The sun's actually come out here in the UK and it feels like Spring for the first time in forever. To recycle a tired old joke, then, you better pull your curtains shut and lock yourself inside for some games. It's the weekend so it's time for some WAYP – but what are you playing?
Sammy Barker, Editor
I've started Mass Effect: Andromeda and can't seem to tear myself away, so I'll be working my way through that this weekend – it's not bad really. The problem is I have more pressing releases to attend to, but I can't seem to force myself to play them.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
I'm currently playing a couple of games I can't talk about just yet, but will be able to soon. And among those games, I'll also be sneaking some Mass Effect in now that I'm free from the clutches of Horizon: Zero Dawn.
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
With little spare time to play much of anything right now, I'm finding myself dropping in and out of mobile games. I'm particularly taken with the beautiful Alto's Adventure, while the strange, nostalgia-inducing Dandy Dungeon has reinvigorated my belief in the potential of smartphone games.
Jenny Jones, Reviewer
After taking a break of a few months I've returned to Rebel Galaxy. I find it really repetitive but can't help but keep returning to it. I'm also working my way through Atelier Firis, love that the latest Atelier game is much more open world than previous entries in the series.
Ken Talbot, Reviewer
Exploring a new galaxy... And wishing that I could go back to my old galaxy, where people didn't look like waxen corpses and bounce around like pinballs when i'm trying to talk to them about colonisation. Also Overwatch.
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
Having struggled to find time to pour into Horizon: Zero Dawn, I've temporarily switched focus to Freedom Planet. Galaxy Trail's debut game has made an extremely late arrival on PS4, and it's time we discovered for ourselves what all the fuss was about. You can expect my review in the coming week.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
This weekend I will be playing some Diablo III. With seasons on the way, I decided to jump back in. While I am at work however, I will be sneaking in some Super Mario Run on my phone.
Talk is cheap, but we expect plenty of it in the comments section below. What are you playing this weekend? Don't hesitate to let us know.
Comments 82
The most hated game on the internet aka Mass Effect: Andromeda.
The Order 1886, it was less than £10 on the PSN sale so i thought i'll check it out and it's great even if it's a glorified PS4 Tech Demo, i found the story interesting and the characters also and if anything laid the ground work for what could be a great sequel IF we ever get one
otherwise FFXV, Kingdom Hearts 2.8 and Star Trek Online
I have a week off and my plan is to finish and Plat Horizon. I am also trying to spend some time on Zelda on the switch and while away this week I got stuck into the excellent limbo on vita. Phew! Massive gaming week for me...
Zelda: Breath of the Wild. When I get back in town, Nier and Horizon.
I've gone back to World Of Final Fantasy after reaching 50 per cent complete with Horizon.
Also started an old PS Plus game Stories The Paths Of Destinies,which I gotta say I'm actually really impressed with..so far seen three different endings.
Horizon still...
PS4: Horizon Zero Dawn, Nier Automata
PSVita: Persona 4 Golden
50 hours in & I've popped every non-story related trophy in Horizon, so I'm going to go ahead & progress with the story.
2nd playthrough of Nier Automata -the combat is losing me a little bit.
Also hoping to finish Persona 4 Golden this weekend.
Mass effect.I have encountered a couple of bugs but Im enjoying the game to the point where I can't stop playing. Persona is so close to release so I'm going to binge on mass effect to get it finished in time.
Horizon!! Enjoying it to the fullest, combat is great as well. On all areas I'm pleasantly surprised. Knew it would be good but didn't expect it to this good!!
@FullbringIchigo I think The Order's worth a tenner. I tend to agree that it feels like a prologue for something much bigger and better. A shame really.
@Wazeddie22 Stories is a great game, definitely a hidden gem.
I have just started season 2 of The Walking Dead, really good so far. Although I am a little disappointed my choices didn't carry over from the first game as I finished that on the Vita.
I had a few hours this morning before we left for a wedding out of state to work on some Horizon reached level 27 (finished a few errands and side quests), finally finished the Olin portion and then did a few corrupted zones. When we get back tomorrow I'll try to finally get the rest of the quests done for my Golden Frieza transformation awoken skill in DBX2.
About to replay Crash 3, and I'll also replay MegaMan Battle Network 3, as I haven't touched it in a few years. Dunno how many feel about Battle Network, but I've always enjoyed 3 & 5.
Not sure yet. I got the plat for Horizon this week, so it's figuring out what's next. Got a free month of GameFly and they decided to send battlefield 1 and mega man legacy collection, so I may play those. My friend also suggested I try for honor, so he lent that to me. He also introduced me to the final fantasy trading card game, which I actually really enjoyed.
I'm getting my PS2 collectathon on with Ape Escape 2. Those PS2 games look pretty snazzy on the PS4, and ya know, trophees
Picked up alienation and beyond 2 souls on the sale, tried an hour or so of alienation last night and have to say really unimpressed with it. I love all their other games but this isn't clicking with me. I'll push on and try some more but with my biggest gripe being reload is pushing R3 and aiming is R3. not even in the heat of pressure I seem to being reloading accidentally whilst changing direction of aiming, which takes for ever and often ends badly for me.
Edit: played some more alienation and proved why you shouldn't jump to conclusions to early. I worked out how to swap the reload and melee button and have really started to enjoy the game.
@get2sammyb I'm loving Resogun. So great! That game just sucks you in. I kept thinking, "just one more go" and the next thing I know, it's 2am!
I'm also planning to pick up Horizon this weekend, I'm tempted to get Diablo III, I have it on ps3, but the seasons sound fun, I just don't have many friends that have Diablo III on PS4.
@FullbringIchigo hows star trek online? I played a bit, but haven't gotten back into it. How far are you in the game?
I thought I'd get PES 2017 since it's only 8 quid. Now to go and download the kits, names and stadiums for the premier league, since Boro are sinking faster then Kathy Bates on the Titanic I might as well make the most of it.
I bought Gravity Rush remastered in the sale so I'll be saving the city of Hekseville with Dusty. I'll also continue my second run of Horizon Zero Dawn and grinding dollars in GTA Online in preparation for the sweet looking Ferrari F40 style Grotti out next week.
I finished and Platinumed Horizon earlier in the week and kind of felt lost! It was such a great game and I had so much fun that I didn't want it to end. I decided to jump back in to Witcher 3 on my XB1 for now. I haven't played it since probably August 2015. It was really hard at first because I couldn't remember how to do ANYTHING. Had to leave the Witcher contract my last save started me at so I could run around remembering controls and what everything was!
Continue playing Nier: Automata and debate on whether I should shoot for the platinum or not.
@Rogue76 Horizon is a great game, strongly recommended. I'm glad you're loving Resogun - one of my favourites!
@Rogue76 Federation 100% done, Klingon 80% done, Romulan 20% done, Agents of Yesterday done, level 60 on Fed, level 56 on Klingon, level 24 on Romulan and Level 17 on AoY
also it's a lot better than since it first launched and it has extra story content now too, with more coming in the next few months
@get2sammyb i'm still hoping that it gets a sequel at some point or at least something that continues the story like a comic book or film or something
WWE 2K17, Super Stardust Ultra, King of Fighters 14, and Alpha Mission 2 for the PS4. Maybe some Yakuza 0, and Street Fighter V.
Until Dawn rush of blood VR and still banging on Stardew Valley.
Nier automata and ghost recon but I'm enjoying more nier automata
Rise of the tomb raider, and it's absolutely brilliant. It has far and away overtaken Uncharted 4 as my favourite action game, something which I didn't even think would be possible
Mass Effect: Andromeda...
Tales of Berseria and Zelda on Switch. I'm never gonna be done and ready for Persona 5. Oh, well~ Slow and steady wins the race....
Still unable to escape from Hyrule. I have a hard time remembering a game that I actively try to play as much as this one. 3 hours a day never seem to be enough!
But I will be playing Splatoon 2 Global Testfire during some of the timeframes. And beg Diva F 2nd to release that final trophy.
Well after finishing the good but slightly disappointing Zelda I'm back on Horizon, which im only a few hours into and hopefully a bit of Rocket League for the new update
Nier automata, doom and everything. And after that, horizon, gravity rush remastered and gravity rush 2.
@FullbringIchigo I bought the order $10 when it's discounted on psn and I enjoyed it. Sony could make a great sequel if they add more level, better ai for supernatural enemy and better enemy variety.
@get2sammyb Haha the weather is funny today. In England is usually known to be rainy alot and there it's sunny and feels like spring. While here in "sunny" California it's all cloudy and more like winter. Hahaha
@Wazeddie22 oooh I loved Stories! It surprised me by how much I enjoyed it, ended up platinuming it. Don't think I would have picked it up if it hadn't been on PS+
Locked in a supermarket all day today on the nicest day of the year
Gonna grind through Horizon some more tomorrow in between trips to see my mum
Just can't put it down, even though I bought Sniper Elite 4 and Wildlands either side of it.
Cartoon network punch time explosion on ps3 and I might purchase some ps1 games via gamestop
As a treat for mothers day I'm playing wii sports with the kids.
As for tonight it has to be Horizon!
But I don't own that and have to play mass Effect instead
You can update the kits on PS4? This is a thing?
@KratosMD Traiks is great isn't it? Feels like something of a hidden gem as it's this amazing JRPG series that no one really talks about about from Jason Schreir at Kotaku.
@themcnoisy Told you to get Horizon man
I've been playing Trails in Cold Steel on Vita as my PS4 is in for repairs. Been also playing championship manager 2007 on the vita too, really wish they md release the last FM game on the vita
@wiiware this is true and i would love some kind of follow up but i think the game was sonys version of Ryse, basically a tech demo of what power the PS4 had, just like Ryse was for the XB1
Playing Mass Effect: Andromeda and really enjoying it.
@roe Who locked you in a supermarket all day? Can you escape?
@FaultyDroid Oh yeah you get option files on specialist websites like PESWorld.co.uk. It's a bit of a mess on with sorting out files on a PC to a USB. Eurogamer had a handy step by step guide. Search "Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Eurogamer" and it should be the third result. I forget how you send links on here sadly.
The up to date kits are worth it because their pretty FIFA quality.
Retro break for me — Frogger arcade, Thin Ice on Intellivision, Donkey Kong on Atari 8 bit (interesting version), and Asteroids Deluxe homebrew on Atari 7800. Otherwise, still trying to force myself to get through Horizon's story so I can move on to Zelda.
I've been participating in the Splatoon stress tests and playing some Dragon Quest VIII on my 3DS.
I finally have two days off from work where I can actually relax for once. Going to back to my neglected Vita and play a good session of Freedom Wars, maybe some online play (well, if anyone still on the servers, I guess).
I just finished Inside (fantastic game) perhaps the best 'indie' alongside The Unfinished Swan I've yet played. My wife finished The Order 1888 or is it 86 ?! She really enjoyed it and hopes it gets a sequel . I began Titanfall 2 campaign which so far is really good fun. Looking forward to watching Robs Friday Feature on the PlayStation Access app or on YT.
@doctommaso Finally escaped 11 hours later! It pays the PSN bills though so I shouldn't complain.
I'll be continuing to enjoy the hell out of Mass Effect Andromeda. On top of that though, I need to get onto ESO and make the most of the jester event.
@LobsterJohnson Yeah a hidden jem alright,an indie game that has managed to grab my attention from Horizon has to be special
@Jenny_Jones when I first heard about it long before it was released I was really interested in it,mainly cuz of the art style and rpg elements but once I heard it was going to be a game where you would have to play it over and over to I lost interest quick.But now I'm hooked and I WANT to keep playing it over and over to discover the secret endings.It helps that you keep everything throughout each playthrough (equipment,skillpoints etc) but I can easily say I'm loving it enough to also grab that shiny plat
Probably some Andromeda and Wildlands. Super Mario Run has me addicted as well!
Horizon Zero Dawn, Sniper Elite 4, Ghost Recon Wildlands, and Black Ops III! Probably a little of each though. Don't have time to play them all in depth.
Diving into all that Mass Effect Andromeda has to offer. It's a shame bad reviews and the internet being anti-mass effect has shunned others away.
On the advice of @get2sammyb I'm playing Nier Automata. Gotta say that So far he's spot on. I'm about 6 hours into the first playthrough and it's completely won me over.
Apart from that, the new Pallbearer album is getting played a lot. It's incredible. If you've ever wondered what the cure jamming with pink Floyd and black Sabbath would sound like, go check out this album. Unbelievable.
Horizon Zero Dawn
...and some Mario Run
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi you would love mass effect mate as its like dragon age. It's strongly recommended for you. The problems are forgivable, but the style of game bio ware has gone for isn't my cup of tea.
@hego What happened to your PS4? Hope it's nothing too serious.
I would mainly play FIFA 17 and Horizon: Zero Dawn but I might finish the DOOM campaign too (great game btw). Horizon: ZD is the game that I really enjoy. I play some games just to finish but I love this one.
It's a great turn-on for me to continue Hearts of Stone DLC too, Given the similarities between the two games (both my favorites).
Dungeon Siege and Halo on an Ibook G4
Salt and sanctuary motivated me to pickup bloodborne, so I started it on Friday . It's great game . I really don't know if I will be able to finish it lol but it seems nice. You know .... you have to master your weapon , running and shooting around is not enough. And that's something what is not seen in nowadays games.
Yu-Gi-Oh! on ps4. Awesome game.
If they could make a psvr game for it, I'd be so happy
@themcnoisy During the last update I accidentally knocked it off at the power in the middle of the update, now it's stuck in S loop of trying to update then restarting :/ have it in repairs so pretty hopefull it'll work
@Arash1996 Not sure "great turn on" is the phrase your looking for there
@Hego Yup, my bad.
I checked the dictionary before posting the comment but somehow I was convinced that it's right
@Arash1996 finished hzd and now preparing for heart of stone too. Both games are so similar and so different if you know what I mean
Still Zelda.
@fybyfyby Yeah I get that. The gameplay is different and the story of Horizon: ZD is mysterious whereas witcher's is straightforward (lack of romance in H: ZD is a big difference too ).
Yet I always get the feeling that I'm playing something similar to TW3 while I'm playing H: ZD. Good to know you feel the same way.
Have fun playing Hearts of Stone btw. I hate DLCs but this one justifies its price and even more. People at CDPR certainly know how to do their job.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi how is torment tides of numenera, I've played the pen and paper game of Numenera, just wondering how the video game translates. Is there a learning curve?
I've been on a John Woo movie kick lately so I finally picked up Stranglehold for PS3. I'm ready for some slow motion balletic bullet barrages in this sequel to Hard Boiled.
@Arash1996 One can only hope hzd dlc will be on par with those in witcher I could imagine 20 or 30 hours more of hzd
Horizon Zero dawn and batman the telltale series on ps4, and lego the movie videogame on vita for me. Not got toooo far on hoizon yet, but hope it improves as I progress. Seems like im ticking alot of generic open world boxes atm. Enjoying though
@fybyfyby I hope so. Although Witcher quality DLCs are hard to make but I believe in Guerrilla Games.
I just got danganronpa 1.2 reloded and finished chapter 1 😄 loving it so far, so i'll probably be sticking to it for some time now, the only thing that annoys me is the mini game at the end of the trial, it's kind of hard 😬
Bf4 still best fps on PS4, bit of Deus Ex which is getting a bit stale tbh but i'll try and finish it.
@MinerWilly The Unfinished Swan is amazing! Glad you also enjoyed it.
Horizon. Awesome game. Even awesomer Photo Mode.
Still working my way through Nioh. Grinding an old boss to get the materials I need to smith a full set of a certain armour, then starting from the first level will replay to open up the twilight missions....maybe then I will finally finish the main story. Sooo much content : )
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