Darn it, we knew it was too good to be true. Japan has had an incredible year so far when it comes to PlayStation 4 games, and Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom was shaping up to be the icing on the cake. However, Bandai Namco and developer Level-5 have announced that the role-playing title has been pushed back into 2018.
The PlayStation 4 console exclusive will now launch on the 19th January. Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino says that the delay will ensure that the studio can produce the best possible experience, and goes on to issue an apology to eager fans in the video that we've embedded above.
What's more, Hino clarifies previous comments that he made during an E3 interview. Back then, he mentioned multiplayer content would be present in the game, but misunderstood the question. As such, he now says that Ni no Kuni II won't feature any multiplayer component. Fair enough.
Were you looking forward to playing Ni no Kuni II later this year? Unpack your bags in the comments section below.
Comments 40
Damn and blast!
Also DelayStation.
(Have to get that in before someone else does)
Probably for the best, with all the big triple A releases it may get lost in the flood of games releasing.
If they knew it was going to be delayed they should have used the E3 pre-show to show off Bloodborne 2.
Jan 19th is the new date, and it's only a few days out of 2017. I'm all for any dev who delays a game and gives an actual date. Reading the title and 1st paragraph of the article I thought it was just some "2018" thing. Jan 19th is nothing. If, you know, they make it.
Before I know if this is good or not I still need dates for my other 2 JRPG this holiday, XC2 and DQ11. Usually takes me 2 months to play 1 of those, so this delay won't bother me unless the other 2 also come out in Jan. XC2 is still due 2017 but I can't even recall a western date for DQ11. And certainly not on Switch.
Good, to many big games coming out at that time anyway. Wolfenstein 2 should follow suit as well.
@thatguyEZ pls no more false hopes for Bloodborne 2 fam, my heart can't take it
January is good.the best looking game ever
Didn't the first game come out in January too? It's a better release month for it anyway, Q4 is too crowded.
Did they scrap the PC version too? Because it's certainly not a PS4 exclusive last time I checked.
Good, more time for me to finish my backlog
Nwoooo ;_;
@RedMageLanakyn @b1ackjack_ps Whoops, meant to write console exclusive.
If you need me I will be in the corner crying.
When I played the first one I didn't know the game, but after the some time in the game I loved it, and I played for too long ... I don't remember the exact time but the Platinum is very Long, I looking forward to playing Ni no Kuni II
@ShogunRok It's all good, just wanted to make sure they didn't scrap it on PC! I'm looking forward to some 4K goodness with that gorgeous game.
I was mighty looking forward to this but it's only a few months longer wait. More time to clear the backlog!
That's fantastic. Between the big Switch releases later in the year and the fact that I'm still working on games I bought for the PS4 in Q1/Q2, I wasn't going to have the time or money for NnKII when it released. Now I actually have something to look forward to on PS4 next year.
No multiplayer also means no multiplayer trophies, which is also fantastic.
Damn & blast indeed. The only positive I can take from this is that my backlog will get a good going over. RDR2 and NNKII were the two shining lights this autumn, in what is usually the yearly dross season.
I knew it! And that's good! FF Stormblood and Persona5 is consuming my time. And Zelda, and Mario, and Fire Emblem Warriors, FF XII, also backlog, with Yakuza, Horizon, etc etc
Huh. Well, at least I know one 2018 game I'm getting.
Also the multiplayer comments always sounded dubious. No wonder it's a misunderstanding.
@JAMes-BroWWWn I feel ya man. I was crushed to not see it at E3. To be honest I can really see Sony announcing it at PSX though. I mean, if they held TLoU2 for it then I can easily see them holding BB2 for it as well. Not to mention a game like BB is more suited for that audience as well, seeing as its mostly people who are fans of Sony's games. But if they don't show it there I'll lost all hope for it releasing any time soon and will likely collapse onto the floor in a pool of my own tears.
January 19th isn't so bad. I can live with that.
I don't have a problem with no multiplayer. How would multiplayer have even worked on a game like this?
Don't mind a delay with Mario odyssey, cod, destiny, assassin creed and need for speed releasing this fall and holidays I will have much more time to play after January
@thatguyEZ hopefully you're right about BB2 to be on PSX. But keep in mind that The Last of Us Part 2 wasn't meant for E3 because Naughty Dog wanted Lost Legacy to shine and that makes sense. But there isn't any reasonable explaination of the absence of BB2 tough. We just can hope for BB2 2 B on PSX #Hunters
Honestly didn't know this was being promised for 2017
Its an RPG, its gonna be huge, they haven't shown that much in Gameplay demos yet (choosing to mostly focus on boss fights, which may just be because its hard to demo an RPG at a place like E3 but whatever) I just ignored any mention of a release date I guess because c'mon, its just super unrealistic. So's Xenoblade 2. So's other obvious things, duh. I don't get why some gamers complain about games getting delayed and then take away nothing about how long it takes to actually make games from all the delays.
I'm fine with this personally - and the lack of multiplayer, another note I must've ignored entirely. Listen, I'm already sold on NNK2, so I was focused mostly on soaking up other games Namco brought to E3, like Code Vein and Dragon Ball FighterZ. There's so much jRPG love on PS4 this year that it doesn't need Ni No Kuni 2 honestly; people will be playing Tales of Berseria, Toukiden 2 and Toukiden 2's f2p version, Dragon Quest Heroes 2, Persona 5, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, .hack//G.U. Last ReCode, God Wars, Yakuza Kiwami, Ys VIII, Valkyria Revolution, Summon Night 6: Lost Borders, etc. all year long.
Pushing to 2018 makes sense in terms of polishing this up (especially for Level 5's FIRST PC title) and also to be the biggest RPG of 2018... at least for a little bit. IF it comes out the gate in January, which I also doubt Just make a killer game, Level 5. This is literally the only thing they got on their plate that I'm interested in at the moment because they seem utterly preoccupied with propping up Nintendo's ancient handheld otherwise, and farting out mobile games. No matter how charming Snack World or Lady Layton look, the fact that they're just mobile games makes it impossible for me to care about them. Make sure Ni No Kuni 2 is good, because its going to be the only console production from Level 5 for awhile... and that bums me out.
Makes sense. Hope they announce a decent collectors edition soon! Always thought it would be unlikely ro make this year, and at least now it doesnt have to compete with the rush of generic releases around the Christmas period.
The spring will yet again be packed with quality releases!
Doesn't bother me one bit. A few days after my birthday so perfect timing.
Aww man, this is my most anticipated game. I wish they'd not given the original release date if there was a chance it would be delayed and left it as 'TBC 2017'. Now I'll have to move that week off I booked >_>
An understandable delay. It'll get a better mindshare during end of January. I'll wait.
NOOOOOOO. That sucks. I mean, i'll live. But I wanted to play this sucker over Christmas while the halls are decked with holly.
Now it's out in January, when everything is depressing and pointless.
As Drippy from the first game would say, 'flipping hell mun!'
2018 will now be as epic as 2017.
As many others have said this is great for them as it'll give the game room to achieve the sales it deserves. No doubt it'd get lost amongst the usual Xmas shooty nonsense and with the likes of Uncharted, Destiny 2 and Mario Odyssey coming soon it'll give me an opportunity to clear some time to play it 😃
Did you hear that? That was the sound of my bank account shrieking in delight.
I already have Sonic Mania, Destiny 2, AC Origins on Pre-Order and that is more than enough to keep me going for rest of this year
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."
Absolutely fine. Want to give this game the time it deserves and 2017 has been hectic!
@sinalefa Same here though it's being release the day after my birthday (Jan 18).
I don't see myself getting around to buying/playing until Black Friday 2018 at the earliest though.
Was that supposed to come out this year? News to me. Never did play the first one, so figure I can handle the extra wait.
I can deal with the delay, I stil need to play the first one.
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