Polyphony Digital may take an age to make a game, but you know what they say: greatness awaits. If you thought that Gran Turismo Sport's recreation of Brands Hatch was spectacular, then wait until you feast your eyes on its Nurburgring. This is obviously replay footage so the visuals are turned up to eleven, but even at 720p this clip borders on photorealistic. It's just… Holy moly!
[source youtube.com]
Comments 43
My God!
Would love a go round there. Vroooooooooom
that does look really impressive like they always do but they really need to improve the driving physics and AI over the past games, they might look like current gen games but they play like PS2 era ones
it's not all about the sparkles you know
The FIA doesn't praise your track recreations for nothing.
@FullbringIchigo I don't think there's anything quite like GT physics personally. Agree on the AI, though.
Two genres I barely ever play, let alone buy.. Racers & beat em up's.. & yet both your features for GT Sport & Tekken have peaked my interest. These both look phenomenal..!
It is what Polyphony Digital do.
The 1st Gran Turismo was mental in its time.
This is the results of not churning a redefined game every year.
At least now you are penalised for driving like Maureen Rees.
1:28 Smooth
Spot on with the lighting Sammy Incredible.
I can't wait to race on that in a lobby full of good and fair drivers. That's when GT is at its best.
Not usualy a racer fan but I might give this a go, it look's niiice.
Looks like the delay was totally worth it.
doesn't look that great tbh..looks way too much like reality
Absolutely amazing. But I'm still going to start a race by going full pelt, on the inside, into the first corner, and bump into the AI cars to guide me round, and put me at the top of the pack.
@get2sammyb the last few games felt "floaty" to me personally but that could have something to do with the fact i played Forza a lot too
@VotesForCows Might not be actually.
There's a trending vid on PS Live of somebody's first race in the beta. It's a dusk race and the lighting from the cars' headlights looks astonishing.
Sure it looks great, but what blew me away here is that sound. Just wow.
I would be interested to see how the game handles gameplay as well as replays. Some basic internet searches has shown this will run at 60fps in 1080p and 30fps in 4k for replays. What about during the race. Anyone know?
Looks fantastic , hope i can do the Nurburgring in a Kubelwagen again.
Wow this looks absolutely insane!
Looks fantastic and whoever is driving is much better than me
@Wesker It's the only way to play! Haha
Wow, just wow.... Can't wait...
Gameplay > graphics
The cars look great, but will they take and show damage? The tracks looks good, as do the trees, but in typical GT form the people "watching" are flat and lifeless. Only racing series I have ever enjoyed was Burnout.
That is a thing of beauty.
I think for fun they should add a 'Mario Kart' mode which includes bananas and blue/red/green shells etc!
Not sure what you are all gushing about, the static trees and people ruin the visuals just some slight movement would make a world of difference.
@KitsuneNight Gameplay - Graphics side by side i dont have a problem wit that.
Sure, but no amount of graphics can make up for terrible gameplay.
You can deal with awfull graphics, as long as the gameplay is great.
IE Saturn Daytona usa.
@get2sammyb. I just needed to see the headlines to know that this was one of your articles, and what do you know? By Sammy Baker. Honestly just go back to the last six months of articles and see how many times you have posted something about great graphics for games on the PlayStation/Pro. To me it's getting really old, its lazy journalism and it tells me that you have lost whatever integrity you might have had. This is like six year olds discussing games, and has nothing to do with game journalism.
That being said it does look good but it will probably play like any other GT game. Been there done that.
@fishwilson "It tells me that you have lost whatever integrity you might have had [...] that being said it does look good."
@get2sammyb @fishwilson ??? his last article is on the NA store sale. The game has amazing graphics... He reported it and it looks amazing. Dont get your complaint at all.
Loved the vid. Thanks Sammy! Always loved the Gran Turismo series. It was one of the first games I bought for my psone and loved it ever since I stopped doing donuts. Definately a must buy.
Gorgeous as usual but please, for the love all racing fans, give me AI that more advance than its PS1 predecessor.
I don't want to split hairs here. I think mr. Barker is a competent writer and I enjoy reading both his articles and reviews on this site (that's why I'm here isn't it?) @Splints. My only point here is that gaming journalism is so much more than noting that a game "looks good", and if even well renowned gaming sites are starting to focus so much attention towards this little aspect of gaming (cue the recent surge in "vow doesn't this really look great" articles from mr. Barker) I think the medium is heading in the wrong direction. Both "spirits within" and "kingsglaive" looks absolutely gorgeous but it doesn't make them good movies, in fact they both are disastrous.
Did my point come across clearer now? I also like games to have a nice art direction and to be pleasing to the eye or purpose it's supposed to convey, but in the end it's the gameplay that keeps me playing games and that's what should be the main focus on a major gaming site (together with the unique interactive feature that video games represent, storytelling, characters, philosophy, ethical discussions etc.) That's my take on it anyway. (Of course the technical aspects of video games is also an interesting angle but still that also goes beyond merely posting a YouTube video and saying "GT4... is the most beautiful thing.)
@fishwilson I do see your point and I don't want games to be reviewed based on their graphics either, which I find most sites do now and it is sad. I also would hate Sammy to ever base his reviews of a game on graphics. But I would also dislike if he stopped writing these graphical update columns on push square because until a game is released this is all they can talk about sometimes.
The title of the article said it was about graphics and no where in the article did he say it was an amazing game because of the graphics he more implied that they usually take their time and make great games.
I dont want you to stop commenting either I usually like your comments Its just that if you didnt want to read an article about graphics you maybe should have skipped this one...
@Splints thanks for your response, appreciate it! And I will continue making comments whenever I feel I got something to say.
@get2sammyb. Just to finish whatever I started. What I mean is that when articles on a site that claim to have "the worlds best independent PlayStation coverage" starts to read more like advertisements for Sony endorsed products it's only appropriate to question journalistic integrity.
@fishwilson Yes, because we're never critical of Sony ever, are we?
Well yes you are, and that's one of the reasons I visit this site at least once a day (there are really only two things that has been nagging me about your coverage lately. It's the "vow great graphics" thing and then there is the handling of the PlayStation Pro. It's not a secret that I really think this was a bad move by Sony. It's not that I think the PS pro is a a bad machine I just think the introduction of an upgraded console halfway through its lifespan is a really, really bad idea. My arguments for why that is so you can find if you check my comments history. And I think you have been treating it like it's a godsend to gaming and have not been critical to what this actually means for console gamers and effects on the industry as a whole. And I think you should have been.) But I guess I got my point across, keep up the good critical journalism and I will keep reading your articles with a critical and open mind.
Are you serious? Its the best driving physics on a console game..and always has been. Like, are you confused ot something?? Real racecar drivers have been made from this game.. Dont be ridiculous..
@fishwilson How the hell does this article bring get2sammyb's integrity into account at all? And what "arguments" do you have about PS4 Pro? You have a bunch of nonsensical ranting drivel about how its bad..based on your opinion. ..and some comments you made in these rants are pretty head-scrathcing. Like referring to gaming consoles as a "dying business".. Bwa..haha..hahahahaha!
@Fenriswolf- when i said physics i was on about how the cars always feel like they are floating about the track, the way the cars turn, accelerate and all that are fine but for some reason it feels like there is a disconnect between the course and the car you know like you can see that it's the track that's actually moving around the car instead of it looking like the car is moving on the track
it just feels strange
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