Sony tried its best to cover up PlayStation 4 Pro's new Boost Mode, but the Internet never sleeps on exciting features and it leaked. The added option essentially unlocks the supercharged system's additional horsepower for use in unpatched games, resulting in small but noticeable performance upgrades. While an NDA means that we can't post our own comparisons, you'll find plenty online.
Not every game benefits – a handful actually crash – but those that do see increases to framerate, loading times, and in some cases even the elimination of screen tearing. It's a subtle thing – you're not going to suddenly see framerates double or anything crazy like that – but the results are impressive to say the least, and really add value to the new console.

But has this, along with mandatory support for all upcoming releases, convinced you to take the plunge on the new platform – or are you happy with what you've got? Do you still feel that the PS4 Pro is unnecessary, or is the platform starting to prove its worth? Try to avoid that 4King ultra-high definition pun in the comments section below. Oh.
Has PS4 Pro's new Boost Mode tempted you to upgrade? (136 votes)
- Yes, I've decided to take the plunge after hearing this news
- It may have done, but I actually already have a PS4 Pro
- I'm not sure yet, I want to see a few more comparisons first
- I'd already decided to get one, but this is the icing on the cake
- No, I'm still not really interested in the PS4 Pro as a whole
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Comments 56
Nope...Maybe if someday it's like 250 euros, yes. Now, nah, waste of money in my opinion
If I didn't already have one, that lone wouldn't have been enough to tempt me. I got one for the prospect of 4K console gaming (same reason I'm hyped for Xbox One Scorpio).
in all honesty no it hasn't, i already have a PS4, i don't have a 4k TV (nor do i plan to get one) and all games will continue to play on the base model PS4's so i have no need of one
No. However disappointing the Switch is, i'm still more likely to buy that for something completely new. I don't need to refine my PS4 experience especially when I have no plans to buy a new tv. The pro is not for me.
Nah, my PC handles my 4K/2K gaming needs quite well.
No, not at all.
I bought the standard glacier ps4 only fairly recently
and I have zero interest in the pro.
Maybe, like AFCC when it's a lot cheaper,
but right now ? Nah.
HDR gaming is where it's at, so I don't think the PS4 pro is essential. BUT I'm really happy with my purchase and look forward to the continued benefits.
Already wanted one but the switch is first up, I'm going to buy a ps4 pro in combination with a 4K tv, and I'm also considering a xbox scorpio but mainly for exclusive games and what gold will offer me. Until that time I still have my ps4, ps3 and psvita to play games on.
Fact 1 - the pro is awesome
Fact 2 - so is ps4 scrubs
Maybe if my PS4 died. The boost is nice, but I've not had too many performance issues as I usually wait months/years before playing certain games (AC Unity).
I really thought about just buying one for NIOH, but I can't justify a second console and I'm not getting rid of my UC4 PS4. That's probably the biggest mistake I made this gen. Screw limited edition consoles. Jet black from now- upgrade when necessary.
I'll just play NIOH in 720p60FPS -_-
No interest until price drops to 250$
I upgraded on day one so I'm happy it's an evolving platform. But then I am terribly wealthy *adjusts monocle.
I already have the Pro and have been lucky enough to take part in the beta so I've been playing with the boost mode. Not had any issues so far and Fallout 4 plays smoother, particularly around heavily built up settlements, on Witcher 3 I can get into the game around 20 seconds faster from booting up and overall it runs much better in previous trouble spots, Yakuza 0 loses almost all of it's screen tearing too.
The reality is that this feature will only become less important as most if not all games will have some kind of Pro mode from now on. The reality is had I not taken the time to compare the 2 modes I doubt I'd have noticed the difference for the most part, certainly not in the way that those with dedicated Pro patches can transform your gaming experience.
To be honest I prefer the custom themes in the new update

Once I can afford it... so like 2-3 years :/
By then most new games will be optimised for boost mode, of course.
Once it comes bundled with psvr at a digestible price maybe
It is somewhat expensive. Maybe for 300 euros or something...
I don't really see enough of an improvement to "upgrade".
No doubt I will at some point but I'm in no rush right now. Would rather spend the money on a Switch...
I just upgraded before this dropped but didn't make a huge difference for me.
Never liked the idea of the Pro in the first place so it'd take a miracle to make me want to buy one now.
It's a tough call but I don't have a 4K tv so this can wait. I preordered the switch so that's where my money is going right now
I can see getting this in a few years tho, especially if I take the plunge into PSVR as well.
I'm convinced the Pro is great. But it's not great enough for me to shell out $400 for a system that plays games I can already play.
I wish I could pay $100 to simply upgrade my existing PS4. I'd do that.
The boost mode has convinced me to buy a Pro if my PS4 broke down, since before I would've just bought a Slim, but it hasn't tempted me to upgrade from my current PS4, since it just doesn't seem worth the money in my opinion
I don't plan to buy one because I'm disillusioned at how sony decided to do things this generation.
If I had known a better PS4 was coming out I wouldn't have bought the normal PS4.
I also don't support this mid gen upgrade business practice, so even if the original PS4 runs games like garbage in comparison to Pro I won't buy one on principle.
Still the console itself sounds pretty good, hope all you guys who own it or plan on buying one enjoy its benefits.
Can't wait to see the difference it makes!
I chose the option of still not being interested but it's more like I'm planning on getting one eventually but I can't justify spending that much money at this time.
Boost mode makes it a lot more tempting but I don't see myself getting one yet. I'm wondering if Sony's going to announce another upgrade to compete with Scorpio. Really hope they don't but this mid-cycle upgrade stuff is weird.
I all ready have one and I love it.
No. My PS4 is 14 months old, works fine, and still under warranty.
I was always intending to pick one up someday and updates like this will only make it sooner rather than later.
Still don't understand why this wasn't used as a major selling point in the first place but I guess they wanted to be cautious in case it really did piss off current PS4 owners (which it doesn't really seem to have done on the whole)
Already had a pro, gave my og ps4 to my girlfriend so we can game online, getting 4k tv soon. Will be f@&$ing fantastic, everyone says you have to see it for youself to understand how much better everything is. So we shall
If my PS4 explodes then I'll get one. If not then I don't care. It could sing California Dreamin' to me every time I turned it on and I still wouldn't really see the value in buying another console for slightly prettier graphics.
It is pretty damn expensive og ps4 + tv. $800, ps4 pro + 4k tv $1600. Damn you sony!!!! 😯
The Pro released about a week or 2 before my old LCD TV died. Plus my son and I were fighting for PS4 time. Got a bundle with a new 4K HDR10 tv and a Pro where the Pro ended up costing me about $100 (if the TV weren't discounted). I pulled the trigger back then for obvious reasons.
If my favorite game had frame rate issues, Boost mode would be a swaying factor for me. As it is, I don't have to worry about it.
I wasn't interested in the pro to begin with and this Boost mode has actually..not changed my mind at all.
I have a newish 4K tv but I still have my launch PS4 which has so far not given me any problems and games look fantastic enough for me to be satisfied.Like I said before until my current console breaks,I'm good thanks.
Got my Pro today - ShopTo finally had some stock.
I wouldn't have bought it just for this, but it's a nice bonus. I didn't buy it for 4K, HDR, or PSVR either - just for the visual enhancements on 1080p that future games such as Horizon will have.
Nope. I have a Switch preordered and my PS4 is doing great.
Nope. Still have the same opinion on the Pro as before.
It's just not for me. Even if it was, the money for the system itself and a TV that can take advantage of it is not worth spending.
Still waiting for the pro to arrive in asia, seriously why is it taking so long
The pro is no brainer for me since I nearly used ps4 everydays and can get hefty discount by selling my old ps4.
Interested in switch but with only 1 games that I want to play (zelda), it's not worth it, I rather spend my money on upcoming ps4 exclusive games. Already buy gravity rush 2 and yakuza 0, plan to buy horizon, nier automata, and persona 5.
@FullbringIchigo I feel the exact same way.
I've had my Pro since launch and love it. Also, stoked about the Switch, hate me!
Nope. I'm done with buying traditional home consoles (it's hybrid or bust from here on out!), and, even if I wasn't, there is nothing compelling to me about the PS4 Pro.
Well, a 1tb Pro is £349.99, and the cheapest 4k TV Ive found is £279 and thats by a brand Ive never even heard of.
So £628.99 to play the exact same games as I can now.
Its a toughie…
I mean, if the Pro can magically make actual core gameplay much better, such as making Roach actually act like a horse that knows how to horse, or add features that stop teamkilling in Rainbow Six Siege I might consider it.
I am interested but waiting for a white pro with maybe bit more memory !
Only if my beloved Ps4 died would I consider one but I've no intention of buying a 4K TV till perhaps 2021 so not sure even then there'd be much point as PS5 will be likely be on its way.
Id be all over it if I was just about to get my first Ps4 though.
@MinerWilly We'll be at 8K or 10K in 2021!! haha
@JoeBlogs Yh it wouldn't be the end of the world for me either. I actually expect it to, as I can envision myself gaming on PS4 well into the end of next gen. My backlog is simply overwhelming.
Think me upgrading to Pro is inevitable really.
@MadAussieBloke lol you must have a crystal ball? How do you know the Switch is going to be "an expensive disappointment"?
If Nintendo are only supporting one console, rather than two like this gen, I can see it being in a much better position than Wii U/3DS were. At least with first party releases...
Please allow us more details from your vision of the future so I can see how I'll be wasting my money on Switch? You could save us fellow gamers lots of money!
In fact I could argue that it'd be more of a waste buying a whole new PS4 Pro for hundreds more than my OG one just to gain just a slightly better frame rate etc... At least that money going to Switch opens up a whole new world of exclusives etc not just a prettier picture.
Nope. I just got a PS4 in December. I could have gotten the Pro then, but I couldn't justify the extra money for what it offered over the slim.
I would buy both the Switch and the PSVR over the Pro.
Made Witcher 3 even better and more fluid, combat is definitely more fun, moving though the menus is alot faster and general gawking at the landscapes and moving the camera about is fast.
Made a great game even better IMHO, going to try Bloodborne out tonight.
I feel it's kinda weird to wait till your current PS4 dies before buying the Pro. You either like the Pro, or not. But waiting is silly.
Pro gives a (slightly) better experience, and getting it pretty cheap when selling your current PS4 is a great deal. You actually waste money if you wait till your oldie dies.
Not buying Pro when not owning a 4k TV is something I fully understand.
I'm currently in the process of selecting a decent 4k TV cuz I expect my current TV not to last long anymore, I'll move it to my bedroom for the remainder of its lifespan.
I have some goodies lying around my house collecting dust which I'll be selling. Also, my current PS4 goes on sale. With all the money I get from that I'll have a Pro, and approx half of a decent 4k TV with HDR and good picture quality. All in all, choice is pretty easy for me.
Couple of years for PS5, I might start saving for a release-buy. Couple of euro each month and I'll be at €1000,- easily.
@Futureshark would you happen to have evolve?
Still no. I'm hoping my current PS4 and Xbox One last through the rest of this gen. Not planning on buying new consoles until PS5 and Xbox 'Two.'
I will wait for the Pro slim version just bought the PS4 FF15 version.
Already have one but this would have made my decision to buy one even more
No. I just can't stand the idea of the pro at all.
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