Reasons you know E3 2017 is around the corner #5: an executive at a major gaming company just said a silly thing, and now there’s a fast-moving thread on NeoGAF about it. The latest humdinger comes courtesy of Sony Europe chief Jim Ryan on the subject of backwards compatibility, and it’s got people asking that age old question: is arrogant Sony back? Damn, we wished we could include emojis in these articles.
Here’s what Ryan said, courtesy of Time: “When we've dabbled with backwards compatibility, I can say it is one of those features that is much requested, but not actually used much. That, and I was at a Gran Turismo event recently where they had PSone, PS2, PS3, and PS4 games, and the PSone and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?”
Let’s not beat around the bush: this is a terrible comment and he probably realised it was going to get spun the moment it left his mouth. Firstly, his statement ignores the thing that people really want: PS3 backwards compatibility. Secondly, the PlayStation maker currently flogs PS2 games on its new-gen console, so the firm must recognise that someone wants them. Thirdly, just don’t answer questions like that – you’re asking for trouble.
But is he really wrong? Xbox One’s backwards compatibility is obviously a beautifully conceived thing, but how many of you would take it over the incredible lineup that Sony’s assembled in the first six months of this year? And there may be many who will criticise the Japanese giant for peddling various remasters, but they kinda prove his point in some ways – the likes of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy benefit from being modernised for a new generation.
Still, expect this statement to get a lot of blowback. And probably rightly so.
[source time.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 67
"Have you played retro games? They look terrible! Now spend over a tenner on these PS2 classics and make it quick!"
@Cassetticons Yeahhh, it's a silly comment.
I really never ever got into the Whole backwards compatibility thing? I don't get what's the big deal, maybe it's just me, or maybe it's just that i still keep all my old systems. Why do i wanna play ps3 games when ps4 is going full stride at the moment. Its like buying a Ferrari but all i wanna drive is my honda civic, lol.. Like i said, maybe its just me
@Brasilkilla It's not just you, I completely agree. It's a wonderful convenience and it's useful in the first 18 months of a generation, but the ship has long sailed now.
Controversial opinion but I think the whole Xbox One BC thing gets so much attention because there's not much else going on on that platform. I'm sure many will disagree, but that's my honest opinion.
Of course none of that changes the fact that this is a dumb comment.
Gran Turismo was a bit of a bad example there. For THAT game, I'd agree. If you could choose between GT6 and GT3 or 4, why would anyone choose 3 or 4 other than nostalgia?
@Brasilkilla it's not just you, i'm the same after all if you want to play a PS1 game play it on a PS1 it's not hard to hook it up, only takes a few moments
@get2sammyb Yeah haha, probably swearing under his breath after that soundbite. See, I can partly see where he's coming from. I collect Saturn games (of all things) and most of them have aged like rancid wine, but the matter of fact is Sony's classics and PS Now solutions haven't been great this gen, and with parts getting rarer there's a possibility soonish that people might not be able to play these games they own.
People like having everything in one nice, easy place and don't like feeling nickle and dimed . Even if they don't use it, it's a helpful feature. Imagine if blu ray players didn't accept DVDs for example?
@Brasilkilla It's not just you trust me. I for one will never understand the reason people want backwards compatibility. You have a new system play your 'new' games on that system . Whenever a new console or handheld comes out I never go back to you previous one unless there is a specific game that I want to play that's only going to be on that console. But to each is own , people can enjoy whatever they want . I won't ever ask or care about old PS1/PS2/PS3 games .
Most of the PS2 classics have been cult games cos Sony already did HD remasters of the biggest games. People like to talk up xbox's bc but it's rather telling for that console that the biggest announcement they had at E3 two years ago was just them saying "hey, you remember those games you bought? Well now you can play them...again". Only about 40% xbox users actually used bc and considering it's user base is less then half of PS4s then that is nowhere near enough to make it worth it.
What I would like to see Sony do with PS5 is actually go all out making the system that holds as many of their games from previous generations as possible. Though Mark Cerny has already hinted at compatibility issues that could hamper such things.
@Brasilkilla It was never a big deal until, ironically, Sony made it a big deal with the PS2. Before that I don't remember a single person expecting the snes to play all the nes games or the Saturn to play all the mega drive games. Not sure if PS2 was they very first instant of that, but it was the first time it was such a big deal, every PS1 game can be played on the ps2. Since then, with every generation, everyone expects it. I couldn't care less, I generally keep my consoles.
Probably for the same reasons people have favourite movies they watch now and again, or a book they read once a year?
Yikes, insert foot in mouth. I love the fact that my X1 can play all of my old 360 games, but i also love my PS4 getting quality games every few months instead of every few years.
@DrClayman The first instance was the Mega Drive with an add-on to let you play Master System games. But Sony is the first one to hard bake it into their system, so people have linked the two together.
Thing is that the xbox backwards compatibility is only worthwhile because of the simple fact that Microsoft don't have a good a lineup of games and they need to rely on services to try and beat the competition at something. It made me laugh how everyone was touting Microsoft as winning e3 '15 due to back-pat like that matters more than new great games, if i wanted to play older games then i would've kept my consoles... Oh wait, i did!
@get2sammyb yeah not much going on there right now, could change after E3 of course but i have a feeling MS are going to focus on the Scorpio and present it as if it's a brand new console because lets be honest the XBOX ONE has pretty much flopped
Silly comment because people do want B/C but I would agree that it isn't that lucrative if we are all really honest. I would like that if we do move to iterative consoles rather than generations then I don't have to buy Ps4 games again but
I have never understood why you would want a new system to play older games. If you want to play PS2 games oh I don't know, how bout buy a PS2. You can find them dirt cheap at a flea market or garage sale heck even on ebay. Honestly people need to get over backward compatibility.
The whole point of a new console is to move forward not backward.
PS Now
@Brasilkilla it's you.
I'd prefer to play old and new games on one system to limit the amount of crap I have in my possession at any given time, especially if they they are digital purchases.
PS1 and PS2 looking "ancient"? What must Atari 2600 look like to him, then? But I doubt such words should surprise anyone when we're talking Sony - despite the array of gameplay treasures like LocoRoco or Gravity Rush, they remain a multimedia tech company at heart.
@Tasuki While it is nice to own all the old consoles and hook them up to play them in their original format, it is also nice to not have an entertainment center littered with wires and several consoles. I packed away my 360 in storage months ago because I can just use my X1. If i want to play PS3 games i need to clear off space and an HDMI port on my already crowded center, so it almost never happens.
Telling people to "get over backwards compatibility" is like telling people to get used to phones without headphone jacks; it's just not going to happen.
@Cassetticons that's right, thanks! I still don't remember it being that big a deal, maybe because barely anyone had a master system at least compared to the PS1 player base.
@Brasilkilla the big deal is that not everyone can find an old system [at a reasonable price], let alone put a lot of trust in the remaining life expectancy of its components, and the world of free emulation can't even seem to finalize the comprehensive Gen 6 experience after all these years. Not everyone spends as much time at home as to play on a home console or PC properly either - disposable income doesn't fall from the sky even to yet unmarried gamers, and workload/schedule combos vary greatly. In the light of this, handheld ports and retro libraries (separately or combined) are many people's best shot at experiencing sometimes the sheer MAJORITY of the classics and video game history in general.
I generally don't really care for backwards compatibility as I tend to keep all my consoles and games as a collector anyway. What I do care for a bit though is Sony's (and Nintendo's as well actually) half-assed approach to it. In an absolutely ideal world, I'd love to be able to access loads of PlayStation, PS2 and PS3 games on my PS4. I think this goes back to the "what use could PlayStation Now actually be" topic) but it just feels like they're always in two minds about whether they want their latest machines to showcase their history or not. And comments like this seem to suggest that they don't, which I think is a shame because PlayStation has a superb history - and that's being highlighted this summer with the likes of Tekken, WipEout and, most notably, Crash Bandicoot making big comebacks.
@Cassetticons hard bake into the system? Wasn't it the Game Boy family that started doing that?
But is he really wrong? Xbox One’s backwards compatibility is obviously a beautifully conceived thing, but how many of you would take it over the incredible lineup that Sony’s assembled in the first six months of this year?
I don't know anyone that 'may' want to give up the opportunity to play 'new' games as a consequence to having Backwards Compatibility. However that's NOT what Backwards Compatibility should impact on. The games are already made, already out there, already owned so the 'developers' should still have the freedom to create new titles. It shouldn't 'impact' on their new developments at all.
If I wanted to play 'Killzone 2 or Resistance' for example, I could put the disc in my PS4 and they would run like they do on PS3. I wouldn't expect GG or Insomniac to be involved in bringing them to PS4 - its not as if they are 'remastering' them to update the visuals, the textures, the resolution or frame rates.
If you own a PC, you don't need to re-buy Modern Warfare just because you upgraded to a GTX1080 but you may want to buy Modern Warfare remastered for the improved visuals.
It has its advantages as MS are proving. The 'lack' of 'new' games though is not a consequence of Backwards compatibility - more a consequence of a lack of 1st Party Studio's - something Sony is much stronger on.
@get2sammyb I agree Xbox keep banging on about all these 360 games that you can play on the one, well why don't you just buy a 360 then? Clearly there is a market but it's far from the majority as the relative sales of the consoles show, also PS3 sold better after it ditched it. I suspect if anyone bothered to research the sales of consoles that offered such a thing it wouldn't show much impact. Finally we come to the point of that most of the best games get remastered anyway these days, yes it's be nice but let's face the fact that it probably isn't possible anyway due to the very different architecture between the consoles, I seem to remember how Naughty Dog struggled just to get The Last of Us running on the PS4
@nhSnork If you count the GBC games I guess? They used the same media though. I'm not an expert on GBC, but my friend mentioned that the only thing that stops them from working on an old pocket or phat boy is a chip, but I could be wrong.
@DrClayman Heh, supposedly the only reason my mum got a Mega Drive was because my older brother wanted a SNES but she refused since it couldn't play the Master System games we owned. Seems like a different world tbh!
@BAMozzy You're right, it's always better to have more options. I'm just saying given the choice I know which I'd prefer that's all.
@get2sammyb If I had to choose between the two, I would obviously pick the new too. However I also still have my PS3/Xbox 360 so I can keep playing these games anyway. I would prefer to be able to replace my console though without having to keep my old or get rid of my library - that's what BC can bring if handled right. On Xbox, MP BC games are united, in the same lobbies, so I can play Black Ops 2 with XB360 and XB1 friends together. I can play Red Dead Redemption online with both generations of consoles - now tell me that BC isn't 'great' and I bet if Sony were to implement it in a 'similar' way, you wouldn't be 'disappointed'. Its an 'extra' feature not a 'replacement' to 'new' experiences.
If PS5 came out with full BC, the ability to carry your entire PS4 library forward with you, improve the experience in some cases (like boost mode does on Pro) and continue to play online with your PS4 owning friends, that wouldn't be a MASSIVE deal?
Although i do totally understand what the big deal abou bc is, and it's convenient its just not for me. I believe it was Sony who first made a big deal about it with ps2 and back then i didn't play 1 ps1 game on my ps2. Same happened when i bought a early model ps3 that at that time was bc compatable, i didn't play 1 ps2 game on it. I have recently invested about 2grand on a 4k hdr tv and its definetely not to play ps3 games on it, and at the same time i have played pretty much everything i wanted to play in that gen anyway. Yes, i do understand what the fuss is all about, and the convenience and never ina million years would i trade the experience of playing masterpieces like Horizon, uncharted 4, bborne in exchange of being able to play ANY last gen game. No thanks
I do HATE when companies say what they think I want or don't want :-/ One thing I hated SONY saying in the past(and it sounds like still) was 'No one wants BC' Er I DO! Well I did but have given up moaning about it on the internet + I have been playing TimeSplitters 2 on my PS2 these past few weeks and I would rather play that than any new FPS out now so he is WRONG. Oh well.
I some times like playing the older games more often than some of the newer one's, but hey. That's just me. And I usually end up enjoying the game more.
I'd much rather have the entire PlayStation console library opened up than just PS3, PS3 games are still all over the pre owned shops but PS1 games are either damaged, hard to find or stupidly priced
@WillMerfi I've played a few (Bully, Dark Cloud, Dark Chronicle & Parappa 2) and they all looked ok if you only want games that look nice - no matter how they play I think that's a little sad personally
Well he is right in some part. I think everybody would use backwards compatibility but, on total playtime, it would probably be 5% of your console use...so it's not that worth
Because I was a PC gamer till the PS4 and XBO were released I missed a lot of games from the last gen. I only played Forza on de 360 and some games on the PS3. Nowadays I love the backwards compatibility and I am happy to play Red Dead Redemption on the XBO and it still looks fine.
Sony is ahead in sales compared to the XBO but I hope they will keep an eye on what gamers want.
Of course older games can look terrible but after playing them for about 20 minutes you get used to the dated looks and then you start to see the beauty in them.
Im another who doesnt get why people want backwards compatibility. I can understand retro games ESPECIALLY the arcade archive games (Double Dragon anyone!!!!) but ps3/2/1 games. Ewww. Sure they were great back in the day but i dont see the point of sony putting effort and time into that.
@RedMageLanakyn I don't know about that I know alot of people besides myself that enjoy having an entertainment enter full of consoles. And the wires are an easy fix just get a couple of hdmi boxes and that solves the problem. It's not as big as an inconvince as people think it is if done right.
sony could have offered PS3 backwards compatibility, but would have had to implement a similar solution to the original PS3 that had PS2 bc by essentially sticking the PS3 innards on another board. i'm guessing it had more than enough telemetry about the use of the feature on the original PS3 to realise it was really not worth it, epsecially considering the extra cost of manufacture and thus RRP it incurred. somehow i doubt PS4 would be in the position that it's in if it had announced at E3 2013 (PS4 - £500/$600 and you can play all your PS3 games!). assessing the pros/cons, a cheaper PS4 was the way to go, especially with the diminishing returns of bc.
the hypervisor approach to bc used (with varying degrees of success) by XB1 is not really an option for PS4. AMDs next line of APUs/CPUs have quite a lot of different features that backwards compatibility with the jaguar processors in PS4/XB1 isn't going to be easy to achieve either, so don't expect backwards compatibility to be a foregone conclusion for the next gen either.
@Tasuki Except everything behind last gen uses component/rca cables, not HDMI, and most TVs made in the last 10 years have one set of component/rca ports. Sure, it's not an inconvenience if done right, you have the space to hook everything up, and you have the money to go out and hunt for rare games and pray that they still work.
Options aren't a bad thing, and there are games from last gen that I never got a chance to try out, but can now thanks to BC, and clearly there are others who are in the same boat, or Sony wouldn't have PSNow/PS1/PS2 classics on PS4, and MS wouldn't have BC. Telling people to "get over it" is almost as ignorant as Ryan's comment in the article!
Well the only reason I don't have a PS4 is because it's not backward compatible with the PS3. I'd assume there is a contingent of shoppers out there who share these same sentiments.
I love how a lot of comments in here don't really amount to much more than "I don't care about BC so why would anyone care about it?".
I, for one, welcome it (even if only as a digital catalogue), and to be honest I'd love for the Switch to become the ultimate Nintendo "archive" during its lifespan, seeing the huge library the Big N's sitting on.
That alone would sell me on a Switch just as much as Zelda or Mario, I believe.
Also, having skipped most of Sony's platforms, I'd love to be able to play the games I've missed out on at the time on a PS4 or PS5.
Edit: and yeah, as others have pointed out, I'm pretty sure pumping out old games digitally wouldn't have an impact on new releases.
I rather have remastered game or ps2 classic for the ps4 rather than backward compability. Unlike 2D games, 3D games for ps1 and ps2 aged badly, with low resolution and muddy texture. Ps3 games like god of war collection and puppeteer fare better, but I think thats the only 2 ps3 games that I want on ps4.
Backward compability is nice, but if I rather have new game. Still, I hope ps5 will have bc for ps4 because unlike previous generation, this generation game is already have good graphics.
When you have a brand like PLAYSTATION, you NEED to cultivate your own history. So YEAH, you NEED a form of retro-compatibility, even if it's not hardware - I don't say that just to not pay again the games I own on disc, this is not the issue here.
The issue is LEGACY. Come on, why videogames should be different than cinema, of litterature, where you can always find this old masterpiece that was done before you were born and still enjoy it ?
See ? This is why PC emulation cannot be pointed finger at. The history of videogames should not be forgotten, and young gamers should have easy access to these fondations.
On PSVITA, I play a lot (a loooooooot) of PS1 games. Some are Proust madeleines to me, but some are totally new in my eyes. And still good by today's standarts (which are, for me : story, gameplay, art).
I mean... Still no PS1 games on PS4 ? WHAT ? And don't come telling me it's a difficult thing to emulate.
I like what Xbox is doing right now for its brand.
Sony isn't daft to backwards compatibility both Sony & Microsoft both collect data on how people use there consoles. In the PS3 era hardly anyone used it so the question has to be asked whats the point in a feature hardly no one uses. Also the XboxOne never released with Backwards compatibility it was only add when the XboxOne went down the toilet. I think this generation has changed a bit because of Microsoft adding it and mid generation consoles. With Microsoft adding Backwards compatibility its highly likely the PS5 will have backwards compatibility. It doesn't really bother me as i keep all my consoles and games.
I like BC since what if the console breaks? Or I need to sell it? Or I want to choose how to play the games I own? I still have some of my PS1 discs but finding a PS1 is hard or unreliable so I use my PS3.
And yes, dumb comment. People have attachment to old games because they are part of their memories, not because "I luv the graphicz", while others may be discovering them.
Of course things like the N. Sane collection are good because they look better, but how many PS4 owners have a PS3 to dl the emulations, or even worse a PS1 to play the originals on?
I had a ps2 and used it to play final fantasy 8. That was it! Okay I enjoy backwards compatibility on ps vita cos I don't mind retro graphics on small screen. But to see ps1 or ps2 or ps3 on ps4 is just a waste of my time imo! There are too many stonking PS4 games to play as it is and they look stunning! How many pc players with uber pc's go back to play c&c1 or age of empires or SimCity 2000, witcher 1 or call of duty 2? Yep choice is there... but there's so little time nowadays. For me retro gaming is nice to have the original console on Big tv... but like all antiques it's a nostalgia/hoarding/OCD mentalility for those wishing for good ol' days. Retro Gfx really look awful on a 49" tv and that's a huge turn off. Anyone still yearning for doodle jump on ios/android?!! No thanks
I play the PS2 games on PS4 all the time!
Maybe a lot of people aren't buying the ps2 games? Or maybe a lot of ps1 and ps2 games didn't sell on the vita/PS3?
We don't know the figures they see - it may cost millions to research and get BC fully working and if they can't see a positive financial benefit then why would they?
I wouldn't mind PS3 BC but I have a PS3 - so it's not a big thing for me. I just turn on my PS3 when I want to play a game - streaming and screenshots would be a nice extra, but again - not a major thing for me.
Plus, I kinda agree with him. I only bought a PS3 about 1.5 years ago and at first I bought tonnes of games and was playing through them but now I just play PS4 - I think my PS3 has been on about 4 times in the last 9 months and that was just because I was working through Yakuza 4.
Because we have a healthy amount of games coming out for the PS4 there isn't really a need for me or anyone I know to go back and play older games - Xbox on the other hand - without quoting the meme - they are struggling with games at the moment - so people are falling back to 360 titles to fill the gaps and offer them the diverse selection of games that the Xbox isn't offering them
@PSXboxGamer you don't understand what psnow is for. Psnow is for people who don't have a PS3. It is a catalogue of 350-450 games avaliable straight away from the PS3 on a number of devices (changing to just PS4 and PC soon)
So, based on that, psnow isn't targeted at you as you say you have to pay again - so that means you have a PS3. So you don't need the service then.
It's like the Xbox game pass. I think it's crap and there is nothing on there alt hat nobody will have played or own - plus the majority is just 360 games. However, someone who never had a console or a 360 before will benefit from it greatly as they will be all new experiences.
Both PSNow and Xbox game pass aren't aimed at established gamers - they are aimed at new gamers who want to dabble with the last gen games (bar a few titles on Xbox and the few PS4 games coming soon).
If you no longer have a PS3 - you can pick one up for about £30 like I did and have 100% compatibility with all PS3 and ps1 games. The Xbox can only play about 10-20% of all 360 games
The only reason that there are certain people (myself NOT included) want the backwards compatibility, is because they did not own the previous system, but want to play some of the games on it.
Where I would stand and actually want the backwards compatibility on a new system, would be to be able to put an older system away and off of my shelf for a while, which would in turn give that older system a longer life. It's a nice feature, just like an Ottoman to a recliner, but it's also not a need, but would be nice to have that option if someone wanted it. The only thing that I want out of the PS4, is to have it play DVD's, something that I still don't get why it can't do...also CD's too, but I guess that somewhat gets connected to the backwards compatability-thing. Oh well, if I turn on the PS4, I want to play PS4 games. If I go downstairs and turn on the PS3, I want to play PS3 games. Guess I don't really care, but the way I can look at it, and this is when I owned the Wii U, the Wii games looked horrible, since the Wii U was HD graphics and the Wii wasn't. The Wii titles looked fuzzy and horrible. The same went with playing PS1 games on the PS3 (or even PS2 on the original models of the system)...just didn't look the same and looked fuzzier and worse than playing them on the original console. Now, I'm not sure how the 360 games look on the XBONE, but I'm sure they still don't look the same as playing them on the 360.
Even PS3 games look dated for me now. I never see the appeal of backward compatibility...
"Firstly, his statement ignores the thing that people really want: PS3 backwards compatibility."
Firstly, He specifically comment on question about PS2 games in the article... Don't put words out of context
@DrClayman actually colecovision made it a big deal with the adapter to play Atari 2600 games. Atari was caught off guard and had to scramble to make an adapter of their own for the 5200. Why? Cause it WAS a big deal even back in 1982. Backwards compatibility has always been a big deal to most gamers!
@joey302 Fair enough, wasn't around that far back. From my experience, growing up in the 90s, I cannot for the life of me remember anyone expecting backwards compatibility with new generations of consoles, until after the PS2's launch. Could be just different circles, but even press didn't seem to make any mention of it back then ¯(ツ)/¯
@get2sammyb One really nice thing Microsoft achieved with backwards compatibility is they improved alot of games. Red Dead Redemption runs at a constant 30fps, instead of the 20 it used to run. The 360 version of Bioshock is the best way to play the game now. It's the original look of the game plus 60fps.
@wiiware I agree. Remasters or Classics.
I don't care for BC. Try playing Drake's Fortune on PS3 and then go the remastered version on PS4. Night and Day. Feels like a completely different game, yet retains the charm of the original. Why buy a new console, to play old games? Old games with a new coating I get, but the EXACT same game? For nostalgia reasons? Then buy the hardware for it, to get that real experience.
I bought Pokemon Blue last month, didn't get the digital version, just bought a cartridge and a GameBoy cause I felt nostalgic. Easy & I didn't half-arse it.
I'm sure Sony have analytics to support their belief that BC is just a feature that the average consumer just wouldn't use.
Options are nice, but if that means no more remasters or enhanced editions of games that truly deserve and need it, then no thanks.
@DrClayman lol that's fine. But back compatibility always has my vote. I definitely thought it was a plus that Sega made the master system adapter to play Master system games on the Genesis. Ok that was 1989 but close to the 90s anyway lol
I don't really care about backwards compatibility because I brought a PS4 for PS4 games, and can play PS3 games on my PS3, but my god what a silly comment.
Backwards compatibility is doing a great job of propping up the xbox one, a lot of people I know flipped over lost odyssey being free last december.
The library on PS4 is large enough that I'm not sure it needs the same though.
"Our analysis used a third-party API to randomly sample usage data from nearly one million active Xbox One Gamertags over a period of nearly five months starting last September (read the introductory piece for much more about the data and methodology). In the end, only about 1.5 percent of the more than 1.65 billion minutes of Xbox One usage time we tracked was spent on the 300+ backward-compatible Xbox 360 games, in aggregate. That translates to an average of just 23.9 minutes per sampled active Xbox One user spent on Xbox 360 games out of 1,526 average minutes of Xbox One usage during the sampling period."
Whilst purely anecdotal, almost all of my colleagues and friends play video games but not one of them have any interest in backwards compatibility. The only person I know who revisits games is me and I would always take a shiny new remaster over the original.
The stats in the link above say it all for me, turns out, people buy new consoles to play new games.
On the subject of backwards compatibility, why won't my VHS tapes fit in my Blu-ray player? Why must I buy all my movies again?
But seriously, I agree with him. When I got my PS2, I used b/c for about a month, then never touched it again. When I got my 60GB PS3, I used b/c for one game - the Tomb Raider which was out on PS2 around the same time - then never again.
To include b/c hardware in PS4 would only have served to push the price up, stalling its growth... and due to the vast hardware differences, I doubt it's possible via software emulation.
If you want to keep playing your old games, keep your old consoles.
I have still have my ps3. I stilled played it the first year of PS4 after that I hardly ever turn it on anymore.
I don't have time to play old games that I have already completed 7 years ago. But even when I did have the time I wouldn't, as i just don't get the whole BC thing.
New games for a new console generation.
@Brasilkilla @get2sammyb
For me personally, many games that I have always loved, are changed/not available on new platforms. eg. Wipeout 2097/wipeout3 were my favourite wipeouts for example, but now the remake is focussed on hd/fury/2048 (and it's about controls and mechanics, not tracks or graphics in that case) and . Or just because it doesn't look as good, the Original Timesplitters is an amazingly fun and full featured local multiplayer fps that's not available anymore.
The first 18months? it's about having one console sitting there that plays all your favourites. Just because there's a new game doesn't change that.
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