PlayStation 4 firmware update 4.50 is looking like an important step forward for the current-gen console. After years of asking for it, users are finally getting external hard drive support, allowing you to connect with drives up to 8TB in size. Fantastic news for those of you who aren't keen on swapping out the system's internal storage device.
Next up, custom wallpapers are coming your way. You'll be able to set screenshots as your home screen's background, giving you a little more room for customisation. On top of that, we're also getting improvements to the quick menu, which was added via the previous firmware update. The menu will cover less of the screen, and party features have been improved through the use of your friends list. Sounds handy.
We're not done yet, though. Notifications are being simplified, meaning that you'll apparently be able to browse all of your notifications a little easier. You'll be able to check them from the refreshed quick menu, as well. The activity feed is also being buffed, with the update allowing you to post things to it directly.
And last but not least, 3D Blu-Ray support is being added to PlayStation VR, which, naturally, means that you'll be able to watch 3D moves through your headset. Pretty cool. The update will be landing at some point in the next few weeks.
Does all of this sound good to you? Let us know if your dreams have become reality in the comments section below.
Comments 95
Some guys from this site are going to be very happy with Ext HDD support!!!!
Doesn't really affect me but some people are going to love this!
Haha, an end to the whining.
you can have an 8TB HDD installed (has to be USB 3.0 though) so yeah i'm excited now i don't have to replace my stock HDD and risk doing what my mate did and ruin the console
also i wonder if you can have more than one connected at the same time because if you can you could theoretically have 16TB of storage space
Can I run games off an external hard drive or is just for storage that I would have to copy over to the one in my PS4?
@get2sammyb With the external hard drive support, does that mean you can move your game downloads over to it and play them from there (while of course the external HD is still connected to the system), and also (if you bought a 2TB external hard drive) does that mean it adds the 2TB to your system itself? If so, please let me know. The External Hard drives are a lot cheaper than the internal, and if I can add a 2TB external with the 500GB Internal, that's a great feature!
Finally, custom backgrounds. Time to hit some more photo modes up.
Already have a 4 TB SSHD, but it's a great update lots of people i know are going to be happy for it.
About damn time.
I might have 2 TB in my ps4, but at least the option is finally there.
When will the update be released? Or is it allready?
Hey that's great, I was wondering what I was going to do with my external i have on the wiiu once I pack it up XD
@JLPick i just copy/pasted this from the actual post and it should answer your question
"you can now connect a USB 3.0 external HDD and download, save and install games, apps and add-ons directly onto your removable HDD. You can also move any games and apps you’ve already saved onto it to help you stay organised.
When you connect the external HDD, everything will be accessible from your PS4 Home Screen as normal. What’s more, your PS4 will support an external HDD up to 8TB in size, giving you a huge amount of space to play with."
I was going to buy an internal drive the other week but I'm glad I decided not to - external ones are far cheaper!
What would REALLY be special is if they allow you to use your external instead of your internal for share stuff.
Excellent news! I was going to replace the internal HDD eventually, but plugging in an external one is much simpler. Sounds like the quick menu improvements will be decent too.
We can stop whining about a feature that is standard on the other consoles and has been for years. Yes, even Wii U
Nice about the custom themes. Gonna put Future Tone's screenshot feature to good use.
Wow. I never really needed it and doubt i'll ever make use of it, but I never thought they'd do it to be honest. Should shut some people up though eh?
Baby steps
At least the external HD support is finally there.
Custom themes is a really cool addition, I'll look forward to taking advantage of that.
I actually do need it
I plan to remove the 2 tb hd from my glacier ps4 and put it's 500 gig hd back.
I got a terminal case of lackaspace on my pc.
And with this new firmware update, I don't have to play the hd shuffle anymore.
External HD is great, but I like the screen shots as background finally.
Finally. Finally finally finally.
Best thing they could've done. Because I've been buying all my games on Xbox One for some time now.
Now that my multiplat collection is switched over I'm not going to switch back, but at least now I won't have to worry about running out of space.
Well done... well done
FINALLY! I've been waiting for external HDD support forever. Thank you Sony for finally listening to us.
Finally. Even Nintendo was like come on Sony get with the times...
And considering Nintendo is still partying like it's 2005.
With External HDD support, can i load all my games onto the HDD and take it to another PS4 (i.e. my brother's) sign in a play all the games?
@TrueAssassin86x Well, backwards compatibility is impossible considering the system's different architecture.
About time!
I was thinking of even upgrading to Pro or paying a huge amount for another internal HDD, but I'll just get an external HDD now! Huzzah!
@get2sammyb Might I suggest a feature on the best PS4 friendly external hard drives? Would be really helpful.
I'm already having to scramble for space and with NIOH and Horizon looking to become permanent residents I'm going to need one.
Custom wallpapers!!! Hell Yeahhh!!!
I've got some wicked free falling shots from Gravity Rush 2 that are begging to answer the call.
Yes, now I will shut up and stop whining! It's the main reason I almost never got multiplat games for the PS4. I'm still juggling space as it is. I got a 4tb drive that's been waiting for this day.
Thank F*** for that!!!!
I don't want to get into an argument but its about time Sony caught up with the XB1 in terms of features - such as External HDD Support, Custom Wallpapers etc.
I bought a 2TB internal when I bought my PS4 Pro but even that has limitations and can't match the Storage capacity of my 2TB XB1s. Even with (upto) 8TB's of extra Storage, unless it can add 2 external HDDs at a time, then it won't match BUT this is still more than enough. You could swap HDD's anyway I assume.
Its been LONG overdue - especially as all games have to be installed. I know its affected my decision to buy games on the PS4 as well as affect my decision to even download the IGC games. I know I could add them to my Library without downloading or taking up space but knowing I had very limited storage space meant that I knew I would never download these anyway so never added them.
I don't see how it can be considered whining. Its a feature that has been needed since launch - especially since games are much larger than last generation and must be installed. The standard 500GB could only cope with around 10-12 AAA games (I buy around 8+ a year) let alone the (upto) 24 games offered on IGC so even a 2TB HDD would get full very quickly. This leads to difficult decisions - like which game to delete in order to install/download a new game. Some games like Destiny for example, are a nightmare to reinstall with all the 'big' expansions and updates. Games like this may not be on your current playlist, but chances are you will return in the future so you want to keep them installed rather than wait a day or two as you reinstall everything. Not everyone wants to delete their games or spend hours reinstalling just to play a game they own. No way could I own and play as many games on my PS4 as I could on my PS3, XB360 and XB1 - until now...
Another point is the price of External HDD's. I paid the same for a 5TB external as I did for my 2TB internal replacement. I also now have a 1TB drive from my Pro sitting in a draw doing nothing. Now I can buy a USB3.0 caddy (for a few £'s) and use that to boost my storage.
As far as I am concerned this is the best news of the day. With Horizon, ME:A, Days Gone, Spider-Man etc as well 3rd Party releases on my wanted list and my 2TB drive filling up rapidly, this is great news!
Sounds the best update for a very long time good features come all at once !,
Welcome to 2017 Sony. 3DS used standard external storage as does Xbox One, Wii U, Switch...PS3...
Seriously bout damn time.
Great. Now add some games that are worth filling up a
Sounds great! Proper custom wallpapers would've been welcomed but I have tonnes of great screenshots to use. Not bothered about custom icons, too much hassle. My 2TB internal is still going well but great for those that have been waiting.
@TrueAssassin86x You're never, ever getting PS3 backwards compatibility. It's just not possible on PS4 because the CELL is too hard to emulate.
@waluigifan1 Joke post?
Since 128 GB SSD HDD are € 50 now I wonder if it would make sense to buy one; I never play more than 2 games at the same time so installing them on the SSD HDD would be OK, right?
Any recommended brands for external hard drive?
I suppose it would be too much to ask for proper external HDD support for the PS3 as well amirite?
Omg finally!!! External HDD support!! Couldn't be happier. With all the latest game releases my 1TB on the Pro runs low.
And to think this weekend I was going to upgrade my internal HDD on my PS4. Guess I will hold off for now.
@TrueAssassin86x To be fair, it hard to tell when people are being sarcastic in print, especially when ever time an update is announced someone always cries about backwards compatibility.
@FullbringIchigo this is awesome and what's the cost and which ones work best with the PS4? I have to keep deleting FF15, U4 so I can play DAO and Witcher3 and a few others
True story I purchased a 1tb Playstation a year ago and when I installed Yakuza 0 I got a prompt saying I have run out of space so I uninstalled codies rally because it does not need a big update so the timing is perfect for me.
3D people are very happy about the 3D support.
Although hopefully it will work differently than 2D movies where you just see a giant screen (?).
Ideally each eye would get a separate image, it work like that in games right?
@Tasuki I thought of you as soon as I read the title, especially since I was one of the guy telling you "c'mon, upgrade it now!"
Glad you wait!
@andreoni79 Lol. See I knew it all along that's why I waited. Now I just need to know what drives I can use
Yay! So happy! Now I can buy the Slim 500GB without worries, hehe. I wasn't feeling very confident about swapping the internal HDD.
Brilliant news!Now I can stop juggling games about and trying to decide which ones to delete and which ones to keep.Very happy with this news.
@smythelove well i'm not sure about which one work best but i imagine Sony will release a list of compatible HDD's around the time the update drops but i imagine seagate ones would work as they also do ones for XB1
as for price it varies but you can get a 1TB HDD for about £50 on Amazon and about £70 for a 2TB one
great, now there will be no need to delete games from the system!
I got access to teh software beta, currently updating as I type.
External storage is fantastic news!
oh custom background was truly needed...all I need now for the Customization is custom Icons! lol
and External support...I'm really glad they are finally going to add this, I just have a mental issue!(lol) I dont want to change my internal HDD though it's 500 GB! guess now I should plan to buy an External Hard drive too...along all these games coming XD
@FullbringIchigo thanks that's cool. I've never had one before so new experience. Sorry from US is that like $100?
Great news and I'm on the beta for this as well.
3D support in VR. Looking forward to trying that.
@BAMozzy thought you would be happy!
Great news well played Sony.
Ext. hard drive support should have been supported years ago. Even the Wii U supported external hard drives.
We still need:
The ability to change one's PSN ID
Update to reduce sluggishness of PS4's OS
PS One and PS2 Classics
Improved multimedia support
"You'll be able to set screenshots as your home screen's background"
Only screenshots? Or is it like the Vita, where we'll be able to put pictures from outside on it?
@FullbringIchigo Thanks, that answered my question perfectly! Now I can add and not have to redownload every single little thing!
Anyone know when the firmware will become available to the US?
This is something they should have added for the PS3 too...anyone know if it will become available for the PS3, as I have a lot on that, which I still can't download everything on it...even with a 2TB hard drive installed on it.
Um complaint time... now there'll be TOO many games to choose from if I filled a 5TB HDD!! I'm sucking with 500gb! In fact is there support to downgrade to 200gb so I can only install 2 games max!! 😜
About time it's been long overdue. I actually don't mind deleting games to make room for newer titles but we shouldn't need to.
Finally. Now I don't have to keep deleting games. There are some older ones I'd like to have gone back in recent years and replayed but they were deleted to save space. Glad that can now be over with.
Woohoo, at last
Sounds cool Wasn't really bothered after getting Folders really about anything else
@john_c You can run and download games it will act the same as the internal drive.
Loving this, one of my only gripes solved. Just hope one update they allow me to plug in my vita, have all the games partitioned on my ps4 and drag and drop the games. I have a full 64gb card and probably another 20gb I can't fit on. Also be good as I'm sure they will switch it off sooner or later. This way I'll be covered. Can't understand quite how this hasn't been implemented then I could download the monthly games straight on my ps4
@RedMageLanakyn Supposedly Switch has a few extra USB'S. So we might get external drives.
Ive been holding out, waiting on externall HDD support!
Nice to see its happening.
Not fussed about the rest but thats a big step forward.
@TomKnows Well that'll be nice for Switch owners. I won't be one of them for quite some time, as I don't see the value or appeal of a tablet with wii remotes. Maybe next year if they can prove the tech is useful and worth it's high sticker price for more than one or two games.
Oh guys, the bluray 3D mode is absolutely gorgeous on psvr! Really 100% better than on 50" 3D tv . If you are fan of 3D movies , this is definitely a way to go ! Now it's first time for me to get some really good 3D movies
Anyway...If I have a 2TB internal can I hook Up like another 2TB or more external?
I'd go to town if images from external flash drives were eligible for wallpapers as well (I don't even mind the possible image readjustments), but I suppose screenshots can produce a fair share of material, too. External hard drives also sound very neat, even if I don't plan to expand in the near future.
I hope for some remote play polishing as well - the feature's performance is still whimsical and prone to mood swings. You can get up to a half dozen vague error codes which the internet suggests a thousand cures for - from doing shamanic dances around the router ports to clearing and renewing the PS4/Vita binding - whereafter it just connects without any of the aforesaid. "Sufficient speed for remote play" also seems rather arbitrary in the service's mind.
@KitsuneNight Fair does, there is clearly a lot of demand for it. Glad Sony have responded for those who want it!
I'm really excited by the perspective of re-watching Avengers, Gravity, Avatar or Star Wars VII in 3D on the PSVR (cause I don't possess a 3D TV). I know that concessions will be made on the global quality of the picture but still : I'm pretty sure the 3D effet will be worth the watch..
I am sooooo happy about 3d as I am thinking of changing my 3d tv for 4k HDR but I have a load of 3d blu rays which I can now watch and further ignore my wife and family! This is great.
I wish there will also be party video chats to make the ps4 cam more useful.
Awesome. As a side noe because the OG PS4 used SATA 2.0 a USB 3 HDD could potentially be faster.
About time!
I'm up to 108 physical games and counting.
With all the crazy patches around cough DOOM cough, I hate to remove games from my 2TB one to play something else.
Nice! Just got my beta key. Had no idea external hard disk support is coming. Will try and see if it's already in the beta. Also looking forward to get my TLOU wallpaper on there asap!
This is awesome...I can finally take the 5 TB drive I have on my stupid XB1 S boat anchor and put it on my real game PS4 Pro. FINALLY. I kept running out of space with all the games I have for it. Never even filled up the XJoke's 2TB drive.
Great News! Now it puts everyone's minds at ease.
8TB EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE!!!! YEA!!!! It's about time bout an article on compatible drives now! Western digital? Seagate?? I'd like to go buy one tomorrow!!
@JLPick based on my experience with Xbox one you should be able to load your games no matter which drive it's stored on! I have an Xbox one S 2TB internal drive and added a 4TB seagate external drive so I have 6TBs of storage!! With 350 games downloaded (many retail ones) i still have 3.5TB free!! It's a beautiful thing and have been waiting on Sony to do this!! So Hopefully PS4 will function same way as Xbox!
Absolute Blooming Fantastic, rather spiffing actually.
Good news re external HDD support at last. All the rest sound very handy too. Now we can all start complaining about backward compatibility, and maybe we will get it. Nice!
Im happy ! That's what i want from a next gen consle and xbox one had it but look at ps4
It's lovely news can't wait to use it , next step is backward
@joey302 best one is seagate
I have 4 hdd and two of them are seagate they are lovely and it's compeletly
Mach with Ps3 idk if they're ok with ps4 too or not
Let's try it
@joey302 It is nice. I have a lot of game downloads and retail games (127 downloads and 58 retail) so, I'm looking forward to getting an 8TB External. One thing that I wish they'd do is add this function for the PS3, where my catalogue is even more...2TB on that, and I'm still out of room, since the PS3 has a load of downloads, add ons, themes, retail games, tv episodes and movie downloads, and I add our pictures and music onto it too. Hopefully, the update happens for the US soon.
About time but I don't even have my 1TB filled, I take it it's the same for the old PS4?
Do u have still have to format the new hdd or is it plug and play? I dont have a pc to format an hdd
@JLPick both my PS3s are overloaded too but I doubt Sony will do that update....would be awesome though!! Truthfully my PS4, Xbox one and my modded original Xbox (43,000 retro games) and my modded Wii (6300 retro games) are keeping me away from my PS3!! 😊
@pbernoos I'll probably roll with a seagate but I'd like to go with 8 TB!!
@bbauer36 i imagine that the PS4 will do it for you
@joey302 Just would be nice to do it for PS3. However, if they actually add an update for the PS4, to where your TV Episodes and Movies that are bought from the store, can be downloaded right to the HDD, that would be nice too. Especially, if you wanted to take the system elsewhere that doesn't have internet, so you can still watch them.
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