The PS4 Pro may have started life a little rough thanks to Sony's somewhat dull hardware reveal event and a cavalcade of leaks, but the reality is that the company never had gigantic expectations for the mid-generation upgrade. Aimed first and foremost at the hardcore gaming crowd, the Pro is a more expensive option that only broadens the brand's appeal - and it's selling rather well according to the Japanese giant.
"[Sales are] way ahead of our expectations", global sales chief Jim Ryan told TIME. According to CEO of Sony America Shawn Layden, for every five PS4s sold, Sony's shifting one Pro. In other words, the Pro is currently making up a reasonable chunk of PS4 sales, which doesn't seem bad at all when you consider the console's target audience.
What's more, Ryan says that the machine "is in desperately short supply". He continues: "So that's one-in-five under severe constraint." Ryan's comments suggest that with increased stock, the Pro would actually be doing even better. Either way, Sony's clearly quite happy with how the supercharged console is doing.
What do you make of the PS4 Pro? Do you own one? Are you thinking of buying one? Get down to business in the comments section below.
[source time.com]
Comments 20
PS4 Pro is great.
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I replaced mine at launch, but now I'm really tempted to replace my wife's standard with a Pro as well. FFXIV already runs so much better on the Pro, and that's just with boost mode! Stormblood will have actual Pro support, so I can only imagine how big of a gap that will be between the two.
All in all, I'm very very happy with the Pro. The differences are indeed minor, but they add up to a much better experience in my opinion. Whenever I switch to her PS4, it's immediately apparent (even in the GUI) that it's not a Pro.
I'm really happy with the PS4 Pro, too. There are areas that need to be tidied up on the software side (like offering more options) but in terms of what they set out to achieve, I think they nailed it. The Pro enhances the PS4 experience significantly, without rendering the original model worthless.
They struck a good balance.
I'm happy with my Pro. Pre-ordered it because my launch PS4 had disc drive problems way back in September.
Gave me time to finally play and platinum Okami while I waited for the Pro to release.
Yeah well chuffed with the ps4 pro after owning the ps4 since release. Just enhances the experience and loving 4K.
I like my Pro, it was a luxury buy as I didn't really 'need' it but the difference for VR is noticeable and I love how quiet it is and playing Horizon on it was just truly stunning.
I'm okay with my pro, I bought it because I have 4k tv. The more stable frame-rate in some games is great, the upgraded resolutions in some games (like in nier automata) is good too, the faster loading time and more smooth ui in homescreen is also good.
I don't need it but it's nice to have, and I feels the diference in performance on games & homescreen ui when I'm testing my nephew new ps4 slim. Like I said before, at $400 it's a no brainer since I can sold my old ps4 and a couple of games for about $200, so my ps4 pro real price is about $200.
I want a better ps5 pro though, if sony make ps5 pro, I hope they make it powerfull enough to upgrade all 30 fps AAA games to 60 fps.
I'm happy enough with the pro, but without a 4K tv I don't know how much extra enjoyment I'm getting. Still, enjoying the 1 tb drive and hopefully better vr processing.
If you ask why I'm not getting a 4K tv, I have limited funds and I just bought a 55" like 2-3 years ago so I'm not necessarily in a hurry to replace it.
I always felt great about upgrading as, by the time the Pro came along, my launch PS4 had already provided countless hours of gaming goodness, as a value proposition, my OG PS4 more than delivered!
The Pro itself might be an incremental upgrade, but those differences have made a difference for me on my TV, with the like of Tomb Raider and Horizon absolutely blowing my socks off. Also, Diabolo 3 looks fantastic too.
I like the Pro plus it makes a great improvement in the PSVR visuals. Presently have 2 Pro's hesitant to get a third since that would me trading my blue Uncharted PS4. All that aside, I do have the same problem with the Pro that I had with the stock PS4, which is, the system UI slows down so much after the first couple of months of ownership.
Have you tried rebuilding your database in safe mode? It's basically a defrag. Won't hurt your data, but cleans everything up.
You can Google how to do it.
I am sure I mentioned these comments from Sony in the Soapbox: E3 'sleeping gamers' article a few weeks back (18th May). I used this information when someone was arguing about the 'need' for Scorpio and 4k gaming devices in general and used the fact that Sony's PS4 Pro was easily outselling the base variations - essentially the information in this article but from another source (sorry )
It proves that gamers - whether affiliated to Sony or MS are clamouring for a more powerful and more capable device. If not specifically for 4k at the moment, but the benefits it can also bring to 1080p. I have had my PS4 Pro since Day 1 and I must admit, I was an owner of a 4k UHD Premium accredited TV too so it was a no-brainer to upgrade - although I think I would still have upgraded if I had a 1080p TV. At the very least, future games will be at 1080p (look at Tekken 7 for example) and some will offer 60fps game options (the Surge for example) - things the Base PS4 can't offer!
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Why, though? When the Pro launched last year, the emphasis was rightly on the Slim. It seems like priorities are shifting slightly, but Slim will still be the flagship this year.
@get2sammyb "but Slim will still be the flagship this year"
Certainly looks like Slim will be the "Flagship" next week.
I know you had an article on the gold PS4 last week but I couldn't remember if you covered the $249 price and the "9 day sale", whatever that is. Couldn't find a source, but didn't think Polygon was a real competitor to you guys, if they are feel free to delete the link.
I love my PS4 Pro but still have my original PS4 no way i was getting rid of that to meny memorises. This article also shows Sony didn't think the PS4 Pro would sell.
I love my Pro.
Still havent purchased one yet, but its still going to happen..soon!
Dunno why the articles blames "a dull hardware release" and a "cavalcade of leaks" for a slow start.. If there were a cavalcade of leaks, and it was intended to appeal to the more astute gamer, why would they need to waste money on any special advertisment plan? Their target demographic already knew. Kind of a silly statement.. And besides, it seemed to work out just fine anyway. This is why gaming fans ought not play businessman.
Yeah I just upgraded for only $200 after selling my base version and looveeee it
Next pay day I'm upgrading to PS4 pro. Been watching 4k Netflix movies and shows on 49" smart tv and they're visually stunning clarity compared to HD. Totally addicting. 4k gaming would be icing on the cake 😄
After having the pro for around 6 months now i can day im really happy with it im even thinking about getting a cheap 4k tv to experience the games in all there beauty
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