Sony tried its best to cover up PlayStation 4 Pro's new Boost Mode, but the Internet never sleeps on exciting features and it leaked. The added option essentially unlocks the supercharged system's additional horsepower for use in unpatched games, resulting in small but noticeable performance upgrades. While an NDA means that we can't post our own comparisons, you'll find plenty online.

Not every game benefits – a handful actually crash – but those that do see increases to framerate, loading times, and in some cases even the elimination of screen tearing. It's a subtle thing – you're not going to suddenly see framerates double or anything crazy like that – but the results are impressive to say the least, and really add value to the new console.

But has this, along with mandatory support for all upcoming releases, convinced you to take the plunge on the new platform – or are you happy with what you've got? Do you still feel that the PS4 Pro is unnecessary, or is the platform starting to prove its worth? Try to avoid that 4King ultra-high definition pun in the comments section below. Oh.

Has PS4 Pro's new Boost Mode tempted you to upgrade? (136 votes)

  1. Yes, I've decided to take the plunge after hearing this news%
  2. It may have done, but I actually already have a PS4 Pro%
  3. I'm not sure yet, I want to see a few more comparisons first%
  4. I'd already decided to get one, but this is the icing on the cake%
  5. No, I'm still not really interested in the PS4 Pro as a whole%

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