If you hadn’t noticed, Microsoft’s marketing with Xbox One X revolves around techno babble that only a select few understand. In fact, even back when Project Scorpio was revealed last year, it’s been flaunting specifications, and it’s made damn sure you know that they’re stronger than the PlayStation 4 Pro. But in communicating the message that Sony’s supercharged system has a little less power than the new Xbox device, head honcho Phil Spencer is really starting to reach now.
“I look at [PS4] Pro as more of a competitor to [Xbox One] S than I do to Xbox One X,” he told The Verge. “This is a true 4K console. If you just look at the specs of what this box is, it's in a different league than any other console that's out there.”
While he’s absolutely right to play up the power of his new device, comparing the PS4 Pro to the Xbox One S is disingenuous to us. To put the facts out there: Sony’s mid-gen upgrade has almost four times the GPU grunt as Microsoft’s entry-level device, and is running games like WipEout Omega Collection in true native 4K while the Redmond manufacturer’s cheaper console regularly struggles with 1080p. This is a very strained comparison, and a little deceitful if we’re being frank.
We did actually wonder if this was a one-off blunder, a bit like Jim Ryan’s comments on backwards compatibility recently. But no – Spencer actually used the exact same comparison in an interview with Eurogamer.net, suggesting this is the corporate line.
[source theverge.com]
Comments 67
I get the line they're trying to get to stick in consumers' minds but... Really?
Oo, what a silly goose you are, Mr. Spencer 👎
Xbox One S runs games at 900p sometimes too... Yeah, Microsoft is just being cocky.
It has so many flops!
Bad mouthing your competitor, especially one as popular and well sold as the PS4, is never a smart move. Makes you look like a complete tool to others in the industry.
You can have the most powerful console in the world, but if it doesnt have great exclusives, its not gonna sell well especially due to its price point.
it's all well and go being powerful Phil - but where are the games??
Sony, i hope you're still cooling down, ignore that comment. Just make a good games for us especially for your ekslusive games. Trust me, without the ekslusive games, console is garbage ^_*. The true rival for you is switch.
And one think, that i really like from you. You always praise your competitor even them sometime give bad mouth of you
Maybe he should be more concerned that the S isn't even competing with the standard PS4, 3rd parties won't look much different on the X than they will the Pro as its not that much more powerful. Perhaps they should concentrate on making games even if I'm sure gamers are delighted to have Forza 10 or whatever it is now and original Xbox games to play on their new machine. Oh and as for adding games which has some small exclusive content to your few exclusives to pretend you have 22 of them is a bit sad 😃
This is the kinda crap Sega did toward the end of its run producing consoles.
We all know where that ended....
i reckon it's because MS see the XBX as not just an update to the XB1 but as a brand new system and they are trying to plug it as such even though that ISN'T whht it is
besides in terms of what they do in up scaling to 4K the PS4 Pro is closer to the XB1s than the XBX that is true but he is being rather douchey about it
This is why I don't have any respect for Phil Spencer. He seems to like blabbing his mouth a little too much.
I see his point. The Pro isn't 'really' a 4k console. Yes it can offer a 'higher resolution and up to 4k but all the Assets - the textures etc are not 4k. Take away the resolution increase, everything else is generally at PS4 level - PS4 lighting, shadow, textures, draw distances...
That's not to say that visually, the extra resolution doesn't help or improve image quality - it does. Its remarkable how well the checkerboard rendering does too. Compare a 900p game to an 1800p checkerboard game, considering the GPU is rendering 2x 900p, its fantastic. Same with games at 1080p and 2x1080p (4k checkerboard) - even if the Assets are 'soft' the game looks incredible.
The Pro is a 'half way' step, its RAM is not capable of streaming 4k assets (it has the same RAM as the base PS4 with a slight bandwidth increase ). People who have read my posts know how I feel about the Pro but its really not a '4k' gaming console.
In a lot of ways, it is in 'competition' with the Xbox Slim. The Slim offers the 4k media whilst the Pro adds a boost to gaming. I can understand why 'Sony' fanboys maybe butthurt by that comment but it doesn't even do 1440p gaming 'properly'. If it was a PC, it would be like increasing the output res to 1440p but keeping everything else to HD levels - it does full HD well by the way - better than both Slim's - look at games like Tekken (1080p on Pro), Rise of the Tomb Raider - high quality visual 1080p mode.
Gaming visual quality is more than just 'resolution', you have shadow quality, reflection quality, lighting quality, texture quality, draw distances, ambient occlusion, anisotropic filtering etc etc that all combine and boosting 'just' the resolution is only a part of that.
The XBX is not only offering the full 4k HDR media - the same as the Slim - with Atmos audio, it also has the ability to do 'full 4k' not just in terms of resolution either.
I like the Pro, I have one myself and use it often. But I am not under the illusion its a full '4k' gaming console - not one that offers the benefits of full 4k... Its a stop-gap until Sony are 'ready' and able to bring a full 4k Playstation to the market to offer some 'benefit' to those with 4k TV's and improve the HD quality for all.
@Switch81tch To be fair, you still can. And that applies to both PlayStation and Xbox. These upgrades are totally optional.
And Phil Spencer is at it again. That's all Xbox is now, all POWER but no actual games to make the most of it. You try showing me an Xbox game that looked better then God of War, Days Gone or Spiderman did last night and see where that gets you.
The guy wants to look at his own studios and the people who think charging $499 for a console (again) was a good idea before he starts having a dig at the company that has been kicking his into the dust these past 5 years.
Whatever happened to good ol humble phil spencer who's against console wars and 3rd party exclusivity deals(cAuse its bad for gamers apparently).
He's s liar.
Still £100 cheaper than the Xbox One X and much better library of games.
@THEundying27 He works for Microsoft, of course he was lying. Like I said to someone the other day, I wouldn't sell that company a bloody virus.
The xbox cannot compete with the ps because it has no games.
@THEundying27 he said that because the XB1 was doing so badly compared to the PS4 but now he THINKS they are in a position of power he starting to show their true colours
but i don't think his position is a strong as he thinks it is, yeah it may be the most powerful console on the market and be able to offer true 4K but at the end of the day unless you have a 4K TV that isn't important and most console gamers don't, yeah they will look nice on a normal 1080p HD TV too but i doubt it would be much better than what the PS4 Pro does on one
plus $499 is asking a lot for what is just supposed to be a upgraded XB1
i'm sure it will get sales and that there are people who want one (even though FOR ME i saw NOTHING at E3 that made me want on) but if you only have a 1080p HD TV and you can buy a XB1s for half the price and it will play EVERY game the XBX can AND upscale all XB1 games, why would you spend $499 on a XBX?
Haha Xbox 1S couldn't run YouTube in 1080p without crashing.
Nothing against the underwhelming bone family of consoles and power to the gimps who play on them, but it's the weaker option.
@Gatatog MS back to its old ways again
Agree. Dumb phil spencer. Cerny said theres not much diffrence in quality except 4k assests. plus it £449 way overpriced. long live PlayStation.
Phil likes to play like he's everyone's best friend but really he's hellbent on beating Sony!
I don't buy his BS tbh.
I half expect them to start saying the Xbox One X is "strong and stable"!
Microsoft are wrong in believing that power is everything. It's games, games, games and they haven't grasped that. Regardless, the base PS4 and Pro are considerably more powerful than the Xbox One S so I don't really get his angle. If The Xbox One X is like a "next-gen" machine, they need the games to prove it and they need to stop being tethered by the original Xbox One.
Microsoft being deceitful as always to outright tell people a XboxOne S is comparable to PS4 Pro only shows Phil Spencer has not got a clue what he is talking about. Sony should release a statement addressing this & to tell customers the difference.
@BAMozzy You seem to sound like a Xbox Fanboy lately kind of annoying. Lets be fair the Xbox X still is a highend console with no games oh yeah the great launch exclusive games. I rather take a switch even less powerfull and better games in the end. Thats going to be my second console and it doesnt even touch 4K. Even more funny he leaves the original Xbox One in the dust that shows the real MS.
There trying to play mind games with consumer make them believe that there so called Xbox x is the best place to play all games. Wishful thinking of Microsoft when they can't pull what Sony 1st parties are doing with innovation of games and taking chances which there have been successful so far. But they trying to play catch up with Sony since there ahead this generation and they think the have hope with a $500 hardware that a lot of consumers won't afford. Hey Microsoft I love for you to pull what Sony has done with games like horizon and the last of us. I forgot they can only depend on the same old gears and halo
Meh, corporate slanging matches. There is a basis of merit, both the S and Pro do some upscaling (to a different extent true) but even comparing consoles as a head of is not really a great comparison.
History has shown that that the power of a console does not reflect on sales or user adoption. I think the XB1X looks great, I am sure games will look and play well on it but it has to be enough to draw players away from their existing consoles, be it XB or PS4. Time will tell on that but I think that even trying to do this kind of marketing sells the achievements of the console itself down the river.
The same techno babble that Sony cam out with late last year... Spencer isn't wrong, once XB1X gets moving then Sony will have to have a good think about the next step, but for me it's already too late - being part of the PS4 family is better than the xbox family for now by a long way.
@Flaming_Kaiser I am NOT a fanboy of any side, I am a gamer first and foremost but as this is predominantly a Sony site, anything 'negative' I say about Sony or 'positive' about MS - even if objective, fair and honest will always upset the Sony 'fanboys'.
The Xbox does have games - Showed off 42 that will be coming to Xbox in the next 'year' or so, not including all the 3rd Party games they couldn't show. So not many were big AAA 'exclusives' and maybe a none that appealed to you but I can name 10+ Exclusives that have launched since E3 2016 and will release before the end of this year. Just because some of the games are not exclusives, it also doesn't mean the console has no games! If you buy an Xbox, you still get to play Destiny, CoD, RDR2, SW:BF2, Wolfenstein, Evil Within 2, Project Cars 2, etc etc etc etc.
I know Sony can probably surpass that number of exclusives but the point is, for a console that has 'no' games, its not bad. Its not like the Switch has many 'exclusives' either but I guess the mobility adds an extra 'something' that PS4/XB1 versions won't. I can't see the Switch having as many 'releases' as the XB1 this year either - 1st AND 3rd Party.
So you have a PS4 - like I do - and maybe ALL you care about is the number of exclusives that a 'specific' console has where as I, as a Console gamer, care about having the 'best' gaming experience possible for my money. If that means the PS4 Pro becomes 'just' a console for exclusives, because the XBX plays ALL multi-platform games better - so be it, I will still enjoy playing Uncharted, Days Gone etc at the 'Best' level I can because the 'best' Sony offers is the Pro. I really hope it makes Sony jump into the 4k era as soon as possible so I can enjoy Sony's Exclusives in 'true 4k HDR' with 4k assets, enhanced shadows, lighting, etc.
Because I am NOT a fanboy, I can decide which console gives the 'best' gaming experience and suits my 4k HDR set-up the best. If the XBX does 'deliver' on its promise, then for the next year or so, I will end up buying a LOT more games for Xbox than PS4 - not bad for a console with NO games...
You'd think they'd be more tactful considering their willy-waving and hubris landed them in this distant second place. The OXO isn't even out yet, and he's already counting his chickens... some people clearly never learn, and the arrogance/testosterone/posing they so regularly display are some of the characteristics that really turns me off MS.
@Flaming_Kaiser I can tell you now that @BAMozzy is no fanboy, I accused him of being a PS fanboy a while ago but he actually supports both consoles and he just states the facts as he knows what he's talking about.
I laugh when people say XBX has no games, like BAMozzy said they showed off 42 games and I've already said many times in different articles on this site that the term exclusive actually has meaning to me because I have no interest in PCs.
It's going to be interesting when Digital Foundry compare 3rd party games on both the Pro and X, I look forward to that!
@MaccaMUFC Thank-you
I am really looking forward to DF's video's too.
Do you watch the 4k video's on youtube? There's been a few 4k video's of game play from demos of Forza, AC:O etc as well as 4k versions of the trailers shown during E3 - inc Sony's big exclusives (Uncharted, Spider-Man, Days Gone) too. I watched a lot of the briefings here so didn't get the full TV screen 4k so been watching a few on the youtube app on my TV. I know the compression takes some of the quality away but they still look stunning.
But while ps4 has the better games the xbox one X is already pretty much pointless before it's hit the market, don't get me wrong I'm sure plenty of people will buy it but I doubt it's going to give them the sales boost that Microsoft hopes to bridge the gap
@BAMozzy I watched the XBX event live on Mixer which was shown in 4K HDR when at full screen. The games looked absolutely gorgeous but until we actually play them on our own 4K HDR TVs will we then see them in all their glory.
@ReigningSemtex Again, Sony has the better line-up of Exclusives but 'better' games? These consoles are not like the Nintendo/Sega era where the games were virtually all exclusives and they relied more heavily on these to be 'successful'. MS showed 42 games - many of which will be releasing this year and a fair few on Xbox first. However, you can also add the 'biggest' selling game franchises - the likes of CoD, Fifa, SW:BF2 that will sell 'more' on these consoles than probably any exclusive will. Xbox will also be getting Wolfenstein, Evil Within, Destiny, RDR2, Far Cry 5, Sonic, Madden, Pro Evo 2018, Marvel vs Capcom, NBA2k18, Project Cars 2, Need for Speed, Ace Combat 7, Darksiders 3, Monster Hunter World, The Crew 2, Tropico 6, Kingdom Hearts 3 etc etc etc.
That's a LOT of games coming up....
@MaccaMUFC I tried to watch it on Mixer but it kept stuttering and in the end I got so fed up, I switched. The initial impression when they started off though was great but it was too temperamental to watch in its entirety on that...
@JoeBlogs If you watch anything on a 4k screen - even a PS4 or XB1 game, you have a 2160p image - the full 3840x2160p pixel count. Its upscaled and every 'pixel' is still 'filled' (no gaps). Assets are things like 3D models, Textures, Sprites, text, HuD, Audio etc. A game like Overwatch for example on Pro uses a 4k HuD but the rest of the game runs at a native 1080p so the only Asset that is increased is the HuD. When you look at things like the Road (in GT for example), Pathways, stone floors etc, these are textures to give the appearance of Asphalt, Dirt etc and Rocks too have 'textures' as do walls to give them more of a realistic look. Often to save rendering, these textures are very basic if applied at all at long range to save rendering time. If you 'zoom' in to objects, the level of detail and texture is poor but as you get closer, these are 'replaced' by higher quality Textures or 'assets'. An image isn't flat, but made up many aspects, layers, models, etc. Horizon:ZD use 2D model trees for 'distant' ones because its too 'expensive' to model the full 3D version when its so small and such a long way off - but this is an example of an 'Asset' too. Ultra presets (if your PC can handle it) would drop the full quality version in but its very 'expensive' on resources for no real gain. You can see 'different' quality assets being used in some games - Zelda for example on the Switch has a relatively 'small' draw distance for these so you can see the quality drop off a few 'meters' out (or improve as you move closer). Those 'lower' quality assets are still 'lower' than the 720-900p target render.
On a Pro, if you look at the 'textures' on things like roads, rocks etc, they are upscaled HD versions not full 4k versions so look a bit softer - no different from playing the PS4 and upscaling that to fit your 4k screen. The difference is that the 'outlines', the single line drawings etc look sharper because these are not 'upscaled' to the same degree.
Its a bit like 'paint' by numbers, the bits filling in between the lines are not that high quality but the lines around it are 'better' quality on Pro giving a 'sharper' image overall.
I hope that explains it...
Oh Phil, you've been doing so well!
Well Sony did have the 'most powerful console in the world' moniker for a while so it's okay for Microsoft to brag now. However, with such blatant caveman mentality from Phil he's stopped me cold from being tempted into the Xbox franchise. I have respect for the x1x capabilities but sadly not the leadership and it's 'put down others/troll' mentality. In my previous post I had high hopes for Xbox scorpio too. Don't fancy joining a community full of haters and put downers now!
This console is going to be a monumental failure. kek
Marketing cheap tactics...nothing new
Microsoft most likely fear people won't buy their system due to price and the low amount of quality exclusive
Microsoft do what Son't.
Yeah yeah Xbox X is more powerful. But also to be fair look at god of war on the vanilla PS4. It looks amazing.
Look at horizon and uncharted. Also amazing.
Then also look at the games PS4 is pushing out exclusively compared to Xbox and the scales tip.
i have the Xbox one s and the PS4 pro and the games on X compared to pro don't really compare.
Like comparing some pro games to my 1080 pc.
Xbox want to concentrate on more exclusive to Xbox games and less on the mines bigger than yours routine.
End of the day the greatest football team in the world is useless without a ball to play with!!
@BAMozzy ac origins isn't even native 4K on the x1x it's dynamic
still sceptical that xbx will render everything at native 4k without any kind of upscaling/checkerboarding/temporal projection. battlefront for example is 720p on xb1 and 900p on PS4 - 4k is 9x720p /6x 900p - xbx just does not have 9x the GPU power of the xb1 or 6 times a ps4. eventually the specs game will not be a selling point (it's debatable whether it's really a big selling point now compared with price/affordability). sony releases a more powerful ps5 in 2019, then what?. it'll eventually become a console version of galaxy s v iphone....
@leucocyte it's already started with ac origins which Ubisoft as confirmed to be running at dynamic 4K not native
@dark_knightmare2 Yes, its Dynamic - but NOT 'dynamic' like thev PS4 Pro. This actually runs at 4k but might output lower than 4K during intensive scenes. Like 'Doom' on the PS4 isn't 1080p because it can 'drop' below that in 'intensive' scenes to keep the frame rate high.
What MS stated is that ALL games from 900p up should be able to run at a 'native' 4k but its up to Developers if hey want to use the power to actually run at 4k or use the power to add refinements elsewhere. What we don;t know is how 'intensive' the game is, how well it holds a 4k image, what areas may be refined further (lighting, shadows, reflections etc) and how that runs on PC to know how 'impressive' that 4k is.
Its NOT however running at 2x900p like the Pro will be with PS4 HD assets and calling that 'dynamic' 4k
Nice one MS...cause a poop storm elsewhere to take attention away from your lacklustre console launch where you relied on a gimmick and paid for timed exclusives to get people interested in your 500usd box which wasnt even shown physically ,well done.
And im still not sure exactly who they are aiming for with xbonex
2x900p is about the same pixel count as roughly 1280p. 2160p is almost 3 times the number of natively rendered pixels, if you think xbx's GPU advantage is going to do that i think you're in for disappointment. the gap in GPU would equate to roughly about 2x1080p. sure it's going to look better if you have the display.. to an average person with a 1080p television with the game in motion, it'll not be that obvious.. at least not £450's worth obvious.
@BAMozzy see I don't buy into ms piss poor excuse for why we're already seeing a big game a big game they are marketing mind you not hitting native 4K and I guarantee because of parity it's not going to look substantially better then the pro version
My dad is stronger than your dad
Yeah, i don't really agree with that comparison either. Not really a big fan of calling a system "pro" or "supercharged" either though.
How the narrative has changed. Now the powa boot is on the other foot.
phil seems to have forgotten what happed during the ps2 days they had the much more powerful console then to and they still got destroyed
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi 42+ CoD, Fifa, SW:BF2, Wolfenstein, Evil Within, Destiny, RDR2, Far Cry 5, Sonic, Madden, Pro Evo 2018, Marvel vs Capcom, NBA2k18, Project Cars 2, Need for Speed, Ace Combat 7, Darksiders 3, Monster Hunter World, The Crew 2, Tropico 6, Kingdom Hearts 3 etc etc etc.
That's more games than the Switch this year and if you only have an Xbox or own both an XBX and Pro, like I will, how many of these games will be bought on Xbox?
Sony may have 'more' exclusives launching in the next year, and if you own both , chances are you are going to end up buying MORE games on Xbox. Its a good job Sony has some great exclusives to play from my Point of View - at least its a reason to turn it on.
That's not fanboyism, that's wanting to play the games at the highest possible level on console (before anyone says I should play on PC then). The principal is the same for those that game on PC and buy a PS4 for the exclusives. I can guarantee I will buy MORE 3rd party multi-platform games than I will be buying Exclusives - a LOT more. Having seen the release schedule, the ONLY game I am guaranteed to buy this year on PS4 is Uncharted. In the next year or so, I want Days Gone and Spider-Man - maybe God of War, maybe. But I want more multi-platform releases in the next few months, than PS4 exclusives and I want to play games at the best I can on console. So Xbox may not have as many exclusives, still has more games releasing for it than Switch - even if only a few are 'exclusive or timed exclusives'
@dark_knightmare2 Parity?? Don't kid yourself - like the PS4 was 'nerfed' because of the XB1?? MS Stated all their first party games will hit Native 4k and build a console capable of delivering 4k/60 performance in the same way the PS4 is able to deliver 1080/60 performance yet a LOT of games run at 30fps or below 1080p. They also stated that 'developers' are free to use that power how they see fit. They don't have to make their games at 4k, they could make a native 1800p game with 'ultra' settings if they wanted or even a 1080p (shock/gasp!) but MS has NO stipulation in place that games MUST run at a certain standard - Its 'developer' choice so they can use the power however they see fit and whichever way best suits their games. However ALL First party games will be at Native 4k. They are NOT going to Ubisoft and saying this game 'must' be native 4k - especially if it means sacrificing on frame-rate, shadow/lighting etc quality.
They said the console 'can' scale up 900-1080p games to 4k so games that may drop below 900p, and there are a few, will unlikely run at the full native 4k. Assassins Creed games have traditionally run at 900p which puts it right on the limit of scaling up. Initially, MS stated that only games that could run at 1080p on XB1 would scale up so games like AC wouldn't be included in the 'native' 4k category. Also games that are 900-1080/30 would not be 4k/60
This is what happens when people don't bother to 'research'. CoD, which was linked to Xbox with Ghosts and Advanced Warfare wasn't scaled back on PS4 because of 'Parity'. In fact I can't think of any game that is held back by 'parity' between the two consoles. Parity may affect the XBX with the XB1 and online - like it is on Pro - no 60fps vs 30fps online multi-player. But I doubt we will see an XBX game running at the same standard as 'Pro' for Parity reasons. A game like Fifa, which we already saw with 17 hit 4k/60 on Pro, isn't going to run at more than 4k/60 on XBX but I guess they may use the additional overheads in lighting, shadows, etc.
I can think of a number of games that Sony marketed not hitting 1080p on their '1080p' PS4 inc BO3 and Infinite Warfare and also has a number of games that used 'dynamic' scaling to ensure a smoother performance. Did you complain about Doom, BF1, Titanfall 2 and even Wolfenstein had Dynamic scaling on PS4 to keep a 60fps. Dynamic scaling isn't 'new' and all the games I mentioned are 'considered' to be 1080/60 games on PS4 - even BF1 which runs much closer to 1000/40 in MP so the 'scaler' isn't 'agressive' enough to enable a consistent 60fps - like Titanfall. You can bet that Star Wars will employ some scaling to to its resolution output too.
Another thing to remember is that Assassins Creed: Origins is still not fully finished. Its possible its not 'perfectly' optimised and using 'dynamic' scaling to ensure the intense, high action sequences still run smoothly in demo's - something that could be resolved at release or soon after.
Honestly, I don't even think this is anywhere near as bad as people are making out. Sure, it would be better if Sony were agreeing to it. But let's face it; Phil "We've got ten million wink wink exclusives at E3" Spencer is only doing it because the Xbox One is getting obliterated by PS4 in sales.
@JoeBlogs I totally agree - games like Uncharted: Lost Legacy, Days Gone, Spider-Man etc look stunning and games like Uncharted 4 and Horizon:ZD blew me away with their visuals too. It was the same back on PS3 with (again) the Uncharted Series, Last of Us, MGS4 and Killzone was a looker too.
PS4 and the Pro are certainly capable of delivering excellent visuals and if you upgrade from a PS4 to a Pro - especially with a 4k TV, the upgrade is noticeable. The increased resolution does create an overall sharper presentation. I did find that 'some' textures stood out in games like Titanfall and Rise of the Tomb Raider for example for looking a bit 'soft'. Rise for example does stand out more I think because you spend quite a bit of time climbing cliffs, running along paths etc. The wooden structures also have a 'soft' looking grain. Clothing, in particular the thread looks a bit more 'blurry' but if you are used to PS4 type visuals, then the upgrade in resolution and overall increase in PQ is a step-up.
The Pro is still the best place to play all those exclusives! No other device will play these games any better. Its not as if these games are 'average' games either but potentially 'Game of the Year' contenders. I can certainly make a great case to buy a Pro (or even just a PS4) - especially if you can only afford (or only want) one console. I still think the PS4 is a better buy than an XB1s - let alone the Pro - but that's me speaking as a gamer first and foremost. If you are more of a casual gamer, want the best 'media' device then the XB1s is a much better buy than either of Sony's consoles - thanks to 4k HDR Bluray player, HDMI in and Dolby Atmos support
The Xbox One X though is more likely to become a 3rd Party gaming console of choice - at least until Sony brings out their console for the 4k generation. It may not have say 10 AAA exclusives a year - maybe 5 at most but you also have to remember its also getting every multi-platform game too. ALL the biggest selling games - the likes of Fifa, CoD, SW:BF2, AC:O etc will be on Xbox and no doubt look better as well.
For someone who hasn't yet decided on going Pro or 'X', the decision may come down to having the 'majority' of you games looking and running better than any other console or access to a 'few' more, high quality exclusives but reduced quality on the majority of games.
I know people may find this hard to believe, but statistically, only 1 in 20 bought Horizon this year. less bought all those Japanese games (Nioh, Nier, Persona etc) and more will buy CoD than ALL these exclusives combined. Over 10m bought Fifa, 15m bought BO3 on PS4 alone.
Point I am making is that if you look at the 'whole' year, all the biggest sellers are on both. The games that will dominate the sales charts, the games like CoD, Fifa, RDR2, Destiny, AC:O, SW:BF2 etc are all releasing on Xbox so its not like they will 'miss out' on these. I buy around 12-15 big AAA games a year of which 1-3 maybe Exclusives (average) and if those 12-14 multi-plat games 'look and run' better on an Xbox, I couldn't care less that it doesn't have 1-2 exclusives a year that appeal, I will buy an XBX to have those 12-14 games at the best quality I can. I would not compromise on the majority for an extra 'game or two' - maybe others will be happy because at least they get to play them too.
It's got blast processing!!!
When you've got more tera-flops than tera-hits then perhaps mouths should be kept shut until otherwise
@Switch81tch .Still can. It s called PlayStation and sony usually support their hardware for 10 years.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I didn't say I will buy more games because I own an Xbox (although maybe 1-2 a year because of the exclusives that offers) but that I will buy more games on Xbox - less on Playstation.
If I buy 15 AAA games a year and say 4 are 'exclusives' (2 for each of the 2 consoles), the 11 multi-platform games will be bought for Xbox instead of Playstation because they look and run better. Still buying the same number of games but instead of buying just 2 games on Xbox and 13 on PS4, I buy 13 on Xbox and just 2 on PS4 - still 15 games a year...
Its no different from PC owners who buy all their multi-plat games on PC because they look and run better but have their PS4 (and/or Switch) for the Exclusives.
Does that clarify it better??
Makes sense that latest release has most power (comparison against xbox S i dont know and dont care). Its about games and I play Supercell's almost only on ipad
I'll just leave these here...
The One X may provide superior visuals on these third party games, but will the general gaming public care? At $500 I can only see extreme enthusiasts picking this up, and only if they have a good amount of expendable income. It just seems way too niche for something come out this far into a gen.
Also, I'm not sure if I'm in the minority when it comes to consumers, but I don't even plan on bothering to buy a 4K display until my perfectly good 1080P panel dies.
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