With the ordinarily slow month of April representing a brand new fiscal year, you may be forgiven for thinking that the PlayStation 4's purple patch may be coming to an end. But as our April 2017 PS4 games release dates guide shows, there's lots to look forward to over the Easter period and beyond. The headline launch is undoubtedly Persona 5, but beyond that there are dozens upon dozens of fascinating indie titles to keep your eye on, including Blackwood Crossing, What Remains of Edith Finch, and Outlast 2.
April, 2017
- Blackwood Crossing (PS4) - April 4th (US)
- Drawn to Death (PS4) - April 4th (US)
- LEGO City Undercover (PS4) - April 4th (US)
- Mortal Blitz (PS4) - April 4th (US)
- PaRappa the Rapper Remastered (PS4) - April 4th (US)
- Persona 5 (PS4) - April 4th (US)
- Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition (PS4) - April 7th (US)
- Aaero (PS4) - April 11th (US)
- Cosmic Star Heroine (PS4) - April 11th (US)
- Dovetail Games Euro Fishing (PS4) - April 11th (UK/EU)
- Skyforge (PS4) - April 11th (US)
- Snow Moto Racing Freedom (PS4) - April 11th (US)
- StarBlood Arena (PS4) - April 11th (US)
- Yooka-Laylee (PS4) - April 11th (US)
- The Sexy Brutale (PS4) - April 12th (US)
- Flinthook (PS4) - April 18th (US)
- Full Throttle Remastered (PS4) - April 18th (US)
- Guardians of the Galaxy: Episode One - Tangled Up in Blue (PS4) - April 18th (US)
- Late Shift (PS4) - April 18th (US)
- Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom (PS4) - April 18th (US)
- The Disney Afternoon Collection (PS4) - April 18th (US)
- The Silver Case (PS4) - April 18th (US)
- VR Invaders: Complete Edition (PS4) - April 18th (US)
- Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap (PS4) - April 18th (US)
- Akiba's Beat (PS4) - April 19th (UK/EU)
- Deformers (PS4) - April 21st (US)
- Statik (PS4) - April 24th (US)
- Dragon Quest Heroes II (PS4) - April 25th (US)
- Lock's Quest (PS4) - April 25th (US)
- Outlast II (PS4) - April 25th (US)
- Puyo Puyo Tetris (PS4) - April 25th (US)
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 (PS4) - April 25th (US)
- Syberia 3 (PS4) - April 25th (US)
- Symphony of the Machine (PS4) - April 25th (US)
- The Deer God (PS4) - April 25th (US)
- The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 4: Thicker Than Water (PS4) - April 25th (US)
- What Remains of Edith Finch (PS4) - April 25th (US)
- Little Nightmares (PS4) - April 28th (US)
- Portal Knights (PS4) - April 28th (UK/EU)
For a full list of launches, check out our 2017 PS4 games release dates guide.
Which upcoming PS4 games are you planning to purchase in April? Take a look at our full list of release dates, and let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 35
Whens the Yooka Laylee review?
@kyleforrester87 Next week!
Few more days until Persona 5.
@get2sammyb Cool I'll be expecting it Monday
@kyleforrester87 Embargo is 4th April.
@get2sammyb Haha good stuff. Looking forward to it.
P5, Yooka and the Disney NES games. Getting Tetris Puyo on Switch.
@sinalefa That's such an awesome mix of games. So much variety at the moment.
4 for April for me.
1. Persona 5 - TYHE
2. Siberia 3
3. Dragon Quest Heroes ll
4. Little Nightmares Six Edition
Persona 5 and parappa for me, plus little nightmares and what remains of edith finch if the game's good.
Can't wait for Persona, I am going to dance all night when I get it!
I am really interested in Persona 5 & Shines but will probably only get Guardians of the Galaxy & Yooka-Laylee right away. @get2sammyb I didn't see Telltale's Guardians on the list for some reason.
@vegeta11 Good shout, I'm missing that. Will add it in.
@Star-Lord Another one to add it seems. (I've not heard of it!)
Yup... that's a lot of games! I'll simply have to delay some that I'm interested in, there's not enough time for all.
Next month?
Persona 5 and (belatedly) Yakuza 0 on PS4. Puyo Puyo Tetris, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and (hopefully) Yooka-Laylee on the Switch.
And yet another case for why 2017 is insanely brilliant for video games.
Persona 5, Puyo Puyo, and Parappa for me. If Yooka-Laylee is good I'll get that too. Maybe Lego City when I can find it cheap.
Looking ahead a bit I know but is there anything stand out for May, June, July and August? Next thing on my radar beyond April is probably Destiny 2 off the top of my head...?
(Oh, Crash..)
@kyleforrester87 Injustice 2, Prey, Farpoint, The Surge, RIME, Nex Machina, Tekken 7, WipEout, Crash!
Disney Afternoon Collection is on the top of my list here. Day 1, and I'll get Parappa the Rapper.
@get2sammyb Boom, I knew I was forgetting something with Prey. Really looking forward to that one! Still, it's gunna be tough for the final 2/3rds of the year to compete with Jan>April.
@get2sammyb @kyleforrester87 also Middle Earth: Shadow of War which I'm super excited for in August.
@vegeta11 ahh I was enjoying the first one for all of 5 minutes. The intro was great, but as soon as the game started I hated it, too much generic open world rubbish. I only paid £8 for it fortunately. I hear some people liked it though so fair enough. Shame as I like the LOTR universe, I'd just prefer something more linear I think.
@kyleforrester87 On the plus side, any games from the first half of the year that you haven't played yet will likely be a little cheaper in the later half and we can all finally catch up!
Llamasoft's new game is also out at the back end of April, Polybius
I just pre-ordered PaRappa the Rapper Remastered a few days ago, but I had no idea that The Silver Case was coming to the PS4.
P5 then Nier Automata then Yakuza 0. I love backlogs.
Dammit I've still got January, February & March games to catch up on yet!
Another awesome month for Playstation, certainly the best year for gaming for quite some time.
@chalkyQUAKER Holy heck! Jeff Minter goodness in April? I had no idea!
Ba-da, ba-da, ba-da, baa
Missing some PSVR games.
Mortal Blitz ,April 4
Symphony of the Machine, April 11
Statik, April 24
Polybius, April 28
Syndrome, April 28
Fantastic Contraption,Apollo 11 and Syren are set to release in April as well though I haven't heard any exact dates are yet.
I really wish you would step up your PSVR coverage.You have only a hand full of reviews and most of the games released already are not even in your database. I was genuinely surprised when I saw a Korix review from you.
This is probably the first great month for the PS4. It's got everything!
@get2sammyb It looks like a typical Minter game. Crazy pschodelics, superb music and no doubt fantastic playability. It's also PSVR compatitable and runs at 120 FPS.
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