There’s just no stopping Grand Theft Auto V, which has robbed back the UK sales charts summit for the 13th time since its release. To be fair, this was a very slow week, with Dead by Daylight being the best new arrival in 16th position. Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood debuted in 23rd place, and that’s all she wrote really.
The price promotion on Horizon: Zero Dawn is now over, so that’s starting its slow descent out of the Top Ten again. You can peruse the full list of movers and shakers below.
UK Sales Charts: Week Ending 24th June, 2017
- Grand Theft Auto V
- DiRT 4
- FIFA 17
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
- Overwatch
- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Forza Horizon 3
- Tekken 7
[source chart-track.co.uk]
Comments 32
GTA is of course a great game though I don't personally rate it that highly. Obviously the "hardcore" gamers get fed up of seeing it, while games like Nier and Divinty melt into obscurity.
Wow and this is the same week or so where they have come down heavily on PC modders and had the Steam reviews plummet.
Fair play GTA V.
The new gunrunning update has various gun and armoured car modifications. The kids love all that s**t so I'm not surprised. I still play GTA Online regularly, it's a much better game than it was a few years ago.
Horizon zero dawn has staying power
This is INSANE
Next week something else will Crash the top list.
You've got to be kidding me. I start hating Rockstar...
Watch the language -Tasuki-
Is GTA V official the best selling game or what by now ?
@oatmealwarrior92 I think Tetris is still ahead by a country mile, largely due to mobile versions I believe. Also I think Minecraft is still ahead of GTA as well.
Nintendo must be happy to have 2 games in the top 7. I guess everyone there already owns Zelda.
It disgusts me that society has fallen so far that GTAV online is doing so well that Rockstar won't even consider making single player DLC anymore.
I absolutely despise the "games as a service" model
Me too. Games as a service is poop...
Yeah, looks like we won't be getting GTA VI for a good, long time. 2020 at the very earliest, I'm guessing. We might actually not get a new GTA game at all this gen. Why release a new one when the previous one is seemingly glued to the top of the sales charts?
@rjejr Probably. Isn't the attach rate for BOTW around 100%? Game won't get back up in the charts until Nintendo gets its affairs in order and actually increases the supply of Switch units.
Seems like having three copies of the game for people is not enough they need another one.
That's crazy, you would think everyone has this game by now. I know Rockstar must be happy.
I don't even understand who's still buying Grand Theft Auto V.
@johncalmc It'll mostly be people who have just bought a new console I'd imagine. Also it's constantly in some sort of sale.
It deserves to be this successful, it's the best game ever made imo.
UK really loves GTA, huh... I mean, look at all the awesome games released since, but GTA always find its way back to best-selling game of the week. I wonder how many people didn't buy GTA yet, soon there'll be gamers buying it twice, haha. =)
I am not sure how many people bought it on PS4 after buying it on PS3, as I assume the sales are just lumped together.
Rockstar, here is a hint: make GTAV VR (or GTAVR if you like) and watch them buy it a third time. Skyrim just showed you the way.
I still have not bought GTA. V. But maybe I should... Hmm
I can't even imagine what people see in GTA V. I was pretty hyped for it after GTA IV which I liked a lot but boy it was a complete let down. For me GTA V was a disaster of old, out dated and boring game mechanics, a horrible story and disgusting spineless characters that got pushed around because they were all morons.
I cant even remember one single mission from the game and that's bad considering I still remember some of the missions from the first gta and gta 2... The open world was good though but been there done that, it just couldn't save this travesty of a game.
Why people is still buying it is beyond me, but as always to each their own.
wow... just wow
People keep buying this game because the supposed game "critics" all decided to give it 90-100% ratings in their reviews. So people think that it is the game to get regardless of its quality.
The game certainly has some interesting scenery and maybe some nice detail however I personally found the story pretty lousy and a constant grind.
People talk about its great side features and things to do. Why can't I enter bars, property I own and nightclubs all around the city?
For me Grand Theft Auto V is actually more like a Just Cause game set in a GTA city.
I liked GTA IV however. I also liked GTA III, it had unique themes that I wish could have been or be explored more deeply with a bigger world.
Could it actually stay in the top ten until the next generation comes around? I admit that seems ridiculous, but then I never would have foreseen this situation back in 2013.
It's incredible the sales of GTAV. They will probably bring it out for the PS5 to then and it would sell another Billion in a DAY I bet
Did not buy probably will not get it ever my last GTA was Vice City.
@CARBONFIBER - I would normally agree at critics frittering away high scores for highly average games like Assassins Creed or Call of Duty, but GTA 5?
One of the best games ever made - or rather, GTA Online is, now effectively a freedom-doused RPG which overshadows its single player campaign through so many systems and levelling or missions I don't have time to explain why I don't time to explain 😬
Even now 4 years later it's right up there with Horizon for most astounding graphics, superb playability and AAA calibre polish to the FPS / driving / third person exploring.....high-end cinematic joy, with a special mention to vehicles like the Shotaro, 811 Topless & T20 👌
Its about time the gaming community lauded the game instead of bizarrely wandering why it still sells bucketloads and Rockstar for shoving 2 digits at the Activision 'Destiny model' of £30-£40 per update and giving FREE updates which transformed the online component into arguably the most impressive, immersive playground in gaming - CFO / gunrunning / import export updates are nothing short of an outstanding free model of 4 years support - and still going. Oh, as for shark cards, you don't need them, but the game is so immersive, cinematic and satirical that even refilling 2 large warehouses becomes an acceptable solo session of 'investment' to then let rip in a public session after the nervy sell missions 😬
Perhaps we should be asking them to hurry up and release GTA 6 and actually stop free updates that is rightfully attracting new players who know the game still plays better than 90% of games entering the market now.
Some people will never like GTA and that is fine, gaming is a medium like film & music so personal choice rules all. But given the quality of the sandbox and value for money it presents, as well as being the most confident game ever released by virtue of its tech, gameplay systems and writing, especially online, I find it bizarre comments such as 'why are people still buying it'?
They buy it because it represents the best of gaming.
Awesome to see a game that keeps selling and making a company profit and keeping it afloat without daft DLC or play to win cash grab gimmicks. Who was that daft CEO who said story driven campaigns are dead and don't make money rofl?!
@Galvatron well played, sir!
@Galvatron Well said, all true.
@Galvatron We obviously have different tastes in games.
I like GTA's single player aspects. I come to the game for the story like other big story games over the years like The Witcher , Final Fantasy, Deus Ex, Tomb Raider or Neverwinter Nights.
I just need a more fleshed out experience. E.g. when it comes to racing I want a detailed experience like Gran Turismo, Project Cars, F1 or even the original/rebooted Need for Speed Hot Pursuit games. I like to be able to customize, tune and practice racing craft realistically.
Multiplayer co-op doesn't really interest me that much, I feel I get much of the same enjoyment from RTS games or multiplayer FPS games. Like Age of Empires II HD on PC for example if I want that.
And I have plenty of FPS's I enjoyed over the years from CS:Source to Unreal Tournament that I feel fufilled when it comes to multiplayer FPS games that are more specfically focussed at FPS gaming and less competitive.
Having said that I've never really been a fan of the competitive MMO's like CS:Go, Starcraft II, Diablo III, Overwatch, Dota 2 with all the online ranking/leveling up systems, so perhaps in that sense that is why I don't like GTA Online so much.
I understand others like that though.
I just prefer something I can step in and out of when I want and get a meaningful experience from whether that be an interesting story in a single player campaign or connection with other people where competition isn't really much of a factor and also that means I can leave the games for a couple of months when I get busy which is pretty regularly.
@CARBONFIBER - actually I'm more of a single player fan rather than multiplayer in general, and some of those games you mention I'm a keen admirer of, except Witcher 3 - a game with too much text of inordinately tiny size, overrated systems and frankly awful combat...but that's another story 😏
GTA 5 is a very good example of where we view the game differently; where you are correct in referring to Grand Turismo / NFS / Cars as offering more customisation or generally more options, its worth bearing in mind GTA amalgamates a number of genres including FPS and driving - and now RPG!
The freedom to not only switch seamlessly between these varying genres, still offering excellent tuning for cars and weapons, with parkour, drive-by's and no end of panache, is still jaw dropping 4 years later.
The Rockstar editor highlights the cinematic satire Rockstar hac nailed and allowed the public to become gaming Directors, branching these games out further - all for free, zero dlc costs.
Whilst I love Destiny for its perfection of FPS and Gran Turismo for racing purity, nothing beats merging both in a play session with a third person character you can personalise as much as anything else. Racing an 811 Topless off Mount Chilliad, exiting mid-air, then parachuting down whilst mowing down a target at the same time?
Sublime 👌
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