Exclusive platinum blue tire smoke. That’s what you’ll get if you pre-order forthcoming Fast & Furious-inspired racer Need for Speed Payback from Australian retailer EB Games – and practically any other store. You’ll also get the Platinum Car Pack, of course – which comprises five exclusive vehicles including the Dodge Charger R/T 1969 and Volkswagen Golf GTI Clubsport 2016 – but they’ll all be equippable with the aforementioned platinum blue tire smoke.
To be clear, there’ll (presumably) be other types of tire smoke in the game itself, but you’ll need to pre-order to unlock the platinum blue one, which is actually only compatible with the vehicles in the abovementioned car pack. This is one of those instances where the bonus is so dumb it seems purposely designed to cause Internet outrage, thus raising the profile of the game. Smoke, folks – bloody tire smoke!
[source ebgames.com.au, via neogaf.com]
Comments 20
Will the pre-order also come with a candle that, when lit, will make your gaming lounge smell like burnt tires?
You obviously don't care about tyre smoke like I do.
Surely tire smoke isn't worse than condoms as the preorder bonus for Infamous Second Son, right? I guess you're burning rubber either way.....
I'm totally fine with that. I hate it when they lock proper content behind a pre-order bonus.
@RedMageLanakyn They gave away condoms?!
Sounds like they've officially run out of ideas for the NFS franchise.
@get2sammyb Yeah I remembered hearing about it at launch, just looked it up. It was Gamestop Italy, and was 2 cans of Red Bull and a pack of Infamous branded condoms! Can't make this stuff up!
@RedMageLanakyn Brilliant!
NFS. Need for smoke.
EA ladies and gentlemen! lmfao
Not even once.
Will be nice to add a proper racing experience as a pre order bonus. In fact, they could even try to add that for every copy sold!
I'd pre-order if it came with an actual set of tires.
Lol again we can wait to buy this game and any game because publishers just don't get it
Like car botton neon lights looked any smarter from a non-tuning-enthusiast's perspective. says the guy who eagerly equipped them in NFSU2 nonetheless :V Who'll say fantasy racing games don't deserve fantasy flair?
Unlock the Snoop Dogg character and have green smoke pouring out the windows too.
@verynaughtyboy Right? Pull and pray worked well for me until I got married. (I think....)
The average, casual gamer will totally dig this, and it's a game perfectly aimed at that segment - the Fifa of racing games.
This is EA. This game has the smoke. What game will have the mirrors?
@RedMageLanakyn At least that is usefull. 😋
@sinalefa Wing and rear view mirrors will be day one DLC
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