Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is looking like peak Uncharted in this extended gameplay demo originally shown behind closed doors at E3 2017. Naughty Dog debuted the 10 minute playthrough on its Twitch channel earlier today, and while it will be instantly familiar to those who’ve played Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, it was in these kind of frenetic combat bowls that Drake’s final ever adventure was at its best.
The demo concludes with some story building, as antagonist Asav appears to apprehend Chloe and seems ready to pull the trigger on her. It’s got us pondering what’s going to happen next, which we’re sure was the purpose of putting this clip out in the first place.
[source bit.ly]
Comments 21
This is peak Uncharted 4 right here. A reminder that complaints about Uncharted gameplay baffle my mind — I love these sequences.
It does look great but I hope the stealth sections return from Uncharted 4. Nadine kicks arse, I bet she was the cock of her school.
It looks a lot like Uncharted 4... And that's fine by me.
I don't want to see more video of uncharted lost legacy, I know I'll buy and play it day one, my other game will be put in to backlog until I have finished the lost legacy.
I didn't watch the video and trying desperately hard to resist watching it. As soon as I heard that Naughty Dog were making story based DLC for U4, I had every intention of buyig it. The fact its grown into its own 'standalone' is a bonus. Regardless I am buying. The 'few' bits I have seen is more than enough...
yes, but this
No need to watch. Already gonna purchase.
I wish they had changed the animations just a little more tbh! I'll definitely be buying it though
Looking good.
I'm hoping the game is a bit less action-focused than the traditional Uncharted games. I don't really have anything major against the gameplay - aside from having far too many bullet-sponge enemies and shooting sequences imo - but just feel like it would be neat if Naughty Dog focused on the series' other areas of strength.
I'd never complain about the gameplay, I love Uncharted. However, I'm still not sold on this focusing on two of the dullest characters in the series.
@get2sammyb Indeed. My pulse raced and I wasn't even playing I've been replaying 1-3 on the remastered collection and it's been fun experiencing all the improvements each game. The gunfire and explosions in 4 and in this demo are so intense. I love it.
@THRILLHOU in what bizarro universe is Chloe dull lol she's a huge fan favorite that had plenty of people disappointed that she didn't show up in 4
@get2sammyb Yes! I'm usually a quiet gamer (unless something is p*ssing me off) but these Uncharted sequences always get me going "oooomg!" when things start collapsing and you gotta run. Also, those leaps that look like you're barely going to make it never fail to make my stomach tense up for a second! Same with Tomb Raider...which obviously is very similar.
Language - get2sammyb
I don't think I'll buy this. I played all four uncharted games and loved them, but this one's not for me. I like Chloe (way more than Elena) but I really, really hated Nadine in U4. The gameplay and story may be amazing, but I couldn't stand to play an entire game with Nadine on the screen. The only thing I really liked in this demo is the bit in the end were the bad guy's goons kick and punch the crap out of Nadine. After her ridicolous and frustrating "invincible boss fights" in U4 that was quite a satisfying thing to see
@DanM there was only two short sequences in the whole 15 to 20 hour game and it wasn't that bad.
Not to you, maybe
Like anything else, it's all a matter of opinions.
I did find her a ridicolous character. She's a badass? okay, but it really stretched my suspension of disbelief seeing Nathan and Sam get beaten up every which way by Nadine like helpless little kids. I mean, to anyone playing Uncharted, Nathan alone is a one man army. She can be trained and fit all she wants, but she's still a small, slim woman against two big guys who have spent the whole game beating to death everyone they met... and I wouldn't have minded it all that much if we got some kind of resolution in the end, but she justs walks away after leaving everyone (including some of her own men, as far as she knows) to die.
It was the only thing I didn't like about U4. Well, except for the bit where Nathan and Elena find Avery's and some of the most famous pirates in history's skeletons, and Elena's reaction to Nathan's (justified) awe and excitement, is "How dare you be awed by this, who gives a crap, let's go already!". But I always found Elena kind of a Egotistical/Hypocritical character so maybe that's just me
Anyhow, as I said, it's all a matter of opinions and tastes and you're free to disagree (as is anyone else). To each his own
I agree with you about liking complex, gray characters and I think I could have liked Nadine. Hell, I wanted to like her. When Sully introduced her at the beginning of the game I thought "Uh, she seems like an interesting character".
But I think they exaggerated with the "strong female character" stuff. I really hate "damsel in distress" characters, but with Nadine they went too far in the opposite direction. She's not just strong, she's like a Terminator/Bruce Lee/Captain America hybrid. If not for that (and her behaviour at the end of the game), as I said, I wouldn't have minded her all that much, maybe even liked her, but her "invincibility" was a little too much for me
I love Uncharted so this is a no brainer for me. Don't need to see anymore. Don't understand why people spoil themselves the experience by watching these extended demos (unless you're on the fence about buying).
I will be getting this for 'free', but I may just buy a physical copy for the collection. Love Chloe. Hoping for a Cutter cameo.
@dark_knightmare2 well in this bizarro land I find Chloe to be poorly written and 2 dimensional. She was ok in uc3 but in 2 she was just some slapper who was there for reasons. I'm a fan, she's not my favourite.
Hopefully they'll expand on Nadine as I thought she was underused in the UC4.
In my opinion, no developer does scripted action set pieces better than Naughty Dog. The high adrenaline action is so well executed. I cannot wait to play this game. It is nice that they kept Chloe's sarcastic personality too. It allows for a similar quip filled running commentary by the protagonist that makes the main Uncharted series so fun for me to play.
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