even a week before, I would have dealt with it, but I saw the release date in my Twitter feed and I was SO EXCITED then like 3 paragraphs down they were like, PS oh, by the way, we canceled the Wii U version we were working on, thanks for all your Kickstarter money. That was salt in the wound.
My library has a great game section, we'll play it for free, but it would have been bought by now for the Toybox.
I'm most excited about Horizon Zero Dawn but I'll wait for reviews. It looks very promising but you never know with new games.
Long-term Im looking at Spiderman.
@rjejr Ahhh don't be precious I get what you're saying but unless a developer knocked on my door and punched me in the face I'd probably buy any game that's good.
Horizon: Zero Dawn is currently my most anticipated with Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2nd place. RDR2 would be quite high up if it actually gets a 2017 release date and more than just a reveal trailer. Its inevitable that a number of games could be released that as yet haven't been announced. Games like CoD, Fifa, SW:BF, Forza etc are all expected to be released this year too. Maybe not the most exciting of line-ups but could surprise us.
I would love to see Days Gone this year, Spider-man too. I was looking forward to Scalebound which shows anything can happen and as a lot of games also end up taking longer than expected to get to release, I don't tend to look at the latter half of this year this early as I expect some will slip to next year.
Yeesh, there's so many games to look forward to this year! For me, there's Horizon, Tekken 7, Persona 5, Crash (if it hits this year), Sonic Mania, Spider-Man(if it hits this year), Injustice 2, Red Dead (if it hits this year), Yooka-Laylee.....
My goodness.
2016 was the year in which Titanfall 2 ended up being my GOTY, a FPS for crying out loud! It wasn't a bad year for gaming or anything, but looking back on it I feel Dark Souls 3 ended up being more representative for the things to come than I first imagined: DS3 was a great game by any standard, but it was more like a "best of" album.
2016 was filled with those kind of games, from old rockbands singing their greatest hit in order not to disappoint the crowd, to coverbands bringing perfect renditions of someone else's work. It wasn't bad, but not a single game really took me by surprise.
VR changed that in a certain way, but I would almost say that it's a league of its own; although games like the surprisingly good RIGS made a real effort to make VR feel like actual gaming, I still very much consider it to be something else completely. But whether you look at it as a game or more like an experience, I think it's become evident that we need a real VR push to make this generation seem more than just 'gen PS3 2.0'; there are few PS4/ One games out there that do something that a PS3/ 360 couldn't do. Sure, some games increased the scope a bit and they obviously present better visuals, but I just miss being swept away by a game like so many PS3 games did.
Will 2017 be better? I don't know, but I do know that I'll be more hesitant when it comes to buying and pre ordering new games. I've hit a wall in 2016 because of games being pretty much versions of what I played in 2008 and I've seen prices of games plummet after just a week or 2 on the market last year, so playing the waiting game will net me some money as well. I hope Nintendo's Switch and Sony's 1st party efforts will revitalize the industry a bit, I believe it's much needed. It's hard not to be excited for Persona 5 and Nier obviously and Horizon: Zero Dawn could be an impressive game too if done right, although I've been hearing some negativity surrounding it. I just hope we'll still be getting some great VR experiences in between the good ol' games we love, so the industry is not just looking back while developing, but also looking forward at times.
What a year its shaping up to be! Persona 5 is number one on my list, but Red Dead 2, Yakuza Zero and Kiwami, Ni No Kuni 2 and Final Fantasy 12 are all strong contenders. Thats before I get to Horizon, Mass Effect, Tekken 7, Spiderman (if it makes 2017). And that is without giving it much thought. There are so many other games coming out that I am interested in!
@NintendoFan4Lyf hear, hear!
Horizon: Zero Dawn is my most anticipated PS4 game followed by South Park and probably Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 Remix, since I've never play any game in the series and a lot of people seem to love it.
It is hard for me to tell - 2016 was a year of surprises for me (as I was hoovering up older games from 2015 as well). UC4 was great but it was unexpected titles that got me all excited - Firewatch, Inside and Gone Home all stuck with me more than some of the larger titles. So it is hard for me to anticipate.
If Spiderman releases this year then yes, I am in with this. Defo purchases though would be Horizon and Red Dead 2. Then we have Vampyr and Hellblade etc which look really interesting.
What I really want to see is more VR games though - or at least, what those VR games are going to be.
So many games I'm looking forward too but most have been mentioned here by over a dozen people so here's two that haven't..
God Wars - Future Past
Summon Night 6.
FFXII, Persona 5, GT Sport and Red Dead. Plus a lot of last year's games I've yet to get. Strangely, I'm not too excited for ME Andromeda yet, I blame ME3 and DA Inquisition.
My most anticipated game of 2017 are: gravity rush 2, persona 5, nier automata, horizon zero dawn, uncharted the lost legacy, yakuza 0, parappa the rapper ps4, and wipeout/locoroco/patapon ps4 too, kingdom hearts remaster, crash remaster, sonic mania, and double dragon 4.
Nioh, Yakuza Zero, Uncharted Lost Legacy, RDR2 and Persona 5 are easily my most anticipated.
Horizon, Zelda and Gravity Rush for me.
Have to say, 2016 was a blinder for me. Uncharted 4, Dark Souls 3, The Last Guardian and FFXV were all massive highlights, and y'know what, I've also had a brilliant time with No Man's Sky, so I'm pretty happy.
2017 looks bonkers, though. Most anticipated:
Persona 5
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Shenmue 3 (unlikely, but hey)
Sonic Mania
Ni No Kuni II
South Park
That's basically my lineup for the whole year sorted. Just desperately trying to figure out how to find time to play them all!
@SegaBlueSky Sonic Mania, almost forgot about that one too. Hope it's good.
The one I'm excited for is New Hot Shots Golf, but it's kind of gone into the shadows again. However, Sonic Mania, Shenmue 3, Ni No Kuni 2, Wipeout and Yookalalie all are other ones I'm excited for...plus, the Toe Jam and Earl reboot onto the download side. Too many games, very little space on the system left.
Elite Dangerous is my #1 I played this on PC but never bought the updates The PS4 version is said to include them. I enjoyed No Man's Sky but Elite Dangerous is so much more and I have been looking forward to it coming to PS4 for a long time. Mass Effect, Red Dead 2, GT Sport, and Knack 2 along with quite a few more 2017 is looking to be a great year!
Ni no Kuni 2 is my most anticipated. Hard to pick the other two... There are so many PS4 games I want to buy this year. It'll be a struggle finishing them, especially with all the RPGs.
The Switch and Zelda I'm incredibly hyped for as well.
Looking forward to playing through the games I got last year finally. Axiom verge is a big one, along with possibly FFXV. I'll more than likely bite on Ni No Kuni 2, and probably the FFXII remaster.
Lots of good picks .....I will do 10
10.Ni No Kuni 2
9.Persona 5
8.Crash Nsane Trilogy
7.Mass Effect Andromana
6.Horizon Zero Dawn
5.Yooka Laylee
4.KH 2.8
3.KH 1.5+2.5
2.Sonic Maina+Project Sonic 2017
1.RWBY Grimm Ecplise Consle release
@JLPick Another good shout on the new Hot Shots! Forgot all about that one. Can't wait.
Sonic Mania, Horizon and Tekken 7 are the frontrunners for me. Project Sonic 2017, Rime, Yooka Laylee and Ni No Kuni 2 are ones I'm looking forward to too.
FFXII, Mass Effect and Red Dead 2 with Resi 7 looking great as well. Too many to choose from really....
I agree with a lot of the choices so far. FFXII, RE7, Tales of Berseria, No no Kuni 2, Tekken 7, KH 2.8, Persona 5, Mass Effect Andromeda, Danganronpa 1-3 & Ultra Despair Girls, Toukiden 2... I feel like I'm missing lots but that's still a great list. I must mention the upcoming Torment: Tides of Numenera for PC as well.
I'd put in Yakuza 0 if I'd completed even one of the games so far. I need to sort that out. Nioh has my attention but the demo was dull so I'm not sure where I stand on that. On a similar level are Summon Nights 6 and Nier. I'm interested but not exactly excited.
I'm actually not excited at all about RDR2 or Horizon Zero Dawn. I found RDR1 boring after a few hours, same with GTA5, and Horizon just looks like a 3rd person shooter pretending to be an RPG so far. Say what you will about Mass Effect being more a TPS than an RPG, but it does feature a CRAPLOAD of dialogue and dialogue choices to the point you can spend hours just talking to people.
G.T. Sports
Yakuza 0
Lego worlds
Gravity Rush 2, Persona 5, and Danganronpa V3 (although I'll likely play this last one on the Vita).
Great year for PS4. I'd be buying a lot more PS games if the Switch weren't releasing.
@hego read this article and tell me your only buying 6 games! Haha.
@shogunrok great choice of musthaves all 3 are in my top 6! But @anchorsam_9 and @Quintumply have the win with sonic mania - I forgot that was due out! Nice one boys! Sammy gets a shout for Wipeout and Alex with ED. Bloomin heck what a year coming up.
1) Sonic Mania
2) Everybodies Golf
3) Wipeout
4) Mass Effect
5) Tekken
6) Persona 5
7) GT Sport
8) Yookalaylee
9) Elite Dangerous
10) Nex Machina
RDR 2 and Mass Effect for sure.
Mass Effect is top of my list, as BioWare has a knack for great story telling, if at times their worlds are a little unpopulated 😂.
Horizon I have absolutely no interest in at all.
It looks pretty but its lacking base level RPG elements for me.
I do enjoy open world games and such, Tomb Raider as an example, but if its to be an RPG Id expect more base level elements as Ive said.
Still, this year is nothing if not varied.
I just hope they add some true sports games or something to the IGC.
Nier: automata, ni no Kuni ll, persona 5, Wild (if it ever gets released), Mass Effect: Andromeda. I feel the same way about Horizon that it may turn into a generic ope. World game with towers. Pls let me be wrong
There's quite a few for me (if they do come out out this year)
1) Horizon Zero Dawn
2) Ghost recon Wildlands
3) God of war
4) Spiderman
5) For Honor
6) Sniper Elite 4
7) Mass Effect Andromeda
8) Elite: Dangerous
9) Prey
10) Red Dead redemption 2
11) Days gone
and for the VR Experience Ace Combat 7 and Farpoint.....What a year this will be for games
For me the most wanted games 2017 are:
The Nier Automata demo was so good it makes me wonder how the first game passed me by. Plus Sonic Mania and Red Dead (if it makes 2017).
@F-racsO you will love kingdom hearts, i wish i could forget it so i could play it again for the first time 😂 at least until KH 3 comes out 😂
@Xaritah I really hope so :simple_smile:
I still want to know if the VR Headset is worth it or not. I've heard some people say it is and other say they didn't like it...for $400, I'm still optimistic about it, especially if Sony drops it like the Move, but I keep on seeing some of those games and want to get it!
Its worth it! I dont know if you ever tried VR, but its a whole new way of playing. AND ITS AWESOME! I played Resident Evil 7 (demo) in VR, and its simply one of the best game experience i have ever had. Its that good.
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