Is Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy a PlayStation 4 exclusive? We've said it a million times already but we'll go ahead and say it again: probably not. Sony has never explicitly said that the remade collection is exclusive to its home console - and that's the biggest warning sign you could ask for. If the trilogy was a full PS4 exclusive, you can bet your butt that Sony would be shouting it from the rooftops - but it isn't.
Recently adding fuel to the fire, an eagle-eyed Twitter user snapped a picture at a Canadian Best Buy store. The image shows a display of upcoming games - one of them being Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy. Beneath the title's rather lacking box art, there's a line of text that reads "1 Year Console Exclusive". Sounds about right to us.
Now, retailers don't know everything. Listings on sites like Amazon can often be misleading, and hey, everyone makes mistakes. But in this case, especially given Sony's apparent inability to confirm whether Crash is exclusive or not, we'd hazard a guess that this line of text is there for a reason.
Look, just don't act surprised when the trilogy gets announced for other platforms in 2018, okay?
[source neogaf.com]
Comments 49
This is the most boring saga in games right now. It's not an exclusive, it'll come to other platforms eventually, either buy it next month or wait. Zzzz.
Who cares if XBONERS can buy it for their console or not? I don't see the problem.
What's that you said? Something about Crash Bandicoot and PS4 exclusivity?
I am more than happy not to give a damn. It's not like this collection is a system seller.
In 2018 that means switch and PS4 only.
It's Activision... OF COURSE it will be released on other consoles. When was the last time Activation had an exclusive release?
If I buy it and then at a later date a Nintendo/Xbox/PC gamer is also able to play it, I will burn my copy of the disc and wipe the hardrive of my PS4 in protest.
The more the merrier, hope it does well and we get a proper sequel.
@Rudy_Manchego Put footage up on YouTube, video title "BETRAYED by sony for the LAST TIME"
Who thought this was going to be exclusive in the first place anyway?
I guess those that didn't realise Activision owned it...
As long as it's on PS4 I don't really care if it's also on other platforms.
@ShogunRok Oh of course - I'll also shout about how my teen years have been retrospectively RUINED by this outrage, before screaming, teary eyed for 27 minutes about how much Sony exclusivity means to me. I'll probably put some mascara on so that it really shows when I start the sobbing.
@Rudy_Manchego This sounds like an instant 'add to favourites'.
You mean other people might be able to play a game I play? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
I could see it on the Switch.
@get2sammyb @ShogunRok Why do you guys keep creating articles on it?
You's have said it before.. there doesnt seem to be anyone here of the belief that its exclusive... so.. Whats the point in this article?
Its a total non issue as its fairly clear that its likely a timed exclusive.
Slow news day?
Well, announce other platforms before June 30th please, so I can plan ahead. Switch port (with Crash amiibolander) could be very interesting.
Right now I have it preordered.
Oh but you know Sony will blame Activision because it is not their game. And angry commenters will make fun of your ignorance and Activision will kindly nudge you to get Skylanders instead.
Looking forward to all the articles PS will create following your saga!
If this trilogy crashes the Switch party in 2018, count me in. Briefly trying the PS1 original didn't hook me, but a trilogy can be a compelling reason for another try. Although you'd think this would look at home on Vita as well; too bad Sony doesn't care about it much these days.
Does it really matter if it is? I just want people to buy it so Crash can get a proper sequel. If it's on other systems, I'll just double dip.
@solocapers "You's have said it before.. there doesnt seem to be anyone here of the belief that its exclusive... so.. Whats the point in this article?"
No one in these comments, at least.
I'll be getting it for ps4 anyways, crash always feels more at home on a PlayStation controller. Although if I really enjoy it and it does come out for switch then I would definitely consider double dipping for the portability.
@toon_lonk1 Was that a confirmed timed exclusive? It looks pretty fun, I'm hyped if it's coming Sony-side.
Considering that Crash's heritage is tied with PlayStation I think a one exclusivity period is a fair deal. The vast majority of Crash fans would want it on PS4 anyway.
Who cares?I'm just hyped for the game!
@sinalefa I mean, of course if Activition sent me loads of free stuff, well that might ease my suffering and I could do an acceptance confessional video.
@ShogunRok I'm hoping it will be a viral smash - need to get my ad revenue and then retire early. Though knowing my luck it will be adverts for the Switch and XB1 version.
oh wait this wont impact my ability to play it so what does it matter?
I don't think this is a PS4 console exclusive, because Activision. I hope many people will buy this and maybe we'll get a new CTR later. Fingers Crossed
@sinalefa "with Crash amiibolander"
Maybe they'll finally ditch Skylanders and start a new series, "Crashlanders". Hopefully w/ a better trailer than this one.
Seriously though, they already have 2 Crashlanders. And of course we own them both. Still need to play that as well. Not the whole game, just the crash section. I know most people can't wait for toys-to-life to die, Nintnedo is doing it's best to kill off all game interactivity w/ amiibo, but I still think there's room for a game or 2. Just not 4. And not on a yearly basis. But kids like toys, and toys-to-life is cool. I'd but a Dr. Who game.
Edit: oops

Is this as bad as when Devil May Cry 4 went multiplat? In years to come will this wretched saga come to be known as Bandicootgate (because everything needs to have a -gate suffix)?
Okay soooo, anyone else possibly waiting for a switch version?
@NinjaWaddleDee yep
Who cares...the PS4's will sell, and eventually, if it is only a timed exclusive, it will come out on the Switch and XBONE. The only problem with these, like Rise Of The Tomb Raider, is that the price drops on the main console it came out on, and the others get a full priced title. Granted I don't own an XBONE and have no desire to purchase one, it's nice that those that own it without a PS4 in their homes, will be able to play a decent title too. If people are complaining about Crash not being exclusive to PS4, since the originals were exclusives for PS1, just remember this...Ducktales and the rest of the early Disney Afternoon games were exclusive to NES...the Collection didn't come out for nintendo only (which also saw a bunch of those nintendo fans hating, not like they never complain...chuckles...about everything). Sorry, I'm actually a nintendo fan too. Will have to say one thing, I plan on purchasing a Switch some time in 2018 or beyond, and I'll be getting this game for PS4...would I double dip if it came out on Switch too...yup!
@NinjaWaddleDee I'm with you...I see it also coming to nintendo, but I'm thinking it will come more onto the XBONE, depending on the size of the whole collection.
Who cares? It looks great on PS4, and if it comes to other platforms, it'll probably be great on them too.
I want to play it on the Switch. If it was a locked PS4 exclusive, I'd get for PS4, but if it's a timed one, as it seems to be the case, I'll get it for the Switch. It's not like I don't have games to play, since Persona 5 and Zelda: Breath of the Wild are consuming all my free time.
I played this game in U4 and lost to Elena. I don't get the excitement over it 😀??
It's coming first to the system that I want to play through it on and that's all I care about
Is that game that that isn't owned by Sony and owned by Activision not going to be exclusive to Sony's console!? That's where I draw the line! C'mon Nathan Drake, let's get the $@*! outta here!
I hope it comes to Xbox one. That controller is really comfy for 3d platformers.
I guess the Xbox brand hasn't any real Exclusives now so SONY and other companies have to give them theirs now
@NinjaWaddleDee ' Okay soooo, anyone else possibly waiting for a switch version? '
Absolutely! I'll wait for a Switch version next year instead.
Long as it sells well I don't care.
@readyletsgo Yeah, is rather play a platformer like this on the go. Maybe its because I don't have as much nostalgia for crash, even though I did play him a bit as a kid.
@NinjaWaddleDee I totally fell out of gaming at the ps1 and n64 era, got back in around 2008 so Crash totally past me. So yeah I'd rather play it on the switch myself. And Spyro if that happens too
I believe it could be true but wouldn't they use the official cover art for it? That isn't the official cover art anymore
Would love to see it on the Switch!! 😝
@get2sammyb Okay, I WILL buy it next month, but only because I want to!
Here in europe it says PS4 Exclusive and you can only pre-order in store or on line for PS4 only, I asked a guy who works in a gaming store and he said Sony owns Crash and own the first 3 titles (Crash/Cortex strikes back and wraped) thats why it won't come to any other platform.
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