As expected, the launch of the Nintendo Switch has (temporarily?) dethroned the PlayStation 4 from the top of the United States hardware charts. Sony's system had been sitting pretty for several months in a row, but it was never going to overcome the release of its rival's new handheld-cum-console, which performed particularly well, registering just under one million units.
That's not to say that the PS4 sold poorly, however, as it still managed to outpace the Xbox One – although Sony's policy of not commenting on NPD results means that we don't know whether it was up or down year-over-year. It'll be interesting to see how long the House of Mario can hug the top of the charts, or if normal service will soon be resumed.
There's not much else to say right now, as these reports are staggered at the moment, and we won't get software results until next week. We do know that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is likely to top the charts, as it actually had an above 100 per cent attach rate (that's not a typo) to the Nintendo Switch itself, which is frankly mind boggling.
[source venturebeat.com]
Comments 24
I think Nintendo policy will drive lots of people away
Good for Nintendo, and good for the industry as a whole. We also need Scorpio to have a successful launch as well unlike the X1. Competition is healthy for the industry, heck for any industry.
There were 3 versions of Zelda on the Switch - us lowly Wii U owners only got standard - so I'm guessing a lot of people bought at least 1 standard and 1 of the Special or Master editions. I'm not sure if there was any reason to buy all 3 as i think Master had all of Special.
It's still crazy insane that any game, any game, should come even close to a 100% attach rate on any console, but when you look at the rest of the Switch launch line-up, well Zelda was really the 1 and only reason to spend $300. Bomberman, 1 2 Switch, Snipperclips aren't system sellers.
But still, congrats to Nintendo, Zelda and the Switch, a very successful first month. And I do expect Switch to outsell PS4 most of the rest of the year, there is demand, and lots of people already own PS4. November and December will be the more interesting months to watch.
@Wasted_Smuggler I see this posted on the Internet a lot, but I hope people realise that "competition" doesn't mean everyone has to do well. (Though obviously a healthy industry is good.)
Not too surprising. Zelda was the only thing worth playing in the otherwise lousy launch lineup. It'll be interesting to see how the other games performed.
Zelda will probably be no. 1 when the top 10 is released but I wouldn't completely write off Horizon Zero Dawn - it has outsold Zelda elsewhere.
Good stuff, I really want to play Zelda and I probably will one day when I get a switch, if it had more than just one game I might of bought one at launch.
sony needs vita 2 or new psp ! then they could talk about competition with ND. I mean new console with new exclusive
ps vita has a good sale on japan and that is a thing! the reason market of ND is ASIA and specially japan
so if sony will take out vita2 then we can talk about competition between sony and ND
@get2sammyb You're right about that. Just look at this year alone, PS4 is killing it with exclusives without the pressure of the competition of Xbox One (which feels non-existent at this point honestly). Overall though I just hope all fanbases at the end of the day go home satisfied, I can say that for PS and Nintendo fans right now, but not Xbox. Hopefully that changes with Scorpio.
How is PSVR doing? There has been a marketing push in the UK on things like YouTube and some print as well.
As for the Switch, glad it is doing well. Ps4 and Switch will probably be a regular combo for a lot of gamers.
I know people who bought Zelda eventhough they don't have a Switch but plan to get one by the holidays. I never understood the logic behind buying a game you don't have the system to play it on, but to each their own. It is a fantastic game, I have to say that.
@Gamer83 maybe they wanted to see how it tastes 😂
@mookysam I agree, I wouldn't write-off Horizon just yet. Zelda's imressive attach rate is still limited by the new user install base. My guess is that Horizon takes the crown for March (for exclusives)...Wildlands will probably take the overall crown, considering the even larger install base [Xbox users have little else to buy ] and people's questionable taste in games
Haven't asked them that, LOL.
People say competition is good but I remember when PS1 and PS2 dominated, the industry wasn't exactly all the worse for it, in fact it boomed.
It's a solid but not very spectacular start for Switch considering PS4 sold a million units in 24 hours.
Zelda is so good people bought ot twice! Even if the Switch launch line up was better, it can't hide the fact it is an excellent game.
And I got a SE for a friend who doesnt even have a Switch and is now playing the Wii U version.
@get2sammyb @Wasted_Smuggler my counter arguement would be that if consumers keep the industry honest with their wallets that the industry will be fine with 1-3 forms of competition. More than that has been shown to saturate the industry and put the whole thing in jeopordy. And as long as consumers show companies they dont appreciate their bs (short lifespan, bad policies, etc) by not buying the product there could be 1 and the industry would be fine.
All I'm saying is that you can still have competition with a clear leader in any aspect of life. I see on gaming forums sometimes that people almost allude to this idealistic idea where "competition" means everyone is doing exactly the same, which is not how it works.
Pet peeve.
@adf86 Competition is good, but not all of the competitors can be number 1, it's okay if there is clear winner.
I think it's better for the games industry if playstation is the winner of this console competition. If xbox success, japan developer suffer because xbox audience only buy western bro shooter games (see tales of vesperia on xb360). If nintendo succees western & japan developer suffer because nintendo audience only buy nintendo games (see wii non-nintendo games sales). If sony success every developer happy because playstation audience buy western and japan games. Playstation is the only place where fallout 4 <and> persona 5 can sold millions, nier automata <and> ghost recon can sold millions.
I purchased a switch day one, completed Zelda in 3 weeks and sold it to cex for a profit 🤑 I'll buy the system again if they announce a new metroid and manage to get decent third party support. I really don't trust Nintendo anymore
Lets be honest, If you were buying a Switch, the chances are you were buying it for Zelda. I doubt many people would buy the Switch and either not buy a game or purchase one of the other limited options instead. I can see some of those buying maybe another game or two as well of course but realistically, its unlikely that people would buy the switch for Bomberman or 1-2 switch and not buy Zelda.
Whilst I do know the Switch has some similar software to the other consoles, I do think its difficult to consider it as 'competition' for Sony or MS. I see it very much as its own thing. I can understand that people may opt to pick a PS4 OR XB1, I can see those with either of these opting to buy a Switch to fulfil another area more than to compete. You aren't buying a Switch to play many of the upcoming new multi-platform releases for example but would be faced with picking between Sony or MS - in that respect, I see these two as being in more direct competition with the Switch offering a more 'niche', 'unique', 'mobile' option. Chances are that the majority of gamers are likely to opt for a PS4 or XB1 and a Switch rather than try to decide between all 3. Maybe for a lot, the switch will become their 'mobile' choice over a vita, 3ds, mobile phone or tablet and in that respect, I think those are Switches main competition.
Long term, I think its difficult to predict whether Switch can maintain sales. I can certainly see Sony dominating MS - at least until Scorpio arrives. I can see MS sales of XB1 slowing too as the approach of Scorpio gets closer and closer. I know you still have the argument about why buy when you don't have a 4K TV but I do think MS have been much clearer about the benefits than Sony were. I think that more people will own 4k or at least be considering 4k by then too.
The Switch has had a good launch as has Zelda, though I suspect that is as much to do with the lineup as it is that game. It is genuinely good to see Nintendo possibly being relevant in the home console market again, I just hope they sort out the games side as mine is fast becoming an ornament
Well done Nintendo. Childrens computers need to do well these days so we get more 3d platformers and kart racing games.
@get2sammyb Remember that Nintendo's numbers are units shipped and not necessarily sold. I doubt more copies of Zelda have been sold to customers than the hardware itself. It just means that Nintendo shipped more software than hardware. Switch is pretty much sold out everywhere, but you can find a copy of Zelda easily, so that makes sense.
Here's the important thing: Switch has been selling slower than Wii U, 3DS, or Wii, on a per-day basis. Switch had an abnormal launch month as it was launched in the beginning of March, not the end of the month as the other systems it's being compared to.
That means that the Switch "monthly" sales figure from NPD looks inflated, but it has actually been selling at a slower rate than Nintendo's other systems so far. Don't believe the hype and the PR. Check the figures yourself.
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