PlayStation 4 games have been added to PlayStation Now’s library, meaning that for the first time you’ll be able to play exclusives like Killzone: Shadow Fall on a Windows PC. Sony announced that it would be adding new-gen titles to the subscription service earlier in the year, and a whopping 51 of them have been added to the library. Well, in Europe at least – the North American selection is a little smaller.
It all means that PlayStation Now currently has a catalogue of around 500 games, though, depending on your region, and starting today in North America you’ll be able to sub for an entire year for just $99.99. Also, if you just want to test it out for a month, there’s a $9.99 introductory offer available. Pricing in Europe is £12.99 per month.
So, what about the games, then? Here’s the full list of additions in North America and Europe:
North American PlayStation Now PS4 Games
- Killzone: Shadow Fall
- God of War 3 Remastered
- Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
- WWE 2K16
- Tropico 5
- F1 2015
- Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
- Evolve
- MX vs ATV Supercross Encore
- Resogun
- Helldivers
- Broken Age
- Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition
- Grim Fandango Remastered
- Guilty Gear Xrd Sign
- Castlestorm Definitive Edition
- Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
- Arcania Complete Tale
- Nidhogg
- Super Mega Baseball
European PlayStation Now PS4 Games
- Killzone Shadow Fall
- Saint’s Row IV Re-Elected
- WWE 2K16
- Tropico 5
- F1 2015
- Evolve
- Dead Nation Apocalypse
- Helldivers
- Resogun
- Heavy Rain
- Tearaway Unfolded
- Counterspy
- Shadow of the Beast
- Alienation
- Escape Plan
- Everybody’s gone to the Rapture
- Broken Age
- Grim Fandango Remastered
- Castlestorm Definitive Edition
- God of War III: Remastered
- Super Mega Baseball
- Ultra Street Fighter IV
- Hardware: Rivals
- This War Of Mine: The Little Ones
- Day Of The Tentacle Remastered
- Sherlock Holmes: Crimes And Punishments
- Dungeons II
- Back To Bed
- Pure Chess
- Pure Pool
- Olliolli
- Stick It To The Man
- Blood Bowl 2
- Super Stardust Ultra
- Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
- Nidhogg
- Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition
- MX vs ATV Supercross Encore
- Farming Simulator 15
- Tour De France 2016
- Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers
- Grand Ages: Medieval
- Pure Hold’em World Poker Championship
- Q*bert: Rebooted
- Fluster Cluck
- The Last Tinker: City of Colors
- Velocibox
- Whispering Willows
- Kickbeat Special Edition
- Battle Worlds Kronos
- Legend Of Kay Anniversary
Are you planning to sign up at all? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com, via blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 27
PS4 obsolete?
@JAMes-BroWWWn Uhm, have you read the actual list of games?
This will be a very carefully curated list of games. You won't be seeing Horizon or UC4 on there for a loooong time. A lot of these titles are already available cheap on Steam so not sure who this is for. I know a few PC gamers that want to play Bloodborne and TLOU but won't buy a PS4 and are tempted by a sub.
Seems odd to include a number of third party multi-platform games - surely PC gamers would play those via Steam if they had any real interest in them. I guess it doesn't hurt to have access to them as part of a subscription and can play them without purchasing them directly.
I used to have access too PSNow through my 'Smart' TV but I believe they cut that and limited the service to PC's and Consoles. I wonder if the addition of PS4 games is a reaction to Xbox's Game Pass? Not criticising btw, but if it is, it shows how competition can improve the others - in this case, the game options in PSNow.
It does seem rather expensive though....
@Neolit Well, the list is going to grow obviously. They add new games every week I think.
@Neolit Also, PS now games can't be modded like most PC games on steam. Honestly, playing a PS4 game on a PC via PS Now is basically just like playing the PS4 version. Can't wait for PC gamers defending this service, despite calling the service terrible a few months ago. Same goes with the Xbox One games. Just wait till Xbox Game Pass gets ported PC, since Phil Spencer is already looking into that.
@JAMes-BroWWWn It's just like renting ps4, you don't own ps4 games and you still got ps4 performance even if you've got a gaming pc.
@Deadstanley Thanks for the correction!
Every time they release a piece of news about PlayStation Now, I want to be excited about it. But I always come away a little confused and wondering where Sony are going with this, as it seems very much like they have no real plan.
It's good that PS4 games are finally playable via PS Now, but I still feel that the system needs a large overhaul in terms of pricing and titles available (why aren't PS1/PS2 games on it), as well as some kind of tie in to PlayStation Plus.
Hopefully they'll get there one day, as it's not an awful service.
Glad their keeping the biggest exclusives off it for a while, but can't see the point in streaming PS4 games on a PS4 when you can get the games natively.
Well... here in north america got the short end of the stick......
@BAMozzy Yeah the Vita lost it as well. I think only PS3, PS4 and PC have access to it now.
@Tasuki I wonder if the PS3 can then play the PS4 games??
@Tasuki @BAMozzy PS3 either lost it, or is losing it, as well.
''Pricing in Europe is £12.99 per month.'' I don't believe it's available anywhere in Europe but the UK...
@Neolit Maybe you aren't entirely familiar with the PS Now service. The latency between controller and screen is near zero, even on a mediocre connection. That's been my experience anyway.
@finalstan PS4 isn't obsolete but you do know that Sony plans is to put every game into PSNnow I think it's brilliant for those that don't want a PS4 or PS4pro works out well
Games always look better on PC then consoles
@get2sammyb Yes it is my dear friend and lots of gamers are getting angry over what I have no clue the more people playing them games the better it is
But my gripes with Sony is PSNnow isn't supported everywhere so lots of other countries miss out on this
@JAMes-BroWWWn It's up to gamers on where they play their games being a bit childish aren't we ?
@Rudy_Manchego Don't kid yourself they are all going there week per week more will be added I see this as very good thing
@Games_lover it seems like you do not know what "childish" means. My reaction being confused and upset is based on rational behaivor.
Advertising a product with the statement it's receiving games EXCLUSIVELY to 1 certain platform in order to sell that product - was the reason to buy the product in the first place.
If the factor waiting was determining to get games on a way better platform (PC) I would have waited and would NOT have invested in Sonys product instead invested in my PC. False and misleading advertising should be considered inacceptable and illegal by every average consumer. Every other reaction is simply stupid. No "child" would have been confused and upset as not understand the bad practice behind that behaivor.
@Games_lover Not kidding myself at all - it is business. If they stream console exclusives to PC from launch, people won't buy them and PS4's to play them on.
The point of the service is to get a bit of revenue from PC gamers who won't buy a PS4 but they would still rather sell you a PS4 and their games. That is why the only games currently offered are either old launch titles OR existing cross platform games.
@Games_lover I see. Well, I still think there will be some restrictions applied i.e. not all games will appear straight away, there will be a delay, I will be watching this space because I am interested in the service, I even played FFXIII when it was available and later - infamously - removed from the service.
Is this one step closer to Playstation becoming a service only? I think so...
$100! You gotta be kidding me. 😵
So, I guess there is no reason for people to buy a PS4 now, since their games will end up on PC. In fact, just like you guys said about Xbox, PlayStation doesn't really have many exclusives then? Ya know....since all their exclusives will end up on PC.
Or is it different because it is Sony? Or is it different because you have to stream the games (which nobody likes doing) on Sony's ridiculous PS Now service? Hrm.
To be honest, I think this is a good thing. Unlike the most of you, who rip Microsoft for doing this (I have no idea why other than fanboyism), it's a smart business move as a company. Microsoft just saw that quicker than Sony.
Microsoft & Sony make minimal profit (if any) off hardware. They make their money on software & services. That's why companies don't care whether you play Uncharted, Gears Of War, Horizon, or Halo on console or PC. Either way, they are getting your money. And before anyone even says, "But Uncharted & Horizon aren't on PS Now!"......I say, "Not yet." Because if they don't show up on there eventually, this is all a big waste of time. PS Now will never take off because of it's streaming nature. But, it REALLY won't take off without an Uncharted or Horizon on the service.
@get2sammyb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXBPktlhvCw
Not sure if you have seen this - a breakdown of PS4 games on Now. The latency, the 720p resolution etc.
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