Got a sealed copy of Gravity Rush Remastered for the PlayStation 4? For the love of Kat, don't damn well open it. Copies of the title are becoming increasingly rare in North America, and that means that they carry a premium. A quick glance at eBay reveals that the game is selling for upwards of $100, while Amazon's marketplace paints a similar picture.
What's the reason for this? Well, those of you with strong memories may recall that the game was originally intended to be a digital exclusive in the Land of Donald Trump, but Sony decided to manufacture a limited retail run after fan demand. The physical version was sold exclusively on Amazon, and it's looking like the manufacturer printed a very small number of copies.

And that leaves us in the situation we're in now. Basically, if you have a sealed copy, you may want to hold onto it – there's a chance it may be worth even more in the years to come.
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Comments 32
Just my luck. Looks like I'll have to get it digital then, unless I have 50 piggy banks lying around.
Yay! I got it day one.
Next time you write Land of Donald Trump I'm hoping on a plane and coming to kick your Brexit butt.
Stamp out eBay sellers, free on PS+.
Oh WOW! I wish more ppl bought it physical or digital. That game and that franchise isnt given nearly as much praise as it deserves. Just got to ch 13 in Gravity Rush 2.
I actually have an unopened box of the game. Good to know.
wow.2 months ago that game was 29.99 new
£18 new in my local Game, should I be investing?
My copy isn't sealed, but it looks like the game went through Limited Run seeing how it's over $100.
@carlos82 Probably not. This seems to be centred around the US release.
Thank goodness I picked it up day 1. I think I'll keep this on my special shelf alongside "Rule of Rose" and my copy of "Bayonetta 1 and 2" Wii U set. ($. $ )
Hmm. A game left unopened is like a candle left unlit - only valuable so long as it's not used, but only useful by destroying its value.
It's a sad thing, doomed to never fulfill its purpose.
I assume opened near mint copies are also still valuable. Thus I'm happy I picked this up before the buyout. Not that I plan to sell it anytime soon, if ever.
I knew this would happen and bought it Day One. Don't know what happened, but I decided to open it one day; never even played it. I wouldn't have sold it no matter, but just the idea of keeping it sealed was tempting. Like Fath said, it's a fickle conundrum of keeping it sealed or opening it for its intended purpose.
Well that just sucks! Here I passed it up when I saw it in Gamestop for $35 new and had it in my amazon cart for quite a while waiting for tax returns (which I receive in a couple of weeks)...now, I'll go into my cart and look...last time I saw, it was still $35.
Darn. Should have invested in a physical copy while it was available.
Oh wow, really? I got the Asian Edtion that came with figurine of Kat and cat and a red apple. It was a CE. Wonderin' how much that one is worth...
I bought the game on bdray (r3) but sold it and buy the game digitall when its discounted on psn sometime ago. Same with psvita version.
In Holland €29,99 in stores.
The most shocking news here is that the price is skyrocketting only now, since when eBay's sellers wait for a limited edition to actually get rarer before rising their prices? XD
I wanted to have a retail copy to go with GR2 when it came out, so physical with prime discount for $25 was a no brainer for me upon release.
Figures. I only opened up my retail copy this month after it sat unopened on my shelf for near enough a year!
I love Gravity Rush, but Mr. Barker's Trump jokes continue to be terrible. People are living in shock and fear.
@carlos82 - definitely get it for that price. Best I've found is £45 on Amazon, and I've tried all the usual online suspects.
Seems as if it's hard to get it in the UK as well for a decent price.
Glad I got it last year, still if it ends up creating new demand for the franchise then fantastic. As for 2, it's such a gorgeous and delightful game to play, if you like the superhero sandbox style games like Infamous and you don't mind something that's quirky then you won't be disappointed.
(Clutches my physical copy even more tightly)
Both this and the sequel are quite hard to get hold of tbh
Plenty of copies around in the UK though
Yep, I noticed this a few days ago. I just saved up enough for a PS4 and now one of my most anticipated games for the system is near impossible to obtain physically. Just my luck :/
Sony should really do a reprinting for this title.
Yeah I've been looking for this game in stores for a long time with no luck. I was holding off buying on amazon for a ps+ freebie, but I may have missed the boat.
@stevie85 Willing to sell your copy?
@Strawberry15 Not at the moment. Sorry dude. To be honest I collect more than I play games these days haha.
@stevie85 You're solid! Thought I'd ask around, before tackling eBay/Amazon prices {O.O}. Can't believe this sold out as quick as it did. I wonder if Amazon sees the demand?
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