After several barnstorming E3 and PlayStation Experience press conferences, last night’s E3 2017 showcase felt like a bit of a let-down. To be clear, it absolutely wasn’t bad by any stretch of the imagination: God of War and Spider-Man seem super exciting; there’s loads to look forward to for PlayStation VR again, and; Shadow of the Colossus was an incredibly welcome surprise – the kind of announcement that’s plastered a permanent smile across the faces of everyone here at Push Square Towers.
So why wasn’t this year’s show as good as previous ones? Well, we reckon it comes down to a few things: presentation, variety, and familiarity.
Let’s address the first point to begin: Sony whiffed the spectacle of its E3 2017 press conference a little bit. Muting the crowd sucked the atmosphere out of every announcement; watch this video of The Last of Us: Part II being revealed at PSX 2016, and notice how the cheers completely change the feel of the reveal. The crowd definitely was vocal – you could make them out most during God of War, for example – but they weren’t miced up and so it sounded like there was very little interest in the room. A mood killer.
The platform holder also tried to top the orchestra from last year by wheeling out screens and, at one point, even cutting to people dangling from the roof of the Shrine Auditorium to represent the zombies in Days Gone. But while we’re sure that worked better in the theatre itself, the constant cuts away from the direct-feed footage of the video didn’t play particularly well on the live-stream. A smaller issue, but an issue nonetheless.
To its credit, Sony absolutely did deliver on back-to-back trailers and gameplay; chief Shawn Layden was on-stage for a maximum of maybe five minutes during the hour-long show. But while we do believe this is the way forward for press conferences which are increasingly becoming live adverts, we reckon that the showcase could have done with a couple more breaks. Last year we had Hideo Kojima walking on stage, for example, and while it only added a couple of minutes at most to the runtime, it helped to break things up and segment the show a bit.
Which is necessary when you’re showing similar sorts of games. Sony’s first-party is the best in the business, but there’s a sombre vibe to virtually all of the big blockbusters that it’s putting out, and that got a little bit exhausting over the course of the presentation. The thing is, it has loads of games in its portfolio that could have mixed things up a bit; the likes of Knack 2, Gran Turismo Sport, Everybody’s Golf, and Matterfall were all in the pre-show, and maybe could have done with being in the press conference itself.
And when you’re showing a bunch of thematically similar games, an air of familiarity doesn’t help. The likes of God of War, Days Gone, and Spider-Man all look absolutely exceptional – but we’ve seen them before. This is the danger when you announce games a little early, of course – or when you opt to throw huge announcements like The Last of Us: Part II into shows like PSX 2016 instead of E3.
But it’s not all doom and gloom: the manufacturer only need make a few tweaks to significantly enhance its showing next year. Next time it needs to make sure the audience is miced to add a little extra atmosphere, and while it’s absolutely right to focus on back-to-back gameplay and trailers, it needs maybe one or two more teleprompter moments to break things up.
Most importantly of all, though, it needs to better demonstrate the breadth of its portfolio, because it has so much in its stable that it could be shouting about. This isn’t a case of the games not existing in the first place – it literally has content on its platform for absolutely every taste. But it opted to put a lot of those titles in its pre-show or (in some cases) not even bother mentioning them at all, and while we ended up with a laser focused press conference as a result, it was a little dry and samey in the end.
Do you think that the small tweaks outlined above could significantly improve Sony's showcase next year? Or do you think it got things spot on yesterday? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Comments 60
Sony has the best first party stable?
Possibly. But the problem with that is they don't shout half of it out at all, and even then its NEXT YEAR.
One thing I did notice, this had no reason to be a stage thing. It was a trailer montage.
One thing Ubisoft did well, and its going to stick with me forever: We saw the passion of the developers. We saw the collaborations come to life on a stage, and they were PEOPLE.
Sony felt....corporate. It had no life to it on that stage. They were games, not works and dreams of people.
@BLP_Software Back again? There's tons of stuff coming this year still: Everybody's Golf, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Horizon: Zero Dawn DLC, Gran Turismo Sport, Knack 2, Ni No Kuni 2, and tons of others I'm probably forgetting. And that's following the strongest start to a year that I can remember.
As for the corporate comment, I'm not sure how you can assume these games aren't projects of passion and the dreams of their developers when — as you yourself point out — we didn't see any of them.
I'm willing to bet you that the creators of every game on show (at every press conference) feel just as passionately about their work as Michel Ancel.
@BLP_Software "One thing Ubisoft did well, and its going to stick with me forever"
I've been there, get some counseling and take it a day at a time.
@get2sammyb I'm saying its more corporate because...well look at the incredible reactions during Ubisoft to see their games and their creators there, sheding tears for their ideas and passion. That was incredible, standing ovations for the people.
Remember the applause when Kojima rocked up last year and explained his passion? Yeah. That. Needs more of that. The stuff that makes you think this industry is incredible. That in your face reminder. Sony didn't have that, muted audience or not, it was trailer after trailer after trailer and yeah the games looked great, but its telling people look to Ubisoft and see those emotions, and that helps sell the game more than any trailer.
But that is just one factor of what I think is the biggest problem with this conference. Just trailers on a live stage. No passion or show of support for the people making it. Just videos. It lacked life. Sony has been incredibly good about that in the past, but here? None of that.
Look, I know you hate my opinion on Sony and especially this E3 conference (I cant get hyped for SOTC HDer, sorry) but it really was dull. It need that spark. Yes the games are passion projects, but what sold Ubisoft, and what sold Sony conferences in the past, was SEEING that passion.
The only bomb to me was Monster Hunter, that said, it was an "ok" conference, worst than Ubi (yeah weird), better than everything else.
@BLP_Software I respect your opinion and I see the point you're trying to make, but just because we didn't see the director of God of War shedding a tear doesn't mean he doesn't care about his game. Or Crackdown. Or FIFA. Or any game for that matter.
But yes, the Ubi presser had some raw moments which were nice, I agree.
I apologise if I sound repetitive, but a couple of exciting new announcements would have elevated this from alright to awesome. Don't get me wrong, it was still a decent showing, and I get that some people care about MH and SotC (again!), but I don't think these have nearly the amount of impact, say, a Bloodborne 2 would have. I just want Bloodborne 2, alright
It was a good conference with loads of cool games but a lot of them we already know about, it would've been nice if there was some more new reveals and more presenters on the floor.
The surprises will come at PSX, don't you worry. Yeah, I'm disappointed we didn't see From Software, Sucker Punch, etc, but we will in time. Patience, fellow gamers!
I saw some trailers again and I must say: waking up four after midnight places a serious handicap to your enjoyment. Spiderman was perfect and monster hunter is the dino hunting sim I've always wanted. Sorry ARK.
Nah, that E3 was good, very good.
I retract my meh - can I retract my meh?
It's clear Sony is focusing on God of War, Spider-man, Days Gone and Detroit. And since those games are scheduled for 2018, there is no point in debuting more games, when they already have a packed 2018.
Also, the focus on VR might put off some people.
Overall, I think this E3 have so many leaks, it was difficult to find a surprise or a comeback in all the press conferences.
It was pretty good. I was a wee bit disappointed about the lack of sucker punch, (WHERE ARE YOU SLY?!?!?), but overall, a lot of good things were shown off.
I so really totally and completely hated that Spiderman trailer. They should call it "Spiderman: Rhythm to the Beat". I want free swinging wall crawling jumping webbing go anywhere Spidey freedom, not R1, L1, trinagle, square, circle, triangle, R2+L2.
ahem. Variety is the spice of life, familiarity breeds contempt. I don't want lots of talking heads, but I'd like 1 or 2. I really like the "ND" look, but not every game. The whole show should have been prefaced with - "Before we get started with this year's show, first we'd like to update you with some of the games we showed last year." Then show GoW, Spiderman and Days Gone, breaking those 3 up with Ni No Kuni 2 and GT Sport. Then start the show with new games MH World and Skyrim VR.
Too many 2018 games, not enough new games, Days Gone is now just a distraction while we wait for TLoU2. And while it's not Sonys fault, the spectre of Squenix is always hanging over them while we wait for FFVIIR and KH3. And no Shemu 3.
The show was about what wasn't there - new games and ones we're excited about - as much as what was.
I think the human element plays a surprisingly big role in press conferences. Nintendo's Directs are short, snappy, and (usually) contain very little fluff. However, they manage to do it while still showing you some of the faces behind the games. They don't have to shed a tear for it to be effective, but I do think that the relentless pacing would've benefitted from slowing down a bit and bringing on one or two people to make it... Friendlier, I guess?
I know we saw Shawn Layden a couple of times, but 95% of the conference was trailers, and it felt like Sony was resting on its laurels maybe. They showed some really great games in their barrage of trailers, but I think they went too far with it.
I dunno. This is just my exhausted ramble. I'll probably read this back tomorrow and it won't make any sense.
Every conference has been a bit of a mix this year, with plenty of highs and lows. What I do think Sony did wrong was put a lot of new trailers in the pre/post show sections. I get the reasoning to a degree, but I would much rather have seen Ni No Kuni II, an indie showcase or pretty much anything else showcased rather than Skyrim VR, Destiny, Call of Duty, etc.
And while I do appreciate the 'ganes games games' approach, I also agree with those that say they'd like a little more insight from the developers. Not in the EA way where they throw around awful buzzwords and interview YouTubers, but in the Michel Ancel way where you see a developer present their pet project to you in an earnest way, enjoying their moment.
@JoeBlogs JJJ is probably playable in the game. Press circle to answer the phone on exactly the 2nd ring, press triangle to tell the secretary to cut Parker a check just at the moment she walks past the office door, press R1+L1 just as Peter walks out the door to slam it shut behind him. 😆
Totally agree on the muted crowd. That is a bizarre idea imo...
My biggest disappointment was not the show itself but the amount of 2018 release dates
There was nothing wrong with the show per say, it just lacked a huge spark moment that had been people talking, a God of War here, a FFVII Remake there.
@BLP_Software wow bro, I never cried at the birth of my daughter. Does that mean I don't love her?.
Just because the world's now full of sissmanchildren doesn't mean crying in public is a positive quality. Boo hoo beyond good and evil 2, get a grip you soft French tart. You could of made it years ago!
Your right about the lack of passion, it was really telling. The setup wasn't good at all. No one was cheering or clapping.
I think the decision to focus on psvr is possibly a mistake, as much as I believe it will be great in the future. Right now it's far too much messing around and most of the crowd looked middle aged potentially with families which is a negative for VR as you can't be immersed.
I think if TLOU, no no kun, gt sport and a few indies were thrown in amongst the big hitters we wouldn't be having this article. My strong belief is they had a ps4pro price reduction section cut at the last minute. And that would have stolen the show.
@rjejr I usually half agree / half disagree on most of your opinions in the comments. But this comment is spot on. I feel exactly the same way.
Very boring. The year they got it right was the year they showed lots of indies and announced PS4 would use physical games sticking it to Microsoft with a mic drop announcement.
This was honestly terrible and not what I want out of the event at all. I want a variety of games and actual announcements. It's a good opportunity to surprise ps+ subscribers with a little surprise and a whole lot more "available now". They should have devoted time to Undertale and Ni No Kuni 2. Same boring game over and over is right.
@JesWood13 what are you thinking is same with me. I believe sony will do all out attack on psx 2017.
@rjejr i am afraid spider man will have same faith like rysen son of rome (former xbone eklusive). To many QTe is meh for me
I don't think Sony's was fundamentally 'wrong' and the games were certainly impressive. What I think hurt Sony this year was the fact that the games were shown last year.
These games all had the same 'look' and vibe as last year too - so saying that the similarity in look, the ND vibe then, hurt this year, is ridiculous because they haven't changed.
Last year though, Days Gone, God of War, Uncharted, Spider-Man Last of Us 2 were 'new' - one big new AAA game after another, after another. Maybe if Sony had kept some/all of these to this year - closer to the launch window - and replaced them with games like Nioh, Nier, Persona, Yakuza, Gravity Rush etc, this years would have been more spectacular. I don't think last years would have have been negatively impacted either - having all those games and all launching within the next year.
The 'game-play' video's this year of those we already knew about, didn't really offer too much either. Yes they were 'new' but they were also 'predictable' in that we could have predicted that's what they would offer. Spider-Man's combat was insinuated at last years E3 and I doubt anyone was 'surprised' by the Arkham formula. the QTE's or Action Prompts were a bit of a surprise - not positive and for me, seeing those 'prompts' make me feel its a very 'scripted' sequence (whether it is or not) and the prompts detract from the aesthetics.
After the returning games and the Horizon:DLC, the conference stumbled through the next few games, the VR sequence didn't really work for non-VR owners, then apart from GoW, dragged through Detroit and by the time Layden returned to close and show the final game, I was left feeling - is that it?
No Sucker Punch, From Software, RDR2. Like I said had they kept God of War, Spider-Man etc for this year, we would be wooping and jumping with joy right now and its not like Sony 'had' to show them last year to fill their hour.
Personally I am glad the crowds are muted - nothing detracts more than some inane screaming at the slightest glimpse of a character/game etc they recognise. I often want to yell 'shut up I am trying to watch!!'
If they want to 'improve' for next year, keep long term games (ones at least a year off) to a minimum - 1 or 2 at most and fill it with the games we will be playing before next E3 with release dates/windows. That way when a 'new' game is shown, it has the maximum impact and promise of playing it 'soon'. It also stops the feeling of 'deja vu', seen it already, no surprise etc...
All valid points made by the article. I do agree that a little human interaction would have been good though that is a hard balance. I think the message from Sony was clear, games, just games.
As a PSVR owner, I think it needed a segment to reiterate committment but it was relatively short and did just enough to show some cool bits and then move on.
I think the biggest weakness was the lack of 1 or 2 big reveals. I've always been critical of announcements too early and I think Sony have been guility in recent years with FFVII, TLOU2, Death Stranding, Shenmue. I think it should really be ready for release or nearly ready for release either before or shortly after the next E3.
I wonder if maybe Sony are transitioning on that approach, for example not having Kojima or ND or anything show anything this year and not revealing new games.
What it meant for this years E3 is that we are now used to take your breath away moments and reveals and this year lacked any other than MH or a SOTC remaster. Again, this wasn't bad but I kinda regret getting up early for it!
@BAMozzy RDR2
Wow, that's crazy, totally forgot all about that game. Isn't it supposed to be out this year? Where is it? Is Rockstar having their own show? Even though we know about it I think that could have been a highlight last night if they showed 5 minutes of gameplay.
@Ksatriya88 "rysen son of rome"
Got that game w/ Gold a few months back. Tried to play it for about 30 minutes but I just couldn't. Hopefully Spiderman plays much better than that. My son just restarted Spiderman: Web of Shadows on the Wii. It looks horrible, but he's having fun playing it. Motion controls are stupid though.
@themcnoisy "I feel exactly the same way."
Are you sure you didn't "half agree / half disagree" as usual b/c it seems like everyone here loved that Arkham rendition of Spiderman but me. I don't play rhythm games and hate every QTE moment I've ever come across in every game ever. GoW is still a great series, I just hate those moments. To me GoW looks so much better now, though I'm sure there will be a few QTEs somewhere for old times sake.
I think we're pretty much all in agreement on the rest. The games they showed were fine, why wouldn't they be, they were fine last year as well. Of course they could have just dropped the trailers on YT, didn't really need a live muted audience for trailers of old games we'll be waiting another 6 months to a year for.
@rjejr RDR2 was delayed until 'early/spring 2018' so maybe we will see it at Gamescom, PSX or just release information via the interweb as and when...
At first I was a bit put off by the fact that most games revealed aren't coming until next year. Then I looked at the lineup we have between August and December; looked at my wallet, looked at my calendar, and realized I'm not going to have the time or money for what's coming out this year, let alone next year!
@BAMozzy "RDR2 was delayed until 'early/spring 2018'"
Oh yeah, I forgot, but I remember reading that now, and not being surprised as we all expected it.
Will still probably come out before GoW or Spiderman though. And maybe Days Gone. This was the 2018 E3 after all, they really didn't need to leave it out just for that. thanks
They missed out on one of those "__ will be available for download at the end of the show" moments.
Theres a very real possibility that the muted crowd was literally muted...watched show for first time and is the amount of technical woes par for the course as ive seen no complaints. The pre-show was brutal to watch for the most part and the first two trailers of the main show ONLY had the mics from the stage
I just found it boring and seriously lacking any atmosphere. The technical problems didn't help and there was no WOW factor at all, and it was too short, It started and next thing it was over. Only good thing was at least we didn't have to look at Mark Cernys smug face. No sucker Punch, ahh well Gamescom is next up.
@Lonejester nah man, when the camera panned to the audience hardly any were even showing any kind of reaction.
Having watched again today, I actually enjoyed it much more. The games were all great, I think it was purely down to anticipation of a couple of unannounced titles that didn't materialise that left a sour taste last night.
With that expectation removed, the presentation was much better and I found I was more focused on what they showed without guessing what was coming next. I am not making excuses here, clearly the show wasn't as impressive as the previous couple of shows but the games they did show all looked awesome.
With regard to the muted crowd, my theory is that due to the sound issues on the first two trailers where only the crowd was audible, they had to change the audio source for broadcast as only one input was working. I've set up pa systems/mics etc quite a lot and it's possible they sacrificed the crowd mics to broadcast the sound from the recordings.
The poor sods can't win, can they?
For years now, all I've heard after their conferences is "too much talking, not enough games". So this year they have minimal chat, maximum game footage, and now people are saying there wasn't enough talking!
I thought it was absolutely fine. The only let-down was that they didn't really announce any big new titles. And on that note, where are Sucker Punch? It's been three years since their last game, and we've heard nothing from them since.
As for technical issues... I didn't experience any. I watched on YouTube, and it was fine. Personally, I don't know why people bother with Twitch... in my experience, it's always been substandard.
One of my most anticipated games was Spider-Man and they even managed to make that look poor and frankly boring, QTE's relay its Spider-Man for Christ sake, let him do what a spider can.
@Paranoimia Even You Tube had the sound problems at the start. It was a technical issue across all streams.
@RustyBullet Don't know what to tell you... I heard everything, right from the start, with the jangly music leading up to the Lost Legacy footage. Same with lots of people I follow on Twitter, who were all telling Twitch users that the YT stream was fine.
I think we've gotten too greedy. We fail to realize there are a couple big events around the calendar year. Without having a look at their gaming roadmap who knows the plans they have. They could very easily want to save some Japanese game related announcements for TGS or a couple of new reveals for PSX i.e. TLOU2 last year. There's no mandate saying one has to shoot their load in one sitting. I also don't see it as much of a problem to start focusing on games closer to release as they stated they would back off from announcing to far in advance perhaps this is what we're seeing now especially with several of those games still on the horizon (no pun intended).
@RustyBullet Yeah I did notice that too, all too busy live-tweeting I guess...maybe they need to let some actual fans in and get video of them next year reacting.
Wich part of sony presentation was wrong exactly? Too many great AAA games? Real exclusives? Vr games. It s not like they needed to show more anyway when u consider how great was ms presentation. If ms did a better job sony would have probably cut the hardware price but that's about it imo.
Language -Tasuki-
That leave sony in a position to have a pletorat of exclusives ready for 2019. During that period some of their studios will already be working on ps5 games while some others will be providing ps4 last games(
Spiderman was like the saving grace for me, guess it felt like Arkham meets Uncharted and since I like them both then that is good. Or maybe they just showed the most popcorn movie part to send people off with a lot of excitement.
Games shown were good but it really lack novelty factor, aka new games. Ironically the most interesting and NEW part of it was the VR segment that I don't care about. Many new projects and IPs.
But no Vita, no indies, no kid friendly games and just a handful of Japanese games kinda kill the "variety" they brag about.
I still think sony e3 conference will be better if they show hellblade senua sacrifices date and price on sony stage rather than on youtube, and dissidia final fantasy nt will be a megaton announcement if it on sony stage. Also coco playable on crash trilogy and matterfall release date.
Sometimes sony do weird stuff, like announcing ratchet and clank remake on their ps blog close to e3 rather than on their e3 stage. Or not showing gravity rush 2 trailer on stage even though its only 1 minutes
Just add 30 more minutes if 1 hour show is not enough, put all sony exclusive games announcements on stage, not on ps blog/youtube near e3.
I felt like the beginning was really strong and Spider-man ended it with something amazing. I'm glad they're putting a bit more effort into VR though I wasn't too wowed by those games.
And well, I wasn't that keen on Days Gone when they first showed it (didn't think it could possibly live up to TLoU) but the 2017 E3 gameplay sold me on it. God of War as well, this trailer was better than the last one and I know I want it now.
Detroit I already knew I wanted day one, same for Uncharted.
Spiderman is making Xbox users jealous, it's that good.
Shadow of the Colossus was such a surprise and looks phenomenal, one of the best PlayStation games ever.
I know someone that is so hyped for Monster Hunter, that was a great surprise after the series had been stuck on Nintendo for ages.
I was looking forward to seeing the CoD Multiplayer trailer and more Destiny 2.
There are so many games I want to buy now it's unreal.
Some things were missing that people expected, like From Software and Sucker Punch (and for me personally I'm waiting for a new Soul Calibur, or DOA to be announced and a Dragon Quest XI release date) but I think it was a pretty solid showing.
Nintendo on the other hand just now, they dropped two bombshells in Pokemon and Metroid for the Switch and didn't even have any images or trailers or anything! No audience reactions or clapping since it wasn't a real press conference. Felt like it should have had way more impact. : /
I would have liked to see some more games from japan but maybe those are being held back for TGS.
I don't really like super gritty war type games. So the only game I liked at their presentation was Shadow of the Colossus. It looks soooo good. Definitely buying that day 1.
this seemed more like a showing for the media/industry to me.. the number of people i saw frantically scribbling stuff down was surreal. i think psx is a more fan orientated event, and maybe some stuff is being kept for that, who knows. it also doesn't make sense to me to show stuff now that won't be out til 2019, like for example, a new sucker punch game.. i know they showed stuff last year that won't be out until 2018, and that in a sense has caught up with them. between stuff slipping til later dates or dropping off the radar for a while, it's got too much stuff already revealed that it has to keep on top off. the conference didn't even include stuff like wild, hellblade, dreams, gt sport, everybody's golf, last of us 2, yakuza.... plus whilst the VR section did nothing for me personally (not sure why some of those titles can't be played normally to be honest), it's got to try and reassure those that have invested in VR that it's fully committed to it. and imo, sony is going to have to start considering possible launch software for ps5 in 2019, which is a problem when, sucker punch aside, all of their other studios are locked into known PS4 titles.
lost legacy and god of war looked great. good to see horizon will get dlc this year, just hope it's a bit more than a 2-3 hour quest. not sure days gone impressed me as much with this section compared with last year. detroit has me confused.. can't figure out how it relates at all to what has been shown previously. as for spiderman sequence. the problem for me is the personality.. can't they just shut him up!?. it's the reason i don't like spiderman movies. one game that i had low expectations of but changed my mind was CoD:WW2 (the sony show is only place i saw it).
overall pretty average. but E3 in general was pretty underwhelming - there was nothing new with a wow factor. all the pre-E3 reveals/trailers by the various publishers probably didn't help.
Nintendo completely obliterated Sony this E3. They need to step up their game.
i love sony but omg. there E3 is always a tease. some to most of there games they put up takes 3 to 6 years before being published. there so called promises of this and that. not all make it but there is always a time of years being involved. i love there games on E3 but its more about how great the graphics look. the graphics in a game is great but if the story sucks or even the will to continue playing goes down. its a thums down to me.... maybe im complaining... but in short. i love games that make me wana keep playing not to play till i reach the end or get too bored to even finish. like most ppl say call of duty. or booty lol
Sony's E3 conference did a good job of showing off all the great games we'll be able to play next year, but what it lacked, was the surprise elements of the last few years. FFVII, Shenmue, the return of The Last Guardian, Crash Bandicoot... Not to mention that last year we saw God of War and Days Gone and Spider-Man for the first time, and this time it was an update on those titles.
A couple of big new games announced and a Spyro remaster and everyone would be high fiving each other calling it one of the best conferences ever. It's all about expectations, I think.
Interestingly, PSU are reporting that Sony has purposefully held back announcements for a later date, so the theory about PSX announcements seems pretty credible:
Having half of the announcements in the pre-show was an idiotic decision.
It was a good presentation, the problem? They set the bar very high.
What we could draw from Sony’s press conference at E3 2017 that we need to remember and I am sorry I didn’t read all the comments above maybe some mentioned it already. First, Sony showcase their games in 3 different exhibitions, E3, TGS and PSX so mathematically we’ve seen third of what they have in store, Last of us part II was announced in PSX last year not E3. Second, we can’t be complaining about lack of games pointing at Sony in 2017, we can’t forget the incredible library in the first 5 months of 2017 and more yet to come that put all other competition agendas to shame, all real exclusives to PS a lot of them belong in the AAA category of games. There are 2 points one could gather about Sony’s presser, the first, they were straight to the point, great games (shown before or otherwise) including Block Buster, System selling beasts in God of War & Spiderman, couple of DLCs to couple of the world most loved game franchises this generation and last in Uncharted and Horizon Zero Dawn (Full Game Expansions) PSVR decent content including new IP and 3rd Party support and exclusive content to big, popular titles such as Destiny, SWBF2 and COD WW2. The other point is for me more important, they didn’t trash their show, we didn’t see games to walkout saying these are mobile games just for the sake of quantity they usually don’t do that some in the comment section were rightly saying because they set the bar very high and way above competition, this year it was more about the quality of what they present, there will be more, a lot more to come from them as usual.
@sinalefa ""variety""
In God of War the camera is over his left shoulder, in Uncharted it's over their right shoulder, in Spiderman it's directly behind him.
@rjejr In Halo 1 it's FPS. In Halo 2 it's FPS. In Halo 3 it's FPS. In Halo 4 it's FPS. This could be said of any videogame that it's created this day and's either first person, third person, side scroller or a combination of those. So yeah, there's no variety anymore, everything is copy and therefore everything is sh*t
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