A Way Out was revealed yesterday to a lot of praise at EA's Play event: it's a co-op adventure that tasks two players with working together as they break out of prison and then attempting to avoid the cops while trying to live out more normal lives.
The cooperative aspect of the game is clearly a major factor, and director Josef Fares has confirmed that the game will not be playable through online matchmaking. Speaking to Eurogamer.net, he said: "The experience is made to be co-op. This is the game."
This means that, while you can invite a friend to your game, you can't be matched with a stranger. Does this deter you from picking up A Way Out on its release? Let us know in the comments below.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 18
It makes sense for the game they're making, I think. It's going to put people off though because not everyone has a friend (either online or in real-life) that's going to be ready and waiting to play this game with them when they want.
I wasn't interested in this in the first place. I think that no-online match making makes it even less appealing though. Its not just the fact that those buying would have to wait for their friends to come online to play it but also the fact they would have to know that their online friends were even likely to buy it before opting to buy it themselves too. Unless you are certain your friends might buy it, you have someone who may be interested in playing it in 'couch' co-op, you could end up buying a game you can rarely (if ever) play...
If ever a game was better off being 'free' or IGC/GwG this is it - that way you can 'almost' guarantee that 'some' friends will have access!
@get2sammyb "It makes sense for the game they're making, I think."
That's what I was going to post. It's a story driven multiplayer game, and we dont' know how long the story will be. Playing only part of it w/ a stranger online doesn't seem to make any sense to me, you want to be playing the whole story beginning to end w/ the same person. I actually thought this was going to be off-line only as they wanted it to be couch co-op, but letting you play w/ a friend online works too.
If you don't have anybody who wants to play thru Sam & Nathan break out of prison w/ you then you probably don't want to play this game.
Still think they should have chained them together, or made 1 of them African-American. Or African-European (That's not a real term is it?)
@BAMozzy "you have someone who may be interested in playing it in 'couch' co-op, you could end up buying a game you can rarely (if ever) play..."
My 2 sons each bought Tri-Force Heroes. It's a cop-op game that requires 3 people, not 2. You can play single player but not very well.
It's definitely a risky move, and will most certainly limit sales. Most of my friends live in different states, so the option of playing this online sounded like a must buy to me. Not so much now.
I thinks it fits the nature of the game it's self. Just like the main characters , you have to get to know and work with someone you barely trust. Till that trust is earned.
OK never have been an online player, this game looks perfect for couch coop, will definitely get to play with my brother.
I don't see how online co-op would even work for this kind of game. I mean, sure, play a campaign with a friend online, game are doing this now. but if this is as narrative-driven as Brothers was, and the trailer strongly indicates that it is, then I don't see how it's such a vital feature for this game. I hope this article doesn't leave people with the wrong impression on what kind of game this is.
I do hope the announcement of this game does bring attention to Brothers, which is fantastic, even when played by yourself.
guess i'll play with one controller in each hand.
Makes sense so you dont end up with a troll. If another friend wants to play it with you most likely both of you will find the time.
If anyones struggling to find a partner to play with send me a friend request and £100 and I will add you to my rich friends list.
If you don't have any cash you can go on my poor friends list with @kyroki @triplegk @quintumly @kyleforrester87 @shogunrok @Simon_Fitzgerald @anchorsam_9 @AlexStinton @Feena @DerMeister @get2sammyb @Gamer83 @hego @KratosMD @ztpayne7 @booshy89 @nathansf @Mega-Gazz @Fight_Teza_Fight @Tasuki @Ralizah @wesker @heydrumstickguy
To level up guys send your £100 over.
I'll send you £100 just for bothering to link us all in to your comment like that lol
I really don't have any friends so looks like I'm SOL.
I don't have anymore gaming so this game won't work for me. It would be nice if they had matchmaking and if someone left the game the AI partner would takeover. This game feels like a dead on arrival deal.
Makes sense, really. I can definitely imagine this game being really memorable playing it through with a friend or my brother, but playing with a stranger just wouldn't be the same.
Really like the sound of this game
Awesome. I will most certainly play this with my best friend. Don't remember the last time I was so impressed with the premise of a game.
@themcnoisy BARGAIN !! I make so much money from my books I don't know what to do with it all.
I can't to play this with my sister, we love games like this 😃
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