We've been saying this for a while now, but the PlayStation 4 really has got off to a great start in 2017. January was bursting at the seams with quality titles, and although February hasn't quite had the same level of success, it's still presented us with a slew of solid releases.
Oh, and before you say anything, no, Horizon: Zero Dawn isn't included here. Why? Well, no one but Sammy's had a chance to play it yet, and it's not out in Europe until tomorrow. As such, it'll most likely end up in March's article. Now, let's get on with Game of the Month, shall we?

Bronze Trophy: Forma.8
A bit abstract and, well, a bit weird, Forma.8 is a neat little bundle of exploration-based gameplay, as you navigate alien environments as a curious extraterrestrial orb. Reviewer Simon Fitzgerald gave this one a shot for us, and enjoyed his time with it. "Forma.8 is an aesthetically pleasing exploration title with a great variety of environments and enemies to discover," he concluded, awarding the intriguing indie title a 7/10.
Click here for our review of Forma.8

Silver Trophy: Sniper Elite 4
Hey, it's that game where you shoot Nazis in the unmentionables! Overdone testicle jokes aside, Sniper Elite 4 is just about the best entry in the series according to editor Sammy Barker. "Enormous, open levels augment Sniper Elite 4 with some of the best long-distance shootouts that the series has seen [...] as far as ball busters go, it doesn't get much better (or wince-inducing) than this," Sammy wrote. The long range warrior walked away with a solid 7/10.
Click here for our review of Sniper Elite 4

Gold Trophy: For Honor
Arguably the most original title that Ubisoft's produced in a long while, For Honor combines medieval warfare with fighting game elements, and the result is a deep, rewarding release. Always at the ready, reviewer Alex Stinton dubbed this one "an experience like no other on the PS4". It's the gameplay that carries the slash-'em-up, with Alex concluding "it's the enjoyable campaign and multiplayer combat that are enough to ensure this title deserves more than just an honourable mention." An 8/10 is in order.
Click here for our review of For Honor

Platinum Trophy: Nioh
Team Ninja is back on the hardcore scene with a vengeance, slicing through our expectations with PS4 exclusive Nioh. Despite having a heck of a lot in common with Dark Souls, the feudal Japanese adventure carves out its own identity with a lovely loot system and some slick, but brutal combat.
"The rich loot, levelling systems, and fast, often thrilling combat do more than enough to justify Nioh as a worthy contemporary to From Software's efforts – and an impressive return to form for Team Ninja," wrote reviewer John Cal McCormick, before giving it an 8/10. Nioh rolls away with our prestigious Game of the Month award for February.
Click here for our review of Nioh
Have you enjoyed February's PlayStation offerings? What games have you been playing over the last month? Vote for your favourite in our poll, and then air your opinions in the comments section below.
What was your Game of the Month for February 2017? (38 votes)
- For Honor
- Forma.80%
- Nioh
- Sniper Elite 4
- Other
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 16
Read the second paragraph before you write an angry comment, please!
Nioh ftw
Well deserved top spot for Nioh. Up there with my games of this generation. 110 hours+ in and I'm still playing it everyday. Slowly chipping away at NG+ and the trophies (2 away from the plat). The gameplay loop is just so addicting. Can't wait for the DLC!
Nice! I haven't played Nioh yet, but most probably I will get it soemtime during summer. Since HZD and ME Andromeda are out next month, I am wondering which one is going to win.
I figured as much. I can see why Nioh grabbed the top spot. It's not my type of game but from what I have seen it is done very well. Although I will say this was a slow month for gaming. Next month is alot bigger with Zelda and Horizon coming out.
Nioh wins easily since it has floating balls, exploding balls, knights, and samurai all in one package.
@andreoni79 Good point!
@ShogunRok I will be curious for March with Horizon, Mass Effect, and NieR.
@starhops It's looking like a really strong month, I'm sure the vote will be close.
@ShogunRok I would write an angry comment (ok, not angry) about Torment: Tides of Numenera not being present, but considering it only comes out today, pretty hard to get any sort of verdict on it at such short notice.
The only game I got this month was Gravity Rush 2 which I've found rather tiresome, might come back to it at a later date. Otherwise I've been replaying Fez and Doom (Doom is so awesome, the soundtrack is perfect. We getting a sequel to this?!) while I wait for the games of March! Enjoy Horizon everyone
Sadly I didn't get any of the February games as I had to save my money for Horizon and Zelda. I'll get Nioh and For Honor eventually though.
Like many have said already, next month is going to be a tough pick with Horizon, ME, and Nier.
Nioh! I'm a sneaky, sneaky ninja!!
Voted in HZD since ive been playing it since last night lol
Nioh is a phenomenal title and hope Team Ninja do another one.
March is going to be tough to rank since Horizon released today for Europe and if Mass Effect Andromeda is being released this month too.
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