With news having slowed to a crawl as the industry preps itself ahead of E3 this summer, it's only fitting that we end the week with a quick and easy poll. It's been a while since we polled you lot on the quality of PlayStation Plus and its 'free' games, but we reckon May's selection is actually one of the more solid lineups that we've seen in some time.

For those out of the loop, next month sees Tales from the Borderlands chat its way onto the service, alongside Alienation in Europe and ABZU in North America. All three are respected releases to some degree, but are they your cup of tea? Vote in our polls, and then feed us your thoughts in the comments section below.

Are you happy with May 2017's PlayStation Plus games? (138 votes)

  1. I'm happy as can be%
  2. Meh, they're okay%
  3. Nah, rubbish%

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Which May 2017 PlayStation Plus game are you most looking forward to? (131 votes)

  1. ABZU (PS4)%
  2. Alienation (PS4)%
  3. Blood Knights (PS3)%
  4. Laser Disco Defenders (PS4, Vita)%
  5. Port Royal 3 (PS3)%
  6. Tales from the Borderlands (PS4)%
  7. Type:Rider (PS4, Vita)%

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