In case you missed the news earlier today, an Amazon listing leaked the existence of Darksiders III, complete with screenshots and gameplay details. Now, admittedly a little late to the party, the game's official reveal trailer has gone up on YouTube. It's not exactly original or particularly exciting, but hey, at least we know the release really does exist.

The title's due at some point in 2018, but are you feeling the fury? Crack that whip in the comments section below.
Comments 25
That was....pretty corny. Especially at 1:13 when she looks directly at the camera.
I really like it <3 it's something like heavenly sword
I love girls with red hair
That's a reason for waiting for it
That part where it zooms in on her face and she says "with pleasure"... that looked like Psone FMV. And I love this franchise. I'm hoping this was something that was quickly cobbled together considering someone dropped a b*llock earlier.
Hmm… I think I'll wait for Darksiders 4, when the protagonist is Strife. lol
We forced a game out of hiding WAAY too early for an honest unveiling, and now we're critizing them for a lacklustre cutscene? It's not even a game yet and we are already complaining!
@Totaldude911 It obviously wasn't forced out of hiding if IGN had it lined up for exclusive coverage this month. They had plenty of time to come up with something better than that trailer. If they didn't, they should've just held off until E3.
oh yeah can't wait.darksiders is great
@RedMageLanakyn So you're right. It's almost like I should have researched before commenting. 😅
I feel like I'm living in an alternative universe with all the hype surrounding this trailer.
I'm sure the game will be decent, but this looks terrible.
@get2sammyb My problem with the game is the story, it should focus on what happen after the first Darksider, when the horsemen are all summoned.
I love the Darksiders games, but this seem like a cash grab (yes, even more than the remasters).
Hope I'm wrong.
@Totaldude911 It's all good. I love the Darksiders games, and i fully understand they're probably working with a smaller team and smaller budget. I have faith that in the end, they'll create a sequel worthy of it's predecessors. This trailer though....just rubbed me the wrong way, and it looks like I'm not alone.
Didnt this kind of leak on ps store too, the new collection that appeared on there this morning is called darksiders:fury's collection with a pic of fury..i bought it too
@get2sammyb Do you remember years ago when Bayonetta was first shown and everyone was calling her the female Dante? Well this looks as much like Bayonetta 3 to me as D3. The only thing missing when she said "with plessure" was a lolipop.
You getting a Cereza wannabe vibe @sinalefa or is it just me?
@Tsurii true you can't beat the lord escanor
I loved the first game.Never played the second (although I liked the look of it) but this trailer...uh..well let's just hope the game looks better..
@RedMageLanakyn I'm optimistic. We've seen subpar games with amazing trailers before, and vice-versa.
The problem this game is going to face is it's coming out after stuff like The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn, NiER Automata and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. That's a lot to live up to.
I might be up for this, but I'm not gonna get excited until there's some gameplay footage.
Not really, Cereza is way cooler and hotter than this. There is no personality, no playfulness, no teasing, maybe the thing is too short and we do not see that yet.
Also, I knew there was something off when you mentioned beating Gears of War, so it was that you had an X1. Too bad there is no PureXbox anymore to see you derailing their comment threads
Personally I enjoyed the new trailer, got me excited about the series again.
I'll probably wait until I have a PS4 first to re-play Darksiders 1 and beat Darksiders II though.
@sinalefa I'm stalking XBA, not the best, but it gives me the news I need.
I really thought the "With pleasure" wink at the camera was straight out of Bayonetta.
I have never played Darksiders for it's story.
Looks amazing !!!! Darksiders is one of the most underrated franchises in all of gaming, cannot wait to get this, day one buy !
Looking great! Hope it goes back to be more like Castlevania / Zelda this time around...
Didn't enjoy Darksiders 2 as much as Darksider 1
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