Microsoft announced the new instalment in the Xbox One hardware family today: the Xbox One X. It wasn’t – as many fans had projected onto it – a new-generation console; instead it’s a mid-gen upgrade similar to the PlayStation 4 Pro, capable of boosting existing Xbox One software to a higher resolution and including bells and whistles on top. It’ll also cost $499.99, significantly more than even the PS4 Pro.
The Redmond-based manufacturer showed a handful of titles running on the hardware: Forza 7, Assassin’s Creed Origins, and the upcoming ANTHEM from BioWare. But did it have enough good content to sell you on the supercharged box? And do you think Sony will be sweating over this new addition to the console space?
Are you going to buy an Xbox One X? (334 votes)
- Hell yeah, give it to me now
- Maybe, but I need to see a lot more first
- Nah, I'm not really interested
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Will Sony be sweating over the Xbox One X? (247 votes)
- Yes, and they damn well should be
- Again, need to see more to be sure
- No way, Jose – they won't be bothered
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Comments 86
Absolutely not lol. Everything they showed is coming to PS4 and PC, so there is no reason for me to get one, ever.
I don't have a 4K TV, so if I was interested in getting an Xbox, then I'd opt for a One S instead. However, Sony and Nintendo's exclusives usually interest me more than Microsoft's, so I'm not going to get an Xbox anytime soon.
Short answer, hell no!
Basically no true exclusives and $500? No thanks.
At that price and an unimpressive Crackdown 3 re reveal, I think Sony are more likely to be laughing to the bank if anything.
Also it seems no one has took Sony's format from last year which is baffling because they must know by now that people want to actually see the games rather then having executives and youtubers talking for minutes on end.
@Elpizo I don't know how well you know your WWE but I heard Vince McMahon's voice when I read your comment
Much like with the PS4 Pro's reveal, it's tricky to gauge the full impact of the power the console can offer with a stream, but it could be promising. For me, the bigger issue would be finding software I actually want to go along with the console! Unless we get a new Alan Wake. Then I'm in.
It's the same questions you have to ask for PS4 Pro that will determine if you should get one:
Do you have a 4K TV?
Do you own a base level console already?
Do you think a boost in graphics is worth paying for?
Pfft. All my friends are on PlayStation, so there is no reason to switch, specs or not.
Just let me put something out there, that i didn't see anyone saying it... they DID NOT showed the hardware! Yes, we saw the beatiful render and montage, but the physical thing did not showed up on stage! All that reveal and light show they did for the Porsche, they should have done it for their "masterpiece". I don't see that as a good thing for Microsoft.
I have a gaming PC that can run things in 4K already and can play any Xbox game I want. I don't need the One X.
Plain and simple.
I think one of the huge problems they had with this show is that, apart from Anthem, Assassin's Creed, and Forza, I don't think any of the software they showed really flexed the new hardware in the slightest.
Stuff like God of War from last year running on STANDARD PS4 look better than virtually all of the games in that Microsoft press conference. And of course graphics aren't the be all, end all — but when you're selling a piece of hardware on the premise of it being the most powerful ever... Eh! It's a bit odd.
As someone that owns a decent gaming PC and a PS4 Pro I just don't feel like I need an X-Box.
I went into the presser wanting to be wowed but it just didn't happen.
@Constable_What There's also that angle, too. It's like, who's this for? If you REALLY care about the best graphics and you're willing to pay $500 for this, why not go a bit further and get a gaming PC?
I dunno.
Bothered with what? Forza? We have GT and Driveclub in terms of car games...
Crackdown 3 - Saints Row 4.5?
Ori? (Great game but no system seller)
Let's be honest, no system seller!
It started out strong with Metro, and then it came to a halt afterwards, and fluctuated.
Not that bad of a showing, but I am hoping Sony brings the goods.
No thanks. My gaming PC cost more, but it's still more powerful, can actually fully show off the hardware advantages (mix-maxing specs, emulation, high framerates, all that jazz), has full backwards compatibility, has access to a limitless suite of multimedia functions, and actually has worthwhile exclusives (really looking forward to Battletech).
I'm not really interested. It's all about the software, and this didn't really offer anything I'm interested in. At least, not anything I can't already play on PS4. I can really only see this appealing to gamers already invested in the Xbox One platform who want better performance out of third party games. If you are not already an Xbox gamer, the Xbox One X won't change that. If you are an Xbox gamer, there isn't much of an incentive to upgrade.
@Eternallover21 I remember how they did the ps4 hardware reveal, as the floor open for a pillar to rise, with the PS4 standing up, like something to be adore! i got the impression that they still don't have the final product ready yet... i don't know
The only thing that really got my attention was the Minecraft update and shader pack ...Which says it all really. All other games I liked are either multiplats, or coming to PC as well, so ...Let's just say Sony has not too much to worry about.
All the best looking games that really take advantage of 4k HDR are mostly multi-platform. Its like having all those pixel art games in 1080p - it really doesn't matter if they were in 720p. Low polygon counts, no real fine detail. not much in the way of textures etc isn't going to make a great deal of difference - its games like Forza, Anthem, Metro, SWBF2 etc that will benefit the most from Scorpio - if the developers do their job well.
Games like Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, Minecraft etc really aren't going to benefit a lot. Cell shaded or block filled games with basic textures don't need 4k so much.
If anything, it just makes me want a PS5 more - the chance to play all of Sony's Exclusives at native 4k with 4k assets is certainly more appealing but in the meantime, I may have to get a XBX for the multi-platform games until Sony decides to join the 4k era properly...
I think it was a horrible show and it felt like they were depending on games like sea of thieves, crackdown would be system seller. Hey u want to play cuphead in 4K purchase a Xbox X 😂😂😂 that why I always love Sony. Just bring some great gameplay from spider man, god of war and gameplay of red dead redemption and they will beat out Microsoft
Not interested, just built a PC to cover things my PS4 doesn't. Not sure who the Xbox One X is for.
Just no. 450 pounds! For games I can play on ps4. No thanks. Anthem looked stunning, but otherwise there was nothing that really grabbed me in the whole show other than metro. AC origins looks OK but again is on ps4.
Am i the only one that doesn't get the appeal of sea of thieves or crackdown? Thought they looked a bit dull. Cuphead was, I think, the only game that yet again saw me throwing envious glances across to team xbox.
Thought that game set on Mars during the sizzle reel looked interesting (Mars escape I think) - a little like a tie in to the Martian movie with Matt Damon. Hope that is on ps4.
Ultimately, as I have thought since it was initially announced last year, i just don't get Scorpio. What is the point of all that power, if it won't host exclusives. Pro is a slightly different proposition and is clearly a mid -gen upgrade. Scorpio is trying to be more than that but I don't believe has anything to justify that extra terraflop etc.
And the naming of the console is just going to confuse many imo with the one and the s still on shelves. Can see many parents getting confused at Xmas time.
Can also see relaunch of pro with a new and reduced price point on Tues
Oh, and the new IP from BioWare looks insane ...As expected.
@get2sammyb I can see very loyal Xbox players getting all over this, and of course there is the added convenience of it being a console.
PC gaming isn't as perfect as some people would have you believe. I spent two hours the other day trying to figure out how to scale my resolution in Black Desert so I could properly interact with the game's UI (Parts of it were massive and offscreen so I was not able to click it?), and troubleshooting a separate problem my friend was having where his anti-virus was making his game crash.
TL;DR PC gaming is pretty great, but it isn't without its own unique hangups. Just like console.
Probably worth considering in 2018, when they have more games that take advantage of the hardware and the price goes lower
@Constable_What Oh I completely agree with you on PC gaming. I'm in the same camp. I just think... I dunno. We'll see.
@get2sammyb clearly it's for the hardcore Xbox people, hence the continuous hyping recently - and most of them will pre-order straight away, I think MS will be happy with that
I don't think Microsoft showed anything that would give PS4/Pro or even existing Xbox One owners a particularly compelling reason to buy an Xbox One X (silly name by the way!). A console is always driven by its exclusives and there weren't really many. Most of what they did show will be multiplatform and nothing particularly screamed "this is using 6 teraflops roarrr ultimate power!!!!"
I was expecting some huge new games built for the Scorpio that would draw people in - perhaps Halo 6 - and there just weren't any. I don't think Sony have anything to be particularly worried about. They have some killer content lined up and a price advantage.
I did like the look of the cute fox platformer and Cuphead, yet again!
Although the specs mean nothing to me, this doesn't appear to be the "revolutionary" boost that Microsoft needed. It may help them gain ground, but that's it. Sony has won this generation.
That poll is pointless on this site, of course most people are going to vote NO to both questions.
@adf86 I don't know what you were watching but all I saw was game after game, there wasn't much talking at all and when they were it was brief.
For those who say why not just get a PC, not everyone can be bothered with the hassle of upgrading a PC, it costs more money, a carry on booting it up, installing, updating, some people just want to get on a game asap with no fuss.
As for the $500 price, yeah it's lot for a console but it's offering a lot more than a PS4 Pro like TRUE 4K, 4K Blu-Ray player, backward compatible games (even original Xbox games now) it's also got a lot more exclusives and games that are coming to the console first, I think all that justifies the $500 price tag.
I'm gonna have to stick with the Xbox One that I already have. I won't really need the X.
Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X
seem like MS fully embraced HTC phones' naming method.. LoL
$499 is a tough call tho...
While I have a gaming PC I greatly prefer console gaming. That said If I can save money by buying their games on PC over buying a new console so be it.
Nah...nothing really interested me in their conference
I don't get it. Double the price for the same games. You can buy 2 X1S for the same price as 1 XXX. And probably get a bunch of games bundled in the process.
Here's the 3 year history of X1.
Launch at $499 doesn't sell
Drop the Kinetic 2 to get to $399
Drop another $50 to $349
Drop another $50 to $299
Add a 4k UHD player, make it smaller
Drop that system to $249
All in 3 years
Then release a more powerful $499 system that plays the same games
What part of X1 three year history says $500 is the way to go?
In fairness I felt the same way about the Pro at $399, but at least that was only $100 more for the extra 500GB and the hope that PSVR would improve.
So this is like that, if Pro launched at double the Slim price for $600. And it's not like Pro is even selling. Sony is flaunting 20% of PS4 sales are Pro. That's embarrassing to me. All that power and promotion for 1 out of5, why bother? How many $500 XXX will sell this holiday? 1 out of 7? X1S will be $199 with some great game bundles. SWBF2 maybe.
If I had a 4k TV I'd think about it. Then I'd think about all the games I could buy if I bought X1S instead and skip XXX. I really thought it would be $400. For $500 I'd need to be impressed. SSD, or free year of Live Gold, Elite controller, something besides 4k.
I do like some of the games in today's conference, but if they told me I could buy them all for $30 1080p or $60 4k, well I know my answer. 1 game maybe, but not all of them.
They just can't match Sony's exclusives for me. I don't need the bleeding edge in graphics, nor will I likely own a 4K TV until I need to replace an existing TV anyway.
Great hardware is nothing without great games.
Nope, I have absolutely no reason to buy this. I have my PS4 Pro, custom PC and Switch, so I'm definitely covered when it comes to exclusives.
I'll probably pick one up, but not for a few years since I don't have a 4K tv. Overall, cool alternative to a PC. I don't get all the hate that this is getting, but it makes sense I guess since this is a Sony site. Overall, this is an exciting time to be a gamer
I thought there show was really good. This is the most amount of new games I'e been hyped about in a long time.
If only I had a machine as powerful as the Xbox One X.
Oh wait, I do. It's called a PC. And it's a lot more powerful.
This is neat and all, but I barely ever touch my original Xbox One so there's little chance I'll ever get this.
I'll pass on the Xbox kiss or as it's now known to me the kiss hug kiss
I have a gaming PC and besides, for $500 with no true exclusives, it just isn't worth it.
Well, no true exclusives worth forking money over for anyways .
A console with three strikes in it's name. How fitting.
@MaccaMUFC My comment was also referring to EA's show as well. For a conference that lasted over 90mins I couldn't help but feel they should have cut it down so it had a more brisk pace.
Microsofts E3 Underwhelming hardly any games actual on Xbox its mostly multiplat. I'll stick with the PS4 Pro until a next gen console releases.
It like Highs and Kisses with some B.O. in between.
@get2sammyb I agree with you.God of war look way better than any Microsoft games
Nah, Im good. Ive had a Playstation since 1997. Dance with the gal that brought ya.
@playstation1995 I think you guys are overreacting a little. I know it's a playstation site so there is bias, but forza motersports 7 could not be done on the PS4 pro, without downgrades.
The one issue Xbox was facing coming into E3 was games. That issue was not resolved, and there was no sign of it being resolved any time soon.
"Launch Exclusives", multiplats, already known properties, and Forza 7 & Ori 2. That was it.
Meh, like PS4 Pro I see no real need to upgrade. I'll wait for PS5 and Xbox 'Two' which will hopefully be legitimate steps up not this mid-gen refresh nonsense designed to extend the generation through 2021.
No way haha. MS have really shot themselves in the foot. Not only was that conference underwhelming, but THAT price . Forget about PS4- no one is catching it, but Nintendo has a real shot at becoming #2 rather than an afterthought. MS have dropped the ball.
@get2sammyb Wake up to some XXX Pachter quotes.
"We expect (Xbox One X) to underwhelm at retail, as has PS4 Pro, which costs $399," said Michael Pachter of Wedbush Securities in a pre-show note that speculated a $499 price tag.
"The subdued sales numbers for the PS4 Pro since launch are partly a reflection of gamers opting for the older and cheaper hardware (sometimes with a pack-in) in order to save over $100. The potential price delta between Project Scorpio and the Xbox One of $200 or more is even greater than the delta between the PS4 Pro and the PS4 of $100 or more."
It really disturbs me how much I agreed w/ him on this.
I really wanted to be excited for the X1X, and I was right up until they showed it. My immediate thought was "Why the hell does it basically look exactly like the One S?" And why would they name it something that is so close in name (sound-wise)?"
Also, the press conference seemed boring and the crowd reaction (barely anyone even clapping after most games) pretty much added to the showing. Too bad. I'm sure MS will still sell a lot of them, but I didn't see much reason for me to buy one.
Again with these mediocre puns... that's the problem with these specific blog sites. I like to zero in on the content I care about but they are mostly staffed with amateurs.
At $500 this thing is dead in the water, and where's the exclusives? Even the most interesting game they have, cuphead, will be available on steam.
Also xbox one x is an awfull name, they should name it xbox one plus, pro, or elite.
So they only showed 3 games that were running on xbonex...the rest were xbone versions enhanced by the new console
@AndrehF not really connected to your comment but when xbone launched in uk i didnt see one console to actually play on, all the demo units were in perspex cases with a tv and i remember thinking how small xbone was then i realised it was only half(or less) of the actual machine!...just a case cut in half with the controller plugged into it
Why can't companies name items in a way that effectively communicates the nature of the product? xbox one X is more aggravating then the "new 3ds"
Has me way more interested than PS4 pro. With a price drop and just a few games more per year I'm in. Backwards compatibility is also a big win for me personally.
Felt kind of disappointed with the Xbox reveal.when he promised 22 exclusives I was waiting for some big awesome exclusive to come along,thought they'd do a Sony and leave the big game till last (halo 6) but nothing,yeah forza looked nice but horizon 3 looks nice on my pc at 4k too.it has no killer app,sea of theives looks dull and crackdown does too,metro looks awesome but I'll get that on pc too.
The console looked nice enough but wasn't on stage for some reason!?
Consoles need games to survive we know some massive games coming to ps4 I hope they reveal some stuff we don't know about too today...Xbox didn't excite at all this time...
i'm expecting sony to drop the price of PS4 Pro to at least $350/£300. i'm still a tad sceptical that every game will run at native 4k too. and i suspect most multi-platform games will use the same assets anyway, as they have done til now - it's usually why PS4 games don't look significantly better than xbox1 games, despite sometimes having a resolution advantage.
There was nothing 'wrong' with the showing, though I more enjoyed the PS commentary. However, this entire thing has me mightily confused.
The console looks great, I am sure games will run like a dream. BUT, who is this for? Every exclusive is on PC. It is, at launch, going to be £100 more expensive then its nearest competitor. There are no system selling exclusives that they can use to demo that won't be available and run almost as well on PS4 Pro.
Also, the message is weird. Sony went very low key with the Pro, they tiptoed around offending existing PS4 owners. The message was pretty much, it is there if you want it, things will be better but hey don't sweat it. MS have gone all out on saying if you want to really play these games, you need to get one. They only mentioned the S a couple of times. Time will tell which approach is the best. I don't really get their strategy.
Not only that but software. Nearly everything was a 'launch' exclusive, which means a delay in it coming to PS4. They had a blooming early access game on stage. There was no software reason to buy this. By releasing everything on PC they have also turned off PC players. I know a few PC players who have bought a PS4 when the price dropped just for the exclusives.
Weird decision by MS. I was really expecting a killer hook, something that they knew that we didnt.
said I a few times since Xboxs presser finished but I think Sony (and Nintendo) will be sitting back laughing. to launch a new product and go so hard on 4k and barely show any AAA games is a strange decision, if Sony announce release dates for God Of War, Spiderman and Days Gone they will take the crown again for a 5th year running.
@JoeBlogs For me it would be taking all aspects into account. It would be silly to just buy for 4K. But I have all the non Xbox systems from this gen and last She only reason to buy a PS4 pro is for the minimal upgrade from PS4. For me that is totally not worth it.
But I never had an Xbox before. I won't get an XOX at launch for sure, but with a small price drop its pretty attractive. 4K (I'm soon to upgrade my TV), access to many older games that I've never been able to play, and presumably it will have the same devkit features of other Xbox Ones, and since I'm dabbling in Unity, that's cool.
So it may seem expensive, but it offers me a lot. And in choosing between XOX and Pro, all I will miss out on are a few Sony exclusives in 4k, which look pretty good on my PS4 already.
I miss my Forzas, and Crackdown looks great, but that's about it. I think Microsoft did a good job making sure that everyone knew how the XBox One X could benefit them even if they didn't have 4k TVs.
The only game I miss from not having an Xbox is Forza and PGR, the latter of which has disappeared anyway. Nothing they showed at their conference has me gagging to buy an XboneX.
Ori is an exception to the above but I'll probably play that on PC...
From a technical perspective it's a very impressive machine, and I'm particularly jealous of the 4k Blu Ray player. There are some nice exclusives on the way too, but not nearly enough to beat the PS4 for my tastes.
Honestly they showed NOTHING to warrant spending $499 on a new system of the 40+ games they showed 5 were games you could consider AAA AND of those 5 only 2 were exclusive, the rest were either Indy or Arcade games
and what they did show of those AAA games while they looked nice and all, that was it, they did what Nintendo did when they announced the Wii U showed absolutely NONTHING of note
it's a shame really but they should have brought out at least ONE of their big guns
if Sony show any exclusive of note at their E3, they will blow MS out of the water
having a powerful console is fine but not if you don't have the software to back it up
Worlds most Powerful Console, more like Worlds most Powerful Indy System
Not interested. As I learned when I got a 360, they don't have the games I want... and if I were looking to spend that kind of money for gaming, I'd add a bit more and get a PC. For me personally, the machine is an irrelevance.
Great sounding console but huge price tag. I have a 55" Sony Bravia, PS4 (original) and a pre-owned Xbox One.
I'll eventually get a 4K TV when the current one gives up the ghost as the prices for these TVs have dropped now. I will also grab a PS4 Pro when that coughs it's final fan spin as it sounds ridiculous now.
I only have the Xbox to play exclusives that I can't get for the PS4 (Halo, Gears and Forza) so the Xbox X will only be on my radar if in a future sale or pre-owned. I just don't need it, really and it's only a luxury buy, really.
I expected it to have double the power of a PS4 Pro, but this doesn't look all that hot to me.
Much more impressed with not only the specs but with how the new xbox console looks as well. The pro did nothing for me but the new console looks good and has a decent roster of games. £100 more is not really much all things considered. I think Sony are going to need to have a very good showing to out do microsoft this year.
Had a quick look at Gaming sites just now to see if MS did anything worthwhile and NOPE Same old boring PC-Like stuff and the Xbox ONE X is nothing to get excited about really. Nothing to see here(Again)
Still no new and interesting exclusives with deep narratives, especially for more mature gamers. They have shot them selves in the foot by having the ''exclusives'' available on PC as well, it defeats the entire purpose of attracting interest in a specific product. The only game that looked interesting was Anthem but looking closely it's not doing anything extra special graphically. PS4 will still hold it's own. They mentioned Dolby Atmos but did not go into detail about it or mention what games will support it lol i don't know....
I wonder about the fan noise in that thing? To enjoy HDR I need a new TV, and from what I read, midrange-TV:s, that I can afford, are not that good at it yet. And apparently, there are those who have fan-noise issues with the pro. Thats why I'm enjoying a brand new PS4 slim today, I figured "silence before power" since I mostly prefer arcade games anyway that don't push the console or really benefit from HDR or 4k, but, I can also acctually enjoy adventure-like games now without the "coil whining" from the OG PS4!
@arsenio3d i sadi ages ago that even with all that power we wont be seeing games much better than the PS4 Pro and it looks like i was right
still we only saw 3 games that was actually showcasing the XBX's power as the rest were just indy titles so perhaps over the next few days or the next major conference we will see more
My account on n4g has been blocked as spam just for saying that unless x1x can show me games like u4, horizon or nioh, i just don't see the point to upgrade my existing hardware 1/2 years before the end of this gen. Ps4 pro is a better proposition considering all those exclu games that are coming within the next 3 years.
Well it only has one game (maybe that's how they chose its name 🤔) so I doubt Sony are sweating.
They go to all this trouble of making a powerful console and then just say it plays original Xbox games, oh and yet another Forza
@Flopsy . 22 launch exclusives on x1. Lol. I want my 2hours back MS
To me, it just seems like the equivalent of PS4 Pro and not the answer to it. That's ok, but if I wasn't interested in the PS4 Pro, I doubt I'd want this.
I'm not even interested in the PS4 Pro unless my PS4 dies, so have absolutely no interest in the Scorpio. The PS4 looks plenty good to my eyes even without a 4K TV. I'll wait till a proper generational upgrade before next console .
@Neolit Completely agree I'm an Xbox Virgo and will remain so for this generation too. Just simply hasn't the quality of games that Sony has to tempt me over.
Not for me to expensive and zero games I will wait till next year at the earliest to think about it
btw did anyone notice they said only a few games would offer the 4k patches for free so we have to pay for the others
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