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Well, it's been a while hasn't it? We took some time to enjoy Christmas and New Years but now we're back and ready to fill your ears with all the latest and greatest from the land of PlayStation via the Push Square Podcast. We make our triumphant 2017 debut with a MASSIVE episode to make up for our absence - and if the staggering length wasn't impressive enough, we've also got the wonderful Robert Ramsey supplying his Northern charm alongside us. Full house!

We kick off the show with the news as we run down many of the recent happenings, but follow that up with something a little different. Instead of a featured feature, big review, or Indie Bin, we instead tackle the important subject of Game of the Year. Listen in awe as we cover Push Square's own top 10 list alongside our personal top 5 picks!

Following all those opinions, we then round off the show, as always, with the great questions asked by you guys in our forum thread. We love chatting with you and hearing your feedback about the 'cast, so please feel free to drop a comment in the forum thread, in the comments section below, or by emailing us at our fancy pants email: podcast@pushsquare.com.

We've also finally set up a Twitter account (@pushsquarepod) for the podcast, where we share silly GIFs, decide what the best kind of biscuit is, and all kinds of other Sheninigwans. We'd really love it if you could give that a follow!

Show Notes

  • News: 02:00
  • Game of the Year: 22:20
  • Audience Questions: 1:10:16

Your Hosts

Ben Potter
Twitter: @Confused_Dude

Having twice been admitted to a clinic for Platinum addiction, Ben frequently collects the most reprehensible Trophies that PSN has to offer. He actually doesn't like anything, ever. Apparently.

Ben Tarrant
Twitter: @Ben_Tarrant

Ben is a self-proclaimed coffee fiend, vinyl enthusiast, and Fallout fanatic. He's one half of our Push Square Podcast and is to be known henceforth as King Indeeb, the Indie Apologist Push Square deserves.

Robert Ramsey
Twitter: @ShogunRok

Ramsey - or King Weeb as he's known around these parts - brings something a little different to the podcast. Namely a geordie accent and games that you've never heard of.

You can subscribe to the Push Square Podcast on iTunes, via the RSS Feed or YouTube. Alternatively, you can play or download each episode directly with SoundCloud and Stitcher and listen on the move.

If you like our podcast, please tell your friends, tell us down below, or even consider leaving a review on iTunes. Thanks and until next time!