With news having slowed to a crawl as the industry preps itself ahead of E3 this summer, it's only fitting that we end the week with a quick and easy poll. It's been a while since we polled you lot on the quality of PlayStation Plus and its 'free' games, but we reckon May's selection is actually one of the more solid lineups that we've seen in some time.
For those out of the loop, next month sees Tales from the Borderlands chat its way onto the service, alongside Alienation in Europe and ABZU in North America. All three are respected releases to some degree, but are they your cup of tea? Vote in our polls, and then feed us your thoughts in the comments section below.
Are you happy with May 2017's PlayStation Plus games? (138 votes)
- I'm happy as can be
- Meh, they're okay
- Nah, rubbish
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Which May 2017 PlayStation Plus game are you most looking forward to? (131 votes)
- ABZU (PS4)
- Alienation (PS4)
- Blood Knights (PS3)
- Laser Disco Defenders (PS4, Vita)
- Port Royal 3 (PS3)
- Tales from the Borderlands (PS4)
- Type:Rider (PS4, Vita)
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 44
Yeah I was very happy with them when I got them months ago, such is life.
I'm happy. I was going to buy Abzu a few months ago but decided to wait because I had a feeling it would be a Ps+ title, and I was correct.
I judge it by whether I have considered buying them in the past or if they are recommended. I've considered buying Tales from the Borderlans in past sales and also Alienation a couple of times. So for me, I think this is looking pretty decent.
Also, I bought Abzu a month or two ago so glad it switched this way for Europe (though obviously I would be less happy if it were the other way round!).
Wheres the "It would have been ABZU but I live in EU" option?
I'm jealous EU, alienation looks good.
Alienation and Tales from the Borderlands are great games but at this point they've both been out long enough, and in enough sales, that anyone really interested probably already owns them. I know I do. So yeah, they're good games but I'm kinda disappointed since I'd have much preferred a game I don't already have (ie. Abzu). Can't be helped though.
As always I already own most of these games. I just buy too many games
Eh its kay.
They're alright. Abzu looks decent.
I'm looking forward to give ABZU a go. I bought Tales of the Borderlands in a sale a few months ago, although I've yet to play it. Still, a solid lineup in my opinion.
I would have loved ABZU ;_;
Probably the best month this year but I already own Tales and Abzu so..
I'm personally quite excited to try Laser Disco Defenders. Just me?
Hmmm, I have been refraining in recent months from commenting as I don't want to be another person moaning about recent PS+ selections but... er... they have been quite shite for a while now eh?!
Maybe it's just my bad memory but I'm sure it used to be better than this. I really think Vita/PS3 support should drop to 1 game a month so there's better budget for PS4. Surely that's where 95% of people are looking for value these days?
Not as hyped like Tearaway/LBP3/Severed (and Under Night in theory if I could play it) made me feel, just a nice lineup for me. Looking forward to Type:Rider most, Alienation second and... well, Port Royale is a PS3 exclusive, alas. Like I said before, my actual concern with May's offering lies in the fact that one of the games - albeit another PS3 title I can't play anyway, "mercifully" - wasn't released for Russia, so the region is getting one game fewer than everyone else. Unless Sony Russia actually decides to give away Abzu or at least a different PS3 game here to fill the gap - but to be honest, I'm not holding my breath. I just hope it won't happen in the future with PS4/Vita games offered.
@Dodoo Dropping PS3 would be sensible right now by the look of this poll.
Im Looking forward to type rider. Hopefully it's a spelling game and I'm gud a dat.
@themcnoisy Yeah good point. Plus looking at the poll as an indicator, the Vita games are on PS4 also so their popularity could be skewed.
Think it's time for Sony to shake up the service a bit and erm, basically make it better! lol
Alienation is a blast on coop! Diablo on steroids
@get2sammyb I had no idea what any of these were - well ok we all know about the "Tales" games, I'm just not interested in reading and making choices - until I saw ABZU on the shelf in Target yesterday. It looked like one of those weird games you would like. Is it fun at all? I played the demo of AquaNuatica on X1 but man it was just a horrible 1st person mess, like a 1980's point-n-click game. Also, is it story driven at all? I've given up on "sandbox' stuff like Noby Noby Boy, I need goals and direction. thanks.
With all the awesome games that have come out this year I think it's great that they gave away some games that are more experiences that you can play when you just want to game out for an hour or so. Abzu is awesome when u just wanna pass some time without jumping into a hard core gaming session.
ABZU is incredible. Anyone that liked Journey will be in for a treat. It's just the right amount of content--by the time I'd 100%'ed it I felt good about moving on, without it overstaying it's welcome.
Looking forward to playing that Tales game. I didn't have enough interest to pay for it but I'll certainly plat it now!
Being in Europe, I would have preferred ABZU. Telltale games aren't my cup of tea. Alienation may be worth checking out.
I was going to get abzu but then I got something else, can't remember what. I played a little walking dead so looking forward to Borderland's. Laser disco inferno or whatever, well that just sounds fun!! 😊
Poor if I'm honest. Big fan of the telltale games but they're one and done games. No interest in Alienation and probably would've given abzu a go, not to be though. Disappointed. Definitely been better months this year.
Played Abzu already (it's ok) but as I'm on the European side of the Atlantic... Alienation was on my "buy sometime" list and the Borderlands game will be a fun quick platinum. All good for me.
Already have Alienation but Borderland's is ok, it's not the type of game i'd buy so this give's me an opportunity to play something I would otherwise of skipped, not a bad month.
Same problem as others here id picked up alienation in the last sale, it's a good game once I realised I could remap the reload button to square and put the melee on R3. I try the borderlands game as I've never played a game from This studio.
How bout a vote for its ok but I already have these games.
I already have tales from the borderlands. I really don't care about abuza but I will check it out. I don't have my PS3 anymore and never bought a vita. I wish severed was made for ps4 like guacamelee
I am too. I prefer alienation over abuza. Why in the hell would Sony give the best game too EU? US sales more units of all consoles.
@gmxs my thought exactly! How disappointing.
I already have Alienation and it is a lot of fun. So I highly recommend it to anyone who thinks they might enjoy it. Not as good as Diablo 3 of course but it gives it a damn good try.
Can't remember the last time I was interested in one of the free PSPlus games. I've taken advantage of some of the extra discounts recently, but none of the free games for months.
I'm not one to demand free stuff... far from it... but they <i>really</i> should be dropping some older Triple-A PS4 stuff in there now, even if it's only one every other month or once a quarter.
The fact that they aren't, when they're doing so much else right, is so baffling that I can't help wondering if MS are up to their old tricks with GWG, with a contract actively preventing publishers offering big titles on PS4 being made available for free on PSPlus. You can call me paranoid, but it wouldn't be the first time they'd resorted to such practices, having previously actively prevented enhanced features from appearing in PS3 games via their 'parity' clause.
The Ps4 Plus games I think are great although I already bought TFTB ages ago but glad more people get to play it.
I loved Deadnation so much when I think it was released with plus near the ps4 launch?so excited to see Aliennation here,hope it's just as good.
Never heard of any of the other games so can't comment,no doubt I'll try them all though
why dont they let you pick from a list of games as most months i have already bought them
I have all three Sony consoles that fall under the psplus banner and to be honest, with so much quality on ps4, over last six months especially, plus has become a little redundant. I rarely touch the ps3 or vita either now. This month is ok but they do need to shake things up a bit..
Disappointing - at least it would be if i still expected to ever get anything i actually wanted.Might give Alienation a try for the co -op,maybe.
I have played a good sum of the TellTale games but not Tales from the Borderlands. Is it worth playing?
It's a great selection of games. The only problem is I already own every game other than port total and type rider.
Great month though for people who don't. Abzu looks stunning on pro too and IMHO is a far better game than journey.
Enjoy to the EU readers and US you are all in for a treat.
Happy I can try Abzu. Its extremely rare there are any games on plus that interest me that I don't own already.
I'd be much happier if I hadn't bought Tales from the Borderlands a month ago
I definitely recommend getting Abzu if you haven't already.
If you've enjoyed other Telltale games then you should like Borderlands. It's one of their best and you don't need any knowledge of the other Borderlands games to enjoy it.
I bought Alienation at launch and it was flipping brilliant, as such I would much prefer for Abzu to have been included in the EU. All the same, I looks like ano there really solid month for PSN.
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