We reckon Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy looks the biz, but what does Naughty Dog think of the upcoming collection? For those who perhaps don't know, the studio behind the Uncharted games started on its path to greatness by creating the original Crash Bandicoot titles on PSone. Naturally, we're all interested in hearing what the team has to say about Vicarious Visions' remakes.
"Through Sony, Naughty Dog has seen and played the games at a few different stages," producer Kara Massie told Metro. "We’ve had feedback from them, and overwhelming it’s been positive. They’re very, very impressed, and quite touched, that we’re doing right by their original games." Getting the nod from the creators? Sounds good to us.
Massie also says that Vicarious Visions now has more respect than ever for the Crash trilogy after reworking them for the modern age: "When we started we knew that these were iconic games, we loved them as well – we had strong memories of playing them – but through the course of development we realised just how much work went into them. The original dev team really brought everything to these games; it’s no wonder they’re so great."
All of this bodes well for the finished release, doesn't it? The N. Sane Trilogy hits Sony's current-gen console at the end of the month, but are you spinning with excitement? Hunt down some crystals in the comments section below.
[source metro.co.uk]
Comments 34
Remember ND also said they wouldn't touch these kinds of games as they felt the market wasn't there anymore.
So it was probably yeah looks good but aww that's cute.
@BLP_Software seriously dude? What is the point of all your cynicism?
@hi_drnick Balance.
Nothing is all positive. Take the good with the bad, and its worth remembering that not many of the staff who worked on Crash are likely to remain, and furthermore, its a company that OPENLY said they don't want anything to do with games like it.
Naughty Dog is probably sat wondering what the hell their predecessors were doing.
You'll find I like to give an opposite view on whats stated, it spurs discussion, and clearly, it works.
Will probably give it a go at some point. But so many games to choose from this month so it's a bit bottom of the pile for now.
@BLP_Software "You'll find I like to give an opposite view on whats stated" Yeah I've noticed, but sometimes too much cynicism can make someone come across as an old grump.
Naughty Dog probably wouldn't go back to these games for a long time because after Uncharted and The Last of Us anything like Crash and Jak would be generally seen as a step back tbh.
@adf86 I think ND doesn't want a game with that appeal. Crash and Jak are dated, but something with that same appeal to that market, is not, look at Ratchet and Clank for instance.
Naughty Dog just believes that appeal is dead. I couldn't tell you WHY, because its clearly not, but that's them.
Why wouldn't Naughty Dog be impressed?The game looks so good.Obviously a lot of work has gone into the trilogy.This will be a day one purchase for me.Can't wait
Nah I agree with @adf86, without sounding like an elitist, Naughty Dog has come so far that to go back to cartoon platformers would frankly be a waste of its talents.
That doesn't mean they can't exist and people shouldn't like them.
@BLP_Software "Naughty Dog is probably sat wondering what the hell their predecessors were doing."
Well, they were building the company it is today, and if you think they don't have the utmost respect for the people who made a tiny independent company one of the flagship playstation brands, you are sorely mistaken.
Am I spinning with excitement ?
I never liked platformers and I never like Crash much either,
I was always more of a Spyro fan.
And that, that ...THING in Skylanders isnt Spyro.
@BLP_Software There's appeal for that kind of game but it seems to be fairly limited, Ratchet and Clank sold well but it was at a budget price and was released in a quiet time period. Other such games like Yooka Laylee didn't set the world alight either. But like I said Naughty Dog is a different company now to the one Jason Rubin and Andy Garvin formed.
This game is Nathan Drake approved.
@lacerz Think it'll get a sticker on the box? Nate's big cheesy grin slapped on it?
I don't know...but it'd be really cool if they added in a loading screen between stages of Crash playing Uncharted!
I'm going to miss that naughty dog box on the intro but I'm glad they approve. This is literally going to be one of the games of the year for me!
@BLP_Software ''its a company that OPENLY said they don't want anything to do with games like it.''
Good for them, pre-Uncharted ND was always a bit overrated IMO. Crash was okay, but it's far from the pinnacle of platformers. That title still belongs to one of Ninty's games.
It is good to hear nice words, but PR does not really let you tell bad things even if you mean them, right?
And yes, there is a market for these games as Nintendo tirelessly and effortlessly shows. The issue is to say "these are for kids, I just like mature games" without appreciating the love and care that they may receive from their developers. But please, give us something better than Knack.
@BLP_Software @adf86 @get2sammyb I don't think it would be a step back - more like sideways. ND now develops games with amazing narrative and graphics, but mediocre gameplay. Making a platformer that is successful means building great gameplay where story is not as important and it isn't photorealistic. It would be like Michael Jordan playing baseball - not playing to their strengths but by no means "backwards" or "less equal".
@sinalefa yes. I want splatoon badly, because I want a non-violent (less violent?) way to introduce my kids to shooters. Kids still play games
Edit: but I don't want to buy a new console just for that
I am assuming you are talking a Switch more than a Wii U, but I never see a console as a one game investment. There should be other interesting, great games to make you take the plunge.
My point is that some people just see cartoony, colorful games as "being for kids only" when they could really enjoy them if they give them a fair chance. Splatoon single handedly made me upgrade my internet speed connection, get into online gaming and subsequently develop interest in games like Overwatch and Battlefront.
The closest thing you would have would be the Garden Warfare games.
Can't wait to play this, this is one of my favourite game in the ps1 days.
@Mega-Gazz The gameplay is so mediocre that naughty dogs games usually receive multiple games of the year and have really high metacritic
We'll see if TLoU and UC are being remade in 20 years
@Mega-Gazz Ah, the good ol' Uncharted/TLoU don't have "good gameplay" counter — even though they very much do. My fave!
@wiiware They receive GOTY based on narrative and graphics, not gameplay.
@get2sammyb Rather engage in a yes-no argument, I'll just say my point is that narrative based games like ND's are not "better" than a simple platformer, just different. I don't think it is a step back or forward to produce a game like crash or R&C - but I agree that it wouldn't play to their current strengths - which is obviously storytelling first and graphics second. Hence the Jordan analogy.
I will reassert though that Uncharted/TLoU have basically identical gameplay to TO:1886.... but we've had that thread before so I'll leave it there.
@Mega-Gazz They really don't. The Last of Us is several layers more complex for starters; the scavenging and crafting feeding organically into the world building. But if that's your opinion.
EDIT: I'd also argue that as pure third-person shooters, the "feel" of Uncharted 4/The Last of Us is every bit as good as Ratchet & Clank. Heck, TLoU has one of the best multiplayer modes in recent memory — and that's pure gameplay.
@get2sammyb I don't really enjoy the gameplay in Uncharted or TLoU either. Not really saying it's bad but I don't feel compelled to replay those games once I've experienced the story once.
Just not really my cup of tea.
@kyleforrester87 Eh! I don't mind people not liking them at all, I just find it really reductive when people make out like Naughty Dog games are only popular because of "teh graphics" and "dat storytelling".
It plays a role, of course it does, but to imply there's nothing else there is... Like I say, really reductive and honestly kinda lazy IMO.
@get2sammyb it's not lazy to say that their strength is storytelling and graphics. We can agree to differ on the gameplay.
My main point though is that there is a place in the world for platformers and they aren't less equal. Also that I've had two glasses of wine now so I should stop arguing on the interwebs.
@BLP_Software I'm all for balance and enjoy different perspective but sometimes it seems you're trying so hard that you're infringing on your own gimmick.
I guess when it comes to games my default mode is to enjoy them.
@Mega-Gazz You can repeat it as many as you likes, it's still not true
In this era of youtube, people will just watch the games cut-scene if the gameplay is bad but the story is good (like I do with drakengard series and nier 1).
The last of us and uncharted series sold by the millions, have really high meta critic, and have multiple game of the year award, there's no question if the gameplay is good or not (it's good). If you don't like it, that's fine, but to say the gameplay is bad is just straight up wrong.
@get2sammyb I don't think they have come THAT far... From a pure gameplay perspective, Uncharted Trilogy is still basically running down a preset hallway, just like Crash was. Part 4 is a bit more open, but so was Jak & Daxter. Instead of spinning enemies, you shoot them. Only thing that's really different, is the presentation. It's the same logic that equates Gears of War to Space Invaders, but still.... It's what you do in the game.
Of course you can overanalyze anything ("gaming is nothing more than pressing the right button at the right time, just like playing a piano"), but I was personally way more entertained by the 'coot than I ever was by mr. Drake.
@Mega-Gazz this misconception that ND games have bad gameplay is a joke and hasn't been true since Uc 1. Uc 2 and 3 had good gameplay and uc 4 had great gameplay along with tlou. It's like ND games are so good people try to find a way to tear them down so they say the most ridiculous things imaginable no matter how dumb they look in the process.
@dark_knightmare2 You're building a straw man. I never said that they were bad games. They aren't, or I wouldn't keep playing them. But it is ridiculous to approach anything with such fanboyism that it can't do anything wrong and all aspects of it are equally perfect. For example I love soulsborne, but I'll have no problems saying they really aren't story based games and having to look at item descriptions to get the story is just stupid, and such a waste.
As @useyourname said above, the gameplay is rather basic, as we've discussed before in other threads. Climbing puzzle->really obvious puzzle where they literally tell you what to do in the character's voice -> plot scene-> shooting gallery, fairly uninspired->repeat.
This is not the strength of the game. The great storytelling and graphics are.
And platformers are fun. They are not a step down from UC, just different.
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