Knack is the butt of all PlayStation jokes, but its sequel looks surprisingly excellent. The game’s director – and PlayStation 4 architect – Mark Cerny has talked at length about how his team at Japan Studio took feedback from the original on board, and while we don’t expect Knack 2 to be winning any awards, it looks like a colossal improvement over the original.
At the heart of the series has always been the way the titular character can change in size, but now you can do it on the fly, and it’s opened up a ton of gameplay possibilities. Not only that but the combat is seriously looking dense, with local co-op unlocking unique moves as you collaborate on body flops and Gatling gun attacks.
Just from this video alone you can see how vastly improved the follow-up is, and with a budget price point, the franchise may have a happy ending after all.
Comments 23
I thought the first Knack was just fine, but I'm glad to see they made so many improvements.
@Enuo Exactly, it's a classic style game, brought back memories of playing PS1 & PS2 games. Everyone is so consumed by the current standards of games that they forget their roots. One of the goals for the game was to make players reminisce about the good old days of PS1 & PS2 games and it does just that. Not many games offer local co-op these days, my wife and I enjoyed it!!!
I'll wait for your review, but it could be a bigger hit this holiday than expected, if it actually turns out well. The budget price is a good idea.
Are they making a corresponding mobile match-3 game? I only got any of the items in the first game b/c of all the pieces I got in the match-3 game.
First game was worth the $5 we paid for it, this should be worth at least $10.
Did they get a new engine? It looks a lot shiner. Or maybe just a filter, like "miniature" on a digital camera.
Well I'm glad they stuck w/ it and made a sequel. For the past 5 years my kids have gotten all of the Skyladners, Disney Infinity and Lego Dimensions, which are all pretty much gone now, so this and Lego Marvel 2 is about it. Though this holiday will be all about Mario and fighting over the Switch. And Ni No Kuni and XC sequels.
So cheaper and better than the original? That is new. I will also wait for reviews on this one.
But when will knack 1 be on psn+?
I only had two problems with knack 1 CO-OP felt like a last minute add on and i wish there was just one more chapter in the story
Beat Gundahar and then rather get a different antagonist for the sequel like his brother or something
Glad to see so many improvements over the original.
Improvements plus lower price point I think Knack II will become a instant classic. still looks boring to me.
Does look better in every way but still not sure its a game i'd buy. Hope you can get those 'cool' moves playing Solo because I doubt I would play this co-op.
Did that kid just dab in the background at 4:59?
I honestly don't get the hate the original game gets. It looked and played just fine to me.
Dissing Knack became more of a trend than people actually having played it, I think. I bet the majority would enjoy the game if it was a PS Plus game.
Nah the first one was pretty good, too.
Knack's pretty cool you guys. Always was.
Knack was a good little game, much better than many early PS4 exclusives.
Knack was decent. Surprisingly challenging in some parts. Can't wait to see what Cerny + Japan Studio come up with.
The original was okay but I just think the way they sold it was all wrong. everyone expected it to be some huge crazy new IP from sony and they got a mediocre platformer. Now that the 'hate' has died down the sequel can shine. The couch co-op is a huge welcome to the PS lineup.
Still will never understand why the first knack is always looked at as being "not good" because knack is life. It's knack-tastic. Knack-tacular. So if you're a knack hater. Knack it off. That is all.
Totally looking forward to this! And only 40 bucks for a new and better knack, couldnt ask for anything better!
Looks like the devs have finally got the Knack of it!
Day One for me and my Son.
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