Sony's revealed your PlayStation Plus games for March, and it looks like the leak was right. PlayStation 4 owners can look forward to Tearaway Unfolded and Disc Jam; not a bad lineup, considering the former's quality and the latter's enjoyable recent beta. PS4 also gets Lumo, which is cross-buy with Vita.
Elsewhere, Sony's handheld is nabbing Severed, while the ageing PlayStation 3 settles for the dumb fun of Earth Defense Force 2025 and the terribly titled Under Night: In-Birth.
What do you make of March's offering? Hit that 'add to library' button in the comments section below.
Comments 81
Nice! Was considering picking up tearaway, but this saves me the trouble!
I wanted to pick up Severed. Glad I didn't...
Honestly I really like them. PS3 aside that I don't have, I wanted to play every other game they are giving, even Disc Jam and I am not a sports game player, but Beta was enjoyable.
I've wanted tearaway for a while after enjoying the demo a while back now. Disc Jam seems decent given time and practice. Not a bad line-up though. People are expecting way too much these days. Service definitely needs a re-work though like what Sammy hinted at.
Like I said before Tearaway is a fantastic game that anyone that hasn't played it should defiantly give it a try! Considering I have just bought Horizon I'm really happy about this line up,especially Lumo as its one I keep nearly clicking on in the sales and will finally get to see what all the fuss is about with that Earth Defence franchise
Good month. Don't sleep on Tearaway, it's a massively underrated game.
Nice! Wanted Tearaway and Lumo for a while now, looking forward to playing them
@get2sammyb Thanks, Sammy. I will be sure to add it in. I just saw ABZU and Unravel on sale (at least in the U.S.) in the store too. More to play! Yay for me.
This is a brilliant month. I have tearaway and severed unfortunately, but bothare great games; and I have wanted lumo for ages
@get2sammyb Tearaway was brilliant on the Vita but I have yet to play the PS4 one. I hope it's just as good.
Interesting, a couple of games I may take a peak at. Lumo reminds me of Knight Lore and Head Over Heels from the eighties...
@get2sammyb Tearaway is a fantastic game on PS4, I've had it for some time and I really like how much creativity Media Molecule put into their games, Dreams can't come soon enough for me.
Not played Disc Jam yet but this looks like a great month, shame I already own the former
@get2sammyb Just read the ADF review. It said single player was boring but didn't really say if co-op was online or split-screen couch. Since it's M I suppose I shouldn't really be playing it w/ my 12 yr old anyway but it's giant robot ants!!
I'll play Tearaway once I'm done w/ Knack, game is lasting a bit longer than I expected.
Is tareaway better on the ps4 than the vita version, I found it a good distraction when flying but not sure it'll keep me away from the ps4 games I bought sitting in my backlog. Although having bought no games this year I am getting there with a light at the end if the tunnel.
I've already commented on Tearaway, but... SEVERED? This I didn't see coming - the game is barely several months old and what I've seen of it left it decidedly on my wishlist, although I had other priorities and time to decide whether to get it for 3DS or Vita. Now it's settled, and in terms of games I know and have interest in, this is a CRAZY month. :3
PS3 offerings are sadly not crossplatforms now, and they would have been an immediate tryout otherwise, too. Especially that animesque fighting game apparently published by Atlus. Sigh, two more reasons to wish Sony would release some anniversary or whatever PS3 edition upgraded to native Remote Play support. But on the crossplatform side we're getting Lumo; I liked what isometric puzzle platformers I got to play on Gameboy Color, so this looks interesting AND nostalgic indeed.
Overall, a particularly exciting offering this month in my book, beating even February's treat of LBP3. But there's no Killzone/Knack/Battlefield One so it sucks, too. :V
certainly won't be adding any of these games to my library.
Severed - EXCELLENT. I cannot wait to get RSI from it. This has been on my wish list for ages now.
Not too bad. I own lumo, haven't played it in awhile, was a little buggy when I got it, but that was when it first came out. It's a fun little game though. If u like cutesy iso puzzle games where the protagonist looks like the black Mage from ff! I had tearaway on vita(sold vita)seemed like a game made for touch so will be interested in checking that out.
I also owned severed for vita. I really liked it, very fun combat.
Just saw the vid for LUMO, seems kind of old school difficulty so I'll just play the first half or so and let my NES Mini owning son take it from there.
@Tasuki It's not quite as good for me, but it's still excellent.
@dellyrascal It's hugely inspired by games like that! Tons of Easter eggs!
@rjejr You mean EDF? I think you'll be okay with your kids — it's very tongue in cheek. Is it really an M?
@gingerfrog Tearaway's better on the Vita but it's still fantastic on PS4.
@BAMozzy May I ask why? Even if you don't plan to play them now, why are you skipping them entirely?
One of the best, if not the best ps+ games since it launched.
Tearaway and Severed are absolutely fantastic games. Since they are so good but their sales weren't great, a lot of people are in for a treat.
I have both, so nothing for me, but overall I can't complain.
Wow Sony must be watching what games I've viewed on the Vita store! GET IN AMAZING MONTH FOR VITA!
PS4 ain't too shaby and disc jam will be getting blasted also.
First month that I already own all the games- except disc jam obviously. Damn you Sony! Good selection, though.
Awesome lineup.
Meh. That is all.
Ooh, Severed! Will definitely give that a go. And I've heard good things about Disc Jam so I'll be trying that out too.
I would've also downloaded Tearaway but my hard drive real estate is getting extremely tight. As Sammy says, people shouldn't sleep on it. Excellent platformer with buckets of whimsical charm.
Wait?! This can't be right!!! Two decent retail games for PS3 that I don't already have?! Awesome!!!
Got both Tearaway and Severed at launch but Lumo looks cool. Personally I'm not too bothered whether a game I own goes on the service providing that it's not immediately after I got said game.
It's a good lineup although I already bough tearaway unfolded and severed.
Fantastic line up this month.
I have the EDF PS4 remake and it's great.
Been wanting to try Lumo.
I love Blazblue and had never heard of Under Night: In-Birth but I imagine I will very much enjoy it as well.
I have Tearaway on Vita but haven't played it since launch so I'll probably play through it again since the PS4 version is a little different.
I've heard good things about Severed and an excuse to use my Vita again is never a bad thing.
I don't hold much hope for Disc Jam.
@get2sammyb Neither PS4 game will ever get played - even if I have completed Horizon and Mass Effect, I still have a backlogue of games I would rather play than those - in fact I would rather replay games like Infamous in which I have completed it twice (platinumed) than play these - even Aliens: Colonial Marines appeals more!
I know that others may enjoy these games but they are not something I would ever waste my time on...
@BAMozzy In what world does Aliens: Colonial Marines appeal more than Tearaway Unfolded? This is bizzarro land!
But each to their own.
Always wanted to get Tearaway but had other games to get ahead of it so that works for me also more games for my ps3 and vita are always welcome
@rjejr I wouldn't worry too much about EDF's rating, it's basically a Dynasty Warriors with guns and green blood. I'm pretty sure there's options to turn off gore as well.
Me and my 6yr old daughter have been enjoying tearaway on my vita. I've had the game for ages but hadn't played it that much. Now, it's the game of choice when she has her hour on the vita. So, tearaway unfolded is a fab selection for me, not too sure about the other available games though.
@get2sammyb The concept, the setting, the visuals (at least in concept and considering the platform), the world, the type of game-play - even though it wasn't that well executed or lived up to the promise - its still more appealing than Tearaway and wasn't designed for (or by - visually!) the kindergarten kids!! I would rather not game than play that so that's another way Aliens appeals more...
Nice month. Already own Tearaway on Vita, but I'm not keen on letting my nephew use it, so this works out well. Also, I've been curious about Severed.
I might resubscribe.
@BAMozzy Absolute bonkers comment IMO. It's sad that people think this way.
@get2sammyb You have to wonder if people like this refuse to watch critically acclaimed Pixar/Disney movies as well. "Mature" experiences (whatever those are) are fine, but I also like something bright, colorful, and happy once in a while.
Im eager to play Disc Jam, but like @get2sammyb said in the other article, its a shame it didnt have a bit more time to get polished up.
But needless to say Im still looking forward to having a pop.
Tearaway is flat out not my thing at all, from visual style to gameplay.
As for the appeal of some of the IGC stuff, I can see why, as a rule, there is somewhat of a divide.
Indies seem to follow a trend, one releases and is popular, so another load of very similar games pop up.
This always seems to be a negative in view of "AAA" but for some unknown reason doesnt seem to be an issue for smaller studio games.
I can certainly see why Tearaway is unappealing to some, myself included, and Im sure that same view can be applied to many other IGC titles.
I think the last one I downloaded personally was This War Of Mine and I cant remember the last one before that.
Look's ok to me will try em, been playing some indie/platformer's/older game's lately not really interested in any first party game's atm, this should fit right in.
@get2sammyb Well I guess that's where we will differ. I think its bonkers that adults get so excited by a game designed for 5yr olds with an artstyle to appeal and resemble their playschool handywork. Its sad to see grown men rather play a childish playschool aimed game in my opinion.
@Ralizah It has nothing to do with 'bright and colourful' - look at Conker for example and a number of Adult games can still be colourful. Games like Ratchet and Clank are also not just aimed at 'kids' - more family friendly. Disney/Pixar movies are not aimed solely at kids either - a number of the 'jokes' are certainly not suitable or understandable for kids. Anime is also often bright and colourful but I wouldn't let my kids watch those 'cartoons' or Family Guy, American Dad etc for that matter. Tearaway though wouldn't look out of place on Disney/Nick Jr or as a game on vtech devices.
Nice! Disc Jam and Earth Defense
Always wanted to play an Earth Defense game
Awesome terraway unfolded and lumo so happy
This month is bloody brilliant.
What the hell is up with some people? We had torque xl, ninja senki last month and the worst lbp last time - this month we've got pure gold in comparison.
AAA games are here.
Boooooo Sony we dont want AAA Sony, we dont know what we want but we will boooo anyway until we get free sex with Lara Croft Sony. Boooo.
Best month in ages boiz.
@BAMozzy Yeah, your argument doesn't make any sense. Tearaway isn't a Barbie game or some throwaway experience meant for five-year-olds. It's a colorful and creative platformer aimed at a family audience.
So I guess what I'm getting from your post is that you're unable to enjoy a game unless it has off-color jokes or something that makes it inappropriate for children? I mean, it's your opinion, and you're entitled to it, but I find your perspective very strange and limiting.
Damn already owned teraway 😢 bought it from for 5£ but i played it for 20 minutes, i have other games that i find more interesting to play on my backlog now 😯 i will finish it one day.... faarrr faarrr awaaaay 😂
@BAMozzy edgier than my knife collection.
Poor Teraway gets no love...try it guys!
Meh. Good games for casual players though.
That's a pretty good selection. Severed is great. Tearaway was fantastic on Vita too, so I'll give the PS4 version a go.
@BAMozzy And I find it bonkers that someone would rather play a game that was a complete bait and switch, that has no originality or creativity and has been described as "scientifically s***".
@get2sammyb Just finished the story in Knack, about 12 hours, got my $5 worth, would have even been worth it for $10, a decent idea in a throwaway game. Though I feel that way about a lot of first games, Dark Cloud and Uncharted both had lame first games but the 2nd was great.
So I'm all set for Tearaway next Tuesday. Downloaded A Kings Tale but after 3 hours of Knack I'm done for tonight.
Looks like a pretty good month. Several games there I'm tempted to try.
@adf86 Complee;y bonkers that someone would rather play an Action adventure game than a kiddies game? Or are you just annoyed because I would rather play a game for adults than a childish PS4 exclusive - Maybe that's the issue - is it because you feel I am insulting a PS4 exclusive?? Is that why you have to come out and defend it??
I would rather play Duke Nukem Forever than tearaway - another game that's got a bad reputation. Point is these are more action games and I would rather play a 'poor' action game than a decent game designed for kids that borrows heavily from Teletubbies and the art my kids used to bring home from playschool. Yes - visually it looks 'good' for what it is - the paper looks like paper etc but its just not a game I would ever voluntarily play - its a game I would get for my 5yr old to introduce them to gaming! Fortunately (or unfortunately - depending on your view), my kids are now grown up. Maybe get it for the grandchildren to play LOL
@Ralizah Not at all - Like I said I enjoy games like R&C, the Lego games etc but I would rather play a 'poor' Action game. I own Aliens: Colonial Marines so I know exactly what the game is like - not the BS that surrounds it. For £40 it is bad but for the £5 (New) I spent on it, its better than the majority of 'indie' games that cost 'more' and more enjoyable for me than any game designed to be played primarily by children. Its not the colours at all and not just the artstyle but the game-play and concept of this itself. I would prefer to play it than something like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat because I dislike fighting games even more!!
Tearaway is cool but for some reason I preferred the Vita version...
@get2sammyb tbf I get where mozz is coming from here. I'm sure Tearaway is excellent, it's from a developer with pedigree, it's reviewed exceptionally well, and it's apparently a very innovative game. However, I'm a 35 year old man and don't particularly want to wander a whimsical papercraft land spreading joy. I play games to experience dumb, macho thrills mainly. So while I'm sure my niece would love this, as would my fiance, it just doesn't appeal. Don't get me wrong, it's a great choice for plus, but it just doesn't appeal so I won't be playing it. Oh, and colonial marines is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine so it's personal taste.
Yeah nothing for me in the sixth month in a row, so it's time to stop paying for plus.
@THRILLHOU You're obviously free to spend your time how you want to and play whatever you want. Just seems a bit mad to me to actively avoid an excellent game because it's a bit whimsical.
I'm starting to understand the title's woeful sales now though.
@get2sammyb Unfortunately it is also a big reason why the Wii U did so poorly, how many times did you see it refered to as a kids console? The problem seems to be that people make the mistake of thinking of a game that has an age rating for everyone as meaning the same as it is a game for kids. Give me a well crafted game over another corridor shooter bloodbath any day.
@BAMozzy I find it funny you list you'd rather play Duke Nukem over Tearaway, a game with humour that only a pre pubescent teen would enjoy, on the grounds of one being aimed at kids. I also notice when you listed animation for adults you missed out South Park, the show that is based on the original's stop motion papercraft animation.
@Dichotomy I would rather play Duke Nukem - not because of the pre-pubescent humour but because of the type of game-play the game offeres. Not because its aimed more towards the 'adult' market (it does have an 18 certificate) but because its more 'Action' orientated. The point is, I would rather play a poor action game than Tearaway. I could have named a whole host of 'action' games that had a 'bad' rep.
I don't like South Park myself but saying that, I would still rather play some/all of the South Park games over tearaway - not that I have any intention of buying them but as far as the 'game-play' is concerned, its more in keeping with the games I enjoy playing.
Southpark may use stop motion papercraft style animation but that doesn't make the style particularly good. Its designed to look very basic and cheap for a reason - the antithesis of Disney/Pixar. It is another example though of something that is 'bright and colourful' and probably visually appealing to children but very much unsuitable. Although not a fan myself, its also shows that 'bright and colourful' is not necessarily just the domain of kids. Horizon: ZD is also bright and colourful too incidentally....
@get2sammyb I am a 44yr old gamer. I don't want shallow, whimsical game experiences anymore or some 'clever' use of some gimicky aspect of the new DS4/Vita shoehorned in to 'so say' enrich the experience - like having my photo in a game in some teletubby-esque sun/hole in the sky or some fiddly/crappy drawing sketched out on the touchpad (making a crown for a squirrel). Its not 'just' the fact that this would be a game I would play with my 'playschool' aged children if they were still that young, its not a game I would play regardless. You asked why so I told you. I don't have to play games/genres I don't enjoy - I am not that bereft of games - especially this month with Horizon and Mass Effect launching. I would rather play Evolve, Project Cars, Thief, Murdered: Soul Suspect (All games I have with Games with Gold) because they are all games in genres I play. I would rather they added Killzone than Tearaway - even though I own Killzone as that would give the MP a 'boost' - more people/friends online to play the game giving me more 'value' to my copy than a game I have absolutely NO interest in from any aspect - game-play, aesthetics, 'story' etc. Its 1 level up from 'fighting' games and would rather play it than SF or MK for example - other games I really wouldn't download either.
I see absolutely no point in adding games that I will never play, have zero interest or motivation to play etc regardless of whether they are aimed at kids, aimed at adults or given away! So yes I would rather play Aliens:CM, Duke Nukem than this - not that I would play these when I have Horizon and Mass Effect as well as a LOT of other games in my collection....
I already have Tearaway on my Vita, and I really don't care about the rest - so nothing for me this month, glad I haven't renewed my PS+ subscription starting from 1st of January this year.
@BAMozzy Your making quite a few assumptions there mate. For your information what I'm doing is defending really good games that get dismissed by people based just on how it looks. It's why every Plus update we get a bunch of whiners because a game is indie because they can't be bothered to actually try the games in the first place.
@get2sammyb well if I'm honest I'm considering giving it a go, just because I had the same opinion on journey and, well. Yeah you were spot on on that one. I just don't find the art style or tone very appealing.
@BAMozzy lemme guess, you think all adults should play M rated games? I rather enjoy T rated games, much more than most M rated games since I play games to unwind, not vent and virtually murder people. T rated RPG's are a good balance as they do have an acceptable amount of violence, but not stupid levels that make you cringe. Again, just personal preference, but in the future I wouldn't be such an @$$ to a staff member, that was rather uncalled for.
Sorry for the rant and also sorry if it didn't make much sense as I just woke up and read that incredibly rude comment...
@Rukiafan7 'but in the future I wouldn't be such an @$$ to a staff member, that was rather uncalled for.'
I must be missing something.
@BAMozzy Personally I'd rather nail my balls to a plank of wood with a rusty nail than play the latest Duke Nukem, but you're entitled to your opinions. Except that you seem to fail to notice you are effectively calling people children for enjoying Tearaway which is where people's issue lies with what is being said. Calling it a kiddies game does a disservice to your side of the debate and is a mindset that I see relatively often, just because a game is child friendly doesn't mean it can only be enjoyed by youngsters as most of Nintendo's first party titles will attest to.
As we've all experienced, most 18 rated online games are filled with screaming teenagers too, and I'd guess a large market share of the sales of those titles like CoD and Battlefield go to that demographic, which shows an age rating on a product will not always represent the people who buy/play the game. If you prefer dire shooters to colourful platformers, that is OK. If your argument is a dire 18 rated game is better than a kiddies game then it is less so.
Does anyone know if Unfolded is better or worse than the Vita version? I have it on the Vita, got it around launch but never got around to playing it. Should I just play it on PS4 instead?
@PotatoTheG Vita version is better, but they are both worth playing and the PS4 game is different from the Vita version.
Highly recommend getting Tearaway, great 3D platformer.
What did they run out of trash games to give away? Whatever I'm pleasantly surprised.
@adf86 I understand the point you are making but Im going to use myself as an example and play devils advocate.
I personally, have never enjoyed a game, movie or TV show I have not had initial interest in.
If a game doesnt look, or sound in some cases where I read about said game, like something I will enjoy at all, I wont play it.
And when I have tried, looking at you Rocket League, I havent enjoyed the experience and it feels like a waste of time and effort when I already knew I wouldnt enjoy it.
Again, I see what youre saying, for most people, as Im only one person and speak only for myself, they would likely enjoy a game if they actually gave it the time of day, instead of immediately dismissing it.
I guess for myself I at least read up and do a small bit of research before writing something off.
I personally dont like the look of Tearaway at all, inclusive of the gameplay Ive seen.
By that same merit, I wont be playing Horizon, because nothing about that game interests me.
Seems cool Wish it was Tearaway for the PS Vita to tho
@get2sammyb I already own Tearaway (great game, though my kids have played more then me). You don't know if the digital version of Tearaway will support saved progress from the disc version do you? Was a bit annoyed that LBP3 didn't so I couldn't sell my son's disc and have him use the digital version instead!
@angrygrolsch Not sure, sorry.
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