Pre-order Destiny 2 and you'll be able to get your hands on Coldheart -- an exotic rifle that appears to fire a beam of icy energy at its target. It looks pretty snazzy and it's probably quite effective in battle. Bungie likes it so much that it even managed to get hold of Ice Ice Baby for its reveal trailer.
We guess the developer and Activision needed something else to stimulate pre-order numbers now that the beta has come and gone, but don't worry if you're not interested in committing just yet as Coldheart will become available to everyone later in the year.
Comments 17
Cool - preorder and you get a gun that you would normally get through, ya know, actually playing the game.
@kyleforrester87 Yeah I don't tend to take offence to this stuff like some people do but it never ceases to feel a bit petty. The world we live in I suppose.
@ShogunRok Yeah the game should be fun to play and the nice gear you find is part of that. If you want to take short cuts like this, or via microtransactions or exploits you probably should question wether you're enjoying the game or if it's just "work"
Why not?
Pre-ordered my Limited Edition already - might get it on PS4 too but I doubt it for launch...
I might still preorder, since I'd like it digital and it would be nice to preload.
@kyleforrester87 Digital may well be the best option if you are looking for anything more than the 'standard' version. It took me days to find a Physical copy of the Limited Edition to pre-order. Eventually Amazon came through - maybe were able to secure a bigger order or maybe someone disillusioned over the Beta cancelled - either way I managed to get a pre-order in...
@BAMozzy Ehhh I couldn't really give a monkies about a limited edition copy. To be honest I haven't even looked into the differences but I dont expect it'll be anything I'll look back on and regret not owning. I got D1 on disc and always regretted it as it was a hassle putting it in whenever I wanted to play it, and it's the kind of game I will jump in and out of regularly over the next 12-24 months. Once TKK came out I got that digitally hoping it would negate the requirement for me to put the disc in but that wasn't the case...
@kyleforrester87 The limited edition comes with the Season Pass. Not sure if that appeals or not but as far as Physical editions go, these are very hard to find.
Personally I always buy Physical where possible. I partly consider myself as a 'collector' and I often enjoy the physical items that collectors/limited editions ship with. There is something special, I feel, about breaking the seal and opening the case. I also much prefer to have something 'solid' for my money. Even as a 'disabled' person, I would prefer to have a Disc - even if its not a simple job to switch these out in my physical condition.
I do find it funny that perfectly able people cannot be bothered to spend the time it takes to switch a disc over and willing to pay a premium for that privilege. All that for a 'digital' licence that's worthless (to anyone else) and can actually be taken from you...
Not criticising you or your decision - each to their own and all that...
@BAMozzy I'm just more likely to play a game if I don't have to switch discs. I haven't played as much Crash as I'd have liked because it's the kind of thing I want to play a for 20-30 minutes before going back to FF12 or whatever. I'm not (THAT) lazy but when something is two button presses away versus getting up and faffing about with discs I'm more likely to just go back to FF12 because the disc is in the drive.
You'll remember having to get up whenever you wanted to change the volume or channel on your old TV set...
"Word to your mother."
@kyleforrester87 I certainly do remember those days!! LOL I remember having to look in a newspaper or Radio/TV Times listing to see what was on and when - not that you had much choice - even after C4 launched in 82 - none of that EPG. I also remember when remotes had a wire fixed to the TV too.
I also remember the days when switching games meant a LONG loading time - not just a minute or two either. Also trying to find the start of those game collection games on one tape, it certainly wasn't easy to find where a game started if it wasn't the first game on that side.
In a lot of ways, its memories of that era in gaming that make me laugh by todays attitudes. Complaining about loading times if it takes more than 30secs, complaining about having to switch a disc over to play a game etc.
However in every era, I have been a collector - whether it was tapes for games, music and films or more recently discs (CD's DVD's, Blurays). I like to see my collection grow. Like to look at and/or read any artwork, sleeve etc - I still miss the more epic artwork that Vinyl records had. It seems that since CD's have come along, the cover is too small to have some creative piece of artwork and more often than not, its a simple 'photo' or logo these days.
I am not looking forward to the future if we are moving towards a very minimalist existence. Homes that are just a shell with almost everything you own existing in a virtual space. I know somethings would still need to be 'physical' - you can't wear a virtual wardrobe of clothes or sleep in a virtual bed. You could watch a virtual TV and play virtual games on a virtual console....
@BAMozzy yeah I do like all that too but whenever I move house I'm reminded about how much of it I could happily leave behind if I didn't feel an obligation to lug it around. There are certain games such as my original 2 copies of FF7 and FF9 that I'd hate to lose, but do I really need a bunch of old PS2 demo discs? Nope, yet I can't bloody lose the things!!
I won't give a damn about my D1 disc in 20 years once all the servers are shut down.
My C64, Mega Drive, Mastersystem, GameCube and Dreamcast and all the magazines from those eras are kicking around at my folks house somewhere. They arnt my problem anymore haha.
@kyleforrester87 When I moved house about 5/6yrs ago now, I threw away everything pre-N64 era (my Son got the N64) I had 'boxes' and 'boxes' of game related stuff - stuff I had moved from one attic to another - inc old Games magazines - many of which no longer exist. I don't expect to move again - maybe into a 'care-home' but I don't think that would be 'my' choice if that had to happen and I doubt fully 'compos mentis' either.
I still kept a lot of stuff - like records, CD's and all my games that were more 'modern' even if they are still in the boxes I packed them into to move. I think I have about 9 or 10 consoles - maybe more if you count handhelds like the Gameboy Colour. I gave my Son my DSi though...
Its amazing how much stuff I still have and crammed into my little house (no attic anymore) and can still find space for - but I would rather throw out some of my old DVD's to increase my current/next gen games. However what I do have on shelves, on display etc, whether its games, CD's, movies or books, ornaments, statues etc, these are a reflection of me. Its not a 'blank canvas' or an empty shell. I also wouldn't want to change it.
Pretty nICE ;D
Horrible pun aside, why y'all hatin? It's not liek it's the only gun in the whole game. Cheer up your butts!
Did they fix the bland lifeless worlds and put in loot to encourage exploring?
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