The reviews are out, the scores are in, and the launch trailer is here; it's almost time to get your sweaty hands on Horizon: Zero Dawn - or is it? Guerrilla Games' open world epic is out next week on PlayStation 4, and it's safe to say that there's a lot of excitement in the air.
As such, we're here once again to ask you lot what your plans are for Sony's next big game. Will you be buying it day one? Will you be waiting? Are you totally uninterested? Whatever your stance, vote in our poll, and then share your thoughts on Horizon in the comments section below.
Will you be buying Horizon: Zero Dawn? (284 votes)
- Yes, I've had it pre-ordered for a while now
- I'll be grabbing it day one
- I'll be buying it at some point, just not at launch
- Nah, there are other games I want to buy instead
- Nope, Horizon doesn't really interest me
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 84
I rarely pre-order but it looks interesting and I want to support interesting first party content. Plus, you know, robot animal dinosaur things.
Hell yes!
Pre-ordered because of a "spend 100$/get15$ back" sale, but won't finish NIOH in time to start this Tuesday
Yeah I preordered it. I better enjoy it or I'm holding you all accountable.
I've had this pre-ordered for some time, I'm rarely disappointed by Sony's first party output. Plus robot dinosaurs, who doesn't love them
Outside of Mass Effect there is no game I'm looking forward to more.
On Black Friday, I'll probably get it.
I rarely preorder. And I don't like open world titles like Far Cry anymore. Played them too often. But I did preorderd Horizon Zero Dawn. Too many reviewers I trust liked it a lot and it's more an RPG. I really hope for a 60FPS (lower graphics fidelity) patch for the Pro. Another reason for preordering: Got the Bluray for 49.99 Euros.
Preordered so i can play it at home at Midnight.
I pre-ordered the CE with statue. I can't wait, but now I need a way to juggle this with Nioh!
I didn't preorder, and I won't get it day one. I will eventually have it though.
Had it preordered since the first announcement. I haven't been this excited about a new IP in many a year. Unfortunately since I'm still making my way through the incredible Nioh, I find myself wishing there'd been a bigger gap between the 2 releases.
Preordered after reading reviews- I knew I wanted it but like so many others I've be burnt by hype many times before. Shows what having a sensible review embargo date can do.
nah i still have plenty of games to finish and i already have games pre-ordered
not to mention the games i have that i can't play yet until that update that adds external HDD support drops
this game would just fall to the wayside so there is no point getting it
I've preordered two. One for me and one for my mate as it comes out near his birthday and I'm making the executive decision he'll want it at some point.
Desperately trying to finish Nioh! Don't think I'll be done in time 😩
Too busy with Nioh right now and BTW I always let pass weeks or even months before buying an open world game; those games always need patches to fix their inevitable bugs and errors so I can easily wait. Same with the next ME.
My wishlist is as big as my collection right now!
Everyone needs to support horizon it looks like a great game and awesome reviews. Plus we want to support guerilla games for there hard work since the only game they made is killzone which it was your average game but no like horizon.
I've had it pre-ordered for months - since the last E3! I pre-ordered the Limited Edition Steelbook although I really do like the look of the Aloy Statue in the collectors edition. I am sure that anyone who has seen my comments know this is my most anticipated release of 2017 and have been excited about it since its first reveal so no surprise how I voted...
Already had my email to say that my Order is being readied for dispatch.
Can't wait - 5days and counting...
All those who are sitting on the fence or opting to wait, I just hope you don't have the game 'spoiled' for you...
@andreoni79 All those who have played the game say there are very few glitches but no bugs. Performance is virtually perfect - almost a locked 30fps with very few minor drops in very intense action and perfect frame pacing - this is before the Day 1 patch which is 'tiny'.
Traded in my Vita for this and KH 2.8
Looks good but Zelda. Also I haven't finished the last two games I bought yet... and I might buy Nier before Horizon.
I want to want this game, but the more I see of it, the more wonky the main character looks and the more I'm afraid it will be too much RPG (I can't stand having a giant inventory of nonsense items) and too little variety to be fun. A big, beautiful world is one thing, but these giant, walled sandbox games are starting to wear thing with me. I'd rather have a new Castlevania Lords of Shadow (or metroidvania style) game.
I will wait, I just got For Honor and I plan on picking up Zelda here in a few days. I am also saving for an external hard drive for my PS4.
Backlog, backlog, too many games coming out at once, must resist, must resist... Yeah probably getting it...
I've just had a two week binge on witcher and this may be too similar, don't want to feel burnt out so I may wait on this one.
As much as I want it day one, I'll probably hold out for a few weeks then pick it up when I have time to get stuck in.
@BAMozzy Let me tell you a secret: the little devil on my left shoulder keeps telling me "buy it, buy it now!" while the little angel on my right shoulder says "you are only in the third map of Nioh, finish that first!". To avoid a fight I use the "let them patch the game first" excuse.
And then @Tasuki arrives remembering me that there's also a new Zelda coming! (I read elsewhere that the game takes around 5 seconds to launch, no loading screen or installation!)
I was going to, but that super well written USGamer review convinced me not to /s
In all seriousness, i did get it pre-ordered when I received gift cards for my bday. I actually have Horizon, Zelda, and Andromeda pre-ordered, so March is packed for me. I've blazed through about 6 games in my backlog this past month, and i'm trying to get all the achievements for RE7 before hitting up Horizon.
I'm really looking forward to playing it next week. It's my first must have game of this year.
Yup, been preorderd for a while now. Can't wait.
I did end up preordering through the PSN and have the free dynamic theme on my PS4 Pro as we speak. I probably won't be able to get to it though until the following week after launch due to working 10 days in a row because I 'm having oral surgery and will have a few days off then to heal up and that's when I'll get to start it. Cannot wait for the game though and have been excited since is first showed up at E3.
Damn right i pre ordered horizon, cant freakin wait to play it on ps4 pro+ samsung 65" suhd. Will be glorious. Xbox blows lol
Preordered using credit I got from the CoD game that was packed in with the PS4 I bought along with some extra credit I had from previous trades at GameStop. Can't wait for Tuesday!
super excited for this. This is my valentine's day gift I'm getting from my wife. pre-ordered on Amazon...hopefully it comes in on Tuesday
will buy it after finishing Zelda
Lol @ rental, btw phil spencer is a closet playstation fan
I preordered the game late last year then I decided to cancel it last week because 1) I still haven't finished The Witcher 3 and 2) the new Zelda comes out a few days later. But then I read the reviews and saw all the new trailers and screenshots so I had to preorder it again. I know... I'm weak.
I almost preordered this the other day but held off. I'm on the fence about the Switch and there are so many PS4 games that I've yet to play that I can buy at a fraction of the cost of Horizion. However, this game looks terrific. I can't wait to play it at some point.
Preorder - check! Need something as I've just got the platinum trophy on nioh
Zelda is my #1 most anticipated game of the Year. Horizon is going to have to wait.
No buy from me. I'm banned off the ps4 until the 14th March, by then the hype will have gone.
Mass Effect is next up for me.
I preordered this digitally, because I will only get ONE day with it.
A buddy is getting married and he wants me to fly out a couple of days early- so every hour matters. I tried to think of an excuse, but I just couldn't...
First World Problems
I'll wait a year or so before picking it up. It looks interesting, but the next several months are crazy, with Zelda, Nier, and Persona. I just don't have the time for this, unfortunately.
@themcnoisy Trade in your wife for a copy of Horizon Zero Dawn. Seems an unfair trade, so perhaps you need to put down some money as well, but it's worth it!
Ill be buying day one - still on chapter 5 of yakuza 0 though, and have mass effect and persona preordered. Hopefully make a decent dent in yakuza this weekend
@Octane Hahaha, Nice one Octane.
I'm a bit saturated with open world and with For Honor now, Zelda and Mass Effect on march, Persona on April and Fire Emblem at may I'll wait a little.
Yup, pre-ordered a while ago.
I very rarely pre order these days but been excited for this since it was announced and after reading Sammys review earlier in the week it totally convinced me to get it day one.Steelbook Preordered from Game..Can't wait!
I've had the collector's edition pre-ordered since it was announced.
I'm always swayed towards buying a CE when it has a statue.
i've had it pre-ordered since E3 2015! a £38 pre-charge has been taken from my account today, so i went on to the shopto site and it's been moved out of my pre-order list, into "processing". hopefully they'll ship it monday, so i'll get it on tuesday before its official release date.
Had preordered for months, I just hope people don't sleep on it just because a new Zelda is coming. The industry needs new ambitious IPS to succeed.
Plenty to keep me busy in my backlog for the moment, but I hope to play it at some point.
Interested to hear from early adopters if the quality of the story telling is anywhere close to games such as The Witcher 3 or The Last of Us. If so I might be tempted to make it more of a priority.
Buying it twice, one for me and another for my daughter as neither of us deserve to wait to play this fine game
I might get it later in the year. I'm getting Zelda next week.
@adf86 - i agree. to produce a game of this size with this level of graphical fidelity is a massive undertaking, in time and budget, and if it doesn't succeed despite being critically acclaimed, it will surely deter other publishers from ambitious but potentially risky big projects.. and retreat to familar properties and tropes. i played the ghost recon beta, and i've lost all interest in it.. i really enjoyed the last ghost recon game on PS3, but they've really 'ubisofted' the hell out of this one, where it feels like they've taken all the common bits of far cry, watch dogs, division... the shooting is really solid though, it's the most redeeming part of the beta.
I'm waiting until less games are coming out, just too much going on in the near future.
Ubisofty open world? Decent way to kill time, I guess.
Good combat? That's important in general.
BioWare-esque conversations? Yech.
Big monster fights? Why not?
Ludonarrative dissonance? Sigh.
Sounds like 30usd of fun.
Collectors Edition
I preordered yesterday.
Hell yeah im getting it! Who wouldn't get a new 1st party open world RPG exclusive with a unique premise?!
@leucocyte I agree, I played it yesterday and it felt like a mix of other Ubisoft games.
Yes! Wednesday 6pm I'll be picking it up and playing! Wish I could get a copy Tuesday but oh well...us europeans are always getting treated like this
Zelda is more important. Sorry Horizon.
CE pre-ordered. But this game has to wait till I scored FFXV's plat.
I really want to play this game but my backlog is out of control. I imagine I'll wait until Christmas like I did with Uncharted 4.
This game was a major reason for my PS4 purchase back during Black Friday, so of course I'll be getting it. Didn't preorder though. Unless I get money off or something, it's just as easy to go buy it at the store on release day...and not wait til 8pm like UPS did with my Dishonored 2 CE.
I would if I had a PS4. I've been interested in it from the word go, and it would be day one otherwise.
I do have it preordered, not something I jump on lightly. It is refreshing to want to support a new IP that is ambitious and executes it's ideas quite well. Games like these are important in the industry and is a gauge for a lot of developers to greenlight creating new IPs and pursuing fresh ideas and experiences or scaling back and pumping out remixes of more of the same. I don't think people should sleep on this just because Mass Effect and Zelda is releasing nearby. In my opinion this will be every bit of quality expected of a day one purchase if your situation allows it and should, by most accounts be a title belonging in your current gen library. I wouldn't be surprised if it reviews better and is seen as a higher quality experience than Mass Effect. I'll be getting all 3 i.e. Horizon, Zelda and Mass Effect but I wouldn't skip it because of the others, in fact because it's a new IP I'm in a sense most excited for that.
Preorder THAT?! For real??
Not only did I preorder, I traded in my PS4 for a Pro at GameStop and just bought a $2000 4K Samsung! I need to play this game how it was meant to be played...
Preordered the limited edition from game the other day. Got an email today telling me it's being packed for delivery. Yeah boooii!
I'm gonna have to wait on this. There are too many other things.
I wasn't interested in it at all until the last few days when I started seeing reviews. I definitely will pick it up at some point now, but not when it releases only a few days before Switch and BotW. This will have to wait until after Zelda. First time I see it on sale I'll pick it up.
Looks great but I just got For Honor and I'm not going to have any time in the next few months for an open world game or barely any gaming time so as much as I'd like to get it I'll do the smart thing and wait till it's cheaper.
Will wait for this.. play it when life doesnt get in the way quite so much as it does at the moment..
Those who have it on day one, hope its everything ya expect and more...
Well call me Judas,but i watched a bunch of gameplay videos - read about it as well,and all seems very unappealing to me personally.sureley it wil be well made coming from Guerrilla at least.Have fun...
Its a no from me, have zero interest in it really, Im pretty much done with huge time consuming games these days.
I am glad it is reviewing well though, it is always good to see companies take chances and it pays off, will the game buying public make it a massive success? I really dont know
It would have been a day 1 purchase for me were it not for the Switch coming out 2 days later.
Been waiting 6 years for the next console Zelda and since bother games are big adventure games, I'm not going to be playing them alongside each other. Once I finish Zelda, I'll pick up Horizon for sure.
Most def. Can't wait to get my hands on my CE.
It's a sin really not to exploit the photo mode, especially comin' from a photographer's perspective.
And speaking of which... an invite to me gallery. Hope you guys enjoy your stay while you are there......
@TheJunkShot Nice!
3 days to go!
Nope, not even on my radar .
Maybe way down the line when the ps5 is looming.
Pre ordered the Collector's Edition months ago! So close, yet so far.
Zelda + backlog means I'll pick this one up when the price drops.
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