We've said it multiple times but we'll go ahead and say it again: the PlayStation 4 has had a seriously good year so far. Sure, there have been one or two disappointments, but for the most part, we've been hit with a tidal wave of quality current-gen gaming. April may not have be bursting at the seams with blockbusters, but it's still packed with a wide variety of titles. Let's take a look at what next month offers, shall we?

Drawn to Death (PS4 Exclusive)
Release date: 4th April
Publisher: Sony
Already confirmed as an April PlayStation Plus title, Drawn to Death is the latest madcap creation from veteran developer David Jaffe and his new studio, The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency. It's a crazy looking multiplayer shooter that features scribbled characters from a highschooler's notebook, and if that description isn't enough to at least get your attention, then we don't know what to tell you.

PaRappa the Rapper Remastered (PS4 Exclusive)
Release date: 4th April
Publisher: Sony
The original PlayStation classic is punching and kicking its way back into lives with PaRappa the Rapper Remastered. A rhythm game with attitude, its catchy beats and comedic bars may be able to capture an entirely new audience on Sony's current-gen console. You just gotta believe, after all.

Persona 5 (PS4, PS3 Exclusive)
Release date: 4th April
Publisher: Atlus (NA) Deep Silver (EU)
It's been a long, long time coming, but one of most anticipated Japanese role-playing games of the modern era is finally arriving on PlayStation platforms early next month. The Persona series has gone from strength to strength for years now, and this unbelievably stylish fifth entry may finally be able to give the series the broader recognition that it fully deserves. You just know that the wait will have been worth it.
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LEGO City Undercover
Release date: 4th April
Publisher: Warner Bros.
Previously a Wii U exclusive, LEGO City Undercover ducks onto PS4 next month. We may have more than enough LEGO related titles already, but by most accounts this open world adventure is well worth a look. Expect typically daft LEGO humour and buckets of charm.

Cosmic Star Heroine
Release date: 11th April
Publisher: Zeboyd Games
A sci-fi RPG that evokes a retro feel, Cosmic Star Heroine features turn based battles, text boxes, and a pleasant art style. It may not be the most original title on this list, but fans of the genre should definitely be keeping an eye on it. Here's hoping that it lives up to the games that it so clearly takes inspiration from.

Release date: 11th April
Publisher: Team17
Rolling the clock back to a time when 3D platformers ruled the roost, Yooka-Laylee is more Banjo-Kazooie than, well, the most recent Banjo Kazooie games. Starting life as Kickstarter project, there's many a high hope resting on this game's shoulders - now it just has to prove that the formula still works.

Full Throttle Remastered
Release date: 18th April
Publisher: Double Fine
Another classic adventure title, Full Throttle Remastered joins Grim Fandango Remastered and Day of the Tentacle Remastered on Sony's current-gen console. Boasting new artwork and remastered audio, fans of old school comedic escapades should be roaring straight towards this one.

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
Release date: 18th April
Publisher: DotEmu
Sporting a downright lovely art style, Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a sidescroller in which the main character can change form. Lizard-man, Mouse-man, Lion-man... They're all here and ready to whack colourful enemies. As far as 2D adventures go, they don't get much more promising than this.

Dragon Quest Heroes II
Release date: 25th April (NA) 28th April (EU)
Publisher: Square Enix
Arriving on Western shores almost a whole year after its Japanese debut, Dragon Quest Heroes II expands upon its already great predecessor with a vast, interconnected world for you to explore and co-op multiplayer for up to four players. Smacking cute monsters has never looked so satisfying.

Outlast 2
Release date: 25th April
Publisher: Red Barrels
The original Outlast really hit home with fans of survival horror back in the earlier days of the PS4, so expectations are rather high for Outlast 2. The sequel sounds like it won't tamper with the winning formula too much, so expect plenty of pulse-pounding moments and horribly tense encounters with freakish creatures. We're getting shivers just thinking about it.

What Remains of Edith Finch (PS4 Exclusive)
Release date: 25th April
Publisher: Sony
Giant Sparrow, the developer behind The Unfinished Swan, is back with another thoroughly intriguing title in the form of What Remains of Edith Finch. Although it feels like we've had our eye on this one for an age, its long awaited release next month should have us scrambling to finally find out what this first-person adventure is all about.

Puyo Puyo Tetris
Release date: 25th April (NA) 28th April (EU)
Publisher: SEGA
Guaranteed to kill off what's left of editor Sammy's social life, Puyo Puyo Tetris is a particularly bubbly take on the classic puzzle template. Cute characters, addictive gameplay, and a ton of different modes should mean that we're onto a winner - even if we're forced to issue an office-wide ban for the sake of productivity.

Little Nightmares
Release date: 28th April
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Little Nightmares is taking an especially creepy approach to horror. Playing as a tiny girl who must venture through a gigantic residence while avoiding its seriously disturbing inhabitants, developer Tarsier Studios' title has looked promising for months. Just please, for our sake, keep that long armed thing as far away from us as possible.

Portal Knights
Release date: 28th April (EU)
Publisher: 505 Games
Not exactly the most original gameplay concoction, Portal Knights combines a sandbox world with crafting, co-op, and simple combat. That said, it does look like good, clean fun, and the ability to pick and choose your character's class could pave the way for some welcome RPG elements.
April is looking rather hefty, but will you be forking out for any of the games that we've listed? Vote for your most anticipated title in our poll, and then tell us what you'll be playing and why in the comments section below.
Which April release are you most looking forward to? (150 votes)
- Cosmic Star Heroine
- Dragon Quest Heroes II
- Drawn to Death
- Full Throttle Remastered0.7%
- LEGO City Undercover
- Little Nightmares
- Outlast 2
- PaRappa the Rapper Remastered
- Persona 5
- Portal Knights
- Puyo Puyo Tetris
- What Remains of Edith Finch
- Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
- Yooka-Laylee
- Other
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 45
Yikes. Picked up Night in the Woods yesterday, can't wait to play that. I've also got to polish off the last story mission in Horizon. Then it's time for Persona 5 which I'll probably play in tandem with Yooka-Laylee once that's released unless its a) trashed in reviews (looked nice in Sammys preview) or b) a HDR/4K announcement is made prior to launch, in which case I'll hold off. Would like to get back into Nier after all that to finish off some side quests and see some more endings.
Lego City is on my watch list. And PeRappa is inevitable.
Mad times.
Phew! What a list! 2017 is going to bankrupt me.
Persona 5 is priority number one, of course. So darn hyped for that game. I'm going to rock the PS4 steelbook version.
Beyond that...
Cosmic Star Heroine - Really interested in this, but considering it's coming to the Vita AND the Switch, I'll hold off until it releases on one of those platforms.
LEGO City Undercover - MIGHT get on Switch... still want to verify that you don't have to download most of the game, and I won't get it if the long load times from the Wii U release aren't fixed.
Puyo Puyo Tetris - Nintendo Switch.
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap - Nintendo Switch. Physical, if possible.
Yooka-Laylee - PC or Switch... still unsure
Only Persona for me. Not that there are no other games I want, but I already got my time full with Skyforge, CoD:IW and tomorrow I will buy Kingdom Hearts
Edith Finch for me, would like little nightmares too. However saving for Mario Kart too so can probably only afford one.
How excited am I for Persona 5?
I spent the last 6 months playing Persona 1-4 on the vita just to familiarise myself with the series!
My body is ready.
I will also be getting Parappa The Rapper Remastered & Cosmic Star heroine this month.
I'll get Dragon Quest Heroes 2 eventually.
Everything is great at your June es.
No No Nanako the words are;
Everthing is great in A A April.
Nothing on there for me unless there's a hidden gem in there I don't know about, i'll look into them but nothing jump's out at me at all. I'm gunna check out some Persona gameplay lot's of people seem hyped about it.
Yooka-Laylee and Little Nightmares are the stand outs for me.
April is absolutely going to kill my wallet. 4 of the games on this list would be in my top 5 most anticipated of the year (Outlast, Persona, Edith Finch, Little Nightmares), and my 5th most anticipated of Prey is the first week of May so that might as well be here too! RIP wallet!
@kyleforrester87 Night In The Woods is so great!
My back catalog is nuts as it is, but it's about to get longer. I'll definitely drop whatever I'm in the middle of for Edith Finch (Swan was one of my favorite PS3 games). For anyone thinking about preodering that one, do it for the discount but not the theme, which is crap.
I can't wait to for the Little Nightmares with the little statue to arrive at my doorstep.
Yooka-Laylee looks great but I'll wait for a sale.
Persona 5... I've never played a Persona game before but it looks like this'll be my first. I've been watching gameplay videos and it looks like so much fun. I have the fourth game on Vita but still haven't even launched it... Oops! Maybe I'll love 5 so much I'll go back and play 4.
@gbanas92 I hear that, looking forward to a go tonight.
I don't think Edith Finch is exclusive anymore.
I can't believe Persona 5 is almost here! Between a new Danganronpa, a new Persona, a new mainline Zelda, a new Gravity Rush, an actually horror-ish Resident Evil, and a new sandbox Mario, 2017 is full of unusual and wonderful experiences!
Ugh, DQH2 in less than a month. I'm guessing the square pc mystery bundle will have the first one, time to get started on it.
Just want persona everything else can go in the furnace.
After a stellar first few months of 2017 its time for me to slow down and just dig into what I've already got. Having said that though, Persona is a guaranteed day 1 buy and Lego City will be picked up at some point in the coming months.
Only game I'm likely to pay full price for at launch is Persona 5 so I guess that wins it for me! Waiting on reviews first though.
Already preordered/bought persona 5 and parappa the rapper, will get wonder boy and little nightmares if the reviews are good.
Some interesting looking games here. Yooka Laylee is the only one currently on my must-have list, though I'm keeping an eye on Persona 5 and Dragon Quest Heroes II.
I didant vote because I want nearly all of them and wont have time to play hardly any.
An unbelievable amount of games and just for one month!
Yooka Layle SECOND
DQ Heroes II Third!
Persona 5 for the next 3 months.
none of those really interest me, though curious to see how little nightmares fares.
So. Many. Games.
Great list! THANK YOU @ShogunRok. These lists really help me.
Definitely Yooka-Laylee. Been waiting to play the game since it was announced. The SandBox wasn't enough to stave off my hunger for a 3D platformer.
@starhops Glad they're of use!
My main will be Little Nightmares, I plan to get it day 1. Also interested in Outlast 2 and Yooka Laylee.
Man, Persona 5, Dragon Quest Heroes 2, Yooka Laylee - gonna have to cut it off at those 3, which are more than enough. But man, another pretty brutal month for releases; definitely adding LEGO City, Wonder Boy, Puyo Puyo Tetris, and Little Nightmares to my "gotta buy later" list. Sidenote: Sony really has to implement the Playstation Store's wishlist feature on the actual PS4 version of the store, instead of keeping it exclusive to the web version.
I just hope people pay attention to DQ Heroes 2 this time. Toukiden 2, bizarrely, seemed to surprise quite a few sites when it came out recently since it just killed it with reviews (yet far too many outlets seem obliged to keep focusing on "AAA" garbage from crap publishers instead of good games) - guess its pretty apparent that many simply ignored Kiwami before, otherwise it wouldn't have been surprising at all. Like with that series, Omega Force also delivered an amazing first game with DQH1 too, but too many places didn't notice. Its far too often dismissed as a mere Musou title - which are more often than not good these days anyway - when its a legit action-RPG with some serious ambition and execution. I get it; people missed out on Omega Force's PS3 action-RPG Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll and blindly assume Dragon Quest Heroes is a musou game instead of the successor to that underrated title. Just get up to speed already, because their Heroes series is a different, and excellent, beast that seriously deserves more attention.
The less places chat up turds like Ghost Recon Wildlands and the more they highlight great games who's only crime is having less marketing dollars thrown around, the better off everything will be. There's way too much awesome stuff coming out this year so far that isn't getting attention at all because everyone still feels like they HAVE to focus on the same crud from EA, Ubi Soft, and the other big publishers. Its getting to be real annoying when there's a bunch of gems frickin' CRUSHING the "AAA" disappointments routinely from everyone who's not part of that.
Any month with Dragon Quest is a good month.
Wow wonder boy only 1%?? Ugh that's terrible. The game looks awesome for us retro fans. Speaking of retro you guys didn't list Disney afternoon which has a few classics in there. April 18th.
Just Full Throttle and Edith Finch.
the rest doesn't interest me.
There's a few on here that I'm looking forward to. Yookalayle for one, with Puyo Puyo Tetris in second. Also, Little Nightmares is keeping my interest...just out of curiosity though, I thought Birthdays The Beginning was to arrive next month? If not, when is the date, and when are we actually going to get a date for the launch of New Hot Shots Golf...haven't heard anything about it for quite some time!
@joey302 Can't wait for the Disney afternoon, only because I haven't played Ducktales 2 and Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers 2 on the NES in my hey-day. And I couldn't believe Wonderboy only got 1% too, but if it makes you feel any better, the game I chose (puyo puyo tetris) only got 1% too.
I tried playing Persona 4 and didn't like it. To each their own but I don't understand the hype.
Same, Jrpg's just dont do anything for me. The genre is still hung up on 30 year old game play mechanics.
Grinding to pad out the game length.
I hate grinding.
I didn' t like it as a kid and I don't like it now either, i generally avoid games with excessive amounts of grinding in them.
Persona 5, Yooka Laylee, DQ Heroes II and maybe Mario Kart 8.
@Sambin @KitsuneNight Agreed..not played any of the persona games but watched a trailer for latest one..really don't get the excitment.No thanks to it. Outlast 2 and Puyo Puyo Tetris for me..
@KitsuneNight I like JRPGs. I just didn't enjoy Persona. I could be growing out of them too.
Good looking list, small correction though. Edith Finch is no longer exclusive, Sony quietly handed them the publishing rights a few months ago and its coming to PC too.
Just Bulletstorm (full clip edition) appeals to me...
Dragon Quest Heroes II.... not day one, will pick it up after Horizon's plat popped. When will I ever get to Witcher 3??? 😂
Thank god there isnt anything im interested in i still need to play nioh, ghost recon, nier, and some others. My wallett is on suicide watch after ps4 pro + 4k tv lol
Personally, I'm not really much interested in most of the things this month for the PS4. Just waiting for Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy...
Wow, Cosmic Star Heroine finally has a release date!? I haven't been following much on this game since its announcement, but I have been interested in it and I can't wait to see what it is like. Yes, Push Square...I'm hoping it lives up to what it intends to be.
Yooka-Laylee, as much as I want it, is a toss-up between PS4 and Switch for me, though if what I hear about the Switch having lower framerate turns out to be true, then I guess PS4 for me.
I'm getting Lego City Undercover and Puyo Puyo Tetris for Switch.
Went into the list knowing full well Persona 5 will be taking up ALL of my time for the next few months, but damn - there are some fantastic looking games coming out this month. Will absolutely be getting Full Throttle, Little Nightmares, Outlast 2, Wonder Boy and possibly Yooka Laylee...as soon as I have time to play them!
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