It's the one many of us have been waiting for: WipEout Omega Collection will release on the PlayStation 4 on 6th June in North America and 7th June in Europe, with pre-orders rolling out on the PlayStation Store as we type. The compilation – a collection of remastered versions of WipEout HD, WipEout HD Fury, and WipEout 2048 – will boast split-screen multiplayer and will be playable in 4K on the PS4 Pro.
"We have been able to take advantage of the power and memory bandwidth of PS4 to rework all textures in the game," the official blurb reads. "Compared to the original games, textures are now clear when viewed up close: you can even read some of the small text on the ships for the first time. As well as a host of improved graphical effects we have also added in HDR."
We absolutely cannot wait for this one! Will we be seeing you out on the racetrack? Beat Zico in the comments section below.
Update (16:15PM BST): Here's a little more information from the PlayStation Blog: the game will cost $39.99 in the United States and £29.99 in Europe. There'll be licensed music from Swedish House Mafia, Chemical Brothers, and The Prodigy. If you pre-order the game from the PlayStation Store now, you'll get the following dynamic theme:

Additionally, there'll be a retail release if you want to buy the game on Blu-ray:

Comments 35
Cannot wait for this! Belting round tracks listening to Loops of Fury by the Chemical Brothers on my PS1 was magical!
"Compared to the original games, textures are now clear when viewed up close: you can even read some of the small text on the ships for the first time."
I should hope so. It's going from PS1 to PS4.
Still, nice to see this come back to ensure F-Zero stays dead and kick FAST to the side where it belongs.
@BLP_Software Ermmm... It's going from PS3 (and in 2048's case, Vita) to PS4.
@get2sammyb Oh. Then what the hell did I play on PS1?
Ya see? It's a bad day when I don't know what's happened to half the franchises that made me like PlayStation in the first place.
I know it seems weird for me to harp on that PS4 has no games for me, but its true. Its one thing to sit through a drought of games for a few months with a backlog, and its a worse feeling to see release after release not interest you, and anything that does, if it comes along at all, fall by the wayside.
I had no idea Wipeout was on PS3. I had no idea Sly 4 existed, or the Jak Trilogy. Hell I only knew about some of the R&C games on PS3 because I glue myself to that franchise.
It's frustrating and a bit disappointing to see it happen.
@BLP_Software You played WipEout on PSone, but this isn't that game. This is remastered WipEout HD Fury (PS3) and WipEout 2048 (Vita) on PS4.
@get2sammyb Oh, huh. Two games I'd have liked to know about but got thrown out to die. Dope.
@BLP_Software Hmm, I'm not sure about that. WipEout HD sold very handsomely on the PS3, and 2048 was one of the flagship Vita launch games.
@get2sammyb 2008. Before my PS3 was reasonably priced then. Shame I missed it then. Might pick up the collection. I remember Wipeout being stupidly floaty though.
I might pick this up, I was pretty young when the original wipeout came out and was more interested in crash team racing at the time lol. So I never really got into the series.
OOH BABY YES!! I am there,obviously a sequel would of been nice but i am over the moon with this.People need to show their support,The "Omega" part of the name sounds a little ominous but hey i reckon this will sell great..Wipeout must be kept alive after its tragic coma.Its a genre in of itself.Maybe we could even see a Rollcage Title sometime in the future? Sorry getting carried away a little..who knows though.
@BLP_Software "I remember Wipeout being stupidly floaty though."
Well, I mean, they are anti-grav vehicles? This one gets twitchy as Hell when you reach the top speeds, it's great!
I played WipEout HD to death on my old PS3. I can't even count how many hours I must have spent playing Zone Mode. I had no idea this was coming so I'm very excited about this. Time to put together a new racing playlist!
@get2sammyb Might have been because I was young, like very
Was expecting full price considering it's 3 games but €35 is a grand price. If they sell the games separately I might considering getting one, I wouldn't be interested in all 3 myself.
@KingofSaiyanZ Nope, both platforms.
I REALLY want this but £30 is a bit steep for what would be a 'dip in & out' game for me especially as I already own 2048...
Hope there is some sort of preorder promotion closer to launch, like the PS plus discount Parappa & Cosmic Star Heroine had.
My 4k tv and ps4 pro is ready
Still, I hope there's psplus discount for psn preorder like parappa the rapper.
I've really been trying to get HD on the PS3, but I might just hold out for this collection. I just wanna play Wipeout. I'll be happy either way.
Tekken 7's out the same month though, so I'll likely get that first.
Really happy to see this I find the controls on the vita a little hard for the precise movements at full whack. The DS4, now that will be a different story. This may make blowing half a million on a detached house for the family worth it for me when my yamaha sub can rock the walls. Pretty good timing for me with the end of the financial year here my bonus should pay out next month and I'll finally be able to get my OLED without my wife complaining
I love this style of game but I'm curious how it controls. The only WipeOut I ever played was on N64 and I hated how the vehicles sort of stuck to the sides of the track if you touched them. Plus everything was too floaty.
Are those mechanics typical of this series? Or just the one game I played?
@sketchturner Seems typical to me. I'm not the biggest Wipeout player but played the first, 2097 and 3 and a bit on the Vita. In fairness it takes a bit of getting used to but once you get how the ships handle it can be very satisfying. It's not wrong, just different.
YAY the king is back! Ironically despite putting many hours into these, I never actually bought them. Wipeout HD Fury I got when PSN came back on and 2048 was a Plus game.
Persona, Wipeout, Sonic, Tekken and GranTurismo.
The ultimate PS4 Quintet. You won't need anymore games ever again.
Oh yesssssss ^^ must have !! My PS4 Pro is waiting already
@sketchturner You have to use airbrakes a lot, basically. The crafts are, like you say, quite floaty, but you can really turn them on a dime once you start learning how to air brake.
@themcnoisy If I had all those games on a deserted isle, I'd be perfectly fine.
I'm looking forward to this, but I've already played these tracks a lot.
This and Mario Kart are the only racing games I am playing. Will definitely buy it.
Wipeout 2097 on PS1 is the only game of the series I player, but everything was perfect in that game. Soundtrack was excellent and the art from the Designers Republic was even better. The only thing it missed was some music from Autechre...
Had this have included wipeout, wipeout 2097 and wipeout 3 won original soundtracks I'd have been tempted. But bringing back and adding chemical brothers and prodigy back into this mix is a definite plus..... alas.... F-Zero this still ain't.
@DESS-M-8 F zero had only one truly great game while wipeout has had great to good games not to mention Nintendo acts like fzero is dead
@dark_knightmare2 F-Zero invented the genre with F-Zero and perfected it with F-Zero X which still stands today as the best anti grab game ever made. Nintendo have no made and F-Zero game since.
But no matter how many attempts Wipeout make to copy F-Zero, some iterations have been good but it has still never bettered it.
@DESS-M-8 I would say wipeout pulse and 2097 easily stand alongside the best f zero game and even if you disagree I'd rather have a steady stream of great to good wipeout games instead of one truly great f zero game and nothing else for 13 years now
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